人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(含听力材料无音频)(II )卷.doc

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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(含听力材料无音频)(II )卷一、 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Where is Frank on Sunday afternoon? A . B . C . 2. (2分)Which city has the largest population ? A . B . C . 3. (2分)What will Linda do this evening? A . B . C . 4. (2分)听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项( ) A . B . C . 5. (2分)Which animal does Mary like best? A . B . C . 二、 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出正确答 (共7题;共22分)6. (2分)What is Helens last name? A . Smith.B . Miller.C . Green7. (2分)(2017德州)选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语( )A . Hurry uo!B . Have a try!C . Thank you!8. (2分)Why does the girl look worried? A . Because Jenny doesnt lend her book.B . Because she lost Jacks favorite book.C . Because Jack is angry with her.9. (2分)What day is it today? A . Tuesday.B . Wednesday.C . Thursday.10. (4分)听下面一段对话, 回答问题。 (1)What is the man doing? A . He is buying a dictionary.B . He is asking the way.C . He is taking a bus.(2)What should the man do at the second crossing? A . Walk along the road to the end.B . Turn left.C . Turn right.11. (4分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)When does the boy have his birthday party? A . On Sunday.B . On Thursday.C . On Saturday(2)What will the mother do for the boy? A . Lend him some money.B . Do some shopping for his party.C . Call his friends.12. (6分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)Who is the girl in white? A . Mary.B . Linda.C . Jenny.(2)Is that girl in yellow Linda? A . Yes, she is.B . No, she isnt.C . I dont know.(3)How many(多少) girls are mentioned(提到)? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.三、 听短文,根据所听到短文内容,完成下面表格。 (共1题;共20分)13. (20分)听下面一段对话或独白,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答问题。 (1)Why was life hundreds of years ago much harder than it is today? (2)How many kinds of pollution are mentioned? (3)What pollutes the air every day? (4)What must factories do before the waste water is poured out? 四、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14. (2分) Do you know how to spell word “expensive” in English? Yes. It begins with e.A . the; aB . the; anC . a; anD . the; the15. (2分)Could you read the sentences on the blackboard loudly?I am really sorry. I cant see _ without glasses.A . nearlyB . clearlyC . cleanly16. (2分) _ does your father have _ lunch? Chicken and tomatoes.A . What; forB . What; /C . How; forD . How; /17. (2分)Last Saturday, I got to the station late because of the heavy traffic, but _ the train was still there. A . exactlyB . mostlyC . luckilyD . slowly18. (2分)If you _ an organization or a school, you start to work there or become a member of it. A . enterB . leaveC . apply19. (2分)She is a book lover.For her, books are as _ to life as bread.A . popularB . necessaryC . possible20. (2分)Its useful for deaf people to learn sign language. Yes, its a major way of _ for them.A . suggestionB . vacationC . productionD . communication21. (2分)I wonder if its similar _ the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.A . forB . atC . inD . to22. (2分)Lucy is going to Tianjin by train. Its _ than the bus. A . slowB . fastC . fasterD . slower23. (2分)Alan, happy birthday to you! _A . Happy New Year!B . Happy birthday!C . Thank you.D . Im OK.24. (2分)Sam, I am good at swimming. What about you?I can play the piano very wellA . do well inB . think ofC . am worried about25. (2分)Could you give me some _ on how to learn English _? Sure. Practice makes perfect. A . advice; goodB . suggestions; goodC . advice; wellD . suggestion; well26. (2分) The cup cakes are gifts for your friends. Wow! They look _.A . difficultB . strongC . badD . delicious27. (2分)Either Mary or he _ going to ParisOnly one person may go there.A . areB . isC . wasD . am28. (2分) breaks the school windows will be in for trouble. A . WhoeverB . WhoC . WhichD . Whose五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)完形填空A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then,he had to 1the arms of his younger brother. Except for writing with his toes(脚趾头),he could hardly do 2in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of 3and they often argued. Then one day, his younger brother 4him. So he was very sad and didnt know 5to do.A girl lost her hands 6a fire. Though her elder sister wanted to 7her, she decided to do everything by herself. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her article,“I am 8though I lost my hands, I still have legs. Though my wings(翅膀)are broken,my heart can still fly.”One day, a 9invited both of the boy and the girl to a television interview program. He asked them 10something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote“My younger brothers arms are my arms.” while the girl wrote “Broken wings, flying heart.”.(1)A . go on B . work on C . look for D . depend on (2)A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything (3)A . questions B . hobbies C . problems D . differences (4)A . hit B . left C . loved D . hated (5)A . who B . where C . what D . which (6)A . as for B . thanks to C . because D . because of (7)A . leave B . take care of C . write to D . forget (8)A . sad B . lucky C . excited D . shy (9)A . host B . teacher C . policeman D . doctor (10)A . write B . wrote C . to write D . writing 六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共37分)30. (6分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。British Study ToursUsing the wonderful railway system (铁路) we offer an unusual holiday, sport and study program (计划). Your hotel is a train: eat and sleep on the train and spend each day in a different part of Britain.Summer Schools in FranceWe offer summer schools for students between the ages of 12 and 16. Live with a French family and choose from different activities including horse-riding, football, swimming and skiing.Summer in AustraliaWe will arrange (安排)a program for your students. All our courses take place at the college in Sydney. Morning classes are held in Chinese; evening classes on Australian history are in English. We offer an exciting program of evening activities including music. Dance and theatre.Holiday Programs in GermanyWe offer morning classes in German at all levels (水平)from beginner upwards. In the afternoon you are free to join in our mountain walks or to go shopping in the nearby town. In the evening we organize (组织)a full program for fun. All ages welcome.(1)If you like traveling by train, you can go to _. A . Summer School in FranceB . Summer in AustraliaC . Holiday Programs in GermanyD . British Study Tours(2)If you want to make your English better, which programs will you choose? A . Holiday Programs in Germany and British Study Tours.B . Summer in Australia and Summer School in France.C . British Study Tours and Summer in Australia.D . Summer School in France and holiday Programs in Germany.(3)“Summer School in France” is different from the others in that you can _. A . go at any time of the yearB . stay with a local familyC . go at any ageD . do sports31. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Its not WASTE until it is WASTED!With the World Environment Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting the waste. Here in our schoolyard we lay four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled (循环再用); the green is for kitchen waste; the yellow is for other waste.The followings are some instructions for you.Glass: Empty bottles without caps can be recycled to make new glass bottles.Warning: Mirrors and light bulbs (电灯泡) must not be included in the glass waste.Paper: Newspapers, magazines, boxes must be clean enough to be recycled. Warning: Paper tissues (餐纸) and wall paper are not recyclable as paper and should be kept separately.PMD waste: Packaging made of Plastic or Metal and Drink boxes are used to make new packaging.Warning: Plastic pots (e.g. yoghurt pots), plastic bags must not be included with the PMD waste.Harmful waste: out-of-date drugs, used batteries(电池), paint and oil Besides, if you dont need your old bikes at all, our school volunteers will collect them. Were going to fix them up and then give them away to kids who dont have enough money for a bike.To find out more about recycling, you can visit our school website.(1)According to the passage, _ different colors of rubbish bins are laid in the schoolyard.A . 4B . 5C . 6D . 7(2)The fish bones (骨) should be thrown in the _ bin.A . redB . greenC . blueD . yellow(3)From the passage, we can see that _ are harmful to the environment.A . paper tissuesB . empty bottlesC . drink boxesD . out-of-date drugs(4)If you give your old bike to the volunteers, it will be _.A . sold to collect money for the poor kidsB . fixed up and given back to you for freeC . fixed up and given away to the poor kidsD . given away immediately to the poor kids(5)The main purpose of this passage is _.A . to look for volunteers for waste sortingB . to introduce waste sorting to the studentsC . to introduce the World Environment DayD . to advertise glass, paper and plastic products32. (8分)根据短文内容理解,选择正确答案。Most of the flowers in nature are red, orange and yellow. If we have seen a black flower, its chance in a million.People have made a survey to colors of more than four thousand kinds of flowers and discovered that only eight of them are black.As we know, sunlight is formed by seven colored lights. The wavelength of each light is also different, so the quantity(量) of heat in each light is also different. Flowers, especially their petals(花瓣), are easy to be harmed by high temperature.Black flowers can take in the light of all the wavelengths that make them dry up because of high temperature, so black flowers can hardly resist(抵抗) sunlight. But red, orange and yellow flowers can protect themselves from sunlight by reflecting(反射) the red light, orange light and yellow light, each of which has a large quantity of heat.(1)It is _ to see a black flower. A . impossibleB . two fifthsC . Very commonD . chance in a million(2)The passage tells us that _. A . black flowers are so weak that it is difficult for them to grow upB . there are only eight black flowers in natureC . sunlight is formed by seven different colored lights including blackD . black flowers can take in the light of all the wavelengths that make them dry up because of high temperature(3)Which of the following ideas is NOT true? A . People have found that only few kinds of flowers are black.B . Flowers are easy to be harmed by very high temperature.C . Red, orange and yellow flowers can also absorb(吸收) the light of all wavelengths.D . The black flowers cant protect themselves from sunlight.(4)From the passage we know the red, orange and yellow light have _. A . Less heat than the other lightsB . More heat than the other lightsC . Very little lightD . A large quantity of heat33. (8分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DHow old is old? The answer has changed over the years. Two Hundred years ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 20th century, the average life span(平均寿命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is old? The answer is one youve heard many times, from all kinds of people. You are as old (or young) as you feel. Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well youve lived.Nobody grows old by living a number of years, Wrote a writer. People grow old when they dont have their ideals(理想). People shouldnt have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds can be as bright as young minds. Alice Brophy once said, It makes me unhappy when people say, You look young for your age. What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80.(1)About 100 years ago, the average life span was _. A . 35B . 45C . 70D . 80(2)The meaning of the word aging is _. A . growing oldB . staying youngC . keeping healthyD . feeling unhappy(3)According to the passage, which of the following is true? A . Old people are not as bright at young people.B . All older people are healthy and strong.C . Aging does not mean you become unhealthy.D . Most older people are unhealthy and poor.(4)The passage is mainly(主要地) about _. A . the average life spanB . agingC . the 20th centuryD . older people and young people34. (5分)Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.Ladies and gentlemen,_Good morning. I am proud to introduce our “Oriental Moscow” Heilongjiang._First, I want to introduce the geographical location, size of Heilongjiang province. Heilongjiang is the northeast of the country, covers an area of 46 square kilometers, the west is plain(平原) , the northeast for Sanjiang plain, North and southeast for mountain._Long and cold in winter, summer is short and cool, large temperature gap between north and south, so north even have no long winter and no summer. So in summer we can have holiday, in winter we can watch the snow view and lantern Festival(冰灯) ._Next to introduce the Heilongjiangs features: First, due to the volcanic(火山的) remains a lot, volcanic activities for Heilongjiang created the tourism resources for Heilongjiang. Second, local literature and art in Heilong - ice sculpture(冰雕) . Since the 60s, ice sculpture has so far been has wide influence. It has over 200 years history of Errenzhuan._Now I will introduce two famous scenic spots of Heilongjiang: Sophia church, the central street. First, the Sophia church. Sophia church in Harbin built in 1997. It displays the Harbin scenery as a unique architecture. It is welcoming every visitors by using the unique charm and rich content. The central street Harbin is affected by European culture, reflected in too many European architecture. The central street is not only is and old street, the walking street, but also is a building art expo street(街头艺术展览会). There are different characteristic brand activities, for example, western food festival, carnival(狂欢节), wedding day(婚庆节), garments festival, street culture festival and shopping festival attracted friends all over the world.Now let my partner to introduce the other beauty of Heilongjiang. Thank you.A. Heilongjiangs populationB. Heilongjiangs locationC. Heilongjiangs featuresD. Heilongjiangs famous scenic spotsE. Heilongjiangs weatherF. Heilongjiang is called Oriental Moscow七、 看图写话 (共1题;共25分)35. (25分)(2016泉州)根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。 (1) (face, now) (2) (collect, fun) (3) (make, wood) (4) (find, ground) (5) (break, fine) 八、 情景交际 (共1题;共2分)36. (2分) (morning)_九、 短文填词。 (共1题;共1分)37. (1分)Can you tell me the_(different) between the two boys? 十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)假如你是李军,你打算和父母去北京旅游,红星 (Red Star) 旅行社将为你们提供全程服务。请你根据以下提示给红星旅行社的主管张先生 (Mr. Zhang) 写一封电子邮件,咨询一下相关情况。 1)旅行车上游客的数量;咨询的问题2)宾馆是否有带大窗户的三人间;3)宾馆附近是否有游泳池;4)饭菜是否可口、种类多样。要求:1)根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥;2)恰当运用本单元所学的表达方式:Could you (please) tell me .?3)80词左右。电子邮件的开头和署名已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Zhang,As a visitor, Id like to ask you some questions. Yours,Li Jun第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出正确答 (共7题;共22分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、11-1、11-2、12-1、12-2、12-3、三、 听短文,根据所听到短文内容,完成下面表格。 (共1题;共20分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、四、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共37分)30-1、30-2、30-3、31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、34-1、七、 看图写话 (共1题;共25分)35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、35-5、八、 情景交际 (共1题;共2分)36-1、九、 短文填词。 (共1题;共1分)37-1、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38-1、


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