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仁爱版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下册期中考试模拟试卷(1)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)September is the _ month of a year. A . ninetyB . nineteenC . ninthD . nine2. (2分)Jane took look at her house the moment she started her car. A . otherB . othersC . anotherD . the other3. (2分)It was a small village in the mountains. All the people there lived _ and happily. A . carefullyB . peacefullyC . successfullyD . unusually4. (2分)Its too dangerous. Tell him _in the street. A . not to playB . dont playC . to not playD . not playing5. (2分)Since you cant help your mum with the cooking, you may _ the table before dinner. A . carryB . layC . lieD . take6. (2分)My brother usually his classroom after school. But now he soccer. A . clean; playsB . clean; playingC . cleans; playingD . cleans; is playing7. (2分)Which team do you think _ the game? Its hard to say. There are still five minutes before it ends.A . winsB . will winC . wonD . has won8. (2分)We Chinese all _ the Spring Festival is a time to be with our family. You are right. I am very happy when it comes.A . knowB . askC . watch9. (2分)Tommy hopes to travel to New York by plane . A . a dayB . the dayC . two dayD . one day10. (2分)Did anything special happen yesterday?No. It was just a(n) _ day.A . differentB . unusualC . ordinary11. (2分)Are you afraid of the snake? _ Its the last thing I want to see in the world.A . It just depends.B . Its up to you.C . Of course not.D . You bet!12. (2分)If you want to open a file, please _ this icon. A . put onB . click onC . hit onD . touch on13. (2分) What should we do to save electricity? We should_ the light when we leave the room.A . put onB . switch offC . take off14. (2分)Who is going to take care of Tom when his parents are away _ business? A . inB . withC . forD . on15. (2分)Will she the book this week?NoShe needs two weeks to do itA . leaveB . finishC . buyD . watch二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空 In the new sci-fi film. The Wandering Earth流浪地球, humans save the Earth without leaving it. In many-even most-space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster(灾难), the1is always running away from the planet in spaceships.But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a different and more ambitious idea. In the film, based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. In reply, humans around the world work 2to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun.3giving up Earth-again-this time were taking it with us.This ambition didnt come from nowhere. For thousands of years, homeland has had a soft point in 4of Chinese people. One old idiom is luoyeguigen, which means returning to ones homeland at the old age, like 5leaves return to the roots of their trees. Or there is an ancient poem, The season called the White Dew begins tonight: Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright. These6show the tight link that Chinese people have had with their homeland.This special cultural background is probably the key 7separates The Wandering Earth from Hollywood-style space films.What is Chinese sci-fi?Guo Fan, the films director, said in an interview. A movie that can really 8our cultural and spiritual view can be called Chinese sci-fi. Or, were just copying others and telling the same American stories.And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5th, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the 9journey back to their hometowns.So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story. Earth10wherever humans go, because its our home forever.(1)A . question B . solution C . problem D . difficulty (2)A . together B . along C . with D . nearly (3)A . Instead B . Instead of C . Rather than D . Rather (4)A . body B . bodies C . mind D . minds (5)A . falling B . fallen C . fell D . falls (6)A . either B . none C . neither D . both (7)A . that B . where C . what D . how (8)A . express B . know C . tell D . report (9)A . sadly B . sad C . hard D . hardly (10)A . went B . go C . going D . goes 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The world uses about a thousand million (百万) tons of water a day. Water is a human right and everyone should have their share. Yet more than 700 million people around the world have trouble getting clean, safe water.Treating wastewater is a good way to provide fresh water for us. And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans. 80% of wastewater around the world is not treated at all, and it is running into oceans.But now we have got the technology to treat and reuse the wastewater.While 75% of our planet is covered with water, only about 2% is fresh waterthat comes from rivers, lakes, ice and snow. The rest, 98% of the water, is in seas and oceans. It is too salty to drink. Then desalination businesses come in. More than 19.000 factories have been built around the world, mostly in coastal countries. They process(加工) more than 92 million tons of water every day. But the technology they use requires a lot of energy.Scientists are working to create a less costly technology. They want to produce 20 times more clean water and make sure everyone has enough. But for now, the world still faces each day with not having enough water for everyone.(1)How many people have trouble in getting clean water around the world? A . Under 10 million.B . Only 19 million.C . About 92 million.D . Over 700 million.(2)Treating waste water helps the environment by . A . storing waste in ice and snowB . letting waste run into oceansC . keeping waste out of rivers and oceansD . sending waste to coastal countries(3)What does the underlined word desalination in Paragraph 3 mean? A . 远洋运输B . 潮汐发电C . 食盐销售D . 海水淡化(4)At present, the technology to process water . A . needs much energyB . saves much moneyC . satisfies everyoneD . causes pollution(5)What can we infer from the last paragraph? A . Water should be a human right.B . The water problem is still serious.C . Our planet is covered with water.D . Everyone has enough clean water.18. (10分)阅读理解 The idea that red means stop and green means has influenced our lives in more ways than just traffic signals(信号). We have been taught from a young age that the color red means danger and green means its okay to move forward. But why were those colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place? For something we have to look at every day, why couldnt they have been prettier colors?Well, its import to know that before traffic lights for cars, there were traffic signals for trains. At first, railway companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go, and green to mean warn. As you could imagine, trains ran into a few problems with white meaning go. For example, one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened. Because of that, railway companies finally moved green meaning go and used yellow to mean warn. And its been that way ever since.Red has always been a color that mean danger, long before cars were even around. This most likely started because its the color with the longest wavelength(波长) so it can be seen somewhere farther than other colors.But, believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area. Finally, highly reflective materials(高反射材料) were developed and red stop signs were born. Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones, some traffic signs, and school buses continue to be printed yellow.So next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light, dont get so mad at them, theyve certainly come a long way.(1)What were traffic signals for before traffic lights for cars? A . Trains.B . Boats.C . Planes.D . Bicycles.(2)Why does red mean danger? A . Because its the brightest color.B . Because it can be seen far away.C . Because railway companies say so.D . Because it has the shortest wavelength.(3)Why are school buses painted yellow? A . Because yellow is a prettier color.B . Because yellow once meat danger.C . Because yellow can be seen well in daytime.D . Because yellow means its OK to go forward.(4)What does the text mainly tell us? A . How important traffic lights are.B . Which color has the longest wavelength.C . What red, yellow and green can be used for.D . Why traffic lights are red, yellow and green.19. (10分)阅读理解Mary 08:30Hello, Im Mary. I like singing and dancing. My favourite sport is swimming. My favourite colour is red. My favourite food is fish. I like summer. My sister likes summer, too. What about you?Mike 08:32Hello, Im Mike. I like watching television and playing computer games. I can play football and basketball. I like basketball best. My favourite food is cake. I like spring. Its cool in spring.(1)Marys favourite sport is_. A . runningB . swimmingC . walkingD . playing basketball(2)Marys favourite food is_. A . cakeB . fishC . eggsD . bread(3)Mike likes_. A . singingB . readingC . writingD . playing computer games(4)_likes summer. A . MikeB . Marys brotherC . Marys sisterD . Mikes brother(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Marys favourite colour is white.B . Mary likes spring.C . Mike and Mary like summer.D . Mikes favourite sport is basketball.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据对话情景,在空白处填入合适的句子。 A. What should I do?B. I was arguing with my mother.C. Because she didnt allow me to eat snacks.D. Its a good idea.E. Why dont you talk to her?A: What were you doing at 7 yesterday evening? I called you, but you didnt pick up.B: _.A: Why did you argue with your mother?B: _. You know, I love snacks.A: Why didnt she allow you to eat snacks?B: She thought they were bad for my health and she didnt want me to be as heavy as her. _A: _ You can tell her that you will eat fewer snacks and exercise more.B: I think its no use talking to her.A: What about asking your father for help?B: _. Hope things will work out.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for my life and sometimes I had to work at night.One late night, I got a telephone call _a neighborhood. When I arrived there at 2: 30 am, the only building was dark except a single light in the _(five) floor window. So I walked up and knocked at the door.Just a minute, answered a weak voice. After a long time, the door opened and a small woman_(stand) in front of me. Next to her was a small box.Quickly I took her box to the car and then returned to hold her. She kept_(thank)me.When we got in the car, she asked, Can you drive me through the blocks?_its too late now, I replied.I dont mind, she said slowly. Im in no hurry. The doctor says I dont have much time to liveI _(quiet) turned off the meter(计费器), For the next two hours, we drove through the city and passed the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived ,and some other places. As_sun was rising, we stopped in front of a low building. Two young_(woman) were waiting there. They were both the nurses who would look after her.How much do I have to pay? she asked.Nothing, I replied. I was sure I would never forget this_(pain)experience.She looked surprised, You gave a woman who is dying a little moment of pleasure, she said.Thank you.Sometimes people may not remember exactly what you did or said. However, theyll always remember how you make _(they) feel. And theyll never forget it.六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)How was the weather yesterday? It was terrible. It rains h _ all day.七、 句型转换 (共2题;共14分)23. (9分)Whats wrong with you, Tim? (改为同义句)Whats_with you, Tim?24. (5分)句型转换。(1)Li Lei said, “I come from Shanghai.” (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)Li Lei said that _ from Shanghai.(2)Do you know? When does the train leave? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)Do you know _?(3)One of the two boys must stay here. (改为同义句)_ the boys must stay here.(4)Both Lily and Lucy like dancing. (改为同义句)_ Lily _ Lucy _ dancing.(5)English names are not the same as Chinese names. (改为同义句)English names are _ Chinese names.八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)信息归纳,请阅读下面篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 An American in Beijing Lives His Chinese DreamWearing his bright red armband (袖章) and speaking fluent Mandarin (普通话), 62-year-old Terry could be taken for any regular Chinese man from a distance.His Chinese name is Gao Tianrui. He became interested in Chinese culture as a teenager when he read the Tao Te Ching by Laozi. At 18, he took a ship to Taiwan to learn Chinese. On the ship the captain advised him to have a Chinese name. He named me Gao Tianrui, based on the pronunciation (发音) of my English name, he said. Then he first visited Beijng in 1987 on business.Gao Tianrui lives in a Siheyuan with other three families. His neighbors are very helpful and friendly. Gao Tianrui once didnt know much about Chinese living habits and his neighbors helped him to overcome difficulties. Gradually, he could speak Chinese fluently.Having lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, Gao Tianrui has also finally achieved his Chinese dream: becoming a public security (安全) volunteer. Life as aXicheng Dama has even made him an online celebrity. Xicheng Dama is a club for volunteers, usually women in late middle-age, who roam (漫步) the streets of downtown at Beijings Xicheng district. And now Gao Tianrui has joined their club.I like helping others, he said. I live in the Siheyuan and my neighbors and I usually help each otherThis is where I live, where my friends are and where I call home.Information CardThe thing that Guo Tianrui became interested in as a teenager_The person who gave Terry his Chinese name_The time that Gao Tianrui first visited Beiing_The place that Gao Tianrui lives in_The Chinese dream of Gao Tianrui_九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假如你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Tina打算春节期间来深圳旅游,请你向Tina介绍下深圳。 写作要点:1)深圳的地理位置以及气候;2)介绍深圳的个旅游景点;3)你对深圳的看法。写作要求:1)词数70左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)文中不能写真实的姓名与学校;4)开头结尾不计入总词数。Dear Tina,I am glad to hear from you and welcome to Shenzhen. Wish you a wonderful trip!Yours sincerely,Li Hua第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)22-1、七、 句型转换 (共2题;共14分)23-1、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)25-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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