2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected步步练(2)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected步步练(2)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected步步练(2)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected步步练(2)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.李仕才 Section A2 3a4c.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1The plane was flying a_ the clouds.2The sun goes down in the w_3My friend will arrive at the a_ at four this afternoon and Ill pick her up in my car.4The little girl is lucky to be a_ after the earthquake.5I often go to the m_ with my mother to buy vegetables and fruit on weekends.6They waited at the factory gate t_ the heavy rain stopped.7I think Ill be an office w_ in about ten years.8The house had already been b_ down when the firemen arrived.9By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else had already s_ up.10As I was waiting in l_ with others in the restaurant, I heard a loud noise.根据汉语意思完成句子1我正要上去,这时我决定先去买杯咖啡。I_ _ to go up _ I decided to get a coffee first.2那个小女孩怀疑地凝视着那份精美的礼物。That little girl was staring _ _ at the nice present.3他们看见那座正在燃烧的建筑物上空升起了黑烟。They saw the black smoke _ _ the burning building.4我的坏运气出乎意料地变成了一件好事情。My bad luck had _ _ _ a good thing.5外面很喧闹,他们出去看发生了什么事。It was very noisy outside. They went out to see _ was _ _.完形填空As two women walked into a New Jersey_1_, they laughed. It showed the love that had held them together _2_ forty years as best friends. _3_ they were laughing, one of these ladies would soon put her life in danger _4_ her best friend. Patty Hurley and Eileen Riley met at high school and have been close friends ever since. But when Eileen, _5_ nurse, became ill with kidney (肾) disease, she didnt go running to her friend Patty came to help her, after _6_ Eileen was sick. “My kidneys are failing,” Eileen explained. “Can I give you one of mine?” _7_ the immediate reply. The offer was so simple _8_ Eileen thought she had heard wrong. But Patty _9_ she was willing to help, and their journey to the operating table began. Eileen always knew that her friend would help. She said _10_, “When Patty _11_ a promise, she keeps _12_” The operation went ahead in May, _13_ both women are now very healthy and _14_ than ever. “There are no words to describe _15_ amazing this woman is,” Eileen said afterwards. “She gave me my life.”()1.A.hospital BschoolCoffice Dshop()2.A.in Bfor Csince Dwith()3.A.Although BBecauseCSince DWhen ()4.A.save Bsaved Csaves Dto save()5.A.a Ban Cthe D/()6.A.hear BheardChearing Dto hear ()7.A.came Bcomes Ccome Dcoming()8.A.as Bwhich Cthat Duntil ()9.A.repeated BaskedCshowed Dtold()10.A.simple BsimplyCsimpler Dsimplest()11.A.makes BhasCasks Dwants()12.A.it Bthem Cits Dones()13.A.and BbutCor Dbecause ()14.A.closest Bmost closeCcloser Dclosely()15.A.so Bwhy Cwhat Dhow.阅读理解Frankenstein is one of the worlds most famous horror stories. Its about a doctor who creates a new man from the body parts of dead people and brings it to life. But the experiment goes wrong and the monster(怪兽) kills the doctor and many others. The story has been read by millions since it was first published and in the last hundred years it has been made into dozens of movies. Many people are surprised to learn its writer was a 19yearold woman, called Mary Shelley. Mary was born into a rich London family in August 1797. She was educated by her parents and when she was 13 she decided to become a writer. In 1812, she met the famous writer Percy Shelley and they soon got married. Sadly for Mary, their first child died soon after birth in Italy. In her diary, Mary wrote about a dream:“I dreamt that my little baby came to life againthat it had only been cold and that we rubbed it before the fire and it lived.” In 1816, Percy Shelley and 19yearold Mary visited the poet Lord Byron at his home in Switzerland. Because of the bad weather they stayed indoors reading horror stories. One night, Byron asked everyone to write their own story. Mary thought of her dream and wrote the story Frankenstein. Frankenstein was published when Mary was 21, and became a huge success. Many people didnt think a 19yearold woman could write so well and believed her husband was the real writer. Although famous, Marys life was full of sadness. Only one of her four children lived and in 1822 her husband died in a swimming accident. Mary was brokenhearted and decided not to marry again. She devoted herself to her child and continued to write until her death in 1851.()1.What do we know about the story Frankenstein?AIt was really written by Mary Shelleys husband. BIt has been read by millions of people. CIt was written to remember Shelleys husband. DIt is the most famous story in the world.()2.Where was Mary Shelley when she wrote the story Frankenstein?AIn England. BIn Italy. CIn Switzerland. DIn France.()3.In which order do the following take place? aBad weather made everyone stay indoors reading horror stories. bThe story Frankenstein was first published. cMary wrote about a dream in her diary. dMary met the famous writer Percy Shelley. eMovies based on the story of Frankenstein were made.Aa, c, b, e, d Bd, c, a, b, e Cc, a, b, d, e Db, a, d, c, e()4.How old was Mary Shelley when she died?A43. B48. C51. D54.()5.What can we learn about Mary Shelley from this passage?AShe experienced a lot of sadness in her life. BShe wasnt considered a good writer during her life. CShe was educated at her local school. DShe became very rich because of the story Frankenstein.语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于3个单词)。Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so 1._(bad) damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person 2._(kill); several were badly hurt and taken 3._ hospital. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm. A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over 4._ hour. “I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “5._ we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later, our house 6._(fall) down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that 7._ of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him, safe 8._ very frightened.”Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house 9._(move). She ran outside at once with her children. “There was no time 10._(take) anything,” she said. “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the Red Cross brought them food, clothes and shelter.参考答案Section A2 3a4c课内基础自测.1.above2.west3.airport4.alive5.market6.till7.worker8burnt/burned9.shown10.line.1.was about; when2in disbelief3.rising above4unexpectedly turned into5what; going on课后巩固提升.1.A2Bfor后接一段时间,常用于完成时态。故选B。3A4D根据语境理解,挽救她最好的朋友的生命是她的目的,不定式“to save”表目的。故选D。5A根据语境理解,Eileen 是一名护士,nurse 以辅音音素开头,前面的冠词用a,故选A。6C介词after后接动词时,需用动名词形式,故选C。7A此处缺少谓语动词;根据全文可知,时态是一般过去时,故选A。8C由前面的“so simple”可知本题的考点是sothat, 故选C。9A10B由前面的“said”可知,此处需用副词来修饰动词,故选B。11Amake a promise 意为“作出承诺”。12A此处用代词it来指代前面的“a promise”,故选A。13A14C由“than”可知要用比较级closer,故选C。15D由后面的“amazing this woman is”可知此处考查感叹句。 句中的中心词amazing是形容词,用how修饰,故选D。.1.B2C通读第三段可知,玛丽是在瑞士写的这部小说。故选C。3B4D由第二段第一句可知,玛丽出生于1797年,由文章最后一句可知,玛丽于1851年去世,享年54岁,故选D。5A通读最后一段可知,她经历了太多的苦难,故选A。.1.badly2.was killed3.to4.an5when6.fell7.one8.but9was moving10.to take


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