江苏省八年级英语上学期期中试题 牛津译林版.doc

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江苏省八年级英语上学期期中试题 牛津译林版(全卷共 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟)一、听力(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)A:听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。1. Where are the students from?ABC2 .How does the boy usually go to school?ABC3. What subject does George have on Friday afternoon?ABC4. Which one does the woman want to buy?ABC5.When will the two speakers meet?A. At 4:30p.m.B. At 4:45p.m.C. At 5:15P.M.6.What does Julia need to find for her hiking trip?A. A mapB. FoodC. A mobile phone7.How many books does Linda have?A. 2B. 15C. 178.How much should the woman pay for the tickets?A. 64 yuanB. 72 yuan.C. 96 yuan.9. Who runs the fastest?A. Lucy.B. Tom.C. Kate.10. How often does Frank go to the Drawing Club?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Every day.八年级英语学科期中试题 (第 1页 共 8页)B:听对话和短文,根据所听对话和短文内容及问题选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。11. When will the students be on a visit?A. On Thursday.B. Any day.C. On Tuesday.12. Who may the woman be?A. Kates teacher.B. Kates classmate.C. Kates mother.听第二段对话,回答第 13 至 15 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。WhoMay went to Yangzhou with13.How far14from here to Yangzhou.WhatYangzhou is famous for15.13. A. Her father.B. Her friend.14. A. Its about two and a half hours by train.B. Its only half an hour by car.C. Its about two and a half hours by car.15. A. Fuchun Baozi.B. The Slender West Lake.听一篇短文,回答第 16 至 20 小题。16. Where is the language school?A. In Canada.B. In the UK.17. How long should the students learn English in the classroom?A. Two hours and a half .B. Three and a half hours.18. What do the students do in the afternoon?A. They must learn English.B. They can do some reading. C. They are free to do anything.19. How soon will they get the result of the exam?A. In four weeks.B. In five weeks.20.What does the headteacher think of the exam?A. Its not so hard.B. Its so difficult.二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.number of the students in our class40.A. The; areB. A; isC. The; isC. Her mother.C. Green trees.C. In the USA.C. Four hours and a half.C. In six weeks.C. He doesnt know.D. A; are八年级英语学科期中试题 (第 2 页 共 8 页)22.-Whats the meaning of the word “DIY”?- It _ “do-it-yourself”.A. stands outB. stands byC. stands forD. stands with23.Lucy liked all the dresses, but she took the _ one to save money for Project Hope.A. cheaperB. more expensiveC. cheapestD. most expensive24.-Whats your best friend like?-He _.A. likes playing computer gamesB. is cleaning his bedroomC. is a policemanD. is generous and cheerful25. Its true that Wendy has more books than _. But my books are moreinteresting than _.A. I; sheB. I; hersC. mine; hersD. me; her26.Tom,afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one.A. dontB. notC. not beD. dont be27.Nanjing isnt so large_ Shanghai. But its the second_ city in East China.A. as; the largestB. as; largestC. like; largerD. as; larger28.She isand ready to help people any time.A. patientB. politeC. generousD. helpful29.No one taught _ English. He taught _ as he was young.A. h im; himB. him; himselfC .himself; himD. himself; himself30.People in the UK say “garden” while people in the USA say“_”.A. storeB. cookieC. yardD. eraser31.-Dont tell anybody about this.-OK, I.A. dontB. wontC.cantD. am not32.Well try our best to do the work with _ money and _ people .A. few ; littleB. a few ; a littleC. less ; fewerD. fewer ; less33. -How does he usually spend his weekends?-He spends as much time as he cancomputer games.A. practising playingB. practise to playC. practise playingD. to practise playing34. -Mum, we are going to visit an island this weekend.-_!A. GoodbyeB. Thats OKC. Have a good time.D. Not at all35. _it free for groups of 30 or more students?A. DoesB. IsC. DoD. Are八年级英语学科期中试题 (第 3 页 共 8 页)三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was nearly dark, the sun was dropping down the mountains far away. Little Tom came back 36 , with tears in his eyes.“Whats the matter, Tom? 37 is your trip?” his mother asked with a big smile. “I failed. The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones 38 the way, I still go ahead. But I was 39and it was so late that I had to come back.” Tom cried. “It doesnt matter, you are only 14 years old afterall. You will have40chance.” his mother said. “But,41at the top of the mountain is mydream!” Tom said. His father came over and asked, “42you see the green trees on your way tothe mountain?” “Sure, and there are a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road.” Tom replied. “Didyou43the birds singing?” his father asked. “There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees,and the sound was very44.” Tom said. “Did you feel the beauty of nature?” his father asked.“Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the45flowers made a nice picture.”Tomanswered. “Thats46!” his father smiled and said, “Please remember, son. For often,achieving what you expect is not47thing. Although you didnt48the top of the mountain,you got a lot on the way.”It is49that not every goal will be achieved, not every job will end up with a success, andnot every dream50. The most beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way.36. A. to homeB. homeC. at homeD. in home37. A. WhatB. How longC. How oftenD. How38. A. onB. inC. byD. with39. A. tiringB. tiredC. happyD. excited40. A. the otherB. otherC. anotherD. others41. A. standB. standingC. standsD. standed42. A. DidB. DoC. AreD. Does43. A. listenB. listen toC. soundD. hear44. A. sweetlyB. lovelyC. nicelyD. clearly45. A. colorfulB. colorC. colorsD. colored46. A. allB. enoughC. trueD. everything47. A. importantB. more important C. the most importantD. unimportant48. A. reachB. arriveC. getD. got49. A. realB. trueC.happyD. sad50.A. come trueB. comes trueC. came trueD. will come true八年级英语学科期中试题 (第 4页 共 8 页)四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADo you like eating chocolate? Companies spend millions of dollars on tools and machines to make chocolate. With a little ingredients (原料), however, you can turn your kitchen into a chocolate factory. Today we will teach the Cocoa Powder (可可粉)Method(方法), it is easier for beginners. Try it and make your own homemade chocolate.Here are the ingredients you need:cocoa powder 2 cups (220g) ;butter 3/4 cup (170g);sugar 3/4 cup (100g);milk 2/3 cup (150ml);salt a little bit ;water 1 cup (235ml).Now, please follow these steps. First, mix the cocoa powder and butter in a bowl until you have a smooth paste (酱). Then , add the cocoa powder mixture (混合物) to the hot water and stir(搅拌). Allow the temperature to rise back up. Put the hot mixture into a bowl , stir the sugar mixture into the hot cocoa mix. Add milk, stir until smooth. At last, put the mixture into different containers(容器). The chocolate will take the shape of the container. You can put it in the fridge to harden(使变硬)it.We hope you can enjoy your homemade chocolate.51.It isfor beginners to try it and make your own homemade chocolate.A. crazierB. more interestingC. more difficultD. easier52. What is NOT necessary when we are making chocolate?A. cocoa powerB. saltC. waterD. egg53. Which is the right order to make chocolate? Put sugar and milk into the mixture. Mix the cocoa powder and butter Place the mixture into containers, and put it in the fridge. Add hot water and stir.A. B. C. D. 54. Whats the best title of this passage?A. How to Build a Chocolate Factory.B. The Ways to Eat Chocolate.C. How to Make Chocolate at Home.D. The Cocoa Bean Method.55. The information above may come from a _.A. story bookB. magazineC. sports newspaperD. travel guideBEveryone needs friends. Friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives. But the ability to make friends changes from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy, and the others its very difficult. Making friends is a skill(技能), and the first thing is to know how to get along with(和.相处融洽)others.八年级英语学科期中试题 (第 5 页 共 8 页)xx第一学期徐州市区联校期中检测八年级英语试题参考答案及评分标准一、听力(每小题1分,共20分)1-5 ABCCB 6-10 ACCCB 11-15 ACCCB 16-20 BBBCA 二、选择填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21-25 CCCDB 26-30 DBDBC 31-35 BCACB 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)36-40 BDABC 41-45 BADBA 46-50 BCABD四阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)51-55 DDACB 56-60 BACBB 五、词汇(每小题1分,共15分)A) 61.take place 62.places of interest 63.Stick 64. Buddy Club 65. instead ofB) 66. speak 67. earlier 68.incorrect 69.useless 70.artistsC) 71.invited 72. to get 73. was 74. taking 75.will put六、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)76. kind/polite/friendly; honest77. 大多数教师允许学生必要时可以迟到或早退。78. In the eyes of most American teachers, students who are talking to each other during a test are cheating.79. Students are generally encouraged to ask questions during class, to go to the teacher s office for help after class, and to phone if they cant go to school and need help with their lessons.80. The relationship between student and teacher is less formal in the U.S. than in many other countries, especially at the college level.七连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)81. Shall we take Linda to the Palace Museum?82. I also advised him to take a course in DIY.83. All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.84. I would like to be a hero when I grow up.85. What makes your friend so special ?八、书面表达(共15分)略听力材料第一部分 听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1. M:Where do the students come from?W:They are from the USA2. W:How do you usually go to school?M:I take a bus to school.3. W:What lessons do you have on Friday afternoon, George?M:English, Music and a class meeting.4. M: Would you like a mooncake? Its very fresh. We cooked it just now.W: Id love to. But I want the cheapest food. 5. M: Hello! This is Martin Brown. You want to see me at half past four, but Im afraid Ill have to be 15 minutes late.W: All right. Ill wait for you. 6. M: Is everything ready for your hiking trip ,Julia? W: Let me see. Oh, I still need a map.7 . M: I have fifteen books. What about you, Linda?W: Two more than you.8. W: How much will it cost for my son and me to go to Shanghai?M: 64 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your son as he is under 1.2 metres.9. W: They say Lucy runs very fast. But I think Tom runs faster.M: Youre right. But he doesnt run as fast as Kate.10. W: Frank, youre a member of the Drawing Club, right? M: Yes. I go there every Tuesday and Saturday. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11至第12小题。M: Hello, this is Daniel. Could I speak to Kate?W: Sorry, she isnt at home right now. May I take a message?M: Thank you. Id like to tell her about the visit to Beijing Zoo on Thursday.W: Dont worry! Ill tell her about it.M: OK. Thanks. Bye!听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。M: Good morning, May. Where did you go yesterday?W: I went to Yangzhou, my fathers hometown, with my mother.M: Really? Where is it? Is it far from here?W: A little. Its about two and a half hours by car. I hope you can visit it some day.M: It must be very beautiful.W: Of course. Its famous for the Slender West Lake. Its a long lake with green trees around it. If you go, Ill show you around the city and we can also enjoy “Fuchun Baozi”. Really delicious!M: Thank you. I hope I can go there with you.听下面一篇短文,回答16-20小题。Mr King is the headmaster of a language school in London. Now he is giving a speech to welcome his new foreign students from Canada。“Hello, everyone. My name is Sam King. Welcome to our school. I hope you will enjoy your time with us. Every morning from 8:00 to 11:30, you will be in the classroom learning English. Lunch will be in the school at 12:30. There is a lot of delicious food. In the afternoon you need to do some reading in the reading room and in the evening, you are free to do what you want to. Next, some news about your exam. Youll take it in five weeks. Dont be too worried about this. The exam is not so difficult if you work hard. Your results will be sent to you about six weeks later. Thats all. Thank you. Have a nice stay here.”


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