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人教版中考英语专题复习系动词和助动词(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共24题;共52分)1. (2分)Look, Sally looks unhappy, what _ the problem?A . seem to beB . seems to beC . seem that2. (2分)Lets _ computer games. That sounds _. I like it.A . play; more goodB . plays; difficultC . play; funD . plays; interesting3. (2分)At first, the boy felt interested in listening to the funny story. But later, he _ bored because of the same story. A . soundedB . looksC . seemsD . became4. (2分)The flowers smell _. A . wellB . badlyC . goodD . much well5. (4分) What do you think of this T-shirt? It very soft and comfortable. It must be made cotton.A . feels, ofB . is feeling, fromC . is felt, ofD . was felt, form6. (2分)- Would you like some Wenchang Chicken? It delicious.- Yes, please. Its my favorite.A . soundsB . tastesC . feels7. (2分)Nick a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didnt take it. A . is offeredB . offeredC . was offered8. (4分) Lets play soccer. That sounds _.A . wellB . veryC . goodD . very much9. (2分)_you Li Kai?No, I _ not.A . Is;amB . Are;isC . Is;areD . Are;am10. (2分)-How old _ your cat?-I think _ one.A . is, itB . are, itsC . is, itsD . are; is11. (2分)3-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours. It amazing. Its my first time to get to know the news.A . looksB . smellsC . sounds12. (2分)Have you ever listened to any Internet songs?Sure I have! And some of them _ really great!A . lookB . smellC . tasteD . sound13. (2分)-What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?-Fish, I guess. How nice it _!A . looksB . soundsC . tastesD . smells14. (2分)- Listen, the music sweet.- Its Yesterday Once More, my favorite.A . soundsB . smellsC . feels15. (2分)His plan _ great.A . soundB . sounds likeC . soundsD . sounding16. (2分)- Dinner is ready. Help yourself, please!- Wow! It _ delicious. You are really good at cooking.A . getsB . soundsC . tastesD . turns17. (2分)Everything_in our school since 2010. Now, it_very modern. A . is changed; is lookedB . is changed; looksC . has changed; is lookedD . has changed; looks18. (2分)The apples _sweet. Would you like another one?No, thanks.A . lookB . soundC . tasteD . feel19. (2分)Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?Yes, it sounds _.A . wellB . loudlyC . beautifullyD . sweet20. (2分) It _ that we will have bad weather tomorrow. Yes. Maybe we have to stay at home.A . soundsB . seemsC . feelsD . looks21. (2分)Lucy and I _ cousins.A . isB . areC . amD . be22. (2分)Our Maths teacher _ in our school for 20 years and he _ here when he was 25. A . taught: comesB . taught; has comeC . has taught; came23. (2分)May I surf the Internet now?No, _ you have finished washing the dishes.A . ifB . unlessC . becauseD . when24. (2分)Mrs Read _ the cleaning every day.A . doesntB . doesnt doC . dont doD . didnt do第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共24题;共52分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、


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