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xx-2019学年高一英语下学期第二次段考试题1. 试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。2. 请将各题答案填在试卷后面的答题卡上。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the two speakers going to buy? A. Bread. B. Cheese. C. Eggs.2. How does the woman find the fish? A. Just so-so. B. Bad. C. Quite good.3. What does the woman mean? A. Mark should go on with the game. B. Mark should draw pictures on the puter. C. Mark should review his lessons.4. Where does the conversation take place? A. In the bookstore. B. In the library. C. In the classroom.5. Why doesnt Jane eat her chocolate cake? A. She doesnt like chocolate. B. She has trouble with her tooth. C. She has no tooth.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. In which department can this conversation most probably take place? A. Shoe Department. B. Clothing Department. C. Jewelry Department.7. What could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat? A. The color. B. The size. C. The price.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What can the woman be? A. A waitress at a hotel. B. The secretary of Mr. Black. C. The assistant of Professor Green.9. How could the man get in touch with Mr. Green? A. Ask the woman to find the Blackwood Hotel. B. Dial 809. C. Dial 114 to find the telephone number of the Blackwood Hotel.10. Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar? A. To pay for the information. B. To make a phone call. C. To go to the hotel by bus.请听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。11. What is the man doing? A. Selling his house. B. Looking for a house. C. Looking for work.12. How long has the woman lived in the house? A. 19 years. B. 8 years. C. 20 years.13. Why does the woman want to sell the house? A. She wants to move abroad. B. She wants to move to the countryside. C. She hopes to get a lot of money.14. How much does the house cost? A. $6,850. B. $6,815. C. $7,850.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Husband and wife. 16. How did the woman find her stay there? A. Boring. B. Wonderful. C. Adventurous.17. What does the man advise the woman to do when she gets home? A. Send him an email. B. Write a letter to him. C. Give him a call.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How old was Rose when she left school? A. 16. B. 17. C. 18. 19. What did Rose learn in the college? A. puter. B. English. C. Typing.20. How much will the office pay Rose in three months if she gets the job? A. $30. B. $27. C. $20.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADiscovering the beauty of the science and math that shape our everyday lives, an experience in WonderLab will fuel your imagination and inspire you to see the world around you in new and exciting ways. e and enjoy yourself! What to see Spread across seven different zones, therere loads of opportunities to get hands on with real scientific phenomena. Observe live experiments at our Chemistry Bar, see lightning strike before your eyes, play with forces on giant slides or travel through space under a canopy (苍穹) of stars. You can also take part in explosive science demonstrations led by our talented team of explainers. With 50 mind-blowing wonders of science to enjoy, WonderLab is an experience unlike any other. Besides, a selection of shows will be performed daily in WonderLabs beautiful new show space. They are free of charge and last 20 minutes. Tickets Day pass:6 per person. This ticket gives you day-long access to WonderLab, perfect whether youre planning a special trip to the Museum or simply passing through London and want to feed your curiosity. Annual pass:10 per person. For less than the price of two visits, give yourself a year packed full of wonder, curiosity and breathtaking experiences. Opening times Open seven days a week, 10:00 18:00 (last entry 17:15). WonderLab will be closed on December 24,25 and 26 and will be open as usual from December 27. During school holidays our opening hours are 10:0019:00 (last entry 18:15). Please note that in peak periods (from midday onwards) we are experiencing long queues due to the gallerys popularity. 21What can you do in WonderLab? AExplore stars. BProduce lighting. CJoin in explosion shows. DDo chemistry experiments.22How much should two visitors pay if they visit WonderLab and enjoy the shows for one day? A12. B20. C32. D40. 23When can you enter WonderLab? A9:30 on December 23. B18:30 on school holidays. C11:00 on Christmas. D10:30 on December 28 24.What is the purpose of the text? ATo introduce WonderLab. BTo attract people to WonderLab. CTo explain how WonderLab works. DTo explain why WonderLab is attractive. BWinter is dangerous for drivers because its so difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take place easily. Bad weather can be waiting to meet you. Ice might be hiding under the snow, waiting to send you off the road. The car ing towards you might suddenly move across the road. Here are two rules for driving safely on icy roads: Rule Number One is to drive smoothly. Irregular movements can make a car very difficult to manage. So each time you either turn the wheel, touch the brake or increase your speed, you must be as gentle and slow as possible. Just imagine you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat next to you. You should drive carefully enough in order that you wouldnt get the coffee out of the cup. Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice there is, the farther you have to look down the road. Test how long it takes to stop by gently braking. Remember that you may be driving more quickly than you think. Generally speaking, allow double your normal stopping distance when the road is wet, three times this distance on snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all times, or you will get into trouble.25. Driving in winter is dangerous because _.A. drivers usually have too much coffee B. people drive three times faster than usualC. unexpected things may often happen D. people drive more gently and slowly26.Rule Number One mainly tells us _.A. to drive fast on snowy roads B. to increase the driving speedC. to manage your car irregularly D. to drive smoothly on icy roads27.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. Winter Driving B. Careless Driving C. Traffic Accidents D. Bad Weather28.Why does the writer mention “a full cup of hot coffee” in paragraph 2?A. To enjoy the driving with a cup of coffee. B. To explain the importance of careful and smooth driving. C. Because drinks are important for drivers. D. Because he wants drivers to have a rest.C“Her grades are fine; Im not worried about that, but she just doesnt seem to love learning any more,” Alices mum said. Shes absolutely right. Id noticed the same thing about her daughter over the previous two or three years when Id beenAlices middle school English, Latin, and writing teacher, and I have an answer, right there on the tip of my tongue, to what has gone wrong. Yet Im torn between my responsibility to help Alice and the uncertainty whether this mother is ready to hear what I have to say. The truth for this parent and so many others is this: Herchild has sacrificed her natural curiosity and love of learning atthe altar (圣坛) of achievement, and its our fault. Alicesparents, her teachers, society at large we are all supposed to be blamed in this crime against learning. From her first day of school, we pointed her toward that altar and trained her to measure her progress by means of points, scores, and awards. We taught Alice that her potential is tied to her intellect (智力), and that her intellect is more important than her character. We taught her to e home proudly bearing grade As, championship prizes, and college acceptance, and not on purpose, we taught her that we dont really care how she obtains them. We taught her to protect her academic(学业的,学术的) and extracurricular (课外的)perfection at all costs and that its better to quit when things get challenging rather than risk losing that perfect record. Above all else, we taught her to fear failure. That fear is what has destroyed her love of learning. 29. Both the mother and the author have noticed that _. AAlice hates to tell them the truth BAlices test scores are not so good CAlice chooses several subjects to learn DAlice doesnt enjoy studying any more 30. What does the underlined word “torn” mean in the passage? APained to choose. BGuilty to quit. CTired to manage. DCertain to decide. 31. What leads to the girls change? AA few failure experiences. BFear of failing to get good grades. CHer mothers overprotection. DHer not being accepted by colleges.DEnjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater. These days, musicians are performing in private homes, at haircutting shops, at airports.even on ferry boats. Musicians like house concerts. At music clubs, they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol. People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music. Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the O Hair Salon, Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials. Then, they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space. The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon, near the hair dryers and make-up table. This is our first show at a hair salon, Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last weeks performance. Frank said she and band members Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time interacting with the audience. Concerts in peoples homes, or small businesses such as O Hairs, are being more popular, musicians say. There is a more relaxed atmosphere, said Domenic Cicala, a musician who opened up his O Hair Salon to concerts. People really get to know the artists. At house concerts, people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers. Often, the hosts or guests will provide food and drink. People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend, said Matt Hart, with Aubrey Zoli making up Local Strangers, a folk-rock group based in Seattle. At many such concerts, the musicians do not need microphones. Yet, every word of their songs can be heard. 32.Why do musicians like house concerts? A. Because private homes are easier to get to. B. Because people pay more attention to their music. C. Because they can do other things while performing. D. Because they dont have to bring their microphones. 33.What impressed Sarah Frank most at her last weeks performance? A. The small performance space. B. Her first show at a hair salon. C. Their interacting with the audience. D. The more relaxed atmosphere. 34.How many music groups are mentioned in the text? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 35.What may be the best title for the text? A. Musicians struggle to make a living B. People really get to know the artists C. Musicians find new places to perform D. Concertgoers wont go to music clubs第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People who are accustomed to setting goals are extremely successful in all aspects of their lives. Do you want to bee one of them? Then, start setting your goals now. Heres how you can do that. Know the things you would like to achieve. Get a pen and paper. Then, find a place where you can be alone and where you can think clearly. _36_ Think of those things that youve always wanted but are unable to pursue. Write your goals where you can see them every day. Write them in a form of positive, encouraging statement. For example, you can say “Ill eat less meat and eat more vegetables and fruit for the next several days to lose at least 1 kg this week. _37_” _38_ Figure out all the things that you can do to realize your goals. For example, if you want to make more money without sacrificing your family time, you can think about starting your own business. _39_ You may need to go back to school to get the needed information or to acquire the needed skills and resources. _40_ As crazy as it may sound, there are so many people who want things that will not do them any good. If you want to be successful and happy at the same time, go for something that will help you bee a better person, a better husband or wife, a better parent, and a better employee. ADo something to realize your goals. BEveryone can benefit from setting goals. CHow can I set a practical goal for my study? DThen, ask yourself: what do I need to start a business? EAt the end of the month, I will make myself look slimmer. FEnsure that your goals will help you bee a better person. GList things that you would like to achieve for the next few years.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My daughter(now 18)was born with a hemangioma tumor (血管瘤) by her eye. At first it was small, and hardly _41_. After five months,it became the _42_ of a coin. _43_ I took her out,people could not help_44_ ments on her.“Who hit her?”,“Is that a bug bite?” I never could think of a(n) _45_ response for these people. I was _46_ to be kind and understanding,and thought that other people had also been taught these _47_.One day I was at the _48_,with my 3-year-old son and my daughter. A woman _49_ me,I thought I might hear_50_ embarrassing (令人窘迫的)again. She said that God must not have wanted my daughter to _51_ him,as he left her with a _52_.She went on to say that_53_ with these kisses were always surrounded by angels. I was astonished. What a _54_,more loving approach to someone with a problem! My daughter will _55_ from High School this year. She is beautiful. Her early years were spent in and out of _56_. Finally the tumor was removed,because it _57_ her vision. It is not noticeable _58_ in the bright sun. She spent this year as the dance scholar for our school. She danced for 4 years on our dance-drill team. She had _59_ many scholarships. Her life is wonderful. The woman in the mall made me a better parent. Perhaps, this story will help make someone else a better_60_ , too.41A. noticeable Bbearable Crecognized Daccepted 42A. colour Bweight Csize Dwidth 43A. One day BEvery time CLater DRecently 44A. make Bmaking Cto make Dmade 45A. exact Bappropriate Crude Dpractical 46A. learned Bbrought Cconsidered Dtaught 47A. qualities Bprinciples Cquestions Dopinions 48A. party Boffice Cmall Dmeeting 49A. came up to Bsaw Cappreciated Dcalled 50A. anything Bnothing Csomething Dit 51A. understand Bleave Chate Dremember 52A. scar Bkiss Cmark Dsign 53A. mothers Bgods Cfaces Dbabies 54A. stranger Bcleverer Ckinder Dhappier 55A. develop Bsucceed Cgraduate Dimprove 56A. hospitals Bschools Cillness Dsight 57A. blocked Bstopped Cinjured Ddeepened 58A. despite Bexcept Calthough Dbecause 59A. given Bproved Cleft Dreceived 60A. child Bparent Cfather Dmother 第卷第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。A woman suddenly _61_ (go) blind in one eye after playing a mobile phone game for a whole week in Guangdong province last month. The unnamed woman admitted to 62 (regular) playing the game for seven or eight hours without moving and finally lost 63 (she) right eyesight.The game, Arena of Valor, _ 64 _ (know) as Honor of Kings, has bee hugely popular in China and is due to be released across the US and Europe. Being 65 worlds most popular online battle game, it already has over 200 million players in China.The battle game 66 (put)together a team of five players who have to fight others in a fantasy land filled 67 characters , and players can buy extra features while playing. The eye injury follows a series of_ 68 _ (incident). In June, a child in Shenzhen stole 30,000 yuan from his parents to buy equipment, and a 13-year-old in Hangzhou, severely injured his legs after jumping from a five-storey building to escape from his father 69 _ was trying to stop him from playing. In a country in which 60 percent of the population have a smart-phone, the game has been highly 70 (success), partly because it is free to play.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。请按下列要求改正:增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 I still remember the day when I e to this new school. Everything was new to me, what made me realize I was no longer a small child. I had to depend on me. Luckily, I made several good friend. Their interests were similar with mine. I had great English teacher, Maggie. She let me know the important of English. So I decided to learn English hardly. Although it was very difficult at first, but with the help of my teacher, I made rapidly progress. Just as the old saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友George来信询问你家乡的家庭旅馆(household hotels)的情况,打算今年暑假在这种旅馆住一段时间。请你给他回信介绍, 具体内容如下:注意: 1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容, 可以适当增加细节, 使其连贯;住宿费单人间每天30元;双人间每人每天20元; 餐费餐费每人每天20元,和住户主人一家一起吃中餐,有菜单,可点菜,也可以自己做饭。活动海水浴、游泳、登山,不付工资的温室劳动(自愿) 说明补充近距离了解中国,还可以感受到家庭气氛 2. 词数:100左右; 分宜中学xx下学期高一年级第二次段考英语参考答案听力理解:1-5 CCCAB 6-10 BCACB 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BCBCA阅读理解:21-24 CADB 25-28 CDAB 29-31 DAB 32-35 BCBC 36-40 GEADF完型填空:41-45 ACBBB 46-50 DACAC 51-55 BBDCC 56-60 AABDB语法填空:61. went 62. regularly 63. her 64. known 65. the66. puts 67. with 68. incidents 69. who/that 70. successful短文改错I still remember the day when I e to this new school. Everything was new to cameme, what made me realize I was no longer a small child. I had to depend on whichme. Luckily, I made several good friend. Their interests were similar with myself friends tomine. I had great English teache


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