人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 6自主检测B卷.doc

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人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 6自主检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Is the schoolbag on the table? _ Its on the chair.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isntC . Yes, they areD . No, they arent2. (2分) _ is your mother? She is fine.A . How oldB . HowC . WhatD . Where3. (2分)_ does your aunt look like? Shes tall and thin. She has long curly hair.A . HowB . WhereC . WhoD . What4. (2分) Whats your favourite animal(动物)? _.A . The penB . The pencilC . The dogD . The bag5. (2分)Id like _some soup.A . drinkB . haveC . eatD . /6. (2分)-Is Ann your sister?-_. She is my friend.A . Yes, it isB . Yes, she isC . No, it isntD . No, she isnt7. (2分)Ill stay at home instead of basketball with my friends. A . playB . to playC . playsD . playing8. (2分)How fun The Croods is! Yeah! I like the movie too. Its so _.A . boringB . scaryC . interesting9. (2分)Brian sometimes eats out, but _ he eats at home. A . probablyB . heavilyC . certainlyD . mostly10. (2分)It is helpful for children to form a good habit by asking them to all the toys after they finish playing. A . put offB . put downC . put awayD . put out二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)完形填空 One morning Mrs. Smith was1home after she had been shopping. When she 2near a rubbish dump, she noticed a microwave(微波炉) not far3the side of the road. She stopped her car and looked 4the oven.John is a good 5, she said to herself. Perhaps he6repair this. Ill take it home and let him 7. She 8the oven and put it in the boot(行李箱) of her car. Then she drove on 9. A few kilometers later, she heard the siren(警报器声) of a police car10her. She looked in the driving mirror and 11a policeman waving to her to tell her to stop.Mrs. Smith was very puzzled. She 12down and then stopped at the side of the road. A 13policeman got out of the police car and walked to her.Whats wrong, officer? Mrs. Smith asked.The policeman did not reply. He looked in the car and then at the 14.I found the microwave oven a few minutes ago, she said, Im just taking it home to see if my husband can repair it. Thats not a microwave oven, he said at last, Thats our radar set. It was the start of a speed trap. Mrs. Smiths face turned15, Oh, she said, Im sorry. I didnt know what it was. (1)A . riding B . walking C . driving D . going (2)A . drove B . dragged C . pulled D . pushed (3)A . away B . to C . of D . from (4)A . at B . for C . up D . out (5)A . worker B . electrician C . physicist D . teacher (6)A . may B . must C . can D . should (7)A . do B . make C . manage D . try (8)A . raised B . lifted up C . picked up D . lowered (9)A . happily B . angrily C . hurriedly D . eagerly (10)A . before B . beside C . behind D . near (11)A . watched B . looked C . saw D . heard (12)A . sped B . slowed C . came D . pulled (13)A . angry B . uniform C . big D . traffic (14)A . front B . seats C . sides D . back (15)A . pale B . red C . angry D . a good look 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分)阅读理解 Dear Anton, Next week, Im going to take a trip to San Francisco with my brother and his wife, and theres a seat in our car for another one. Would you like to go with us? Were going to leave on Saturday morning, February 28 th. We are going to stay there for a week. All of us enjoy shopping and travelling, so wed like to stay at a hotel called Pickwick in the middle of the city. You and I can have a double(双人的)room. It is about 690 kilometres from Long Beach to SanFrancisco, and it usually takes eight and a half hours to drive there. Were going to leave at about 6 am on Saturday, so well get there before dark. We are going to take Highway 101, so we can pick you up home in Ventura at about 8 am. Please let me know if you can come with us. Yours,Paul(1)Paul writes the letter to Anton to . A . ask him to go on a trip with himB . ask him to do some shopping for himC . tell him where they are going and when they are leavingD . ask him to have dinner together(2)What does pickup mean in the second paragraph(段落)? A . 接上B . 捡起C . 拿起D . 拾起(3)Paul is going to pick up Anton . A . before they startB . before darkC . on their way to San FranciscoD . after breakfast13. (10分)阅读理解 Sam is an English boy. He is eight years old. These days, he thinks that his mother needs a sweater. So he comes to a clothes store. Mrs. White is at the store.Can I help you, my boy? Mrs. White asks.Yes, please, Sam says. I want a sweater for my mother.Oh, I see, Mrs. White says. What color does your mother like? Do you know?She likes purple, Sam answers.Mrs. White takes out a purple sweater. San thinks it looks nice. How much is it? he asks. Its 80 yuan, Mrs. White answers.But he has only 60 yuan. Mrs. White sees this and says, I know you are a good boy. You can buy this sweater for 60 yuan. Here you are.Sam gets the sweater. He is very happy.(1)Sam wants to buy a sweater for his _. A . fatherB . brotherC . motherD . sister(2)Mrs. White thinks that _. A . Sam must have 80 yuanB . Sam is a good boyC . Sams mother is niceD . Sam needs a purple hat, too(3)Sam buys the purple sweater for _ yuan. A . twentyB . sixtyC . eightyD . one hundred(4)The underlined word happy means _ in Chinese. A . 轻松的B . 繁忙的C . 害羞的D . 开心的(5)From the passage, we can infer that _. A . Sam loves his mother very muchB . Mrs. White is Sams mothers friendC . Sam doesnt take the purple sweater at lastD . Sam and his mother are at Mrs. Whites store14. (10分)阅读理解 Families and schools have some rules, Some students think they are important(重要的) and always obey them, but others dont. Mary and her cousin Jane are American girls. They are good children in the same school.They think obeying the rules is very important. One day Mary gets an idea. She wants to make a book of rules. She says. I think the book can help Jane, our brothers, sisters and me to be good children. If he or she doesnt obey the rules, he or she has to sit at the door for five minutes.The two girls begin writing the book of rules. There are some school rules like Do your homework, Don t be late for school There are also some interesting rules in it, such as, No eating other peoples food and Dont cry.Both girls like the book very much. Their brothers and sisters think it is very interesting and they often do as (像) it says. Their classmates want to read it, too. Their teachers and parents want to publish(出版)it for them.(1)Mary and Jane are . A . brothers and sistersB . good children at schoolC . both from EnglandD . in different schools(2)The book is about . A . their school lifeB . outdoor activitiesC . important rulesD . school and family rules(3)They write the book to . A . make some moneyB . help school and family make someC . help their brothers and sisters be good childrenD . ask their parents to publish it(4)Their brothers and sisters think the book is . A . interestingB . boringC . difficultD . easy(5)The underline word it refers to(指代) . A . the bookB . the ruleC . the schoolD . the teacher四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)15. (5分)选词填空。both,lively,sound,noisy,by(1)What_music!Who wrote it?(2)There are several kinds of_Please name them(3)I like reading the books_the writer(4)He has got two uncles_of them are in Shanghai(5)Its too _hereLets go to another room16. (1分)Did you remember Hepburns last _(露面)on the screen? 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)Last Sunday, we went swimming in the pool. We enjoyed_(us). 六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)任务型阅读 One day a mother camel and her son walked through a desert. _The son asked, What do water and grass look like, Mum? His mother answered, Water looks like the sky, blue and clear and grass is green, fresh and nice.After they walked for a day and a night, the son suddenly cried, Look! Mum, there is water and grass over there!_The water and grass were on the left, while the desert was on the right. But because the mother camel was blind in her left eye, she could only see a sea of yellow sand with her right eye._The next day they went on walking, the young camel found a second oasis(绿洲) ,but his mother still did not believe him. She said angrily, No, thats not an oasis. But a desert. I have more knowledge and experience than you. You are wrong again. _This time the young camel was angry with his mother too. So when he saw an oasis for the third time. He left his mother without telling her. _But his poor mother was still walking on and she was still hungry and thirsty.A. So she didnt believe what the young camel saidB. He ran to the grass and ate his fillC. What a foolish talk, my boyD. You should listen to meE. So the mother camel was very happyF. They were looking for water and grass七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)你校组织一次与澳大利亚交流生的交流活动,主题为My Dream School”。请根据表中的提示词,用英语写一篇发言稿,描述你理想中的高中学校。 要求:1)词数:80一100词;2)文中不得出现真实姓名或校名;3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Campus(校园)Teachers & classmatesIn classAfter classlarge, beautiful,kind, friendly,free to choose subjects, a lot of practice,clubs and sports, a little homeworkMy Dream SchoolLadies and gentlemen,Id like to share with you my dream school. Thats all. Thank you for listening.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、六、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共1分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、


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