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2019-2020学年高一英语下学期“周学习清单”反馈测试试题1一完形填空:30分(每小题1.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。David began studying in Germany two years ago.The college was a little far from 1 he lived, so he had to take the 2 every day.This clever student soon found it was 3 to escape buying subway tickets, 4 he often went and returned without a ticket to 5 money. As a result, he had been caught with no 6 in the subway four times but he 7 took them to heart. He thought what he should pay more attention 8 was his study. He did work very hard in the last two years and graduated with 9 grades a month ago. Everyone, including David 10 ,thought he would get a good job easily in Germany and have a bright 11 .He went to a big local pany 12 .But to his surprise, he was not 13 given his chance for an interview! He then went to 14 famous pany, only to receive the same treatment.When he was 15 a third time, he couldnt 16 telephoning the pany to ask why they didnt 17 him. The answer was simple,”We dont offer jobs to 18 people in Germany!”Being dishonest may bring us something useful sometimes,but the truth will 19 sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember, 20 is the best policy (策略).1. A. whichB. thatC. whereD. what2. A. busB. carC. planeD. subway3. A. easyB. difficultC. freeD. worth4. A. or B. so C. andD. but5. A. wasteB. spendC. saveD. cost6. A. ticketB. moneyC. costD. pay7. A. never B. oftenC. sometimesD. always8. A. for B. inC. intoD. to9. A. interestingB. disappointingC. poorD. amazing10. A. him B. himselfC. hisD. he11. A. resultB. viewC. futureD. life12. A. confidentlyB. actively C. sincerelyD. willingly13. A. onlyB. evenC. justD. still14. A. otherB. oneC. anotherD. either15. A. refusedB. acceptedC. doubtedD. requested16. A. imagineB. preferC. enjoyD. help17. A. mandB. wantC. recognizeD. vote18. A. reliableB. devotedC. dishonestD. lazy19. A. give upB. break inC. e outD. keep on20. A. truth B. honesty C. dishonestyD. principle二阅读理解:20分(每小题2分)A rare butterfly has been discovered in Britain for the first time in 60 years, having moved from Eastern Europe. The only previous record of a wild yellow-legged Tortoiseshell in Britain was in 1953, when it was seen just once in Sevenoaks, Kent. Several weeks ago, there were already four confirmed sightings, along the East coast in Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent, and six further reports of the butterfly in coastal areas. Conservationists are very excited about the sightings, which are rare in the butterfly world. The butterflies are thought to have flown on easterly winds across Europe in the last few weeks. The large and colourful insect mainly lives in Eastern Europe. In recent years, it has spread into Scandinavia and its number increases rapidly during warm weather. Also known as the Scarce Tortoiseshell, it has an orange and blue colour and is about one third bigger than our own Small Tortoiseshell. Butterfly Conservation was starting its annual Big Butterfly Count, a yearly survey of the butterflies across the nation. Sir David Attenborough, President of the charity, said, “The UK is a nation of amateur naturalists and we have a proud tradition of celebrating and studying our wildlife. By taking part in the Big Butterfly Count this summer, you can contribute to discovering the fantastic butterflies and other wildlife that share your garden, parks and countryside. ”He added, “Butterflies fought back last year after a terrible xx but despite this, butterflies number was still below average. Three quarters of the UKs butterflies are in decline and one third are in danger of dying out. This is bad news for the UKs birds, bees, bats and other wildlife. 21。Which is true according to the passage ?A. A rare new butterfly has been found for 16 years B. The butterfly is from western Europe C. The conservationist are very excited about the discovery .D. The butterfly lives mainly in the mountainous areas22. These rare butterflies usually live in. A. Eastern EuropeB. Norfolk, Suffolk and KentC. coastal areasD. Sevenoaks, Kent23. The annual Big Butterfly Count is intended to. A. inspire amateurs studying interestB. teach people to do good gardeningC. study butterflies across BritainD. celebrate naturalists contributions24. What do the underlined words probably mean in the last paragraph?A. Butterflies number increased. B. Butterflies struggled to survive. C. Butterflies were dying out. D. Butterflies felt like fighting. 25. Whats the main idea of the text?A. Butterflies are quite rare in Britain. B. Butterflies like travelling frequently. C. A rare butterfly appeared in Britain. D. The butterfly world changed a lot. cacacLive longerEveryone wants to live longer. We try to exercise, eat right and get enough sleep. 26 .Here are a few tips for you to live a longer ,happier and healthier life.Use your mindActively use your mind, and youll cut your risk (风险) of developing dementia(痴呆) in half. 27 Memorize phone numbers in your cellphone. As you put groceries into your basket, dd them up in your mind.Chew (咀嚼) your foodWhen you eat, chew your food slowly and fully. That makes it easier for your body to use the food nutrients. Also, it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain its full. 28 Make time for yourselfWe all have plenty of stress (压力) in our daily lives. Be sure to find some ways to make that stress less. Taking some kind of activities will do you good. 29 Have dinner out with friends. Start a new hobby. Do something you enjoy, just for you.Its not about me 30 Studies show that volunteering increases your lifespan(寿命). It also builds your social network. And having lots of friends around, especially in old age, helps you live longer.A. Take an exercise class.B. But other things can also help.C. Do things slowly,one at a time.D. Living longer is not an easy thing.E. If you want to live longer,help others.F. Think of fun games to play by yourself.G. If you eat more slowly, youll likely eat less.三根据所给汉语写出相应的英语词汇:20分(每小题2分)31.美 n 32 祖先n 33. 诗人n 34基督徒 35.道歉 v. 36.明显的 adj37.广播员n 38.牧群n 39.必要性n 40.风俗n 四用本单元所学短语完成下列句子 20分(每格2分)41.我期盼着尽快收到你的答复I am _ _ _ _ your reply as soon as possible 42.那条街道被命名为中山路,是为了纪念孙中山先生。The street is named Zhongshan Road _ _ _ Dr. Sun Yat-sen43近年来,我们小镇发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have _ _ in our town in _ _ few years 五根据课文内容,完成下列篇章:10分(每格2分)In Mexico ,people cerebrates the Day of the _44_ early November. On this important feast day ,people eat food in the _45_ of skull and cakes with bones on them They offer food ,flowers,The western holiday Halloween .also had its origin in old _46_. It is now a childrens holiday when they can _47_ up and go to neighbours homes to ask for sweets .If the neighbour doesnt give any sweets ,they might play a _48_ on them 周测参考答案1-5 CDABC6-10 AADDB11-15 CABCA16-20 DBCCB21-25CACAC 26-30 BFGAE31.beauty 32 ancestor 33 poet 34. Christian 35 apologize 36.obvious 37. announcer 38. heard 39 necessity 40.custom 41.looking forward to receiving 42 in memory of 43,taken place ,the past /last 44 the dead 45 shape 46. belief 47 dress 48. tric


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