八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room同步检测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Unit 3 单元同步检测试题 (满分100分) 姓名 得分 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案1Could you please _ when you go out? It smells terrible in the room.Sure. But where should I put it?A. take out the rubbish B. sweep the floor C. turn off the light D. fold the clothes2The new kind of car is _ dear,I dont have _ money.A. too much; much too B. much too; too muchC. too much; too much D. much too; much too3She _ to see me tomorrow morning as soon as she _ to Beijing.Acomes;gets Bwill come;will getCwill come;gets Dcomes;will get4Could I watch TV for a while?Of course you _. But you _ finish your homework first.Acould;mustBcan;mustCcould;wouldDcan;would5Im not going swimming this afternoon._. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.A. So am IB. So I amC. Neither am ID. Neither I am6Please give up _ computer games. Its bad for you. AplayBplayedCto playDplaying7Could I _ some money _ you?A. borrow;toB. lend;forC. borrow;fromD. lend;from8After graduation,he took all works to London _ get a good job there.A. so thatB. in order thatC. in order toD. as to9He failed to break the world record for long jump many times but he never_his hope.A. looked offB. put awayC. gave upD. turned down10Lets plan a surprise party for our class. Whats your idea?Why not _ a short play?A. get onB. keep onC. have onD. put on11Can you provide us _ some information _ the computer?A. for;withB. with;aboutC. about;withD. with;with12You look tired.Youd better _ a good rest.A. stop to haveB. stop havingC. to stop to haveD. to stop having13Would you mind opening the windows? Let fresh air into the room. _.A. No, not at all B. Yes, Ill do that C. No, please not D. Yes, of course not14you read, you will feel in J.K Rowlings books.A. More, more interesting B. The more, the more interestingC. The more, the more interested D. More, more interested15The milk looks _. Drink some, my boy?No, thanks. I dont feel _ today.A. good;goodB. good;wellC. well;wellD. well;good二、完形填空(10分)Mary was ill yesterday. She went to see a doctor.doctor. Im not feeling 1 at the moment, she said. Every time I do my homework at night, I feel 2 . If I walk to school, I have to sit down and 3 for ten minutes.The doctor looked 4 Mary carefully. At last he said, 5 serious, but Im afraid you are 6 too much.I dont understand, what do you mean? asked Mary. I mean you eat too much 7 , said the doctor.Oh! You mean Im too 8 . Thats the problem, said Mary. What should do if I dont want to be heavy?The answer is easy, said the doctor. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you 9 eat a lot of food and you also should take more 10 .( )1.A. goodB. badC. wellD. terrible( )2.A. hungryB. thirstyC. tiredD. relaxed( )3.A. restB. lie downC. standD. look( )4.A. afterB. overC. likeD. for( )5.A. TooB. NotC. NothingD. Very( )6.A. drinkingB. sleepingC. workingD. eating( )7.A. ice creamB. fruitC. foodD. chicken( )8.A. fatB. healthyC. stressed outD. thin( )9.A. canB. cantC. shouldD. shouldnt( )10.A. homeworkB. sportsC. exerciseD. houseworkCCABC DCADC三、阅读理解(30分) ADear DrKnowI have a question for youI make some money by doing chores at homeI sweep the floor,clean the table and walk the dog every day and I also take out the trash on Mondays,Wednesdays and SundaysI think I do too much because I take part in some activities after school and I have to do my homework every nightI can only get $ 20a weekAnd the amount I get is barely enough(勉强够)to go to the movies and buy pop-cornI want more moneyI know my parents are going to sayno,but its not fairI am 14,so I cant get a job yetBut I really need more money to spend time with my friendsI dont know how to make them understand meCould you please help me?Ryan( )1. Ryan does the following chores EXCEPT(除了)_Asweep the floorBclean the tableCwalk the dogDmake the bed( )2. Ryan takes out the trash _Aevery dayBonce a weekCtwice a weekDthree times a week( )3. Ryan can get _ dollars a week by doing choresAtwentyBthirtyCfortyDsixty( )4. Ryan spends his money _Abuying booksBgoing to the moviesChelping friendsDbuying clothes( )5. The understand wordamountmeans _ in ChineseA二十元B钱C所有的钱D多数BMr. Clark hated to do housework. He wouldnt stay at home at weekends. As his wife always told him to do some washing or cleaning, or he had to cook for his family. So he always made some exercise on Friday evenings.Recently Mr. Clark was interested in playing cards. But he was afraid to let his wife know. So every Sunday afternoon he brought some fish home. It made his wife happy and she never asked where he spent his weekends.One Saturday morning Mr. Clark left home at 7 oclock. He took a bus and got off at a stop near a small town. His friends were waiting for him in a small hotel. They played cards there. Mr. Clark didnt go home until 7 oclock on Sunday evening. He went in the shop near the bus stop as usual. As soon as the shopkeeper saw him, the man said, “Im sorry, Mr. Clark. I have no fish today. What about some chicken legs?”“Dont be silly!” said Mr. Clark. “I cant tell my wife that I have fished some chicken legs, can I?”( )1. Mr Clark didnt want to stay at home on weekends because _.A. he wouldnt like to do any houseworkB. he didnt love his wifeC. he was very busy( )2. What was Mr. Clark interested in?A. FishingB. Playing cardsC. Shopping( )3. How long was Mr. Clark away from his home?A. About 24 hours.B. About 36 hours.C. About 48 hours.( )4. Mr Clark played cards with his friends _.A. at homeB. in a shopC. in a hotel( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Mr. Clark hardly stayed at home on weekends.B. Mr. Clark played card only this weekend.C. Mrs. Clark believed he fished on weekends.C任务型阅读。I have just finished my job as a teacher in France and there are a few weeks before I start my new job in my hometown. 11 I am having a good time.However,living with my parents also brings some problems.Luckily, I have some rules to solve them. 12 Most people think privacy(隐私) is very important in their lives.If you want your parents to knock(敲) on the door before they come into your room,you should do the same thing before you enter their room.Only in this way can you show them the importance of knocking.Do some chores. 13 But if you choose to do chores before your parents ask you to do so,you will feel in control of your own time.Also,you can choose the chores that you like to do.Dont always criticiseIts easy for you to criticize your parents because you know they love you the most. 14 But that doesnt mean you should do like that.You should be polite to them and talk with them in a nice way. 15 Sometimes arguments(争吵) happen between you and your parents because its difficult to get on well with everyone all the time.But once the arguments finish,try to say sorry to your parents as soon as possible.从下面方框中选择恰当的选项完成短文,使短文意思通顺、结构完整(有一项多余)。AEveryone knows that chores are not fun.BAnd you know they will always love you no matter(不论) what you say.CNow Im living with my parents after five years of being away.DSay sorry.EFind someone interesting to talk to.FAlways knock.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 四、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1Minnie hates doing _ (杂务)What about you?2Lily _ (打扫) the floor of her room every day.3Mark lost one of his _ (手指) in that accident.4These days, students have so much _ (压力) form school.5I think having a birthday party in a restaurant is a _ (浪费) of money.五、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 (5分)1The boy came up with the idea of _(fair)2To my _(surprised),she finished her work on time.3He is trying _(not make) mistakes.4_(have) sports makes us keep healthy.5He doesnt mind _(lend) money to me.六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)11能请你帮我扫地吗?_ _ _ _ me sweep the floor? 12爸爸,我今晚可以玩电脑游戏吗? 是的,你可以。但你必须先完成作业。_ I _ computer games tonight,Dad?Yes,you _But you have to finish your homework first.13能请你帮我把门打开吗? 好的,当然可以。_ you _ _ me open the door? Yes,_14明天上午我们可以去爬山吗? 对不起,你们不能。_ we go to climb the mountain tomorrow morning? Sorry,you _15你那时会滑冰吗? 不,我不会。_ you skate then? _,I _七、选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余(5分)A: Hey, Mom. Could I invite some friends to the party on Sunday afternoon?B: 1 . But you have to do some chores first.A: What do I have to do?B: Well, first you could sweep the kitchen floor.A: OK. 2 .B: Then you could take out the trash.A: Yeah. 3 .B: And you need to clean your room.A: Wow! Im going to be too tired to go to my own party.B: 4 . Ill go to the store for drinks and snacks.A: 5 .A. Ill help you.B. Then what?C. Thanks, mom.D. Sure, you can.E. I like cleaning my room.F. I can do that.G.Could I do some chores?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 八、书面表达(20分)根据提示和要求,写一篇短文。假如你所在的城市正在创建“国家级卫生城市”, 作为该城市的一员, 你会有许多感触和想法。下面请你以“Howtosetupanationalhealthycity?”为题, 根据所给提示写一篇80100个单词的英语短文。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:至少写出包含所给提示,意思连贯,语法正确的5个以上句子。短文内容可以自由发挥。提示:throwrubbish扔垃圾;talkloudly高声喧哗;smoke抽烟;spit吐痰;inpublic在公共场合;giveseatstotheoldandchildren给老人和小孩让座;bepolitetoothers对他人有礼貌;obeytrafficrules遵守交通规则;formgoodlifehabits养成良好的生活习惯;turnoffthelights关灯How to set up a national healthy city?Our city is trying to set up a national healthy city. As a member of the city, I think _Im sure our city will become more and more beautiful and cleaner as long as we all try our best to do something for it!人教版新目标八年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元同步检测试题参 考 答 案一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案ABCBCDCCCDBAACB二、完形填空(10分) 15 610 三、阅读理解(30分) 15 DDABC 610 ABBCB 1115 CFABD四、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1. chores 2. sweeps 3. fingers 4. stress 5. waste 五、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 (5分)1. fairness 2. surprise 3. not to make 4. Having 5. lending 六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)1. Could you please help 2. Could I play;can 3. Could;please help;sure4. Could;cant 5. Could;No;couldnt七、选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余(5分)15 DBFAC八、书面表达(20分)How to set up a national healthy city?Our city is trying to set up a national healthy city. As a member of the city, I think we should be polite to everyone.Young people are supposed to give seats to the old and children on the bus.Its necessary for us to form good life habits.Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. Dont spit or throw rubbish everywhere.People mustnt smoke or talk loudly in public. We have to obey traffic rules.At last we should protect flowers and grass and love animals.Im sure our city will become more and more beautiful and cleaner as long as we all try our best to do something for it!


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