2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) (IV).doc

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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) (IV)注意事项:1.请在答题纸上作答,在试卷上作答无效。2.本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分,共120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. All of _ sudden, one of _bedroom windows flew open.A. a; 不填 B. the; the C. a; the D.不填; a2. Tim studied in America for several years and now he is working in Canada._A. Its the same with John. B. So is John.C. So did John. D. John does so.3. What sort of flat do you want to have?Something big?Well,it _ be bigthats not important. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wont4. Some people dont make friends easily._ make(s) friends quickly but then lose(s) them.A. Other B. Others C. The other D. The others5. An old man was knocked over and the police were _ the traffic accident.A. looking after B. looking at C. looking for D. looking into 6. They must have got to the top of the mountain by now, for they_ before the sun rose. A. set out B. broke down C. took over D. put up7. _of vitamin B is making him seriously ill. A. Drop B. Lack C. Absence D. Failure8. _ to my surprise, they offered me a 4,000 scholarship.A. Much B. Very C. More D. Quite9. Mo Yan remains _though he has won the xx Nobel Prize for literature.A. young B. wealthy C. healthy D. modest10. I dont _that he will e. In other words, Im sure he will.A. promise B. know C. doubt D. prepare11. Last year a huge earthquake struck the northern part of Japan, _a severe damage to the country. A. caused B. causing C. having caused D. having been caused12. What a large crowd!They _ there for hours. Its said that a famous star will e today. A. have been waiting B. were waiting C. are waiting D. waited13. _ David needed was a good drink to relax himself.A. Where B. When C. That D. What14. How e the front wheel of the truck has been_?The load was too heavy.A. out of date B. out of work C. out of reach D. out of shape 15. Now, where is my hat?_! Well be late.A. Never mind B. Cheer up C. e on D. Take it easy第二节 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was in a hurry for an important date. Without much money, I had hurried into the store to 16 some flowers. After a quick purchase, I 17 myself at a checkout counter 18 an elderly woman waiting to pay for her groceries. I was in a huge rush, thinking of my uping 19 . I did not want to be late for this date.We were in Boston, a place not always known for a small 20 between strangers. The woman stopped unloading her basket and 21 at me. It was a nice smile, warm and pleasant and I 22 her gift by smiling back.“Must be a 23 lady, whoever will get those beautiful flowers,” she said. “Yes, shes special.” And then to my embarrassment, the words kept 24 out. “Its only our second date, but 25 Im just having the feeling that shes the one.” 26 , I added, “The only problem is that I cant figure out 27 shed want to date a guy like me.” “Well, I think shes 28 to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is 29 in love with her,” the woman said. “My husband used to bring me flowers every week even when times were 30 and we didnt have much money. He was romantic and I 31 him since hes passed away.”I paid for my 32 as she was gathering up her groceries. “You were right. Those flowers are indeed for a special lady. Have a wonderful evening!” I 33 her the flowers and thanked her for such a nice chat. It took her a moment to 34 that I was giving her the flowers. As I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers, my heart 35 .16. A. take outB. break upC. hold outD. pick up17. A. taughtB. punishedC. foundD. swung18. A. behindB. besideC. beforeD. above19. A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. dawn20. A. changeB. conversationC. helpD. problem21. A. lookedB. noddedC. shoutedD. smiled22. A. offeredB. refusedC. returnedD. bought23. A. lovelyB. successfulC. seriousD. special24. A. workingB. ingC. burningD. making25. A. somehowB. anywhereC. insteadD. therefore26. A. JokinglyB. GenerallyC. StrangelyD. Surprisingly27. A. whenB. whatC. whichD. why28. A. kindB. funny C. lucky D. friendly29. A. hardlyB. roughly C. obviouslyD. fortunately30. A. smoothB. hardC. simpleD. happy31. A. knowB. missC. trustD. appreciate32. A. sweetsB. vegetablesC. flowersD. books33. A. handed B. borrowedC. sentD. lent34. A. imagineB. supposeC. notice D. realize35. A. beat B. warmedC. sankD. burst第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ANorman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. But now,Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night.The doctors told him that they did not know how to cure his problem and he might never get over the illness. However, Mr. Cousins refused to give up hope. He thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He didnt want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that 10 minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. After that Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for exercise.After a few months, Mr. Cousins returned to work. He had laughed himself back to health.36. This passage mainly tells us that_.A. laughter can cure illness B. Mr. Cousins was a funny manC. medicine cannot cure strange illness D. we can keep fit by watching TV37. Why did Mr. Cousins get a strange and serious illness? A.He never did exercise. B. He got too tired from his work. C.He liked traveling a lot. D. He enjoyed working very much.38. What did he think could cure his illness?A. Traveling around the world on business. B. Good medicine and enough sleep.C. Happy thoughts and laughter. D. Plenty of physical training.39. We can infer from the text that Mr. Cousins experiment is _.A. valuable B. expensiveC. a waste of time D. just a jokeBPeople say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive carelessly up and down Americas main streets. And at least some of the time those things are true. But we shouldnt forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.I watched such a moment not long ago at a womans funeral which happened in a church. A teenage grandson stepped forward. Softly he began: “I want to share a few values that Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would attack her, what would Nana say? Oh, what beautiful markings that dog has. That was Nana.”“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for Grandpas career,” he said, with a voice now trembling. “That was Nanas way.”Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, “Nana taught me courage. She put up a fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nanas way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner.”There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they havent learned to be controlled. When that boy rose to speak about the woman who had been his dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide. I was moved and learned a lot.40. We can learn from the first paragraph that_.A. young people should keep quiet B. young people are living a happy lifeC. people dont think well of teenagers D. people shouldnt forget teenagers41. According to the boys speech, we know his grandmother _.A. could see everything well when she was oldB. was a weak woman relying on his grandpaC. had a great effect on the boy when she was aliveD. liked dogs very much even if they often attacked her42. It can be inferred from the passage that the boy _.A. practiced a lot to give a moving speechB. had difficulty in accepting the loss of NanaC. was so sad that he forgot to finish his talkD. was brave enough to drag people out43. The purpose of the writer is to tell us _.A. adults could learn something valuable from the youngB. adults should help the young to deal with the deathC. young people should learn to face difficultiesD. young people have learned to control themselves CTalk Now Learn Arabic Special Price: $29.99 Regular Price: $45.00It is the worlds bestselling language learning CDROM series for beginners because it gets results fast. Used by more than two million people,its innovative(创新的)and fun learning methods give you the key words you want and the help you need to remember them. Ideal for travelers,holidaymakers,business people,students and families.Talk Now SUPER BUNDLEEnglish(US) Special Price: $109.00 Regular Price: $217.95It is designed for people who want to learn a language quickly. Its fun,fast,and makes learning easy. If you dont have time to bee fluent,but need the basics in a hurry,it is for you.Word Translator 25 Languages Special Price: $29.95 Regular Price: $99.95This special release has Bosnian,Bulgarian,British English,Croatian,Czech,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,French,German,Greek,Hungarian,Icelandic,Italian,Latin,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian,Serbian,Slovenian,Spanish and Swedishto/from American English.Kingsoft Power World xx Chinese English Special Price: $74.95 Regular Price: $120.00It is designed for people learning or practicing Chinese at all levels. For beginners,it guides you word by word through Pinyin,pronunciations,Chinese characters,phrases,cultures,translations,etc. For professionals,it provides the most prehensive Chinese,English and Japanese dictionaries,and reference sources that cover all areas with its easy to use interface for all of your study.For more information please click here!44. If you are a translator,which of the following is the most helpful to you?A. Talk Now Learn Arabic.B. Word Translator 25 Languages.C. Talk Now SUPER BUNDLEEnglish(US).D. Kingsoft Power World xx Chinese English.45. How much will you pay at least, if you buy two products now?A. $59.94. B. $74.99. C. $59.54. D. $74.95.46. Which is TRUE about Kingsoft Power Word xx Chinese English?A. It costs professionals $120.00 at present.B. Its for Chinese who want to learn English. C. It is suitable for both beginners and professionals.D. It provides Japanese and Russian dictionaries.47. The passage is most probably taken from _.A. a report B. a novel C. a textbook D. a website DMore than half of rich Americans have not shown their full wealth to their children, a new survey showed last Tuesday.The survey, published by the Bank of America, studied the rich with $ 3 million or more in assets(资产). It found that “surprisingly few of those surveyed have well-developed plans to pass on their assets to their children.”The majority of the 457 people surveyed are self-made, first-generation rich. Fifty-two percent of parents have chosen not to tell their children just how wealthy they are, and 15 percent have given away nothing about the family wealth. One in three parents said they had never thought to do it.They are worried that their children would bee lazy, spend money freely, make bad decisions and even bee a target for gold diggers.Only 34 percent strongly agreed that their children would be able to handle the assets they plan to leave them.“There is an expectation about the wealthy parents that they have a responsibility to pass down their fortune to the next generation,” said Sallie Krawcheck, president of the Bank of America Globai Wealth and Investment Management. “Our research, however, uncovered changing views of what one generation owe (欠) the next.”The trend(趋势) is led by the worlds richest man Bill Gates, who promised in xx that he would leave his $58 billion fortune to the charity started by him and his wife , the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and not to his children.“We want to give it back to society in the way that it will have the most effect,” he said.Of his plans for his children, Gates said: “I will give the kids some money but not a meaningful percentage they will need to work but they will feel reasonably taken care of.”48. According to the survey, most rich Americans _.A. think they should give their children nothing B. are confident of their childrens bright futureC. are willing to tell their children what they haveD. doubt their childrens ability to handle wealth 49. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 6 refers to_.A. free children B. rich parents C. most Americans D. Bill Gates and his wife50. From the last paragraph, we can see that Bill Gates wants to show_.A. the way of giving back to societyB. the effect on passing down wealthC. the joy of taking good care of his childrenD. the importance of independence for children第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A boy left his home to find the Bird of Happiness. He wanted it to bring warmth, flowers, trees and grass to the bare, cold, snow-covered mountains where he lived. 51 The monster asked him where he was going. The boy told him. “Ill tell you where it is,” the monster replied, “but first you must kill someone for me. If you wont, then Ill blow to the road through my beard and make it disappear.” 52 The boy continued his journey across sharp rocks and soon his feet sore and bleeding from cuts.Then he met a monster with a brown beard. “Ill tell you where the Bird of Happiness is,” the monster said, “but first you must poison someone for me. If you wont, then Ill blow to the road through my beard and turn it into a desert.”The boy refused to obey the monster. 53 Before long, the boy was weak with hunger and thirst. Then he met a monster with a white beard. “Ill tell you where the Bird of Happiness is,” the monster said, “but first you must blind someone for me. If you wont, then Ill blow to you through my beard and blind you.” The boy refused to obey the monster. It immediately blew to him and blinded him. The boy continued on his journey, but he was crawling now. At last, he reached the top of the mountain where the Bird of Happiness lived. 54 Then the Bird touched his eyes and he could see again. The Bird fed him, built up his strength and carried him home.As soon as the Bird of Happiness landed in the boys village, the countryside all around turned green. That was all because the brave boy brought the Bird of Happiness home to them. 55 A. The monster took away the boys water and food bags.B. Before long, he met a monster with a black beard.C. It immediately blew to the road and turned it into a desert.D. The boy agreed, so the monster told him the Birds home.E. Everywhere flowers and other plants grew and everyone lived in peace.F. The boy refused, so the monster blew to the road and made it disappear.G. He lay before the Bird, near death like all the others who had looked for it.第卷(共35分)第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除: 把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Zhang Hua,Im glad to hear that you want to study abroad. Let me tell you what kind Chinese students are preferred in foreign universities. As far as me know, the language ability is necessarily, which helps you municate with others and makes it easier for you to understood the courses. However, you should have the ability to adapt quickly to the new environment. Whats more, your interest is valued as well, for it have a lot to do with the success. Last but not least, those whom are willing to shoulder social responsibility are especially respect and weled. This is some of my advices, and I hope it can be of some help to you. May you succeed! Best wishes and good luck. Yours, Mike第二节 书面表达(满分25分)目前你校在使用小组合作学习方式。假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友Tim 写一封email,介绍这种学习方式的优点,内容主要包括:1学习主动, 积极参与活动;2互相讨论,共同解决问题;3懂得了团队合作的重要性;4你最大的收获。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 4. 参考词汇:合作 teamwork n.Dear Tim,How are you getting on with your study? Recently, our school has carried out group- centered learning method. Now Ill introduce the advantages of it to you._ _Yours, Li Hua

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