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Unit3TravelJournalPeriod4discoveringtheusefulstructuresThePresentContinuousTenseforfutureuse Whatisshedoing Sheislisteningtomusic Theyaresinging Whataretheydoing A WhatisMr Greendoingrecently B Heiswritinganewnovel 他在写另一部小说 说话时并未在写 只处于写作的状态 1 表示现在的动作 表示说话时 此时此刻 正在进行的动作 与时间状语now atthemoment rightnow等连用 e g Thestudentsaredoinghomeworknow 表示现阶段正在进行的动作 而不一定是说话时正在进行的动作 常与today thisweek thisterm recently等连用 e g Heiswritinganewnovelrecently review 现在进行时 2 表示反复性或习惯性的动作 常与副词always continually 频繁地 等连用 有强烈的感情色彩 表示说话人的 褒 赞扬 贬 厌恶 不满 遗憾等的感情色彩 e g She salwayschanginghermind ThePresentContinuousTense canbeusedtoexpressaplanoranarrangement 现在进行时表示将来 Whenareyouleaving Whenyouleave Whenyouleave Whereareyoustaying Howareyougoingto Howlongareyoustayingin Whenareyouarrivingin at Whenareyoucomingback Sentencepattern lookback WarmingUp2 P17 表将来 are goingto will JourneydowntheMekong Taskone pairwork Hereisanotherdialogueonpage21 InthedialogueanewspaperreporterisinterviewingWangWeiaboutherplansforthetripalongtheMekongRiver However theyarenotsureaboutsomeoftheverbtenses Canyouhelpthemcompletetheirconversation Sr MissWang IhearthatyoualongtheMekongRiver That sreallyexciting Haveyougoteverythingready Sw Almost Sr Whenyou Sw NextMonday Sr Howfaryoueachday SwIt shardtosay Iftheweatherisfine Ithinkwe llbeabletoride75kmaday Sr WhatabouttheweatherinQinghaiProvince Sw Theweatherforecastisnotgoodsowealargeparcelofwarmclotheswithus Sr Whereyouatnight Sw Usuallyinourtent butsometimesinthevillagesalongtheriverbank Sr Whathappensifyouhaveanaccident Sw Don tworry Ihadsomemedicaltrainingatmycollege Besides weoutinsurancetocoveranyproblems Sr Well itsoundsfun Ihopeyou llhaveapleasantjourney Thankyouforyourtime aregoingtotravel are leaving are cycling will aregoingtotake are staying willtake aretaking 用现在进行时表示将来 1 指的是近期的 按计划或安排要发生的动作 常有 意图 安排 或 打算 的含义 感觉比较生动 给人一种期待感 2 谓语通常为瞬间性的动词 并非所有动词 如 come go arrive leave start begin return meet stay play do have take getto seeoff travel fly drive walk reach meet I mleavingtomorrow HeiscomingbackthisSunday Howareyougettingthere 我星期五动身去北京 I mleavingforBeijingthisFriday 2 我的朋友今晚过来 Myfriendsarecomingoverthisevening 3 下周五我们乘飞机去上海 WeareflyingtoShanghainextFriday 4 下课后我们打算在操场踢足球 Afterclassweareplayingfootballontheplayground leave go come fly play 练一练 翻译下列句子 will shall 动词原形 表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态 或表示自然趋势或非主观意志 e g Hewillwriteyoualetternextweek Ishallbesixteenyearsoldnextmonth begoingto 动词原形 表示 就要 打算 或将要发生的事 e g We renotgoingtohaveanyclassesnextweek 表示将来的时态还有下列方法 beto 动词原形 表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见 e g Arewetogoonwiththiswork beaboutto 动词原形 表示即将发生的动作 不与表示将来的时间状语连用 e g Iwasabouttogoswimmingwhenmyguideshoutedatmeandtoldmenottodoso 一般现在时表示将来时 1 come go leave move start return arrive begin stay等动词表示的是航班 轮船等时间表时 用一般现在时表将来 e g Theplanetakesoffat10 10 Thatis it sleavingintenminutes 2 用在状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时 Ifyoudothatagain I llhityou 二 动词填空I leave inaminute I finish allmyworkbeforeI leave 2 Howlong you study inourcountry I plan tobehereforaboutonemoreyear I hope tovisittheotherpartsofyourcountry What you do afteryou leave here I return homeand get ajob 3 I write thecompositiontonight 4 Mary sbirthdayisnextMonday hermother give herapresent 巩固练习 amleaving willfinish leave will study plan hope will do leave willreturn get amwriting isgoingtogive Summary PresentContinuousTenseforfutureuse bedoingVerbs come go arrive leave start begin return meet stay play do have take getto seeoff etc RevisionofthePresentContinuousTense andtheSimpleFutureTense 1 DoEx1and2intheUsingstructuresonpage57 page58 Youareaskedtowriteyourplanforatripbydiscussingwithyourpartners 2 ReviewThePresentContinuousTenseforfutureuse Homework Thankyou

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