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上海新世纪版初中英语八年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(2)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空 Dear Mr. Smith,Im a middle school student in Shanghai. My parents are1with me, so they make lots of 2for me at home. I have to get up 35:40 every morning. I have to4English for an hour before breakfast. I cant play with my friends after school, 5I have to get home early. In the evening, I cant go out. I have to do my homework and then6the piano for two hours. I have no time to7. On weekends, two tutors(家教)come to my home. They8me with my Math and English. I am really not 9with all these rules. I never have fun at home. 10can I do?Please help me.Yours,Zhang(1)A . strict B . good C . right D . same (2)A . clothes B . food C . rules D . work (3)A . in B . on C . to D . at (4)A . listen B . read C . look D . talk (5)A . but B . also C . because D . so (6)A . buy B . find C . clean D . practice (7)A . speak B . fight C . relax D . wear (8)A . teach B . help C . learn D . call (9)A . sorry B . healthy C . busy D . happy (10)A . Where B . What C . Who D . When 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分)阅读理解 In ancient China, a woman told the best stories. She married an emperor(皇帝).Sadly, one day, this woman became ill and died. Everyone thought the emperor would soon find another favourite among his wives, but the emperor was very sad. He spent more and more time in his garden, and less and less time caring for the needs of his people. Everyone in the kingdom was worried.One day, a priest(牧师)passed when some children were playing with their dolls. The dolls made dancing shadows on the wall. This gave the priest an idea. He knew the stories the emperors wife used to tell. What if he could bring those stories to life?The priest made a puppet(木偶)out of bits of clay(黏土).He painted the puppet to look somewhat like the emperors wife. When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked into the emperors garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curtain. He placed the curtain near the emperors chair. He placed his candle, his puppet and himself behind the curtain. He waited for the emperor to appear.The emperor did not even notice the curtain at first. The dancing shadow drew his eyes. As the priest moved the puppet behind the curtain, he told wonderful stories as the emperors wife. It seemed as if his wife had been spending time with him. The emperor was no longer sad. At the end of each busy day, the emperor went into his garden to visit his shadow wife and hear her stories once again. That is how shadow puppets first began.(1)Why did everyone in the kingdom feel worried? A . Because the emperor was too sad to care about his country.B . Because the emperor couldnt hear the stories any more.C . Because the emperors wife died.D . Because the emperor always stayed in his garden.(2)How did the priest get a good idea? A . From the curtain.B . From the wall.C . From the shadow of dolls.D . From the dance.(3)What did the priest do to make the emperor NOT sad? A . He played the puppet to draw the emperors attention.B . He told the stories that the emperors wife had told by playing the puppet.C . He could tell wonderful stories like the emperors wife.D . He could tell more wonderful stories than the emperors wife.(4)Which of the following is NOT needed to play a shadow puppet? A . The priest.B . The candle.C . The curtain.D . The clay.3. (10分)阅读理解 You Are What You EatKeeping better eating habits can help you reduce(减少) disease. A healthy eating plan means choosing the right food to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way.Do you often change your toothbrush? Maybe you think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. You should often change your toothbrush.ExerciseSwimming, running, skating, skiing, dancing, walking and some other activities can help you keep healthy. You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it.Plan Out Your LifeYou should have breakfast before you go to school. Have a proper(合适的) meal for lunch. Follow a healthy diet.(1)Whats the best title(标题) for the second paragraph? A . Mans DiseaseB . DiseaseC . Watch the Toothbrush(2)You should exercise at least a week. A . an hourB . twenty minutesC . half an hour(3)From the passage, we know can help us keep healthy. A . proper dietB . sleep and exerciseC . proper diet and exercise(4)Whats the passage mainly about? A . Healthy foodB . Healthy lifestyle(生活方式)C . Healthy sports(5)What does a healthy eating plan mean? A . Choosing the right foodsB . Cooking the foods in a healthy wayC . Both A and B(6)Whats the best title(标题) for the second paragraph? A . Mans DiseaseB . DiseaseC . Watch the Toothbrush(7)You should exercise at least a week. A . an hourB . twenty minutesC . half an hour(8)From the passage, we know can help us keep healthy. A . proper dietB . sleep and exerciseC . proper diet and exercise(9)What does a healthy eating plan mean? A . Choosing the right foodsB . Cooking the foods in a healthy wayC . Both A and B(10)Whats the passage mainly about? A . Healthy foodB . Healthy lifestyle(生活方式)C . Healthy sports(11)Whats the best title(标题) for the second paragraph? A . Mans DiseaseB . DiseaseC . Watch the Toothbrush(12)You should exercise at least a week. A . an hourB . twenty minutesC . half an hour(13)From the passage, we know can help us keep healthy. A . proper dietB . sleep and exerciseC . proper diet and exercise(14)What does a healthy eating plan mean? A . Choosing the right foodsB . Cooking the foods in a healthy wayC . Both A and B4. (10分)阅读理解 Long long ago, there was a spider. She found a beautiful farm. She liked the farm and decided to live there forever.One day, the spider caught a little bug. When the spider ate it,the bug said, If you let me go, I will tell you an important thing. The thing will save your life. The spider stopped and listened.The little bug said, Youd better get out of the farm. The harvest is coming! If you stay here, you will be killed by the farmers machine.But the spider didnt listen to the bug and ate it for lunch. The next day when she was sleeping, the farmer came to have a harvest. The spider was killed by the machine.(1)The bug tried to get free by . A . running in the webB . telling the spider some important newsC . playing against the spiderD . turning to his friend for help(2)The bug asked the spider . A . to catch the farmerB . to stay at homeC . to leave the farmD . to move to the farm(3)After reading the passage, we know that the spider . A . let the bug goB . thanked the bugC . lived with the bugD . ate the bug(4)Whats best title for the passage? A . A Silly SpiderB . A Brave BugC . A Kind FarmerD . A Beautiful Farm5. (10分)阅读理解 I have been in China for eight months. Every time I want to stay on the grass, the board Stay away from the grass makes me feel strange. In the UK, people can always get closest to the green in the fields of wild grass, schools, even nice national parks. The British think its a very common thing. If its a sunny day, people will sit on a bed of grass and get them relaxed in the sun. This gives you the chance to listen to the nature around you. Maybe its a bird singing to another, or the wind that brings you cool air. Also, in most schools, grass fields are a natural study desk for students to read books and learn. Or students can just talk, laugh and play on them. Sometimes families love spending their weekends on the grass in parks. There, families can set up a picnic and children can play games with each other. However, you need to remember one thing when you enjoy the green grass. In some parks, there are different grasslands for people to relax and play sports on. If people want to relax, theyd better choose the right field, or they may feel the strong power of a football!(1)The writer feels _ when he sees the board Stay away from the grass. A . interestingB . strangeC . relaxedD . terrible(2)For students in British schools, grass fields are like a _. A . study deskB . national parkC . comfortable bedD . football field(3)Families in the UK like _ on the grass. A . getting warm airB . having a tea partyC . having a picnicD . playing with birds(4)The passage mainly talks about _. A . the power of a footballB . the green grass at schoolC . taking care of the grasslandD . how people enjoy the green grass三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词 closely player nervous teammates all our won heating about wantsIm the only girl on a baseball team. You might think it is terrible but really its fun. I love playing baseball. All of my _are like family to me. We all support (支持) each other. For example, when I pick up my bat and get ready to hit during a big game, sometimes I get _. But my teammates will pat (轻拍) me on the back and call my name. They call me Big Mama. When I hear their voices, I feel confident. Theyre my friends, even if they are _boys.Ive been playing baseball for six years. _coach is also my dad. We practise every day at the park near our house. My dad is strict and_us to do our best.I take advice he gives me and bring it to my game. Last year, my team _a championship (锦标). But its not always _winning. He also tells us to just smile and have fun. We love to get ice cream after practice. Every year, baseball brings me and my dad_.Some people say girls cant play baseball. _that doesnt get me mad. Instead, it makes me play harder. I want to be known for being a good _, not just for being the girl. If youre a girl who wants to play baseball, I say go for it!四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)Green_(茶) is a popular drink in China. 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)Why dont you _ (go) to the movies with us? 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)从方框中选择适当的选项完成短文(其中有一项多余)。 Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who worked very hard every day. He had a son and his name was Herman. The old man saved some money and sent his son to university. _But the money that the father gave his son ran out after two years and Herman had to come back home. The old man had no more money. Herman said he would stay and work with his father. The next day Herman went to the forest with his father. Though he had never done such work before, he worked well. _Herman took his bread and said he would go a little farther into the forest. Herman was so happy with the bright sunshine that he walked and walked. Suddenly he heard a voice, Let me out! Let me out!_There was something in the bottle that looked like a small budworm(青虫). It jumped up and down shouting, Let me out!As soon as Herman opened the bottle, it jumped out of the bottle and began to grow. _Thank you, young man, he said. Now its my turn to help you. The giant gave Herman a piece of cloth(布). It is unusual, said the giant. Put it on a stone, and it will turn the stone into gold. Herman ran back to his father with the unusual cloth. _Also, Herman went back to university to learn more. Years later, he became a famous doctor in town. A. Thanks to it, they became rich and began to live a comfortable life. B. Herman thanked the giant for the present and returned to his father. C. Three hours later his father asked him to stop to have dinner. D. Herman looked down and saw a green bottle under a tree. E. In a minute it stood in front of Herman like a giant(巨人). F. Herman worked hard and learned a lot of things. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)书面表达2016年政府再次“倡导全民阅读建设书香社会”。各学校也都开展“书香校园”读书系列活动。请拟一份发言稿,分享你的课外阅读体会并给出阅读建议,内容包括以下要点:1)选:选有用的书,不读太难的书;读:随身携带,抽空就读;说:读后与同学讨论:不理解的地方,向同学请教;写:考生自拟(至少一点);2)寒假期间多阅读中英文小说;每年读完8本;3)希望大家都能享受阅读带来的快乐。注意: 1)词数80字左右。短文的开头己为你写好,不计入总词数;2)短文须包括所有要点,不逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺。3)短文中不要出现具体的学校、姓名等任何个人信息。4)小说-novelsAs we all know, reading makes a full man. I like reading very much.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、3-6、3-7、3-8、3-9、3-10、3-11、3-12、3-13、3-14、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)8-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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