2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 19 Language讲义 北师大版选修7.doc

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Unit 19 Language一、刷黑板.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1mother language母语2*input n. (信息)输入3*output n. (信息)输出4punctuation n. 标点符号5royal adj. 王室的,皇家的6constitution n. 宪法7the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像8jungle n. 热带丛林9cafeteria n. 小餐馆;咖啡馆 第二屏听写 10decade n 十年11curriculum n. (学校的)课程12medium n. 媒介物;渠道13target n. 目标14*dedication n. 专心致志15*dedicated adj. 专心致志的16*manual n. 手册;指南17theft n. 偷窃18mate n. 老弟,老兄,伙计 第三屏听写 19cream n 奶油;油20razor n. 剃刀21cab n. 出租汽车22explicit adj. 明确的;清楚的23*eyebrow n. 眉毛24upwards adv. 向上地25upper adj. 上面的26rigid adj. 僵硬的27transparent adj. 清晰易辨的;透明的 第四屏听写 28unrest n不安29outline vt. 勾出轮廓30ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的31bent adj. 弯曲的32certificate n. 证书;证明33*registration n. 登记;注册34petence n. 能力35diploma n. 毕业证书36*marketing n. 市场营销 第五屏听写 37*overview n 概要;综述38candidate n. 候选人39cheers inter. 谢谢40diagram n. 图解;图表41caption n. (图片的)说明文字42booth n. (餐馆内的)雅座;(电话)亭 第六屏听写 43barbershop n 理发店44globe n. 地球45barber n. 理发师46stewardess n. 女乘务员47steward n. 男乘务员48bingo inter. 好;妙49haircut n. 理发 第七屏听写 50amateur adj. 业余的51directory n. 指南52personnel n. 全体职员53*bet vt. 打赌54I bet 我肯定55Academy of Arts 艺术学院 .高频词汇(汉译英)第八屏听写 1nationwide adv.全国性地2thankful adj. 为感到高兴的;感谢的3fold v. 折叠;交叉4trend n. 趋势,倾向5absence n. 缺乏;缺席6theory n. 理论;学说7attain vt. 达到;获得8surround vt. 环绕,围绕 第九屏听写 9ensure vt.保证,确保10accelerate vt. & vi. 加速11enlarge vt. 扩大12guarantee vt. 保证13adjust vt. 调节;调整14inform vt. 告知;通知15catch_on 学会16._for_ages 很久,很长时间 第十屏听写 17relative n亲戚,亲属18pat vt. & n. 轻拍;拍19congratulate vt. 祝贺20on_purpose_ 故意地21tight adj. 绷紧的22resemble vt. 像;与相似23merely adv. 只;仅仅24purchase vt. 购买 第十一屏听写 25on_the_other_hand另一方面 26approval n. 赞成;赞许;批准27applicant n. 申请人28provided_that 如果;条件是29fasten vt. 束紧30regulation n. 规则31sincerely adv. 真诚地 第十二屏听写 32embarrass vt. 使窘迫33punctual adj. 准时的;守时的34adequate adj. 足够的,充分的35announcement n. 通告;布告36register vt. 登记37negotiate vt. 协商;谈判38fluency n. 流利度;流畅度 第十三屏听写 39accuracy n精确度;准确度40acquisition n. (语言)习得41unconscious adj. 不知不觉的;无意的42offence v. 冒犯;得罪43liberty n. 自由44*global adj. 全世界的;全球的45brochure n. 小册子 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.input n(信息)输入2.output n. (信息)输出3.constitution n. 宪法4.cafeteria n. 小餐馆,咖啡馆5.medium n. 媒介物;渠道6.dedication n. _专心致志7.dedicated adj. _专心致志的8.explicit adj. 明确的;清楚的9.upwards adv._向上地10.personnel n. 全体职员11.transparent adj. 清晰易辨的;透明的12.outline vt. 勾出轮廓13.ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的14.certificate n. 证书;证明15.petence n. 能力16.diploma n. 毕业证书17.marketing n市场营销18.candidate n. _候选人19.barbershop n. 理发店20.stewardess n. _女乘务员21.steward n. 男乘务员22.academy n. 学院;学会23.amateur adj. 业余的24.haircut n. 理发表达单词1.nationwide adv.全国性地2.thankful adj. 为感到高兴的;感谢的3.theory n. 理论;学说4.attain vt. 达到;获得5.ensure vt. 保证,确保6.accelerate vt.&vi. 加速7.enlarge vt. 扩大8.guarantee vt. 保证9.inform vt. 告知,通知10.resemble vt. 像;与相似11.merely adv. 只;仅仅12.purchase vt. 购买13.fasten vt. 束紧14.regulation n. 规则15.sincerely adv. 真诚地16.register vt. 登记17.adequate n. 足够的,充分的18.punctual adj. 准时的;守时的19.brochure n. 小册子语境活用1.We guarantee (保证) that you will be pensated for any loss caused by our negligence.2.This morning, he was informed (通知) that he had to negotiate with an important pany.3.Still greater efforts are needed before we can attain (达到) our goal.4.He worked all summer to save money for the purchase (购买) of a piano.5.If we hadnt made adequate (充分的) preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.6.Its amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble (像) each other.7.You must bring your insurance card with you when you register (登记) with a doctor.8.Exposure to the sun can accelerate (加快) the ageing process.9.The pany has over 500 stores nationwide (全国范围地)10.The couple was very thankful (感谢的) and praised him for his honesty.拓展单词1.accuracy n精确度,准确度accurate adj.精确的,准确的accurately adv.精确地2.absence n不存在;缺乏;缺席absent adj.缺席的,不在场的3.acquisition n(语言)习得acquire v获取,得到4.surround vt.环绕,围绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境5.adjust vt.调节;调整adjustment n调节;调整6.congratulate vt.祝贺congratulation n祝贺7.negotiate vt.谈判;协商negotiation n谈判;协商8.offence n冒犯;得罪offend v冒犯9.approval n赞成;赞许;批准approve vt.赞成10.applicant n申请人apply vi.申请application n申请书11.embarrass vt.使窘迫embarrassing adj.令人难堪的,令人窘迫的embarrassed adj.窘迫的embarrassment n窘迫,难堪12.unconscious adj.无意识的;不知不觉的conscious adj.意识到的;故意的13.fluency n流利度,流畅度fluent adj.流利的,流畅的fluently adv.流利地语境活用1.To adjust_herself to the study abroad, she had to make some necessary_adjustments to her habits.(adjustment)2.The teacher advised me to improve the fluency of my spoken English, because I couldnt speak English fluently.(fluent)3.Thanks to your approval,_and if you didnt approve of my plan, I would be fired by the employer.(approve)4.The headmaster wrote a letter to congratulate her on her good performance and the exciting congratulations encouraged her greatly.(congratulate)5.Tell your doctor the accuracy of the symptom so that he can give you the accurate treatment. If you are not treated accurately,_youll be in danger.(accurate)6.Liu Li is a new graduate from Shandong University. She applied to a big pany for a post last week. The interviewer said her application was the best among all the applicants.(apply)7.He is always absent from class, and his absence makes his headteacher angry.(absence)8.His embarrassing questions made me embarrassed greatly. I felt my face burning with embarrassment.(embarrass)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.keep_in_mind记住2.stand_out 出色;突出3.get_ahead 取得成功;获得进步4.rely_on 依靠;依赖5.take_the_form_of 以的形式出现(存在)6.adjust_.to_. 调整以适应7.inform_sb._of_sth. 通知某人某事8.consist_of 由组成,构成9.catch_on 学会;受欢迎10.for_ages 很久,很长时间11.congratulate_sb._on_sth. 就某事向某人祝贺12.on_purpose 故意地13.regardless_of 不管;不顾14.on_the_other_hand 另一方面15.I_bet 我肯定16.more_than 不仅仅;超过1.If you keep working like this, theres no doubt that youll get_ahead of others.2.What we must always keep_in_mind is that we must serve the people.3.The training programme takes_the_form_of a series of performances.4.The medical team_consisting_of five experienced doctors and ten skilled nurses will be sent to the earthquakehit areas.5.Dont rely_on_going abroad for our holiday; we may not be able to afford it.6.She will have to adjust herself to new conditions after moving to a new city.7.Do you inform them _of the progress of the work?8.Her bright clothes always make her stand_out in a crowd.9.The football player was accused of taking money for not scoring goals on_purpose.10.It took them more_than_one billion dollars to plete the project.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades. 早在18世纪人们就预测,有一天英语将成为全球性语言,并且在过去的几十年中它已得到了证明。It was/is predicted that .“据预测”。预计到21世纪末,一半的这些动植物物种将会消失。It_is_predicted_that by the end of the 21st century, half of these plant and animal species will be gone.2.Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。“whether .or .”引导让步状语从句。无论好坏,我已经决定接受这份工作邀请。I have decided to take the job offer, whether_it_is_good_or_bad.3.Thirdly, you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.第三,你们说我只要预付款就有折扣。provided that引导条件状语从句。我确信如果你能告诉我们所有的必要信息,我们能帮助你解决这个问题。I am sure we can help you solve the problem, provided_that you tell us all the necessary information.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览1.make_a_decision 做决定2.make_a_mess 弄得一团糟3.make_a_mistake 犯错误4.make ones bed 铺床5.make sb. feel at home 让某人感到宾至如归6.milk a cow 挤牛奶1.practise_singing 练习唱歌2.arrive_late 来晚了3.sing along with music 随着音乐一起唱4.dance to music 伴着音乐跳舞5.a piece of music 一首曲子6.be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事1.environmental protection环境保护2.ecosystem n. 生态系统3.noise pollution 噪音污染4.light pollution 光污染5.at the top of the food chain在食物链的顶端6.save the earth 拯救地球一、过重点单词1absence n不在,缺席;缺乏,没有教材原句However, learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.然而,在缺少母语环境的情况下,学习作为外语的英语非常困难。练牢基点写出句中absence的含义In the absence of experience, the young man didnt finish the task on time.缺乏,没有I will go on a business trip tomorrow; Mark will be in charge of the pany in my absence._不在,缺席系统考点(1)absence from .缺席;离开absence of mind 心不在焉in ones absence in the absence of sb. 在某人不在的时候(2)absent adj. 缺席的;茫然的be absent from 缺席;不存在;缺少练通重点单句语法填空It is because of a long absence (absent) from school that I am a bit behind the other classmates.To our surprise, her parents were absent from her wedding ceremony.句型转换Her absence from the meeting caused lots of doubts.That she was absent from the meeting caused lots of doubts.I took pride in what I had done in my fathers absence.I took pride in what I had done in the absence of my father.完成句子He failed in the exam because of his absence_of_mind.他因心不在焉而考试不及格。He was_absent_from_the_party yesterday because of his sudden heart disease.昨天他因为心脏病突发,没有参加聚会。2surround vt.环绕,围绕;包围教材原句Some respected theories on language acquisition believe that to attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.一些备受尊崇的语言习得理论认为,要想达到高水平的外语流利程度和准确性,你得置身于该语言的环境中。(1)surround sb./sth.with sb./sth.用某人/某物包围某人/某物be surrounded by/with sb./sth. 被某人/某物包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的surroundings n. 周围的事物;环境;气氛题点全练单句语法填空The old man sat in an armchair, surrounded (surround) by a group of children.Only if we take good care of the surrounding trees and rivers can we live in more fortable and beautiful surroundings.(surround)He loves to be surrounded with/by_his family and friends.I came to realize that the key to success lay in trying to surround myself with creative people.3inform vt.告知,通知教材原句Inform a friend of your targets so they can help motivate you as well.把你的目标告诉你的一位朋友,这样他们也会帮忙鼓励你。(1)inform sb.of/about sth. 通知某人某事inform sb.that . 告知某人(2)informed adj. 了解情况的;消息灵通的keep sb.informed of sth. 使某人知道某事(3)information nU 信息多角练透单句语法填空The Internet keeps us informed (inform) of what is going on around us at any time.Please inform us of/about your decision and we will act accordingly.All of these people gave me lots of information (inform) I had never heard of.完成句子I regret_to_inform_you_that_you didnt pass the driving test.我非常遗憾地通知你,你没有通过驾驶考试。We try and keep_ourselves_informed_of current trends.我们设法随时了解形势的发展。联想发散我们学过的与inform sb. of sth. 结构相同的短语还有哪些?remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 4purchase vt.购买n.购买;购买力教材原句For example, in foreign countries, it is very easy to purchase something simply by smiling and pointing at what you want.例如,在国外,仅仅微笑着指向你想要的东西就能非常容易地购买到。(1)purchase sth.from sb.从某人那里买到某物(2)make a purchase 购买on special purchase 特价出售题点全练完成句子The equipment can_be_purchased_from your local supplier. 这种设备可以从您当地的供应商那里购买。We must think twice before we decide to make_a_purchase on the Internet.在我们决定网上购物之前一定要三思。These boots are on_special_purchase during the Spring Festival.这些靴子在春节期间特价出售。5embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬;使为难经典例句I didnt want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends.(牛津P650)我并没想当着他的朋友吻他而使他感到难堪。(1)It embarrasses/embarrassed sb.to do sth.做某事使某人窘迫(2)embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的be embarrassed at/about 对感到为难/尴尬embarrassing adj. 令人困窘的(3)embarrassment n. 困窘,困惑to ones embarrassment 让某人感到不好意思多角练透单句语法填空Yesterday, I came across my former classmate, but his name escaped me, which made me embarrassed (embarrass)It was so embarrassing (embarrass) to sing in public.To my relief, his humor relieves me of embarrassment (embarrass). Shes only 150 cm and shes embarrassed about/at her height.完成句子It_embarrassed_me_to_meet_the_young_man again, for I had misunderstood him.再次见到这个年轻人让我感到尴尬,因为我误会过他。Much_to_her_embarrassment,_she realized that everyone was staring at her.当她意识到大家都盯着她看时,她感到很不好意思。When I was growing up, I was_embarrassed_to_be_seen with my father.在我成长的过程中,我一直羞于让别人看见自己和父亲在一起。6resemble vt.像;与相似教材原句They might also cross their arms and move in an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human.他们可能也会交叉双臂,像机器人而不是像人类一样突然地移动。(1)resemble sb./sth. in .“在方面与某人/物相似” (2)resemble 不能用于进行时,也没有被动语态题点全练完成句子Lucy resembles her sister Lily in_appearance_but_not_in_character.露西和她的妹妹莉莉外貌相似但性格不同。Its difficult to tell the plant from others because it resembles_grass_in_appearance.很难把这种植物和其他的区分开来,因为它的外形很像草。7adequate adj.足够的,充分的;胜任的经典例句The space available is not adequate for our needs.现有的空间不能满足我们的需要。be adequate for 足够, 对来说是足够的be adequate to (do) sth. 胜任(做)某事;足够(做)某事题点全练单句语法填空His explanation wasnt adequate_to_account (account) for what had happened.His knowledge of French was adequate for the job although he was not fluent in the language.As far as Im concerned, he is adequate to the job.8negotiate vi.谈判;协商高考佳句Our English teacher is negotiating with the headmaster for the use of the library.(2015重庆高考满分作文)我们英语老师正在同校长商谈使用图书馆的事。(1)negotiate with sb.about/for sth.与某人商谈某事(2)negotiation n. 谈判;磋商,洽谈under negotiation 在商谈中题点全练单句语法填空/句型转换We have been negotiating with the manager for/about a short working week.We have had meaningful negotiations (negotiate) and I believe we are very close to a deal.The details of the contract are still being negotiated.The details of the contract are still under negotiation.9guarantee vt.保证;担保n.保证;保证书;抵押品教材原句Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater prehension when reading in English.读前了解新闻的主要内容可以保证阅读英文时更透彻的理解。(1)保证某人得到某物guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事be guaranteed to do sth. 必定做某事(2)under guarantee 在保修期内give sb.a guarantee (that .) 向某人保证()多角练透单句语法填空I guarantee to_pay (pay) off my debts on time, no matter what happens.If you yell at him, he will be guaranteed to_do (do) the opposite of what you want.The cell phone will be repaired free when it is under guarantee without human damage.完成句子Even if you plete your training, I cant guarantee_you_a_job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。Can you give_me_a_guarantee_that the work will be finished on time?你能向我保证工作会按时完成吗?名师指津如果表达“保证某人做某事”,guarantee不能用于guarantee sb. to do .,只能用于guarantee to do .或guarantee that .。10adjust vt.调节;调整;整理vi.适应教材原句Watching a favourite DVD, but adjusting the language to English in parts you know well.观看你最喜爱的一张光盘,但要把你熟悉部分的语言调换成英语。练牢基点写出句中adjust的含义Foreigners took some time to adjust to our way of life.适应To attract investors, the local government has adjusted its tax and labor laws.调整The body can adjust itself to the change of temperature.调节系统考点(1)adjust to 适应于adjust sth. to sth. 调整以适应adjust to (doing) sth. 适应于(做)某事adjust oneself to . 使自己适应于(2)adjustment n. 调整,调节;适应make an adjustment/adjustments to . 对作出调整(3)adjustable adj. 可调节的,可调整的练通重点单句语法填空When a child is studying abroad, he must learn to adjust to living (live) on his own.He will have to make major adjustments (adjust) to his thinking if he is to survive in office.The bicycle has an adjustable (adjust) seat and you can adjust it to a certain height.完成句子We must adjust_ourselves_to_the_new_life as soon as possible.我们必须尽快适应新生活。Due to the bad weather, they had to make_an_adjustment_to_the_time_of_the_meeting.由于天气不好, 他们不得不对会议的时间作了调整。11congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺;恭喜教材原句You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son on doing something well.你可能认为这位父亲因他儿子做事优秀而在向他表示祝贺。(1)congratulate sb. on就(做)某事向某人祝贺 congratulate oneself on (doing) sth. 感到自豪;暗自庆幸;为自己高兴(2)congratulation n. 祝贺;恭喜offer/send ones congratulations to sb.(on sth.)(为某事)向某人表示祝贺多角练透单句语法填空Lets congratulate her on getting good grades in the exam.On arriving there, we offer our congratulations (congratulate) to him on his success.完成句子/一句多译You should congratulate_yourself_on_having_done an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。我们祝贺你们通过了高考。We congratulate_you_on_your_passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulate)We offer_our_congratulations_to_you_on_your_passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulation).单句语法填空1It was considerate of Michael to inform us of/about his delay in case we got worried. 2Surrounded (surround) by the sea on three sides, modern Qingdao is considered one of the most livable cities in China.3He was always absent from school, and his absence (absent) annoyed the teacher very much.4Is your salary adequate to_support (support) your family?5It is rather embarrassing (embarrass) that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.6Susan resembles Catherine so much in the way she talks.7He asked me to tell you the contract is under negotiation (negotiate)8We guarantee to_deliver (deliver) your goods within a week.9In order to meet everyones need, I made a few adjustments (adjust) to the design.10My uncle sent me a card to congratulate me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.单句改错1He strongly resembles with his father in character.去掉with2I appreciate your hard work, but I can not give you guarantee that you will surely get promoted.guarantee前加a3He only gave an embarrassing smile when she spilled the water onto him.embarrassingembarrassed4I want to express my sincere congratulation on your success.congratulationcongratulations 5As a teacher you should adjust your method to meet the needs of slower students.meetmeeting .翻译句子1让公众了解最新消息的最好的方式是通过电视媒体和网络。 (keep sb. informed of)The_best_way_to_keep_the_public_informed_of_the_latest_news_is_through_TV_or_Internet.2是他开车时心不在焉导致了可怕的事故。(强调句型, absence of mind, result in)It_was_his_absence_of_mind_during_driving_that_resulted_in_a_terrible_accident.3她发现很难适应晚上工作,因此每天她都服用一些药物以保证自己睡好。(it作形式宾语, adjust to, ensure)She_found_it_hard_to_adjust_to_working_at_night,_so_every_day_she_would_take_some_pills_to_ensure_herself_a_good_sleep.4那样的行为肯定为让他生气。(be guaranteed to do sth.)That_kind_of_behaviour_is_guaranteed_to_make_him_angry.5如果你购买的东西不在名单上,请联系我们。(make a purchase)If_you_have_made_a_purchase_that_is_not_listed,_please_contact_us.二、过短语、句式1catch on学会;受欢迎,流行起来;(与to连用)理解;被接受教材原句The more you hear different accents, the easier it is to catch on.你听的不同口音越多,你就越容易理解它(的意思)。练牢基点写出句中


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