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冀教版2020学年上学期九年级上学期学业英语水平期末检测A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)(2017河南)When will car race beginIm not sure. Maybe next week, or maybe week after nextA . a; theB . an; theC . the; aD . the; the2. (2分)Why is John good at History?Because he has a good _ He always remembers things quicklyA . sightB . pronunciationC . memory3. (2分)We knew little about Shu-How Lin, a basketball player from New York Knicks, _ we watched the basketball matches in NBA.A . untilB . ifC . whenD . because4. (2分)Which city will you choose to visit, London or New York?_. I hope to visit Beijing. A . EitherB . NeitherC . BothD . None5. (2分)Jack is a shy boy and he _ talks with others. A . hardly everB . alwaysC . oftenD . usually6. (2分)(2015杭州)-Tomorrow Im going on holiday.- ! But Ill be busy.A . Thank youB . Lucky youC . After youD . Mind you7. (2分)Why dont you like geography?Because its _.A . interestingB . excitingC . funnyD . boring8. (2分)Have you visited the park?Yes. I _ it yesterday.A . have visitedB . had visitedC . visitedD . visit9. (2分) Can you come and play football with me? . I have a lot of homework to do.A . Yes, I can.B . No, You cantC . Im afraid notD . Id like to10. (2分)一 What about going to Shanghai Disneyland this summer holiday?一 _! Well have great fun there.A . See you thenB . Thank youC . Good luckD . Sounds great二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One early morning, I 1a call for a taxi. When I arrived at the building, it was 2:30 a.m. and I found the building was dark except for the only light in a first floor window.Many drivers would just shout once or twice and then drove away, but I thought this2might need my help. So I walked to the door and knocked, “Just a minute,” answered a 3, elderly voice. After a long time, the door opened. A small old man showed up before me,4a small bag. He kept thanking me for my5“Its nothing,” I told him.“Oh, youre such a good man.” He said. When we got into the taxi, he gave me a (an)6, and then asked, “Could you drive through the city center?”“But it wasnt the 7way.” I answered quickly. “Oh, Im in no hurry.” He said. “Im on my way to a hospital. I dont have any family left. The 8says I dont have much time left.I 9started the taxi and shut off the meter(计程器). For the next two hours, we drove10the city center. He showed me the building where he once worked. We drove past the church where he got married. He would never forget that happy moment. Sometimes hed ask me to slow down in front of a building and would sit 11the darkness for a long time, saying nothing. When the sun began to rise, we drove in silence to the address he had given me. When we arrived,12without thinking, I gave him a big hug. “You gave an old man a little moment of 13Thank you!” He said with tears in his eyes.I was completely lost in thought for the rest of the day. What would happen if I had refused to do 14I did? We always think that there are no 15moments in our lives, but great moments are just in what others may think small and unimportant ones.(1)A . made B . received C . accepted D . gave (2)A . driver B . policeman C . guide D . passenger (3)A . strong B . loud C . weak D . sweet (4)A . carrying B . taking C . wearing D . fetching (5)A . difference B . kindness C . happiness D . surprise (6)A . order B . address C . idea D . promise (7)A . busiest B . longest C . quietest D . shortest (8)A . teacher B . policeman C . doctor D . neighbor (9)A . easily B . noisily C . luckily D . quietly (10)A . from B . through C . by D . past (11)A . looking up B . looking through C . looking after D . looking into (12)A . hardly B . almost C . ever D . usually (13)A . pleasure B . chance C . sadness D . pain (14)A . how B . what C . why D . when (15)A . awful B . bad C . great D . peaceful 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)12. (6分)New Library Rules1. Open time: 8:30am.-4:30pm. From Monday to Friday.6. No taking books out if you dont ask the people here.2. No talking.7. Keep the library books for only one week.3. No eating any food.8. Give the books back on time.4. No listening to music.9. Renew (续借)books on time.5. No taking photos.10. Pay for the lost books.(1)What cant we do in the library?A . Borrow books.B . Renew books.C . Keep the library book for a week.D . Take books out anytime.(2)What do you have to do if we lose the library books?A . Buy them.B . Pay for them.C . Renew them.D . Ask the people there.(3)When can you go to the library?A . 8:30am. on Saturday.B . 2:30pm. on Sunday.C . 10:30pm. on Friday.D . 3:30pm. on Tuesday.13. (10分) When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box. Then we waited for the ants to arrive.After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to make tunnels(地道). I was amazed that each one knew exactly what to do. Each had its own job.On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧)happened. I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over. All the tunnels fell down. Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake, one by one they began to die. I was scared as I watched them give up building their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm.My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness. They simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone.Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm. Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world, but it taught me much more.Over the years, I came to realize the importance of teamwork. Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves. I also learned that they should be admired(钦佩)for their hard work.But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently: Adversity(逆境)is a natural part of life, and must be accepted. Unlike the ants, we cannot give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone, we must build another.Giving up, I say, is not a good choice.(1) What did the writers family do for him when he was seven?A . They built a farm of ants.B . They bought a few ants.C . They caught a lot of ants.D . They found an ant city.(2)Which statement is WRONG according to the passage?A . The writer knocked the glass box over because he put his face so close to the glass farm.B . The ants didnt die one by one after the tunnels were destroyed.C . Like people, teamwork is very important for the ants.D . Giving up isnt a good way when we meet trouble.(3)Among the following events, which one happened first?A . All the tunnels fell down.B . The ants died one by one.C . The ants got into the glass box.D . The ants began making tunnels.(4)What did the writer learn from the ant tragedy a few years later?A . Working together is useless.B . Teamwork is important.C . He cant accept adversity.D . Working alone is amazing.(5)What is the best title for the passage?A . Ants Fear AdversityB . My Family and AntsC . Giving Up in AdversityD . Dont give up anytime14. (6分)阅读理解 When I was in the seventh grade, I had problems behaving. My heart was in the right place, but I couldnt always follow the rules. I played many tricks on my schoolmates. Once, I even pulled a girls hair on the school bus to get her attention. As a result, I was repeatedly sent to the office of the headmaster. Although 1 hated going there, I did nor hate the headmaster, Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith was a kind, elderly man. When he punished me for putting some ants into a classmates pencil box, it didnt hurt at all, but it did hurt my feelings. I thought so much of him and moments like that seemed to prove I was hopelessly bad.When I was called to Mr. Smiths office for the sixth time, I had no idea what I had done. I felt disappointed as I walked down there. I went into his office, sat down, and looked at the floor. Then he said the last thing I expected to hear. Kevin, Ive heard youve been behaving really well lately. I want you to know how proud I am of you, and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint.Really? I was surprised.Yes. Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class.I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin. When I got into my classroom, I bragged(吹嘘) to my classmates about nay turn around, excitedly. I wasnt so bad after all.Mr. Smith was really kind. He made me realize that I was just a kid who had problems with behavior. He bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got something anything-right. Mr. Smith gave me some hope by giving me some love. I will just remember him for the rest of my life.(1)How did the writer behave in his seventh grade? A . He had problems behaving.B . He had problems with the headmaster.C . He always followed the rules.D . He often helped his classmates.(2)How did the writer feel when he went to the headmasters office for the sixth time? A . Lonely.B . Disappointed.C . Confident.D . Excited.(3)Why will the writer always remember Mr. Smith? A . Because the headmaster talked with him in the office.B . Because the headmaster played games with him.C . Because the headmaster expected him to be a teacher.D . Because the headmaster gave him some hope and love.15. (10分)阅读理解BLast week, scientists said they discovered a new birdlike dinosaur. With feathers, a beak (鸟嘴) and long legs, it looked pretty funny. This kind of dinosaur was 3 meters (10 feet) long, and it was higher than most humans. It also had sharp claws (爪子).Fossil hunters dug out the bones of this species in a rocky place of southwest North Dakota. The scientists nicknamed this dinosaur the Chicken from Hell. They also gave it a more formal name: Anzu Wyliei. Anzu was a mythical (神秘的) fire-breathing bird. Wylie is the dinosaur-loving grandson of a man who supports the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pa. Scientists at that museum were part of the team that told the new dinosaur in a paper published on March 19 in the journal PLOS ONE. The Anzu dinosaur is based on a surprisingly nice specimen(样品), and past digs turned up this animal, a scientist told Science News for Students.(1)What did the dinosaur look like? A . A cow.B . A bird.C . A dog.D . A fish.(2)Which of the following is TRUE about the dinosaur? A . The dinosaur had no mouth.B . The dinosaur was 2 meters long.C . Hunters found the dinosaur in the southwest East Dakota.D . Its nickname was the Chicken from Hell.(3)We can know from the passage that _. A . Wylie likes dinosaurB . the name Anzu wyliei comes from a mans nameC . the Carnegie Museum of Natural History gave money to the dinosaurs studyD . the specimen is very usual(4)Students are able to get more information about the dinosaur from _. A . Science News for StudentsB . the Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryC . PLOS ONED . scientists(5)The writer wrote the passage to_. A . tell us a discovery of a new kind of dinosaurB . tell us what the new dinosaur looked likeC . tell us who found the new dinosaurD . tell us how people found the new dinosaur四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共11分)16. (10分)选词填空。hobby, trust, must, last, share, valuable, wrong, other, well, solveMany people want others to be their friends,but they dont give friendship backThats why some friendships dont_very longYou really want other people to be your fiends,right? Well,youd better know the following thingsFriends must trust each_,So being honest(诚实的)is very importantIf a friend finds out that you are not honest,you may lose your friends _To be a good friend,you must learn to_You dont have to give your lunch money or your clothes to your friendBut you need to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your_or interestsCertainly,you can also share your ideas and feelingsThese can be very_to a friendBy sharing them you help your friend know you much_At school,something may go_Talking about the problem can help you_it easilyTurning to a friend can be a first choice to solve the problemSo to be a friend, you_listen and understandYou must try to put yourself in your friends place,So you can understand the problem better.17. (1分)Today were going to learn how to give i_. 五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你们班明天下午召开一次关于英语学习方法交流的班会。请你以How do I learn English?为话题,根据下面的提示写一篇简短的发言稿。要求: 70词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。提示:1、加入英语俱乐部;2.、常去英语角;3、每天早晨早起记单词;4、常听磁带录音做听力练习;5、收看英语节目。Good afternoon, everyone!Its an honor to talk with all of you here.Thats all. Thank you! 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共11分)16-1、17-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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