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牛津上海版2018-2019学年小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:完形填空小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 完形填空 (共5题;共25分)1. (5分)完形填空。My name is Li Hua. Im thirteen. Im a middle school student. I am 1Class Five, Grade One. My English teacher 2Mr Lin. He is 3old teacher. I 4a pen, a ruler and two 5in my pencil-box. I have a bike, 6.Liu Ping is in my class. She is a girl. We 7good friends. She is not 8today. I think she is at home. Look! Here is a 9. But it is not my book. I think it is 10book.(1)A . in B . at C . do D . not (2)A . are B . am C . is D . / (3)A . a B . an C . this D . very (4)A . am B . think C . know D . have (5)A . boxes B . pencils C . buses D . desk (6)A . too B . or C . much D . very (7)A . have B . am C . are D . all (8)A . right B . where C . at home D . at school (9)A . licence B . book C . picture D . map (10)A . Liu Ping B . Liu Pings C . Liu Pings D . Liu Pings 2. (5分)完形填空。1name is Chen Gang. Im 2Chinese boy. I 3twelve. I 4English. Im in 5. Im in Class Seven, Grade One. My 6name is Miss Gao. She is a good teacher. 7school I have a friend. 8name is Ma Qiang.This is a photo of my 9. That man is my father. 10is thirty-nine. The woman is my mother, she is thirty-seven. The girl is my sister. She is ten. That boy is me.(1)A . I B . My C . Me D . His (2)A . a B . in C . the D . / (3)A . is B . am C . are D . / (4)A . like B . likes C . look like D . look for (5)A . N B . 1 middle school C . N D . 1 Middle school E . N F . 1 middle School G . N I . 1 Middle School (6)A . teachers B . teachers C . teachers D . teacher (7)A . at B . in C . At D . In (8)A . He B . His C . Her D . she (9)A . home B . school C . family D . bedroom (10)A . he B . He C . Its D . It 3. (5分)完型填空。I am Nancy Black. I1 a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver. They dont 2 on Saturdays and Sundays. They sweep the floor3Saturday morning. But Mike and I like4some magazines. Sometimes we watch TV, but my father doesnt, he5reading a newspaper with my mother.(1)A . am B . have C . has (2)A . sleep B . work C . like (3)A . in B . under C . on (4)A . reading B . looking C . seeing (5)A . is B . like C . likes 4. (5分)完型填空。Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack live in a building1four floors. They live on different 2. They have different jobsan engineer, a worker, a teacher and a doctor. Tom 3 above Sam, but below Jim. Jack lives on the 4 floor. The doctor lives above the teacher, but below the worker. The engineer lives on the ground floor. What are their jobs? Which floor does each of them live5?(1)A . to B . at C . of (2)A . floor B . floors C . / (3)A . lives B . live C . living (4)A . two B . three C . third (5)A . on B . in C . at 5. (5分)完型填空。This is my room. Near the window there1a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can 2 some books, a ruler, a pen and some flowers 3the vase(花瓶). On the wall near the desk there is a picture 4a cat. There is a clock on my bed . I can put my football 5my bed. There is a chair near the desk . I sit(坐) there and I can see the trees and the flowers outside(外面) .(1)A . is B . are C . am (2)A . look B . see C . watch (3)A . on B . at C . in (4)A . of B . to C . on (5)A . on B . under C . in 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共5题;共25分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、


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