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上海版2020中考英语真题试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)There is a lot of litter on the ground. Lets pick _ up. A . itB . themC . itsD . they2. (2分)The Great Wall is known _ the world. A . forB . asC . onD . to3. (2分)Have you seen my cat? Oh, I saw it_the chair and run away just now. A . jump downB . jump overC . sit onD . sit in4. (2分)Mum, could you buy me a wool scarf like this?Sure, we can buy_ one than this one , but_it.A . a better; better thanB . a worse; as good asC . a cheaper; as good asD . a more important; not as good as5. (2分)The boy in Beijing when he 15 years old. A . works;isB . worked;wasC . works;wasD . worked;is6. (2分)一 Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.一 Sorry, mum. I on the phone.A . am talkingB . talkedC . was talking7. (2分)At this time yesterday she _ for the bus at the bus stop.A . waitedB . was waitingC . waitingD . waits8. (2分)The car looks nice. _, its much greener because it uses electricity. A . HoweverB . Whats worseC . Even thoughD . Besides9. (2分)If it isnt fine this weekend ,our spring field trip _.A . is cancelledB . was cancelledC . will be cancelled10. (2分)Please tell me _ to improve my English.A . how I can doB . what can I doC . what I can doD . how can I do二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Jimmy lives in London and he began to swim a few months ago. He 1 swimming, and he often goes to the swimming pool near his 2 with his mother and swims there for3or two.One day his mother said, “You4 quite well now. And you want to see the sea, dont you? Your father and I are going to5 you there on Sunday, and you are going to swim in the6. Its not cold now, and its much nicer than a swimming pool.”Jimmys parents took him7 the sea by their car on Sunday. They8 at the side of a small harbor (港口). Jimmy got out and 9 the sea for a long time, but he was not very10. Then he asked his mother,“ Which is the shallow (浅的)end (部分)?”(1)A . likes B . studies C . starts D . begins (2)A . club B . gym C . library D . house (3)A . a day B . a minute C . an hour D . a year (4)A . swims B . swim C . swam D . swimming (5)A . take B . bring C . get D . put (6)A . lake B . sea C . river D . swimming (7)A . in B . at C . to D . on (8)A . lived B . stopped C . stored D . played (9)A . found B . watched C . saw D . looked at (10)A . happy B . healthy C . angry D . well 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)12. (8分)阅读理解 Both seasonal flu, a disease like a very bad cold, and much larger pandemics, like the one caused by H7N9(禽流感) in 2013, are the result of a race between the flu virus and the immune system which can protect people from illness. Heres how it works.Viruses, which cause pandemics, have two important proteins haemagglutinin(H) and neuraminidase(N).H helps the virus go into a cell .N helps new virus break out of that cell .They are parts of a virus that may be known and dealt with by the immune systemA flu virus attacks a host cell in order to reproduce itself. But the virus created out of it is quite different now. The viruss genetic material is copied with low fidelity. That difference produces virus which immune system does not always know and deal with immediately. Each years seasonal virus is therefore a little bit different, and thus requires an updated vaccine to prevent people from getting that disease.Pandemics viruses have bigger changes in this process .Many hosts defences are unprepared for such big changes, which happen three or four times a century .The 1918 pandemics was caused by viruses carrying H1 and N1.Anotber two pandemics in 1957 and 1968 were caused by viruses carrying H2and H3 together with N2.They are numbered by scientists. Much of this change goes on outside humans. A flu is usually from sick binds. Sometimes a bird-flu appears with materiel that enable it to spread among people .The H7N9 is recently worrying scientists in the health center.The flu virus sometimes jumps directly from a bird(often a chicken) to a person, but more usually passes through a pig The cells in bird and human are built differently, It means us that the virus needs different sets of material to attack them .Pig cells have features of both so that it can act as a platform in which the virus can fit from one to the other .Even after it has made humans ill, a virus cannot go ca to cause a pandemic unless it also gets the ability to pus easily between people, Luckily, this is something H7N9 has yet to do.(1)The underlined ward pandemics in the first paragraph probably is .A . a virus from pigs and chickenB . an animal carrying flu virusesC . a disease passing easily aroundD . a race inside human body(2)Paragraph 2 is mainly about .A . the harm of viruses.B . the spread of viruses C . the cause of virusesD . the structure of viruses(3)What can we learn from the passage? A . H7N9 can move from person to person easily nowB . Flu viruses develop both inside and outside humans.C . Pandemics viruses change very often during a short time.D . Immune system can always keep flu viruses away immediately(4)What is the best title of the passage? A . A Serious Disease Worrying ScientistsB . A New Effective Way to Prevent VirusesC . Changeable viruses Mind your H and ND . The Important Function of Immune System13. (10分)阅读理解Tommy is from a poor family. His father is a worker and he is often ill. Tommy hopes to be an artist, but everybody says it is not possible for him to be an artist and makes fun of his family and his dream. But Tommy never gives up.One day, he heard there was a drawing competition the following week, and anyone aged 13 and up was welcome. The winner would get 10,000 dollars and some art equipment(设备). He thought for a minute and decided to take part in the competition.That week seemed like the longest week in his life. Every day when he got home from school, a pencil and a piece of paper were the first things in his hands. He practiced drawing for a long time. Then, the day of the competition came. He finished his drawing quickly.After two weeks, Tommy got a letter. Tommy was too afraid to open the letter. At last he opened it slowly. Just as he read the first sentence, he began crying. However, they were not tears(眼泪) of sadness. They were tears of happiness.根据短文内容选择最佳答案(1)Tommy hopes to be _. A . a workerB . a doctorC . a writerD . an artist(2)The underlined words “makes fun of”means _ in Chinese. A . 嘲笑B . 支持C . 夸奖D . 创造(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Young boys can take part in the competition.B . The winner could get about 5,000 dollars.C . The winner could get some art equipment.D . Young girls couldnt take part in the competition.(4)Before the competition, when Tommy came back home, the first thing he did was_. A . cooking dinner for his fatherB . practicing drawingC . finishing his homeworkD . watching news about the competition(5)From the end of the story we can know that_. A . Tommy was sad, because he didnt win the competitionB . Tommy was happy, because he won the competition.C . Tommy could never become an artist.D . Tommy didnt win the competition, but he was still happy.14. (16分)阅读理解DResearch proves that nearly half of the cancers diagnosed(诊断) in the UK each year-over 130, 000 in total- are caused by life choices that include smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things.Tobacco(烟草) is the biggest factor, causing 23% for cases in men and 15.6% in women, says the Cancer Research UK report. Next comes a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in mens diets, while for women it is being overweight. Lead author of the report, Professor Max Parkin, said: Many people believe cancer is related to fate or in the genes(基因), and that it depends on luck whether they get it or not. Looking at all the evidence, it is clear that around 40% of all cancers are caused by things we mostly have the power to change.For men, the best advice appears to be: stop smoking, eat more fruit and vegetables and cut down on how much alcohol you drink. For women, again, the best advice is to stop smoking, but also watch your weight.In total, 14 lifestyle and environmental factors, such as where you live and the job you do, cause 134, 000 cancers in the UK each year.Some risk(风险) factors are well founded, such as smokings link with lung cancer. But others are less well recognized. For stomach cancer, a fifth of the risk comes from having too much salt in the diet, data suggests. Some cancers, like mouth and throat cancer, are caused almost entirely by lifestyle choices. But others, like gall bladder cancer(胆囊癌), are largely unrelated to lifestyle.Public Health Minister, Anne Milton, said: By making small changes you can cut your risk of serious health problems- giving up smoking, watching you drink, getting more exercise and keeping an eye on your weight.(1)What does the underlined word it, in the second paragraph, refer to?A . Change.B . Lifestyle.C . Cancer.D . Weight.(2)According to Professor Parkin, _.A . cancers are caused for genesB . some cancers will probably be avoidedC . most womens cancers are caused for no reasonD . men can keep an eye on their weight to avoid cancers(3)According to this passage, stomach cancer can be brought on by _.A . working overtimeB . taking in too much saltC . lack of exerciseD . smoking too much(4)What is the second factor causing womens cancer?(5)Give three things that we can do to reduce the risk of getting cancer.15. (6分)阅读理解Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, “Happiness depends on be happier.The first secret(秘密)of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future for example, getting into college or getting a good job that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives. Another secret to live a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.(1)The second paragraph tells us that _. A . we shouldnt think about our futureB . some people fail to live a happy lifeC . happiness is to enjoy the simple things in lifeD . the more friends you have, the happier you will be(2)The passage gives us _ pieces of advice on happiness. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3)Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? A . Reading a good book.B . Traveling to a foreign country.C . Playing a sport.D . Spending time with close friends.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共50分)16. (25分)任务型阅读BHi, friends ! Im Peter and I live in Hungary.I just want to talk about four season(季节)in my countryI like spring a lot because after the long cold and wet winter days,it is warm againTrees turn greenYou can see flowers everywhereIt often rains and there can be strong(强劲的)winds tooSometimes its cloudy but most of the time it is warm and sunnySummer is my favorite time of the yearIt is very hot in July and AugustSometimes there are heavy rainsMany of my friends and I like summer best because there is a long holiday (假期)and we can go on tripsThe school year starts on September 1 stIts also the beginning of autumnTrees are full of fruits in autumnIn October and November its usually cold and windyIt rains a lotWinter is usually very coldIt often snows and there are strong windsMany people like winter sports in my countryI like going out for sports,tooSkating is my favorite winter sport根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。(1)Where does Peter live?(2)How is the weather in spring most of the time in Peters country?(3)Why does Peter like summer best?(4)When does the school year start in Peters country?(5)Whats Peters favorite winter sport?17. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题。Larry is going to be a pilot. He wants to fly an airplane. But Larry is not a rich man. He doesnt have an airplane. He has only a chair. Larry ties 45 big balloons to his chair and then sits in the chair. The chair goes up.For a few minutes, everything is fine. The view from the chair is beautiful. Larry can see houses and trees below him. He is happy. He is flying!The chair goes up very high. Larry is afraid. “I dont want to go very high,” Larry thinks. “I want to go down a little.” With a small gun, Larry shoots 10 balloons. Then something terrible happens. Larry drops the gun, and it falls to the ground. Larry cant shoot more balloons. The chair goes up and up.Larry is three miles above the ground. Airplanes are flying over him. Larry has a small radio. “Help! Help!” he says into the radio. “Im flying in a chair, and I want to come down!” People hear Larry, but they cant help him.Larry flies in the chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons begin to lose air, slowly the chair comes down, and Larry is back on the ground. He is not hurt.(1)What does Larry want to be? (2)Why does the chair go up into the air? (3)What does he do when the chair goes up higher and higher? (4)Do the airplanes give him any help? (5)Why does the chair come down at last? 五、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18. (5分)4月20日,我国四川雅安发生特大地震,给人们的生命和财产安全带来重大损失。灾后人们纷纷伸出了援助之手。请你以校委会的名义用英语写一份80字左右的倡议书,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要点提示:(1)地震带来重大损失:摧毁了(destroy)村庄;人们失去了良田和家园;数百人失去生命;(2)人们纷纷献出爱心,急忙给灾区人民提供了食物和衣服;(3)作为中学生我们应该做什么Dear schoolmates,On April 20, An earthquake hit Yaan Sichuan. It brought a great loss to the people there.If everyone gives a hand , our world will become much more beautiful .School committee19. (5分)假如你是李华,你学校每年都在世界水日(World Water Day)开展丰富多彩的活动,宣传节约用水。你美国笔友Jim所在的学校也要开展类似活动,请你写信向他介绍你们的活动情况(活动内容见下表)。 活动时间3月22日参加人员全校师生活动形式表演话剧演讲比赛制作海报活动目的告诉人们水的重要性、浪费水的危害、节约用水的方法等。活动感想(请补充完整)要求:1)短文应包括表格中所有要点,可适当发挥;2)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3)词数80字左右。(开头已给出,不计入词数)参考词汇: short plays话剧 speech competition 演讲比赛 Dear Jim,Nice hearing from you. Let me tell you what we often do on World Water Day in our school.Yours,Li Hua第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共50分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、五、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18-1、19-1、

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