仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.同步练习(II )卷.doc

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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.同步练习(II )卷.doc_第1页
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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.同步练习(II )卷.doc_第2页
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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.同步练习(II )卷.doc_第3页
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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 8 Theseasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.同步练习(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)-Which dress would you like, Madam?Sorry, I cant decide _now.A . to buy which oneB . buy which oneC . which one to buyD . which I should buy a2. (2分)There is so much rubbishCould you _? A . take out itB . take it outC . take out themD . take them out3. (2分)Whats your new home like?_.A . Its near my school.B . Its large and comfortableC . I love my new homeD . I live with my parents4. (2分)Your computer is old and slow. It is necessary a new one. A . to buyB . buyC . to makeD . make5. (2分)Would you like me to take you to the new shopping centre? _. Ive been there once.A . No, thanksB . No problemC . Yes, I think soD . Its kind of you.6. (2分)Do you mind my the window? Its too hot. A . closeB . openC . closingD . opening7. (2分)Sometimes the police wear casual clothes to _ special tasks. A . carry offB . carry onC . carry withD . carry out8. (2分)一 Lily will go to the party instead of Betty.一 Oh, I see.A . in front ofB . in place ofC . in need of9. (2分) Ill go lo Beijing for a trip next weekend. Great! .A . Good luckB . Best wishesC . Have a good timeD . Im sorry10. (2分)I m tired. Lets go to relax.OK. How about the park?A . somewhereB . anywhereC . somethingD . anything二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once.A: Excuse me, sir?B: Yes?_A: I want to go to the train station, but I dont know how to get the ticket from the TVM(自动售票机).B:_Well, just press here.A: How much is the ticket?B:_A: All right. By the way, how often do the trains come?B: About every six minutes.A:_B: At 11:00 p.m.A: OK. Got it. Thank you for your help.B:_A: Goodbye!B: Goodbye!A. This way, please.B. What can I do for you?C. What time is the last one?D. It takes forty minutes.E. 30 yuan.F. Its my pleasure.三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)完形填空My name is Sandra. I have a brother.1name is Tom. We like different(不同的 )sports. I like playing2. It is fun. I like tennis, too. 3I dont like basketball. It is4. My brother5basketball. He has four basketballs. He6basketball every day. We like different7.I like eggs, apples and hamburgers8breakfast and dinner. For dessert(甜点), I like9Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots. We are10because(因为 )we often play sports and eat good food.(1)A . He B . She C . His (2)A . volleyball B . TV C . watch (3)A . And B . With C . But (4)A . fun B . difficult C . interesting (5)A . likes B . dont like C . like (6)A . looks B . knows C . plays (7)A . food B . books C . colors (8)A . in B . on C . for (9)A . hamburgers B . chicken C . ice cream (10)A . boring B . healthy C . relaxing 四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共24分)13. (10分)阅读表格,回答问题。根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。(1)From the chart we know that the latest metro station is in _. A . ShanghaiB . BeijingC . Harbin(2)According to the information above we know that _. A . the number of Shanghai metros will increase about 31.2% in 2050B . there are about 4.3 million passengers per day in ShanghaiC . the price of the Shanghai ticket is 3 yuan in Shanghai metro(3)From the information in the chart we know that the metro station _ has the most passengers per day. A . in NanjingB . in ShanghaiC . in Beijing(4)From the chart we know that_. A . It is very convenient and comfortable to go from the south to the north in Beijing.B . the price of ticket in Nanjing is the cheapest of all the metro stations mentioned above.C . Beijing has the largest number of metro trains.(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the information? A . From the chart we know that we can take metro every two minutes in all the cities.B . The passengers in Shanghai can take metros to go everywhere.C . The price of the ticket in Harbin is the same as that in Shanghai.14. (4分)请为下面每个人选择合适的交通方式。 A. By plane B. By bike C. By boat D. By subway_Wow! I am in a beautiful village. Therere two rivers around the village. The restaurant is between the two rivers. How can I get there?_Look at the map. We can see a park. Its far from here. We can take the bus to get there. Let me see which bus we shall take. Oh, there arent any bus stops near here. Look! A subway station! Lets go!_I love Beijing. I want to see different Hutongs, I dont want to take the bus or subway. I can borrow a bike. I can go around the city by bike by myself. Thats great._Guilin is famous for its water and mountains. I will visit it. Its about 3,000 kilometers away from here. Its so far. 15. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)When you want to take a trip on your holiday, you should make a careful plan. Here are some rules. They may help you to keep safe on a trip.Youd better travel with your friends. And you should always keep together with your friends.If there are a lot of people around you, you should carry your bag in front of you. Dont put it on your back.Put on a life jacket when you take a boat or ship. If you fall out of a boat or ship, it can keep you safe.Dont go swimming alone or in a wrong place.Dont sleep on a bus or train. Never put your head out of the window. Its not safe.Take a map, a cellphone(手机)and some clothes with you.Have safe food and drinks.Everyone should be careful when traveling. Enjoy your trip!(1)When you go on a trip you should _.A . make a careful planB . travel with your friendsC . travel aloneD . A and B(2)Which of the following is TRUE when you are on a trip?A . B . C . D . (3)Itll be _ when people put their heads out of the window of a bus.A . interestingB . coolC . in dangerD . we dont know(4)Which of the following is NOT true?A . You should have safe food and drinks on a trip.B . You can go swimming with others in a safe place.C . You dont need to wear a life jacket when taking a boat or ship.D . You should take some clothes with you on a trip.(5)The best title(标题)for the passage(短文)is _.A . Have safe food and drinksB . How to keep safe on a tripC . A careful planD . How to swim五、 词汇部分。 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)I have eleven subjects this _ (学期). 六、 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)17. (1分)Here is a card for you with our best _ (greet).18. (1分)-Where are the twins? -They_ (get) ready for the fashion show tomorrow.19. (1分)My grandfather is_(sleep)Dont make much noise20. (1分)Xiao Wang drives too fast, so he gets a ticket for _ (speed).21. (1分)We can know the news by reading the _(nation) newspaper.七、 句型转换。(每空一词) (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)I could ride a bike when I was ten years old. (改为同义句) I could ride a bike_.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)每个人的爱好都有所不同,你的爱好是什么呢?请你根据以下写作要点,写一篇英语短文介绍你的爱好,并列举一下这些爱好给你带来的好处。My hobbies音乐 8岁那年开始喜欢听音乐; 父亲进给我一台收音机,作为我的10岁生日礼物;我在完成作业后能欣赏收音机里播放的音乐。运动 打篮球是我最喜爱的运动; 至今已在校篮球队4年了。好处听音乐和做运动使我放松要求:1)文中须包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使文章通顺;2)80词左右。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)11-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)12-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共24分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 词汇部分。 (共1题;共1分)16-1、六、 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、七、 句型转换。(每空一词) (共1题;共5分)22-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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