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非谓语动词作定语 非谓语动词作定语 什么是定语 修饰名词或代词的成分 可放在名词或代词前 叫前置定语 放在名词或代词后 叫后置定语 1 动词不定式todo作定语 常表示将来的动作 Weneedsomestudents help withwork Thequestion discuss atthemeetingisveryimportant tohelp tobediscussed 2 动词不定式为不及物动词时 其后须加上适当的介词 我正在找一间房子住 Iamlookingforaroomtolivein 2 我需要用一张写字用的纸 Ineedapieceofpapertowriteon 3 没什么可担心的 Thereisnothingtoworryabout 1 Hewasthebestman thejob do 2 Jimisalwaysthefirststudent totheclassroom come 3 中心词前有序数词 形容词最高级或no all any修饰 且动词与中心词是主动关系 用todo做定语 todo tocome 1 Doyouhavetheability inEnglish read 2 Hisattempt hisrelationshipwithhisclassmatessucceeded improve toread toimprove 4 被修饰的词是抽象名词时用不定式做定语 常见的有 ability chance idea hope wish fact excuse promise attempt way等 Theability express anideaisasimportantastheideaitself toexpress 二 分词作定语 adevelopingcountryadevelopedcountryboilingwaterboiledwaterfallingleavesfallenleaves 1 ing作定语 动作正在进行 1 ed作定语 动作已完成 2 look expression voice anexcitingvoiceanexcitedvoiceapuzzlingexpressionapuzzledexpression总结 v ing表示 令人 v ed表示 某人自己因为 感到 对 感到 类似表达还有 surprised surprisingshocked shockingamazed amazingastonished astonishinginterested interestingdepressed depressingpleased pleasingsatisfied satisfyingbored boringfrightened frighteningembarrassed embarrassingdisappointed disappointingencouraged encouraging 3 ed分词作定语 Thebuilding lastyearisourteachingbuilding build Thebuilding nextyearisourteachingbuilding Thebuilding atpresentisourteachingbuilding built tobebuilt beingbuilt 总结 1 动词和所修饰名词之间是被动关系 有三种形式done tobedone beingdone2 区别是 表达事情发生的时间不同 去年被建成的图书馆由他爸爸设计 现在正在被建的图书馆下个月就要被完工了 将要被建成的图书馆能容纳2000人 Thelibrarybuiltlastyearwasdesignedbymyfather Thelibrarybeingbuiltnowwillbecompletednextmonth Thelibrarytobebuiltcanhold2000people 语法填空 ed和 ing前的be动词Thehouse buy 3yearsago Wearedecoratingthehouse buy 3yearsago Look Thegirl stand besidethestreetlamp Thegirl stand besidethestreetlampismycousin 主语 谓语动词 wasbought 非谓语动词 bought isstanding standing 5 Agreatnumberofhouses destroy bytheearthquake 6 Theuniversity found over100yearsagohasturnedoutlotsofexcellentstudents 7 Theboy listen tothemusicwroteasonghimselflastyear 8 Thefirsttextbooks write forteachingEnglishasaforeignlanguage wereproducedinthe16thcentury weredestroyed founded listening written TomakeOrderedturningmakingTocatchspentAbsorbedHavingworkedTolearnwondering 11 totalkusingRaisedaccompaniedstaringTofreeToworkTofindthrowinghavingcaught 非谓语动词作状语练习 HavingeatentotakeofferinghavingsetbathingTostayFoundedtowatchaskedUsed Basing32 leaving33 Havingbeenasked followingslidingcomparingleavingAmazedmakingJudgingmakingTaken 非谓语动词作宾语 下列动词后用什么动词形式1 consider2 wish3 happen4 avoid5 appreciate6 refuse5 resist6 promise7 pretend8 suggest9 imagine doingtodotododoingdoingtododoingtodotododoingdoing 10 choose11 practise12 mind13 decide14 expect15 admit16 allow17 agree18 forbid19 escape20 offer tododoingdoingtodotododoingdoingtododoingdoingtodo 一 作主语 饭后散步对我们的身体有好处 Walkingaftermealsisbeneficialtoourhealth 大声朗读对我们提高英语有帮助 ReadingaloudhelpsimproveourEnglish 1 Seeingisbelieving 2 Tosavetimeistolengthenlife 1 若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词 其形式要求一致 一 作主语 Walkingaftermealsisbeneficialtoourhealth Tofinishtheworkinonehourisimpossible 习惯 抽象 泛指 具体 将来 特指 作主语的区别 Tocollectinformationisimportantforbusinessmen Itisimportantforbusinessmentocollectinformation 一 作主语 2 It作形式主语的情况 It is was adj n for ofsb todosth 1 Itis was nouse goodworth doingsth 但是 awasteoftime fun 2 Thereisnosense in doing 做 没有道理 Thereisnopoint in doing 做 无意义 做这件傻事毫无意义 Thereisnopointdoingsuchasillything 3 但是Thereisnoneedtodosth做 没必要 1 It snecessarytobepreparedforajobinterview theanswersreadywillbeofgreathelp A TohavehadB HavinghadC HaveD Having2 Infact isahardjobforthepolicetokeeporderinanimportantmatch A thisB thatC thereD it D D 我们都知道 喝太多咖啡是没有好处的 2 光想不做是没有用的 Asweallknow itisnogooddrinkingtoomuchcoffee Itisnousethinkingwithoutaction 宾语 二 2 作宾语 不定式和动名词都可作动词或介词的宾语 有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语 如 want manage demand promise refuse pretend plan offer decide agree expect hope wish choose happen等 Idon twant likeI mspeakingillofanybody butthemanager splanisunfair A tosoundB tobesoundedC soundingD tohavesounded A 有些动词后只跟动名词作宾语 如 admit appreciate avoid consider delay dislike enjoy escape excuse finish forgive imagine keep mind miss practise resist risk suggest deny 1 Ican tstand withJaneinthesameoffice Shejustrefuses talkingwhilesheworks A working stoppingB towork stoppingC working tostopD towork tostop2 Hegotwell preparedforthejobinterview forhecouldn trisk thegoodopportunity A toloseB losingC tobelostD beinglost C B beusedto leadto devote to stickto getdownto payattentionto can tstand feellike insiston thankyoufor bebusy apologizefor havedifficulty trouble in haveagood hard wonderfultime in spendtime in wastetime in 动名词常可用于下列词组后 1 Isn tittimeyougotdownto thepapers A markB bemarkedC beingmarkedD marking但Ihavenochoicebut accept thefact Ihavenothingtodobut sleep D toaccept sleep 介词后一般接doing 1 有些动词后既可以跟todo 又可以跟doing作宾语 但意义上有区别 如forget remember regret stop try mean goon can thelp等 1 Ifyouthinktreatingapersonwellmeansalways hispermissionforthings thinkagain A getsB gotC togetD getting2 Whenaskedbythepolice hesaidthatheremembered attheparty butnot A toarrive leavingB toarrive toleaveC arriving leavingD arriving toleave D C Asthetwentiethcenturycametoaclose therawmaterialsforagreatnationalliteraturewereathand waiting A touseB tobeusedC tohaveusedD tobeusingAfterhebecameconscious heremembered and ontheheadwitharod A toattack hitB tobeattacked tobehitC attacking behitD havingbeenattacked hit B D 2 有些动词如begin start continue后既可以跟todo又可以跟doing作宾语 意义上无多大区别 Ibegintodo doingthetask 3 love like hate prefer后接doing表示经常性的行为 接todo表示具体的行为 1 Ilike verymuch butIdon tlike thisafternoon A swimming swimmingB toswim toswimC swimming toswimD toswim swimming C 2 LittleJimshouldlove tothetheatrethiseveningA tobetakenB totakeC beingtakenD taking但要注意 如果like love prefer前有would should 后面则应该接todo A need require want 需要被做 doingtobedone 1 Yourwatchneedsrepairing toberepaired 2 Thewindowsneedpaintingagain tobepaintedagain 3 动名词的复合结构 动名词前由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成 1 我姐姐病了 使我很担心 Mysister sbeingillmademeworried 2 他一到机场 就被影迷包围了 Onhisarrivingattheairport hewassurroundedbythefans 3 Victorapologizedfor toinformmeofthechangeintheplan A hisbeingnotableB himnottobeableC hisnotbeingableD himtobenotable C 三 作宾语补足语感官动词使役动词with结构 Iheardher sing anEnglishsongjustnow Iheardher sing anEnglishsongwhenIpassedbyherroomyesterday IheardtheEnglishsong sing manytimes 1 接动词原形时 表示动作发生的全过程 接现在分词时 表示动作正在发生或进行接过去分词时 表被动或完成 7看 see lookat watch observe notice found catch2听 hear listento1感觉 feel1嗅觉 smell sing singing sung 1 sb be seenwatchedheardfeltnoticed todo 2 使役动词 1 make let have getsbdo Sb bemade let had gottodo Pauldoesn thavetobemade Healwaysworkshard A learnB tolearnC learnedD learning B 1 Iwon thaveyouworkingalltheday 2 I msorrytohavekeptyouwaiting 3 Shehaslefttheboycryingforalongtime 2 have keep leavesb sth doing使 持续做某事 1 Iwillhavemybikerepairedtomorrow 2 Iraisedmyvoicetomakemyselfheard 3 have keep make leave get n done使 被做 1 pooratEnglish I mafraidIcan tmakemyself A Tobe understandB I m tounderstandC Being understandingD Being understood D 2 Ihavehadmybike andI mgoingtohavesomebody myradiotomorrow A repair torepairB repairing toberepairedC repaired repairD torepair repairing C 3 Youmustgetthework beforeFriday A doB todoC doingD done D 4 theroom thenursefoundthetape recorder A Entering stealingB Entering goneC Tohaveentered beingstolenD Havingentered tobestolen B 5 Wearepleasedtoseetheproblem soquickly A settledB havingbeensettledC besettledD settling A 6 Thedirectorhadherassistant somehotdogsforthemeeting pickeduppicksuppickuppickingup C Asisknowntousall travelingis butweoftenfeel whenwearebackfromtravels A interesting tiredB interested tiringC interesting tiringD interested tired 表语 4 作表语我的计划是5年实现我的梦想 Myplanistorealizemydreamin5years 这场球赛很激动人心 我们都很激动 Thematchwasexcitingandwewereexcited Theywere atthenews 惊奇于 Heis 对神话故事有兴趣 We 为四川大地震而感到震惊 Thelittleboyswere thelongspeech 感到厌倦 surprised interestedinfairytales wereshockedattheearthquakeinSichuan tiredof 当他们的父亲发火时很恐怖 孩子们看见父亲发火很惊恐 Theirfatherwasfrighteningwhenhelosthistemper Thechildrenbecamefrightenedwhentheysawhimlosingtemper InoticedMotheratanearbytableoccupybyanelderlywomanandayoungcouple Excuseme shesaid putherarmaroundtheunhappyoldwoman 3 Faceallstrangethingsaroundme Ioftenmissedmyoldfriendsandclassmates 4 Fromthedisappointinglookonhisface weknowthathedidn tpasstheexam 1 非谓语动词在改错中 occupied putting Facing disppointed 2 hertearscameout A HearingthenewsB SheheardthenewsC WhensheheardthenewsD Tohearthenews 1 andsheburstintotears A HearingthenewsB WhensheheardthenewsC JacktoldMarythenewsD Hearthenews hertears Shecouldn thelpcrying C C A C 2 非谓语动词在单项选择中 and 1 Ifnot you reallowedtoreturneverythingwithin10daysforafullrefundandnofurtherduties A tosatisfyB beingsatisfiedC satisfiedD satisfying2 Theexperimentshowsthatproperamountsofexercise if regularly canimproveourhealth A beingcarriedoutB carryingoutC carriedoutD tocarryout C C 1 withthesizeofthewholeearth thebiggestoceandoesnotseembigatall A CompareB WhencomparingC ComparingD Whencompared2 When differentcultures weoftenpayattentiononlytothedifferenceswithoutnoticingthemanysimilarities 类似 A comparedB beingcomparedC comparingD havingcompared D C 3 thesetwobooks andyouwillfindthecheaperoneisofgreatvalue A CompareB ComparingC ComparedD Tocompare A


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