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北师大版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The Chinese _ fireworks at night to celebrate a new year. A . let offB . take offC . turn offD . put off2. (2分)Im so happy. Miss Yang let me _ a song in class this morning. A . singB . singingC . sangD . sung3. (2分) How was your interview for the work? Oh, I couldnt feel any . I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.A . happierB . betterC . worseD . harder4. (2分)Youd better _ so late at night. Its bad for your health. A . not stay upB . not to stay upC . no staying up5. (2分)Li Ming, _ to the concert enjoyed it very much.A . I went withB . with whom I wentC . with who I wentD . I went with him6. (2分)These problems are too hard to _. Will you give me some advice? A . look outB . work outC . hand outD . find out7. (2分)Do you know if we _a picric next month?Im not sure. But if it _ raining, maybe we will.A . will have, will stopB . have, will stopC . will have, stopsD . have, stops8. (2分)The boy pretended _ when the teacher came in. A . sleepingB . asleepC . sleepyD . to be asleep9. (2分)Jim studies in No.1 High School, but Jane studies in a High School. A . the sameB . sameC . different10. (2分) Do you know about the Statue of Liberty?一 Yeah, it is famous around the world.A . tallB . largeC . well-known11. (2分) Must I return the book this week? No, you _ . You can _ it for 10 days.A . mustnt; keepB . neednt; borrowC . neednt; keepD . mustnt; lend12. (2分)-_ do the students go to school?-It depends _ where they live.A . How; ofB . What; ofC . How; onD . What; on13. (2分)On her way home Lucy saw a thief _ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.A . steal; callB . to steal; callC . stealing; to callD . stealing; calling14. (2分)In the UK, a woman usually doesnt like to be asked _.A . whether she had been marriedB . what is her ageC . how much she weighsD . where she comes from15. (2分)Im going to Sanya for my holiday tomorrow._A . Have a good time!B . Youre right.C . Its good.D . Goodbye二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Three years ago, I got to know a poor lady named Rose. She had no children and lived alone. When I went to visit her, I always took her some1and food. One day she asked me to have coffee and delicious food for lunch at a restaurant near her home.2the way, I began to worry: I knew that she had no money, but if I offered to3the lunch, I was afraid I must hurt her.There were many people in the4and all of them were happy. Rose told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went into the5. I didnt know what happened. After about 20 minutes, she came out with some food. Then we started to enjoy the delicious food together. She told me that the restaurant allowed people to work for a meal6they had no money. The restaurant also might give them a free meal if they were not7to work, especially for the disabled.I 8remember the beautiful afternoon I shared with Rose. We had a meal, and Rose paid for it by her work. The weather was9and bright, and everyones smile was warm and bright as well.Im still thinking that life cannot be easy to us, but we can still do something for our friends and other people. The world will be10if everybody would like to share happiness with others.(1)A . tea B . milk C . water D . coffee (2)A . By B . In C . On D . At (3)A . ask for B . pay for C . look for D . care for (4)A . park B . shop C . hotel D . restaurant (5)A . kitchen B . bank C . cinema D . theater (6)A . or B . if C . so D . but (7)A . glad B . able C . happy D . pleased (8)A . still B . never C . hardly D . already (9)A . warm B . hot C . cool D . cold (10)A . safer B . wider C . better D . bigger 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But when I read the word Pisa, I was thinking of pizza. I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza. It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world, I thought.Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I then knew that it was Pisa and not pizza. But there was still something special about it for me. The tower got its name because it really did lean to one side. Some people want to try to fix it. They are afraid it may fall down and they dont want it to lean over the city.I do not think its a good idea to try to fix it. The tower probably will not fall down. It is 600 years old. Why should anything happen to it now? And, if you ask me, I like what it looks like. Nothing is perfect. It seems to say.And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting. Lets take the tower in Pisa. Why is it so famous? There are many other older, more beautiful towers in Italy. But the Leaning Tower of Pisa is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it.(1)This passage is about . A . Italian pizzaB . Italys problemsC . how the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its nameD . why the writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa(2)The writer used to think Pisa is . A . in SpainB . not very famousC . not the same as pizzaD . the same as pizza(3)The Leaning Tower of Pisa is . A . modernB . falling downC . 600 years oldD . 60 years old(4)The writer . A . doesnt like what the tower looks likeB . likes what the tower looks likeC . thinks its the most beautiful tower in ItalyD . doesnt like towers(5)The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because . A . its oldB . its perfectC . it sells pizzaD . its imperfect18. (10分)阅读理解 Maybe you have seen this in school: Some students studying nearly all the time but they just pass their exams, while some other may spend much less time on their books but do much better in exams. How could this happen? People used to think that hard work is the only way to success. But now they understand that smart work can make them success, too.Hard workers dont mind working for long hours, while smart workers always think of several different answers to these questions. Why should I suffer this? Isnt there a better way to do this? Thanks to these people, we can use computers instead of the abacus now. Progress in every field is the direct result of try to find a better way by smart workers.There was a large soap factory in Japan. Once it received an unusual letter from someone who complained that there was no soap in the soapbox he bought.How could empty soapbox go out of the factory? The engineers checked the producing and packing. The producing was fine, but in about one in ten thousand cases, the packing machines let an empty soapbox go. There was no need to spend a lot of money repairing the machine for such a small problem. The engineer soon worked out a solution. He put a large X-ray(X射线) machine and two large computers to find out the empty soapbox. After teaching the workers how to use it, he sat down in his seat, exhausted(精疲力尽).Sir, we could have solved the problems in a much simpler and cheaper way. a worker said.Really? How?We can put a huge fan(电扇) near the packing machine. The wind coming from the fan will blow away the empty boxes, leaving the other boxes with soap. There would be no need for an X-ray machine, two computers, and operating by workers.See, this is smart work. In order to succeed, we should not only work hard like the engineers, but also think smart like the workers. (1)Some students spend much less time on schoolwork but do much better in exams _. A . because of their hard workB . because of different educationC . because they try to find a better wayD . because they study for much longer time(2)Someone wrote to the soap factory and complained that _. A . the soapbox he bought was emptyB . their soap was too expensiveC . the soap he bought was terribleD . their service was very bad(3)The soap factory could only _ near the packing machine to solve the problems in a much simpler and cheaper way. A . set some soapboxesB . set an X-ray machineC . put two large computersD . put a huge fan(4)The underlined phrase blow away means _. A . 停止B . 吹走C . 挑出D . 逃脱(5)The article mainly tells us that we should _ in order to succeed. A . think of different answers to our questionsB . spend much less time on our schoolworkC . work hard like the engineers and think smart like the workersD . spend enough money repairing the machine for any problem19. (10分)阅读理解BA young woman was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when she noticed an old man following her aroundThinking nothing of it,she ignored him and went on shoppingAfter she got what she wanted,she went to checkout line,but the old man got in front of herPardon me! he said,Im sorry if my staring(盯)at you has made you feel uncomfortable(不舒服的),its just because you look like my granddaughter,who just died recentlyAnd I miss her very muchIm very sorry,said the young womanIs there anything I can do for you?Yes the old man saidAs Im leaving,can you say Good-bye,grandpa to me? It would make me feel so much betterSure,answered the young womanAs the old man was leaving,she called outBye-bye,grandpa!When she stepped(迈步) up to the checkout counter(收银台),she saw that her total was $178.50How can that be? she askedI only bought a few things!Your grandpa said you would pay for him, said the clerk.(1)Why did the old man follow the woman and let her say Bye-bye,Grandpa? A . He wanted to steal her moneyB . She looked like her dead granddaughterC . He wanted to stare at herD . He wanted her to pay for him(2)According to the passage we can know that _ A . the young woman is a careless personB . the young woman is as clever as the old manC . the young woman was pleased to pay for the old manD . the young woman didnt know the old man at all(3)What does the word ignored mean? A . 忽视B . 浏览C . 可怜D . 鄙视(4)How much did it cost that the young woman bought? A . More than $178.50B . Less than $178.50C . About $178.50D . $ 78.50(5)Which of the following is the best title of the story? A . A kind-hearted young womanB . The total was $178.50C . Bye-bye grandpaD . An old man and his granddaughter四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共10题;共41分)20. (1分)John didnt have an u_, so he was wet. 21. (5分)将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在横线上。 (1)Yesterday once more is _(经典歌曲). (2)_(赶快), or youll be late for class. (3)Watching _(茶艺表演)is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. (4)The temperature in Singapore is almost the same _(全年). (5)Now more and more people enjoy _(自然美). 22. (1分)Their choices can usually r_, their hopes and interests. 23. (10分)阅读下面的短文,根据括号内所给汉语的意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)That was a hot summer. When I was five years old just before my sister came to the world, my mother asked me what we _(应该)name the new baby. I think for a minute and said, “Lets call her Gravy!”You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes good! My parents found my idea interesting but at last they named the new baby Caroline, _(代替). As soon as I saw Caroline I just _( 掉入)in love with her.Having a sister _(改变) my life. When my sister and I played together, we often fought and argued with each other _(几个)times a week. It made our parents angry. But at the same time, we learned to _(关心)for each other.In North America, there are many kinds of families but most families have _(超出)one child. Of course, some have three or more. In China, most children dont have brothers or sisters and they often feel _(孤独的). Some middle school students in China wish that they had a brother or sister. If you are one of them, I have a good idea for you. You can treat your friends or classmates _(当作)your brothers and sisters! You know that the good family _(关系) and friendship can lead to a happy life.24. (1分)His father is a _ (驾驶员). 25. (10分)阅读下面短文。然后根据括号中所给汉语意思写出单词并用其正确形式填空。每空一词。Dear Lingling,Im happy to get your _(邮件). This is a _(照片) of my new school. Its a nice school. There are _(绿色的) trees everywhere. This is my classroom. Its very big. Im in Class _(五), Grade Seven. There is a _(电脑), a clock and some desks in it. That is a _(图书馆). There are many books in it. The playground is very big, _(也). We can play _(棒球) with our friends. Mrs. Green is my English teacher. I like _(她的) class very much.My phone _(号码) is 879-7659. Please call me.26. (1分)We spent an _(enjoy) evening talking about old times. 27. (1分)These_(card) on the table are interesting. 28. (1分)Jim cant go to the party because of _(ill). 29. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Electricity is a type of energy that was discovered over 100 years_One of the most common _(way) to make electricity is changing other energy sources(来源), such as coal, oil, solar, wind _falling water. You may not even realize that electricity is a huge part of _(you) everyday life. Basically, it _(keep) your home and school warm in winter and cool in summer. Without it, you would never _able to watch your favourite TV show or listen to your MP3 player. Have you ever imagined a world in which you cant _(turn) on a light, a computer, or even use the phone? So electricity is _(importance) to us and we need electricity. Thats why its time to rethink _(us) relationship with the valuable resource and think about how we can do our part in _(use) it wisely.五、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)任务型阅读I was coming back home late at night in a ”Sharing” minivan. In Hyderabad, India, it is a cheap and quick means of transport. The van drivers ply (揽客) as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is designed for the transport of 8 peopleOur van was crowded as well. People were getting off and on at many places.On the journey, one girl waved her hand to ask the driver to stop. While getting down, she tripped and fellNone of us notice it,as it was dark. The driver was waiting for her to pay. It was then that we saw the girl was on her knees by the side of the road. Another passenger and l got down and held her upEven in pain, the girl held up a note and asked us to pay the driverThe other passenger took the note and paid the driverMy stop was a few hundred meters away. I decided to stay with her till she was fine. I paid the driver for myself and he took off with the other passengers.I neither knew her nor did I know what to do, but I was there, saying some comforting words to a stranger in pain. I asked her to stand still for a few minutes. We then looked for a place for her to sit. From out of nowhere, her friend joined us.We made her sit in a nearby grassland and her friend rushed to get a taxi. In the meantime, she examined her leg and her ankle had swollen up (肿胀). It looked like a sprain (扭伤). Once her friend came back, they took the taxi and rushed to a hospital. Before they left, the girl thanked me and said they could manage as it was only a small sprain.I do not know if I did enough. But I feel I gave some comfort to her in a small way.(1)Did the story happen in India?_(2)How many people did the drivers ply in fact?_(3)Why did no one notice the girl?_(4)What did the writer do for the girl?_(5)Where did the girl go after she left the bus stop?_六、 将下列句子译成英语。 (共5题;共19分)31. (9分)根据汉语提示完成英文句子,每空一词(动词可以加to)。 (1)好朋友可以分享一切东西。Good friends can _.(2)梦幻服装店服务最差Dream Clothes has _service.(3)他们在决定谁获胜时起作用。They _a role in _the winner.(4)在电视上你想看新闻吗?_you want _the news on TV?(5)我不能忍受谈话节目。I cant _talk shows.32. (3分)你最好多锻炼,否则容易生病。 _ _ _ more exercise, or youll get sick easily.33. (1分)他打开盒子,发现了一副国际象棋。He opened the box and found_34. (5分)我们不应该捉弄处于困境的人。(play a joke on sb; be in trouble)35. (1分)你在给家里打电话吗?Are you_?七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分)假如你的好朋友叫王平, 这里有他的个人情况, 请根据汉语提示, 给他作个介绍。王平今年14岁, 他每天花费一个小时看书, 他阅读面很广, 对科学方面的书很感兴趣, 周末他还喜欢去图书馆借书, 图书馆就在他家对面。有时他和朋友们一起讨论他所读的书, 彼此给对方建议, 王平觉得读书帮助他很多, 1.使他学到了很多知识。2.使他更好地了解了世界。3.自拟一点。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共10题;共41分)20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、五、 回答问题 (共1题;共5分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、六、 将下列句子译成英语。 (共5题;共19分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)36-1、


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