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TheSimplePresentTense一般现在时 二班第一小组 张安楠王颖苏晨王天琪潘小涛 用动词的适当形式填空1 Weoften play ontheplayground 2 He get upatsixo clock 3 you brush yourteetheverymorning 5 Danny study English Chinese Maths ScienceandArtatschool 6 Mikesometimes go totheparkwithhissister play gets Do brush studies goes 一般现在时 TheSimplePresentTense 1 表示现在的状态 e g Heistwelve Sheisatwork 2 表经常或习惯性的动作 e g Igetupat6 30everyday HeoftengoestotheEnglishcorner 3 表主语具备的性格和能力等 e g Shelikesnoodles TheyspeakFrench 4 普遍真理和自然规律 e g Twoplusfourissix Themoongoesaroundtheearth 指示一般现在时的时间短语1 频度副词 sometimes 有时 often always 总是 usually 通常 seldom never 决不 2 inthemorning afternoon evening3 everyday morning 4 onSundays 星期日 be动词的一般现在时的句式 肯定句 主语 be 表语 n adj 等 e g Heisaworker Youarethirteen Theyareintheclassroom 否定句 主语 be not 表语e g Heisnotaworker Youaren tthirteen Theyaren tintheclassroom 一般疑问句 Be 主语 表语 e g Isheaworker Yes heis No heisn t Aretheyintheclassroom Yes theyare No theyaren t 特殊疑问句 疑问词 be 主语 e g Whatishe Howoldareyou Wherearethey Filltheblanks1 I ateacher 2 She threeyearsold 3 She astudent 4 They intheclassroom 5 heapoliceman Yes No am is is not are not Is he is he isn t 实义动词 第一人称 二人称 三人称复数 的一般现在时句式 肯定句 主语 I We You They v 其他 e g Westudyinahighschool Theyhaveapet 否定句 主语 I We You They do not v 其他 e g Wedon tstudyinahighschool Theydon thaveapet 一般疑问句 Do 主语 I we you they v 其他 e g Doyoustudyinahighschool Dotheyhaveapet Filltheblanks 1 We intheschool study 2 They alotofmoney have 3 I muchmoney nothave 4 They intheschool notstudy 5 you anywater Yes No study have don t have don t study Do have I do I don t 肯定句 主语 He She It v s es 其他 e g Hestudiesinahighschool Lucyhasapet 否定句 主语 He She It does not v 其他 e g Hedoesn tstudyinahighschool Lucydoesn thaveapet 一般疑问句 Does 主语 he she it V 其他 e g Doeshestudyinahighschool DoesLucyhaveapet 实义动词 第三人称单数 的一般现在时句式 Filltheblanks1 He TVfor16hourseveryday 2 Lily upatsixo clockeverymorning 3 She muchmoney nothave 4 Tom inthisschool notstudy 5 he acomputer Yes No watches gets doesn t have doesn t study Does have he does he doesn t Let scorrect Igoestoschoolatsixeveryday Hedon tlikeplayingfootball 3 Theylikesplayinggames 4 HewatchesTVintheevening 5 Doesheusuallyhasaparty 6 WhatdotheyonSunday 7 Tonygoesalwaystoschoolateighto clock 8 Whattheyeatintheparty 9 Lilyhaveslunchatschool 10 Whatdohisparentsusuallygiveshim go doesn t like watches have do are has give Let spractise IspeakEnglish 2 Welikemaths 3 TheygoswimmingonSundays 4 Hegetsupveryearly 5 Thepandaeatsbamboo 1 将下列句子改成否定句 一般疑问句并回答 Idon tspeakEnglish DoyouspeakEnglish Yes Ido No Idon t Wedon tlikemaths Doyoulikemaths Yes wedo No wedon t Theydon tgoswimmingonSundays DotheygoswimmingonSundays Yes theydo No theydon t Hedoesn tgetupveryearly Doeshegetupveryearly Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Thepandadoesn teatbamboo Doesthepandaeatbamboo Yes itdoes No itdoesn t Let swrite 请你根据杰克的兴趣爱好 为杰克设想一个充满乐趣的星期天 包括早 中 晚 他都做了些什么 要求用一般现在时来写 字数8 10句 讲课完毕 谢谢您们的配合


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