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人教版2020年中考英语单词拼写题型专练(四)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共29分)1. (1分)(2016青岛)The _(越早) kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.2. (2分)请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。副 词:p_礼貌地;客气地f_忠实地;忠诚地3. (1分)Look! The boy is giving his full a_ to what he is doing. 4. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)The ninth month of the year is _(九月).(2)Tomorrow is Jacks _(十二) birthday. What shall we give him as a present?(3)They want to go on a long _(旅行) to the west of China.(4)The _(第二) month of the year is February.(5)Today is her _(八) birthday.5. (1分)My classmate has got an operation. I hope its n_serious and she will get well soon. 6. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(1)We are doing a _(调查) about the most popular sport among the students.(2)_(将要) we meet at the school gate tomorrow?(3)Our students achieve very high _(水平) of musical ability.(4)Our teacher is showing us a new _(方法) of writing.(5)Janes husband is ill and she has to do _(两倍的) work.7. (10分)根据句意和首字母提示,完成下列句子 。(1)I _(注意到) the man leaving the house just now.My grandmother raises some _ (兔子) at home.There will be a strong _ (东北方) wind tomorrow.Try to _ (记住) eight or ten words a day.Tom likes eating_(三明治).He usually goes to work by bus.But sometimes he r_a bicycle.Dont read the story. It is a little b_.She is afraid of walking t_the forest at night.The box is too h_. Can you help me to carry it?There are many kinds of shoes. Which pair will you c_?8. (1分)The _(渔民) in the north still go fishing in the winter. 9. (2分)We have our N_ D_ on October 1. 10. (1分)The boy was finally saved by the policeman, but unluckily his legs were _(严重的)hurt. 第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共29分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、


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