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沪教版中考英语专题复习动词辨析(真题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共60题;共240分)1. (4分)Im hungry(饿了). Id like two hot dogs and three hamburgers. A . eatB . to eatC . eatingD . have2. (4分)This photo often makes me _ my teachers in the primary school. A . think aboutB . to think aboutC . think ofD . to think of3. (4分)You can only keep the books for two weeks, Tom. Remember _them on time.I will.A . returnB . returningC . to return4. (4分)Lets a noise when someone is sleeping.A . not makeB . no makingC . not to makeD . no make5. (4分)Its time now.A . to go to schoolB . to go schoolC . go to school6. (4分)Excuse me. Could you tell me_ get to the nearest post office?Sorry ,I am new hereA . how can IB . how I couldC . how toD . what I can7. (4分) Would you like _ traveling with me this holiday? Of course. Why not _ France?A . to go; visitB . going; visitC . to go; to visit8. (4分)Though she often makes her little brother _ , she was made _ by him this morning. A . cry, to cryB . to cry, cryC . cry, cryD . to cry, to cry9. (4分)Mr. Wang didnt tell me the time he arrived, so I dont know to meet him.A . whereB . whenC . whyD . who10. (4分)Amys mother always makes her _ English every morning.A . readB . readsC . readingD . to read11. (4分)Betty is busy with her homework. So she _ come with us tomorrow.A . cantB . canC . isD . isnt12. (4分)People usually _ at night, but Mr. Wang _ in the day.A . sleep; sleepB . sleeps; sleepsC . sleeps; sleepD . sleep; sleeps13. (4分)Youd better _ too much meat. You are much too fat.A . not eatB . not to eatC . dont eat14. (4分)The Chinese Dream _ true if everyone works hard enough.A . comeB . comesC . will comeD . came15. (4分)Do you often see Tony _ football in the park?Yes. Look!Now we can see him _ football over there.A . play;playB . playing;playC . play;playingD . plays; play16. (4分)I can smell something in the house.A . burnB . to burnC . burntD . burning17. (4分)The students stop _ when the teacher comes into the classroom.A . talkingB . to talkC . talkD . talked18. (4分)I didnt know why he refused _ me the truth.A . tellB . tellingC . to tellD . to telling19. (4分)Yesterday our English teacher _ a lot of flowers, but she _ them.A . got; didnt acceptB . got; gotC . accepted; didnt acceptD . accepted; accepted20. (4分)Hey, boys and girls! Stop _. I have something interesting to tell you. A . to talkB . to talkingC . talksD . talking21. (4分) An earthquake struck Yushu yesterday. Did you _ it? Yes. I _ it killed many people. Thats too terrible.A . hear; hearB . hear of; hear ofC . hear; hear ofD . hear of; hear22. (4分)In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.It has_ many nations a great chance to communicate.A . offeredB . supportedC . includedD . directed23. (4分)All parents should _ better with their children. A . learnB . exerciseC . communicateD . work24. (4分)Though I like the house very much, its price my ability to pay. A . goes beyondB . goes furtherC . goes downD . goes with25. (4分) Im sorry to hear that your pet dog has died. Though my dog for three months, I still miss him.A . has diedB . has been deadC . diedD . was dead26. (4分)I was so excited to see him that I could hardly _ how I was feeling then.A . expressB . feelC . appearD . reply27. (4分)Edison the electric light lamp.A . inventB . discoverC . inventedD . discovered28. (4分)Maria spent two hours _ the piano last night.A . playedB . to playC . playingD . play29. (4分) Why dont you take the dress, Linda? I have only $10. I cant _ it.A . borrowB . affordC . sellD . bring30. (4分)Thank you for _ me _ the good news(新闻). A . talking; withB . telling; aboutC . speaking; onD . saying; about31. (4分)This machine doesnt operate smoothly.There must be something wrong with it.A . useB . workC . look32. (4分)When the earthquake happened, all the people from their flats. A . hurried downB . hurried upC . went off33. (4分)When you _ something, you look at or consider it carefully. A . catchB . holdC . survey34. (4分)Last week the workers were very excited because they a new gold mine(金矿). A . foundB . discoveredC . inventedD . helped35. (4分)Lin Tao, you have a kind grandpa, right? Yes, he always _ his time with me and he knows me well.A . spendsB . usesC . takesD . pays36. (4分)It_ me 2 hours to buy a birthday present for Amy. The present_19 yuan. A . takes, spendsB . costs, takesC . spends, costsD . takes, costs37. (4分)He his umbrella to me yesterday,so I didnt get wet A . borrowedB . keptC . lentD . bought38. (4分)Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?Yes, it sounds _.A . wellB . loudlyC . beautifullyD . sweet39. (4分) Whats in Lilys hand? She is _ some cards in her hand.A . carryingB . holdingC . catchingD . buying40. (4分)If a student is able to somebody else what hes learnt from textbooks, it shows hes understood it well. A . postB . lendC . teach41. (4分)Students should _ their teachers carefully in class.A . listenB . HearC . listen toD . hear to42. (4分)People were excited when they saw “Monkey King” 2014 the Yellow River Estuary (入海口,河口) International Marathon.A . losingB . runningC . refusingD . forgetting43. (4分)Youd better _ the task today. Our boss will have a check tomorrow.No way! I need two days to get it done.A . prepareB . produceC . complete44. (4分)She usually _a shower at 8:40 p.m.A . goesB . wantsC . takesD . gets45. (4分) Why didnt you my help just now?一 I could do it all by myself.A . accept, SoB . accept; BecauseC . receive; BecauseD . receive; So46. (4分)Your travel plan wonderfulI like it A . smellsB . tastesC . feelsD . sounds47. (4分)He used to _ his time on the Internet after supper, but now he gets used to _ a walk. A . spend; takingB . spending; takeC . spend; takeD . spending; taking48. (4分) Whats wrong with you? By the time I got to school, I realized I had _ my English book at home.A . leftB . forgottenC . tookD . brought49. (4分)It _ Danny an hour to walk to his friends house last week. A . spentB . paidC . costsD . took50. (4分)-Angela, you are going to buy a flat here, arent you?-Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one.A . spendB . costC . payD . afford51. (4分)Work really hard, you can realize your dream of becoming a pilot.A . butB . soC . orD . and52. (4分)I must admit Im not at all interested in biology.A . agreeB . knowC . understand53. (4分)The old man is well because he often_. A . exercisesB . drinksC . sleepsD . play54. (4分)The supermarket is _ the post office and the library. A . nextB . acrossC . between55. (4分)Keep . The baby is sleeping.A . silenceB . silentC . silentlyD . silencely56. (4分)Bill, remember to bring back your homework. You always _them in the classroom. A . loseB . putC . leaveD . give57. (4分)Julie _ to show her agreement. Then we went to the park together.A . addedB . bowedC . knockedD . nodded58. (4分)Attracting others attention is not so easy.A . SendingB . DrawingC . Taking59. (4分)I cant findto sit on the crowded bus.A . nowhereB . somewhereC . anywhereD . everywhere60. (4分)_ do you keep fit?I often run _ keep fit.A . Why; forB . Why; toC . How; forD . How; to第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共60题;共240分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、

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