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Module 4 Unit 8Life in the future 教材分析This lesson is introducing life in the future. 1. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. 2.This lesson is helpful to make the Ss learn sometning about life in the future.3.Of course, the Ss can learn some useful words.4.Train their ability of reading,speaking,listeningand writing. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit.Words:shape; caf; recently; forever;certainly; recommend; satisfy;mix; electronic; relax; while; technology2Help students to learn about useful expressions.Phrases:make apologies; in the present; at the front; on the Internet; in the shape of; mixwith【能力目标】To be able to read a short passage and answer some questions.【情感目标】1Help them understand more about life ih the future.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part 1step1.Getting ready1). Words & phrases reviewInternet post apology excuse past present hydrogen wide shapen. (国际)互联网n. (发在网上的)帖子n. 道歉n. 借口;辩解n. 过去n. 目前;现在n. 氢气;氢adj. 宽的;宽阔的n. 外形;形状caf recently forever certainly recommend satisfy mix electronic relaxn. 咖啡adv. 不久前;最近adv. 永远adv. 无疑;肯定;当然v. 推荐v. 使满意;使满足v. (使)混合adj. 电子的v. 放松;休息while technology software virus prepareconj. 在期间n. 科技;工艺n. 软件n. 病毒v. 使(自己)有准备step2. Learning words1).Internet n. (国际)互联网Internetplays a very important role in modern life. 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。You can download many free softwares fromInternet.你可以从互联网上下载许多免费软件。TheInternethas become part of everyday life . 互联网已成为日常生活的一部分。2). apology n. 道歉We received a letter of apology.我们收到了一封致歉信。Youshouldmakeanapologytoherforyourcarelessness.你应该为你的粗心大意向她赔礼道歉。Ishouldofferheranapologyfornotgoingtoherparty.没有参加她的宴会我应该向她道歉。3). excuse n. 借口;辩解Late again! Whats yourexcusethis time? 又迟到了!你这次有什么借口?He said he didnt have time or made some suchexcuse. 他说他没时间或别的诸如此类的借口。Imnotgoingtobeput off withthatexcuse.我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的。4). past n. 过去You mustnt think about. Its all in the past now.你千万不要再想那件事,现在一切都已过去了。In the past, I was an English teacher.在过去,我是一名英语老师。There were certain things in his past which were very painful for Neil to remember.一些往事对尼尔来说是非常痛苦的记忆。5). present n. 目前;现在You have to stop worrying about the past and start thinking about the present!你不得再为过去担忧,要开始为现在考虑。There is no time like the present.没有比现在更合适的时机了。Mary is busy at present, can she ring you later?玛丽现在正忙着,让她一会儿给你回电话好吗?step3. Before you read1).Look at the buildings!1. What is it?2. Where do you think it is?3. Would you like to live in it?4. What materials it is made of/from?2). What life will be like in the future?1. transportation in the future2. communication in the future3. clothing in the future4. education in the future5. energy in the future6.shopping in the future7. travelling in the future8.cities in the future3).Appreciation of a clip about future life Life in the past Life at presentWhat life will be like in the future?Step7. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写单词和短语:Internet,post,present,hydrogen,wide,shape,cafe,recently,forever,certainly,recommend,satisfy,mix,electronic,relax,while,technology;at the front,on the Internet,in the shape of,mix with 。3. 完成综合练习册第二页Vocabulary和第九页Reading A的练习。Part 2Step1.Pre-readingA. What do you know about?A1 Which of the following sentences are probably about the future, and which are about the present? Tick () the boxes.1.There are hotels on the Moon.2.Our houses use a lot of energy.3.Your fridge can order food for you.4.Most people use hydrogen.A2 What will life be like in the future? In pairs, discuss the following questions.1.What will hotels be like? 2. What will houses be like? 3. What will cars be like? B. Before you readLook at the pictures and the headings of the Internet posts on page 115. Then tick () the descriptions that match the pictures.1.The hotel looks like a very large fish.2.The hotel is built on a mountain.3.There is a robot helper in the house.4.The CJ3 has a wide window at the front.5.The CJ3 does not have any wheels.Step2.ReadingLife in 20501.Skimming True or False 1.A whale lived in The Hotel Whale . 2. Forever Green Houses fridge can connect with supermarket.3. Forever Green Houses need more energy than old houses.4. Driving the CJ3 helps protect the environment.2.While-readingRead the passage and answer questions.1). Is it interesting to stay at the Hotel Whale?2). Do you like Forever Green House? Why?3). What is CJ3?4). What is your dream house?3. Can you remember the missing words?1).When we were the hotel recently, my children the fish outside their bedroom window.2). In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard your doctors computer.3).I would certainly Forever Green Houses to my friends.4).The hydrogen in the car oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car.5). The CJ3 is car.6). The CJ3 has an map and is driven by a computer. 7). I was driving my old car, I was polluting the city.4.住宅智能化主要是以电话、计算机、电视机等连成一体的自主控制、扩展、享用的工作、学习、娱乐家庭综合信息服务平台。实现安全防盗、火灾与煤气泄漏报警、遥控紧急求助等;家居设备管理自动化,如遥控调解空调、热水器、微波炉、音响、电视等, 电源与照度控制等;四表(电表、水表、煤气表、热工表)数据自动采集与传输;电话、电视、电脑的综合通讯和信息交互,实现VOD点播几多媒体信息通讯。5.Now listen to the passage.Step3. VocabularyC1 The words in italics are from the Internet on page 115. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.1.The shape of something is _.a. what it is made ofb. its outside form2. If something happened recently, it happened _. a. not long ago b. a long time ago3. To satisfy people means to make them _.a. angry by not giving them what they wantb. pleased by giving them what they want4. When things are mixed, they _. a. are put together b. do not go together5. Relax means to _. a. do something with a lot of energy b. rest while doing something funC2 Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.certainly electronic shape technology whileMatt: Ive decided to build a space hotel when I grow up.Nelson: Really? What will the hotel be like?Matt: Itll be in the 1._ of a star.And itll use solar energy to run its 2._ parts, so itll be environmentally friendly. With this 3._, the hotel will also be able to move from place to place, like a spaceship.Nelson: What else will it have?Matt: Therell be a computer in each bedroom. Itll be connected to the Internet. In this way, youll be able to communicate with your family and friends on Earth 4. _ youre staying in the space hotel. Do you like my idea?Nelson: 5._. Id recommend it to all my friends!Step4.ComprehensionD1 Below are some questions about the Internet posts on page 115. Answer the questions. Write Y (Yes) or N (No).1.Can we go shopping at the Hotel Whale?2.Are there 100 bedrooms in the Hotel Whale?3.Can I contact my doctor from the bathroom of a Forever Green House?4.Do Forever Green Houses use a lot of energy?5.Do we need oxygen to run the CJ3?D2 Read the Internet posts again and answer the questions below in complete sentences.1.Where is the Hotel Whale?_.2.What is special about Forever Green Hotel?_.3.Why does the driver of the CJ3 not need to drive the car?_.D3 In pairs, discuss what you think life will be like in 2050.Step5.Homework1. 通过图书馆或互联网搜集有关未来生活的资料。2. 完成综合练习册第126页Vocabulary和第133页Reading A的练习。Part 3Step1.Language points1. It is in the shape of a whale.in the shape of的形状Thepool wasintheshapeofa heart. 游泳池呈心形。Thisislandisintheshapeofacross.该岛呈十字形。Practice Translate the sentences他有一只小兔子形状的手表。Hehasawatchintheshapeofarabbit.这花园是方形的。Thegardenisintheshapeofasquare. 2. When we are staying at the hotel recently,stay 的相关短语stay with “同 住在一起”;后面通常接一个人stay at “暂住在”;接较小的场所(机场,学校,公园,车站)stay in “待在家里”,“不外出”;接密闭空间或较大的场所(国家,都市)Youcangowithusorstayathome,whichever you choose.你可以同我们一起去或是呆在家中,悉听尊便。WhenIgocamping,westayinatent.当我去野营的时候,我们呆在帐篷里。How longwouldyoustaywithus?你能在我们这里呆多长时间?I will stay in China next week. 下周我将待在中国。PracticeMy parents want me _ (stay)at home every night. In the old days the woman_home and the man earned the money. 3. I will certainly recommend Forever Green Houses to my friends.recommend to 推荐IrecommendtoyouTimeandNewsweek.Theyareexcellent.我向你推荐时代和新闻周刊,它们很棒。Can you recommend a good hotel to me?你能给我推荐一家好的饭店吗?Practice你推荐我穿哪双鞋? Whichshoeswouldyourecommendtowear? 你能为我推荐一本好字典吗?Canyourecommendtomeagooddictionary? 4. The hydrogen in the car is mixed with oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car.mix. with. (使.与.) 相混合;与.混在一起You cantmixbusinesswithpleasure. 你不能把工作和娱乐搅在一起。Mixthisoilwiththepaintandstirwell.把这油和漆搀在一起,好好搅拌。Practice油不能与水混合。Oildoesnotmixwithwater.把蛋和面粉搅拌起来。Mixtheeggswiththeflour. Step 2. Spelling BeeNow 2 mins to test your spelling.1.English-Chineseshape; caf; forever; mix; electronic; relax; technology; software; virus;2. Chinese-English 不久前,最近;无疑,肯定;推荐;使满意;在期间;使(自己)有准备When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.Part 4Step1. ObjectivesTo know the usage of the past continuous tense.To learn to use the past continuous tense.Step2.Have a look1.We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.2. What was he doing all day last Sunday?3. My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.4. It was raining when they left the station.5. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining.6.Sheaskedhimwhetherhewascomingbackforsupper.7.HewascleaninghiscarwhileIwascooking.8.Hismotherwasalwaysworkinglikethat.9.He was always changing his mind.10.I saw him while I was walking to the station. 总结:过去进行时 定义、句式、从句连词Step3.Grammar过去进行时一、定义:过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作或存在的状态。1.在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作(a) They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday.(b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday.(c) Five minutes ago, Danny was looking out of the window and Suzy was reading a book.2. 在过去某段时间一直在进行的动作(a) From 1983 to 1998, he was teaching at Yale.(b) They were building a dam last winter. (1) 基本结构:肯定式was / were + verb-ing (2) 否定式:was / were not + verb-ing was not = wasnt were not = werent (3) 疑问句:将 was / were调到主语前 结构为:Was / Were + 主语 + verb-ing? 回答:Yes, 主语 + was/were. No, 主语 + was not/wasnt. were not/werent.While Mille was watching TV, her mum was sleeping.米莉在看电视时,妈妈在睡觉。I saw a traffic accident as I was riding to school this morning.今天早晨我骑车去学校时看到一起交通事故。Was he doing his homework when the teacher came in? 当老师进来时,他正在做作业吗?三、when, while和as这三个词都有“当时候”的意思。 用法(1) 若主句表示的是一个短暂性动作,从句表示的是一个持续性动作,三者都可用:He fell asleep when while, as he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。用法(2) 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,通常要用 while:Dont talk while youre eating. 吃饭时不要说话。用法(3) 若从句是一个短暂性动作,主句是一个持续性动作,可用 as / when 但不用 while:It was raining hard when as we arrived. arrive 是短暂动词我们到达时正下着大雨。用法(4)若要表示两个正在发展变化的情况,相当于汉语的“随着”,一般用 as:Things are getting better and better as time goes on. 随着时间的推移,情况越来越好用法(5)表示“每当的时候”(暗示一种规律性),一般要用 when:Its cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。用法(6)若主从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用 when:I will go home when he comes back. 他回来时,我就回家去。特殊用法(1) when 表示“这时(突然)”;(2) while 可以表示“而”、“却”(表示对比);但 as 则没有类似用法:We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨了。He likes coffee, while she likes tea. 他喜欢咖啡,而她却喜欢茶。特殊用法(3)as 和 when 后均可直接跟一个名词,构成省略句,但 while 一般不这样用:As When a boy, he lived in Japan. 他小时候在日本。特殊用法(4)when 和 while 后可接现在分词、介词短语、形容词等构成省略句,但 as 一般不这样用:When While reading, he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。When While in trouble, ask her for help. 遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。【拓展】 现在进行时可以表示将来的动作,同样,过去进行时也可以表示从过去某时看来将要发生的动作。Lucy arrived in Beijing last Friday, but she was leaving for Hong Kong the next morning. 上周五露西到达北京,但第二天早晨就要动身去香港了。Step3.Practice单项选择。 1. When I came back yesterday evening, my brother _ his homework. (xx长沙)A. is doing B. has done C. was doing 2. - What were you doing this time yesterday? - I _ on the grass and drawing a picture. (xx北京) A. sit B. sat C. am sittingD. was sitting3. - Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone. - Oh, I _ a walk with my mother at that time. (xx宁波) A. take B. took C. am taking D. was taking4. He _ when the UFO arrived. He didnt wake until the UFO disappeared. (xx枣庄)A. sleptB. was sleepingC. was doing homework D. was singing5. Where were you this morning? I _ in the supermarket.(xx河北) A. will shop B. am shopping C. was shopping D. have shopped 6. Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help. Sorry, Mum. I _ on the phone.(xx陕西) A. am talking B. talked C. was talking D. have talked 7. I phoned you at 7.00 this morning. But there was no answer. Well, maybe I _ morning exercises at that time. (xx山东烟台) A. was doing B. did C. is doing D. would do8. Sally took a photo of her friends while they _ computer games. (xx浙江杭州) A. play B. are playingC. have played D. were playing9. What_ you _ when the captain came in? (xx黑龙江齐齐哈尔) A. are; doing B. did; do C. were; doing 10. I saw him in the library yesterday. He _ a book at the moment.(xx 天津,31)A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. will readStep4. Homework1. 完成下列中译英的练习。 昨天上午八点她在看书。 她回来时你在做什么? 她回来时我在做饭。 当老师进入教室时,孩子们正在聊天。 昨天晚上八点半你们在做什么? 2. 完成综合练习册第127至129页Grammar的练习。Part5Step1ListeningA. Listen to a story about two astronauts. Then put the events in the correct order by writing the numbers 1-5 in the brackets. ( ) The astronauts started the software and flew back home.( ) Two astronauts returned from a trip to the Moon.( ) The computer flew the spaceship to Mars instead.( ) The Whizz-Kid created some virus-cleaning software.( ) People at the Space Computer Club tried to help the astronauts. B. Listen to the recording again and complete the answers to the following questions. Write one word in each blank.1.Where were the two astronauts? They were in a _.2.What was wrong with the computer? It was _ by a virus.3. Why did the people at the Space Computer Club ask the Whizz-Kid for help?Because he is good at _ computer viruses.4. How long did it take the Whizz-Kid to write the virus-cleaning software?It took him _ _.Step2.Show timeShare your plan for a trip to the Moon.1.Planning a trip to the Moo2.Discuss the following questions.What things that people usually used in the past are now used less frequently/not used any more? What recent inventions have made our lives much easier?What things that people usually used in the past are now used less frequently/not used any more?things now used less frequently /not used any more -horse and carriage -matchesWhat recent inventions have made our lives much easier?recent inventions -computers -credit cardsStep3.Discuss and chooseA Many things in daily life are different from those in your grandparents teenage days. In pairs, think of one thing. Use the topics below to help you. the way people keep in touch with othersthe way people wash clothes,heat their homes,etc.the way people go to school or workthe way people buy thingsthe way people take photosB Choose one topic and make an outline. Follow the example. The way people keep in touch with othersYour grandparentsteenage days Now wrote letters write emails used pens and paper use computers letters were sent by post get a reply in a short time it took a long time to get a reply reach people in a secondin the past in the present Think and writeNowMy grandparents teenage days Common pointsNowStep4.WriteC Write an Internet post about the topic. Follow the example.Life in the past and presentYour grandparentsteenage daysWhen my grandparents were young,they wrote letters to keep in touch with others.They used pens and paper.Their letters were sent by post and it took several days to reach people.While they were waiting for the reply,they might feel worried.NowToday we write emails to keep in touch with our friends.Our emails can reach others in a second and we can get a reply in a short time.We do not use paper to write emails,so we can save many trees and help protect the environment.H Homework 1.抄写单词和短语:past;in the present,in a second等。2.完成作文的修改。3.完成综合练习册第136页Writing的练习。略。


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