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上海新世纪版初中毕业生学业考试英语预测卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)My son seldom has breakfast.It is unhealthy lifestyle. You must ask him to change it.A . /; anB . the; anC . the; a,D . /; a2. (2分)There _ lots of information in this book. Thats true. But most of it is in English.A . haveB . hasC . areD . is3. (2分) Why are you so interested in all the landscapes? Because its helpful to make my dream of being a(n) _ come true.A . singerB . artistC . professorD . musician4. (2分)-I have been to the moon twice.-You be joking! Its impossible!A . canB . mayC . mustD . need5. (2分)She will be a doctor_two months.A . afterB . onC . inD . at6. (2分)He donated his money to poor people, so we realized that he had a heart _ love.A . full ofB . is full ofC . fill withD . is filled with7. (2分)There _two basketball matches tonight.A . will haveB . are going to haveC . are going to beD . will be going to be8. (2分)They got up very early _ late A . to beB . in order not to beC . in order to beD . not to9. (2分)Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, QQ WeChat?A . andB . butC . orD . SO10. (2分)One of my friends moved to America, I miss her so much. A . hasB . haveC . are11. (2分) excellent basketball player Yi Jianlian is! I really love this talented guy. A . HowB . WhatC . How anD . What an12. (2分)What good news! Xiaogan West Station in Yunmeng in two years. A . buildsB . will buildC . is builtD . will be built13. (2分)This is the most beautiful park _ I have _ visited. A . which;everB . /; everC . that; neverD . /; never14. (2分)_does it take to get to the nearest supermarket?About half an hour on foot.A . How farB . How longC . How soonD . How often15. (2分)一We had a picnic on Sunday !一Send some photos to mepleaseA . Excuse meB . Im not sureC . Lets goD . It was great二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) One summer evening as I was caking dinner, there was a knock at the door. I1it and saw a truly bad-looking man. But his voice was2as he said, “Good evening. I come to see if you have a3for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and theres no bus till next morning.” He told me he had been hunting (寻找) but with no4. I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch (门廊). I went inside and prepared dinner. When we were ready, I asked him if he would like to 5us. “No, thank you. I have plenty.” When I had6the dinner, I went out to talk with him. It didnt take a long time to see that this old man had oversize heart crowded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to7his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury. At bedtime, we8a bed in the childrens room for him. On his next trip, as a gift, he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters (牡蛎) I had never seen. In the years he came to9overnight with us, and there was never a time he did not bring us some fish or vegetables from his garden.I know our family will always be thankful to have known him, from him we learn what it was to accept the bad without a complaint and the good10thanks. (1)A . felt B . opened C . repaired D . painted (2)A . boring B . angry C . scary D . pleasant (3)A . room B . bus C . television D . cake (4)A . success B . dinner C . job D . problem (5)A . call B . visit C . join D . invite (6)A . checked B . finished C . prepared D . cooked (7)A . provide B . fetch C . educate D . support (8)A . put B . planted C . covered D . discovered (9)A . help B . play C . work D . stay (10)A . from B . for C . with D . without 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)School Notice BoardLostA boys blue coat.Lost in the library.Contact(联系) Li Ming in Class 1, Grade 8.FoundIs this your black schoolbag?Found on the playground.Contact Wei Fang in Class 5, Grade 7.(1)Li Ming lost a blue _.A . coatB . hatC . scarf(2)Li Ming lost a blue _.A . coatB . hatC . scarf(3)Wei Fang found a black schoolbag _.A . in the dinning hallB . in the classroomC . on the playground(4)Wei Fang found a black schoolbag _.A . in the dinning hallB . in the classroomC . on the playground(5)Wei Fang is probably a student in _.A . Class 5, Grade 9B . Class 1, Grade 8C . Class 5, Grade 7(6)Wei Fang is probably a student in _.A . Class 5, Grade 9B . Class 1, Grade 8C . Class 5, Grade 7(7)The meeting will start at _.A . 3 pmB . 2:40 pmC . 2:20 pm(8)The meeting will start at _.A . 3 pmB . 2:40 pmC . 2:20 pm(9)The students in Grade 9 need to take pens and paper because _A . the meeting is very importantB . they have to make notes during the meetingC . they want to play with them in the meeting(10)The students in Grade 9 need to take pens and paper because _A . the meeting is very importantB . they have to make notes during the meetingC . they want to play with them in the meeting18. (10分)阅读理解The Nobel Prize are named after Alfred Nobel(1833-1896),a Swedish inventor and businessman During his lifetime, Alfred Nobel contributed to more than 350 inventions and setup 87 companies around the world. When he died, he left the largest part of this fortune, a total of 9 million, to be used to found the Nobel Prize. Now the prizes are given to the people in six areas: peace, literature(文学), physics, chemistry, medicine and economy.Winners can be individuals(个人) or organizations, the Red Cross, for example has won three times. Prizes are sometimes shared between up to three people. Prize winners receive a medal, a certificate(证书) and 10 million Swedish crowns. Generally those who win a Nobel Prize value the honor more than the money they receive.The youngest person ever to win a Nobel Prize was just 25 years old. He was Lawrence Bragg, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1915 together with his father. The oldest winner is Leonid. He won the Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007 when he was 90 years old.So far, more than ten Chinese people have won this great prize. The most recent ones are Mo Yan and Tu Youyou.(1)Alfred Nobel is a Swedish inventor and businessman. (2)Alfred left 9 million to found the Nobel Prizes. (3)The Nobel Prizes can only be given to only one person each time. (4)The Nobel Prize winners value the money they receive most. (5)The youngest winner is a Physicist who won the Prize alone. 四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)任务型阅读In fact there are lots of videos of school bullying online every year. We feel angry with the bullies and sorry for the victims in fights and blackmails. Some middle schools and primary schools in some far counties and villages are the worst-hit parts. Nearly half the victims of bullying in middle schools choose to stay silent rather than ask for help or ways to solve the problem, China Youth Daily reported.There is a study on junior middle school bullying made by the China Womens University. It showed that 48.9 percent of the students never asked for help after being bullied. And the study also told us 52.6 percent kept silent because they were afraid of “losing face among schoolmates”.The China Youth and Children Research Center made a survey of 5,864 primary and middle school percent of students suffered bullying, while 6.1 percent were often bullied by senior schoolmates.Cases of violence between boys and girls totaled 85 percent of all school bullying, the report said. Violence between girls accounted for as much as 32.5percent of the total. Unlike direct arguments usually seen between boys, the violence between girls more often took the form of insults, which terribly caused victims have strong feelings, it was added.A study published by the Beijing High Peoples Court showed that 68 percent of offenders attacked their schoolmates in a cruel manner and nearly 60 percent of school violence cases were caused by small matters, Legal Daily said.Earlier, Tang Jun of Renmin University of China told reporters that the social risks of school bullying have been given too little care. We should train our teachers to deal with school bullying, improve their skills of preventing it, and help the victim students to recover physically and mentally. At the same time, students and their parents should know the schools rules about bullying and what they should do if it happens. Second, children should be taught to stand up for themselves. They should try to solve problems by talking them out. Children should tell someone if they are being picked on. Third, parents should look for warning signs of bullying. We must pay more attention to it and try our best to solve it.(1)Why did so many victims choose to keep silent after being bullied? A . They seem to get over easily.B . Their parents dont care them.C . There is no use to tell the teacher.D . They dont want to lose their faces.(2)What does the word insult mean? A . laugh atB . cheatC . argueD . agree(3)This passage is written to tell us that_. A . Middle School Life.B . How to get along with others?C . The Bullying in Middle School.D . The relationship between middle students .(4)What should you do if school bullying happens to you?_五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)单词拼写根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。(1)She dressed h_quickly and went to school. (2)The boss was busy, so he told his secretary to attend the meeting i_of him. (3)I couldnt think out p_words to express my feeling. (4)He is used to c_the mountains on weekends. (5)I really feel n_before the exam. (6)S_, it began to rain heavily. And we all didnt have umbrellas. (7)I like n_of the cities. They are both crowded and noisy. (8)The waiter d_glass on the ground and it broke into pieces. (9)My brother has made a d_to be a teacher when he grows up. (10)Only a few students agreed to the plan. Most of them were strongly a_it. 六、 读写综合 (共2题;共30分)21. (25分)先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。每个空格只能填一个单词。Yu Minhong, president of New Oriental Education, shared his ideas with the young after the English speech competition of the 14th China Daily. Here is some of his advice to young people:“One suggestion Id like to give you is that its important to do what you like without fear of failure. And the process(过程)of working toward your dreams matters more than the results. Young people should take chances to show off talents. Take competitions like this one as an example: If you are afraid to fail, youll never get the chance to stand on the stage and make a speech. Above all, its most important to take part.Another suggestion I want to give you is to read books. It is not easy to keep reading every day. For me, it is much more difficult and challenging to keep reading and taking notes every day than it is to walk 10,000 steps.”In his speech, Yu also shared his view on life. He chose a different life rather than a more successful one. He uses the famous lines of American poet Robert Frost (18741963) to make his point:“Two roads diverged (分叉) in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”Yu pointed out, “Your happiness should not be what others think you should run after, but instead you should decide what it is. It is you who should make choices for your own life.”Yu Minhongs speech to young peopleHis advice He thinks the process is more _than results,so young people should take chances to show off their _. He also suggests that we should read books. Its _to keep reading all the time.His views on life Yu prefers a different life _a more successful one. He says that your happiness should be decided by _instead of what others think.22. (5分)假如你最好的朋友叫Tom, 他身上有许多优良的品质,请以My best friend 为题,把你的朋友向大家做个介绍。姓名Tom班级七年级一班兴趣爱好1). 最喜欢金鱼,喜欢观看它们游来游去。喜欢各种户外运动,常去野营,喜欢呆在外面。能力1). 文章写得好、钢琴弹得好 2.思维敏捷、计划周密品性事迹1). 乐于助人。是社区中心的志愿者,帮助人们解决各种问题。经常参加为贫困的孩子募集钱这样的活动。2). 勇敢(举一例)要求:1)条理清楚,语意连贯。2)书写规范,标点正确。3)正文80字左右。My best friend第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、17-10、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、20-9、20-10、六、 读写综合 (共2题;共30分)21-1、22-1、

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