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冀教版2020届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共26分)1. (6分) There is a little story about an insurance(保险) salesman in Tokyo. Even though this man tried very hard to promote the insurance, nobody bought it. One day, he came to a small temple and began to brag about his insurance. After listening to his introduction, the monk said: “Your recommendation of insurance cant arouse any of my interests! When you are communicating with others, you must have the charm to attract others, or you will be unpromising in the future. Young man, try to change yourself!”The salesman thought deeply about each word. From then on, he invited all his friends to point out his weakness and kept on improving himself bit by bit for all his life. Thirty years later, he became a millionaire. And this man is the famous Yuan Yi Ping. His experience reflects one attitude: sometimes, we should change ourselves instead of changing the world.(1)The salesman _.A . is very lazy.B . is not friendly to the people .C . want to find another job.D . became a famous salesperson in the world.(2)The word “millionaire ” in the second passage means _.A . a man who has much money.B . a man who is good at attracting others .C . a boss in a big company.D . a famous person in the world.(3)The right title for this passage can be “ _”.A . A story about a salesmanB . Communicate more with othersC . Attract othersD . Change yourself2. (5分)假如你是一位导游,请根据下面游客的需求特点给他们从(A-G)中选择合适的旅游景点,其中有两项是多余的。Beautiful waterfallsMain featuresTips: Best time to go &Entry(A).Detian Falls in GuangxiThe largest naturally formed falls in Southeast AsiaJuly-November80 Yuan/person(B).Hukou Waterfall in ShanxiThe second largest waterfall in ChinaApril-May;81yuan/person(C).Jiulong Waterfalls in YunnanDuring rainy season, it is dyed red by the red earth it carries,especially June and July;10 Yuan/person(D).Black Dragon Pool Waterfall in Tai MountLegend has it that the undersea dragon palace in East China Sea is connected with the pool, where dragons from the Sea can swim freely.June-November125 Yuan/person (Mar. - Oct.)100 Yuan/person (Nov. - Feb.)(E).Chishui Waterfall in GuizhouIts 76 meters high and 80 meters wide, an AAAA tourist attractionJuly-October40 Yuan/person(F).Huangguoshu Waterfall in GuizhouWas added to the Guinness book of world records as the worlds largest waterfall cluster.summer and autumn, the rainy season,90 Yuan/person in peak season and 70 Yuan/person in off season(G).Shiliang Waterfall in ZhejiangThere is a stone beam about seven meters long and 1/3 meter wide topping the waterfall, and the narrowest place is only 1/6 meter wide.60yuanOpening hours 6:00-19:00(1)Anna wants to go somewhere famous in the world._(2)David is a student in Yunnan Province, he doesnt have much money._(3)Mr. Green is a busy businessman, hes now in Taizhou, the day after tomorrow he will have to go back to his company in Beijing._(4)Grandpa Li likes travelling in spring._(5)Aunt Mary lives in Shandong, she hates to go for a long way, she often feels car sick._3. (10分)All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain(食物链).Some food chains are simple, while others are not. But all food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use sunlight directly. Plants are“factories”.They make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air.Plants feed all other living things. Animals can only use the suns energy after it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly.What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and so on. We also eat meat and drink milk. But men often break up the food chains. They kill wild animals. They also make rivers, lakes and seas dirty. When these rivers, lakes and seas are polluted, the fish in them cannot be eaten. If men eat the fish, they will get strange diseases.Each form of life is linked to all others. Breaking the links puts all life in danger.(1)How does every living thing on the earth live?A . Each plant can live alone.B . Each animal can live alone.C . Every living thing on the earth cannot live without others.(2)Which living things can use the suns energy directly?A . AnimalsB . PlantsC . All living things(3)Who often break up the food chains?A . Human beingsB . AnimalsC . Plant and animals(4)Which of the following do you think is the best title of this passage?A . AnimalsB . PlantsC . Food Chains(5)Where can you probably find this passage?A . In a news report.B . In your textbook.C . In a business magazine.4. (5分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后有5个小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。 We can find emojis (表情符号) in our life every day. Funny is a made-in-China emoji. It is from Baidu Tieba. And now lots of people like using it. People can buy Funny emoji bolsters (抱枕) on the Internet. They are just so cute, so people feel very happy when they see the bolsters.Look, this girl is wearing a long and beautiful dress. Do you know what it is? It is Hanfu. Hanfu is traditional Han Chinese clothing (传统汉族服饰). It is about 5,000 years old. Hanfu is different now, but it is still loose (宽松的) and long. More people are wearing Hanfu these days. Do you like it?Chinese tea is very popular around the world. White, yellow, green, oolong, black and dark tea are the 6 main types (主要种类). People in Guangdong and Fujian love to drink Kung Fu Tea in small tea cups. In Beijing, people love green tea. Remember to make the cup only seven-tenths full(七分满).If the cup is too full, it will get too hot.TopicsInformationEmoji bolstersPeople like using emojis. The emoji Funny comes_ Baidu Tieba. People buy many emoji bolsters. They feel very happy when they see the bolsters because they are_.HanfuThis girl in the picture is wearing a_ and beautiful dress. The dress is Hanfu. Hanfu has a long_ of about 5,000 years. But many people are wearing Hanfu these days.Chinese teaThere are many types of tea in China. People in Guangdong and Fujian love to_ small tea cups to drink tea. Remember not to make the cup full.二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共12分)5. (12分) As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring(注视)forward at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snowbeautiful and dangerous.The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 1 the top through the southem route(路线). But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the northern side. But now one man was daring to try the 2route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber 3Italy.For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously(焦虑). Now they were waiting to see his signal. If he planned to 4 the next day, he would light(点燃)a green signal(信号). A red light would mean that he was turning back.A tiny green light 5 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people 6. The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 7! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the green light. In the morning, Bonatti 8. He could not see the top;he knew he was 9 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up.Bonatti had spent months 10 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top?He was finally at the top! News about his. 11 was radioed to the world.The trip down the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the “12” and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.(1)A . reached B . passed C . watched D . followed (2)A . comfortable B . important C . difficult D . nervous (3)A . with B . from C . in D . at (4)A . turn back B . come down C . go on D . get back (5)A . placed B . appeared C . pulled D . found (6)A . cried B . laughed C . jumped D . cheered (7)A . sleepy B . excited C . tired D . happy (8)A . woke up B . turned up C . got up D . looked up (9)A . already B . almost C . hardly D . surely (10)A . training B . practising C . planning D . asking (11)A . importance B . success C . climb D . courage (12)A . necessary B . dangerous C . perfect D . impossible 三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。A poor young man went to Paris, _(expect) that his fathers friend could help him find a business for living.“Are you _(well ) at maths?” his fathers friend asked him.The young man shook his head.“How is your history?” “What _your law(法律)?”The young man lowered his head _(sad)._his fathers friend asked again and again, the young man could shake his head. He _(him) couldnt find out any advantages.“Then write down your address first.”The young man wrote his address and turned to leave, but he was stopped by his fathers friend. “Your name is _(write) very beautifully, which is your advantage. You shouldnt satisfy yourself with finding a job for living.”Many _(year) later, the young man wrote the classical works that were well-known in the world. He was Alexandra Dumas(大仲马), a famous French writer in the 18th century.In the world, there are many ordinary persons _all have many small advantages, but they cant find them. In fact, there is _gold mine(矿井) in every ordinary life. If you are willing to dig, you will dig out treasures that surprise yourself.四、 根据下列句子及所给的首写字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填 (共10题;共49分)7. (10分)单词拼写(1)We are having fish for d_ tonight.(2)He was born in Shanghai, but he considers Hangzhou his home t_ since he has lived here most of his life.(3)There are t_ days in April as well as in June and in September.(4)The dentist says we should b_our teeth at least twice a day.(5)Without any help, his father managed to repair the car all by h_.(6)If the sun s_ brightly, the weather is usually warm.(7)No. 2 Middle School is a p_ school, not a private(私立的) one.(8)The thief s_ food from the supermarket and was caught by the policemen.(9)I came to the city two years ago. Ive worked here for n_two years.(10)According to a r_ in the newspaper, the basketball star was seriously injured.8. (1分)Sun Yang is a good swimmer. He won the swimming_(比赛) at last. 9. (10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(1)Tomorrow is Mothers Day .Its also my mothers_(四十三) birthday.(2)Her dream is to dance as_(beautiful)as Yang Liping.(3)I had my old bicycle_(fix) up in order to give it away to charity.(4)_(like)football, basketball is played with five members on each side.(5)Work hard, and you will_(success).(6)Gravity may be a problem for the early_(移居者).(7)Among the football players. Li Ming plays_(不好).(8)Hangzhou is a beautiful city which_(吸引)lots of tourists from home and abroad.(9)Be careful! This kind of disease can be easily_(传播)everywhere by some animals.(10)Li Zhicheng led the peasants to fight_(反对)the governors of Ming Dynasty in 1629.10. (1分)Gina is not tidy, her books are _ (到处)on the desk, on the bed and under the chair . 11. (10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空填一词)。 (1)There are twelve m_in a year. (2)These two b_names are Tom and Tim. (3)A_is the fourth month of the year. (4)Your sister likes red, but m_likes black. (5)English is easy for you, but it is d_for me. (6)Whats over there? Its a m_plane. (7)Today is Mary s n_birthday. Now she is nine years old. (8)My grandfather often listens to the r_in the morning. (9)Ginas books are e_-on the desk, under the chair and on her bed. (10)They are my parents and those are t_books. 12. (1分)Do you like these_(连衣裙)? 13. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(1)Her _ (生日) is on November 16th.(2)Is your birthday in _ (八月)?(3)_ (二月) is after January.(4)The _ (第二十) girl is my cousin.(5)His birthday is on _ (四月) tenth.14. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。(1)Kitty is _(激动的) about the trip to China Space Museum.(2)Yang Liping is a dancer. She is very _(小心的) with her diet because she wants to keep slim.(3)Look! The sunlight is shining into the room _(穿过) the windows.(4)My classmates finished _(庆祝) his thirteenth birthday at midnight.(5)This book has a lot of _(信息) about Western festivals15. (1分)I think its much _(冷) today. 16. (5分)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式._The government has_(意识到)the importance of protecting the environment._He was ten minutes late for the _(大型会议) last Friday._The charity show had lots of support from local _ (企业)._Usually the capital city is the _ (文化) centre of that country._If you answer a question _ (错误), you will lose a point .五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)扬州将迎来建城2500周年华诞。学校打算从你班招募一名志愿者,Jim和Jane是两名候选人,班上的A组同学推荐Jim,B组同学推荐Jane。假如你是班长名叫Li Ping,你会推荐谁,理由是什么?请根据表格中的信息和要求给学校负责人吴先生写一份电子邮件,向他汇报具体情况。观点理由Group A推荐Jim学习成绩优秀,经常受到老师表扬虽不多言,但Group B推荐Jane学习成绩虽然一般,但乐于在空余时间为班级做额外的工作你推荐作为志愿者应该乐于奉献,请举例说明你所推荐的Jim/Jane的品质和能力要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Mr. Wu,We have discussed whether Jim or Jane should be the volunteer for the event of the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of Yangzhou City. Different groups have different recommendations.I hope my email will be of some value to you.Yours sincerely,Li Ping第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共26分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共12分)5-1、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 根据下列句子及所给的首写字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填 (共10题;共49分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、11-6、11-7、11-8、11-9、11-10、12-1、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、16-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、


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