广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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广东省揭阳市七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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Unit6Doyoulikebananas? I教学设计分析本单元主要学习动词like的肯定句、否定句的用法;动词like的一般疑问句的用法以及肯定与否定的回答。本单元以介绍食物,谈论喜欢与厌恶为主题,设计了三个任务:先是搜集、利用图片来介绍有关的食物,学习一些食物名词;然后是学习询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物,掌握动词like的一般疑问句的构成以及它的肯定、否定的回答;最后是用所学过的食物名词制定一次野炊活动的采购单。本单元的重点内容仍然是行为动词在一般现在时句子中的使用,应该是上一个单元内容的延伸,通过本单元的教学,学生应初步掌握行为动词一般现在时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的构成以及简单的回答。New languages:Do youthey like salad? Yes,Ithey doNo,Ithey dontDoes heshe like salad? Yes,heshe doesNo,heshe doesnt.I/They like oranges IThey dont like orangesHeShe likes ice cream HeShe doesnt like bananas II. 教学学时分配Teaching periods:Period 1: Section A 1a -1c Period 2: Section A 2a -2c Period 3: Grammar Focus/ 3a -3cPeriod 4: Section B 1b -1fPeriod 5: Section B 2a-3c and self checkPeriod 6: Review Unit 6Unit 6 Do you like bananas?The First Period Section A(1a-1c)I. Teaching aims1. Master the key words:orange(s), banana(s), strawberry, strawberries, pear(s), apple(s), tomato(es), carrot(s), vegetable(s), hamburger(s), egg(s), ice-cream(s), salad(s), bread, chicken 2. Get students to greet people using the target language.Target language: I/We/They like oranges. He/She likes oranges.I /We/They dont like bananas. He/She doesnt like hamburgers.Do you like salad? Yes, I do./No, I dont.Does he/she like tomatoes? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt.3. Understand the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 4. Enable Ss to keep their health.II. Key points1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write them2. Be able to talk about likes and dislikes by using target languageDifficult point:Be able to talk about likes and dislikes by using target languageIII. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-up and revision 1. Daily greeting to the students2.Revision: Whats this/that in English? What color is it?T: Whats this in English? (show a picture of and orange) T: What color is it? Step 2 Presentation 1. Go on asking: Whats this/that in English? What color is it?T: Whats this in English? (show a picture of an apple and if the student dont know it, show the phonetic symbol of the word.) T: Spell it, please. S: A-P-P-L-E.T: What color is it? S: Its red. (Present the other three words as above: pear, strawberry, banana)1). Show the pictures, and say the plural forms of the nouns and some uncountable noun.2). Summarize. 可数名词有复数形式, 不可数名词一般没有复数形式2. Show the pictures and say: I like tomatoes, but I dont like bread.Let students say: I like , but I dont like .3. Show the pictures and say: She likes bread, but she doesnt like milk.He likes chicken, but he doesnt like eggs.4. Let students say: He/She likes , but he/she doesnt like .According Ss answers and say: We/They like We/They dont like Step 3 Consolidation 1. Do Section A, 1a. 1). Read the words.2).T: Look at the pictures and fill in the chart . Fruit Food Vegetable 3). Match the words with the things in the picture.4). Check the answers .2. Present the new language 1 . 1). T: Oh, we have lots of delicious fruits . I like apples best. Do you like apples ? S1 :Yes , I do. I like apples.S2: No, I dont . I like salad. T: Do you like salad ? S3: Yes , I do. I like salad./ No, I dont . I dont like salad.3. Pairwork . T: Work in pairs .Ask and answer with your partners .(Before class the students have draw some pictures of the food )Step 4 Practice 1. Present the new language 2 . Show pictures and ask and answer questions Does she/he like? Yes, she/he does. She/He likes / No, she/he doesnt. She/He doesnt like.2. Pairwork .Work in pairs .Ask and answer with your partners .3. Work on 1b. 1). T: 1b. Listen and number the conversations. 2). Listen. 3). Check the answers. 4). Read after the tape.4. Work on 1c.1). First, practice the conversations in 1b. Then, make a survey and fill in the chart below. 2). Report: I like milk and tomatoes, but I dont like ice-cream. Mary likes oranges, but she doesnt like milk or ice-cream. Tom likes tomatoes and strawberries, but he doesnt like bread.Step 5 Summary 1. Review the words and practice the conversations in 1a with your partner;2. Assign homework:Make up a new conversation similar to 1a with your partner, recite the new words and preview next page.V. Blackboard designUnit 6 Do you like bananas? Do you like? New Words Yes , I do. I like No ,I dont. I dont like Does she/he like? Yes, she/he does. She/He likes /No, she/he doesnt. She/He doesnt like.Section A(2a-2d)I. Teaching aims1.Master the key words:Birthday, dinner, week, think about, food, sure, how/what about? Burger, vegetable, fruit, apple, then 2. Get students to greet people using the target language.I like strawberries, theyre delicious. Lets have them.-Yes, I like them ,too./ No, I dont like them.I like salad, its delicious. Do you like it? - Yes, I do./ No, I dont but I like ice cream.Lets have Lets think about the food.3. Enable students to talk about likes and dislikes.4. Listening and speaking skills.5. Learn to keep healthy.II. Key points1. Master the key words and expressions.2. How to talk about likes and dislikes with the target language.Difficult point:How to talk about likes and dislikes with the target language.III. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Review 1. Everyday greeting.2. Review. Show the pictures and say the singular forms and the plural forms of the countable nouns.3. Show some pictures of the uncountable nouns.4.Summarize.1). 当可数名词复数再次出现时,用“They(主语)或them(宾语)”替代。2). Show some uncountable nouns, and say:当不可数名词再次出现时,用“It(主语)或it(宾语)”替代。Step 2 Presentation1. Game. T says some names of foods, students choose “it /they/ them”.2.T: Here are some kind of foods. Id like some pairs to practice your conversations in front of the class, any volunteers?Examples :(1)Does Bob like strawberries?Yes, he does. He likes them./ No, he doesnt. He doesnt like them.Step 3 Practice 1. Listening (2a, 2b) 1). T: We can see many English names for food in the box of activity 2a. Do you know them? Can you understand the meaning of each of them?2). Invite one student to practice reading and tell the meanings of the words. 3).Ask students to read after the teacher and finally ask them to practice reading by themselves. 4).T: Next well listen to three conversations. In the conversation, a boy and a girl are talking about their likes and dislikes about food. Play the tape. Ask the students to listen to the recording and try to finish the sentences in the picture. 5). T: We can see some pictures and some sentences in 2b. In the first picture we can see some hamburgers. Do you know the food? Get the students to talk about the last two pictures and choose the names for the food from 2a. 6). Then ask them to listen to the tape again and try to finish the sentences in the pictures. 7). Play the recording again, check the answers. 8). And then ask students to listen again and repeat after the recording. Step 4 Consolidation 1. Pair work (2c) Ask students to work in pairs to practice the above conversations and give answers that are true to themselves. T: I know every one of you have some food you like and dont like. Now Id like you to write down the names of food you like and dont like.Sample list:Like dont likefish carrots rice apples Sample dialogue 1:S1 I like tomatoes. Do you like them? S2: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Then ask some pairs of students to act out their conversations for the class. 2. Work on 2d Role-play 1.Read the dialogue in 2d. Then choose the right answers. Read and answer: 1. Does John like hamburgers? 2. Does John like salad? 3. What fruit does John like? 2. Read after the tape.3.Ask the students to read this part by themselves first, and then , act out the dialogue.4. .Give some notes.Step 5 Summary 1. Review new words and structures.2. Assign homework:Review the words and expressions in this section;Practice the conversation of 2d;Preview grammar focus.V. Blackboard designUnit 6 Do you like bananas? Do you like? Yes , I do. I like./No ,I dont. I dont likeDoes she/he like?Yes, she/he does. She/He likes /No, she/he doesnt. She/He doesnt like.The Third PeriodSection A(3a-3c)I. Teaching aims1. Consolidate the target language learned in the last period.2. Help the students learn how to talk about their likes and dislikes. 3. Help the students understand countable noun and uncountable noun. II. Key pointsHow to talk about their favorite foods.Noun: countable noun and uncountable nounDifficult pointsNoun: countable noun and uncountable nounIII. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Ask them to review some new words and make a dialogue about their likes and dislikes. T: Do you like salad? S: Yes, I do./No, I dontT: Do you like fruit?S: Yes. I like fruit , but I dont like vegetables.Step 2 Presentation 1. Pair work Talk about your likes and dislikes2. Grammar Focus1). Ask students to review the grammar box and make sure they have mastered “do / does” questions and countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2). Read the sentences in Grammar Focus and complete the sentences below. 3. Check the answers with the class. 4. Ask students to talk about the use of the third person singular.5. T: As we can see from these sentences, the third person singular forms all contain an “s”, while the other forms do not. What is the third person singular main verb? What is the third person singular helping verb? 6. S: The third person singular main verb is likes. The third person singular helping verbs are “does” and “doesnt”. Step 3 Practice 1. Then show the following nouns and ask students to tell countable from uncountable nouns and try to use them correctly. Step 4 Consolidation 1.Work on 3a. 1). Lets work on 3a. Here are some sentences. Please underline the correct words in the brackets.2). Ss read the sentences and underline the correct words. They can discuss with their partners.3). Check the answers and let some Ss say the grammar rules.(根据句子主语的人称和数来确定谓语动词或助动词的数)2. work on 3b. 1). Look at the sentences in 3b. Number the sentences 2). Check the answers and let Ss practice the conversation. Step 5 SummaryIn this period, weve consolidated what weve learned in the last period through some practice and games.Step 6 Homework1. Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus and try to recite them.2. Ask the students to practice talking about the food they like and dislike using different persons and nouns. 3. Preview the next period.V. Blackboard designUnit 6 Do you like bananas?可数名词与不可数名词的含义与特点1).可数名词a tomato an egg two pears 2). 可数名词复数的构成3)不可数名词 Milk tea meat water bread rice4)既可数又不可数名词e.g.(1)a chicken一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2) an ice cream一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋 (3) a vegetable salad 一碟蔬菜沙拉 salad 沙拉5)foods, fruits 表示类别,即某几种食物和水果。food, 表示食物fruit表示水果Teaching reflection:The Fourth PeriodSection B(1b-1f)I. Teaching aims1. Learn the words: egg, carrot, rice, chicken, so.2. Target language:Does Tom like carrots? Yes, he doesI like carrots!3. Enable students to talk about likes and dislikes and difference between fruits and vegetables 4. Listening and speaking skills.5. Learn to keep healthy.II. Key pointsHow to talk about likes and dislikes of three meals Difficult pointsHow to talk about likes and dislikes of three meals III. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Daily greeting to the students.2. Review the words on food. And list them into countable nouns, uncountable nouns, countable and uncountable nouns. 3.Pair workStep 2 Presentation 1. Work on Section B, 1a.1). T: First practice reading the words by yourselves and then read after me and correct the pronunciation.2). T: Now, please look at the pictures. T: Can you name them in English? Talk with your partners and give the English names for them.3). Ask the students to work .4). Check the answers with the students. 2. Work on Section B, 1b.1). T: Now, please look at the lists in the chart. We can see that pears are fruits while carrot is a kind of vegetable, so can you tell the fruits from the vegetables?2). S: Yes. A fruit is the part of a plant or tree that contains seeds and that is used as food while a vegetable is a plant which you eat as food, e.g. potatoes, carrots, onions.3). T: Good! Look at the pictures in 1a again and tell me what the vegetables are.S: salad and carrots are vegetables.T: Right! Now, Can you add some words to the lists on the right? Ill give you three minutes to work with your partner and list as many fruits and vegetables as you can. 4). Set a time limit of two minutes. Ask the Ss to discuss the lists in pairs and write their answers on their books,and ask two Ss to write their answers on the board.Step 3 Practice 1. Work on Section B, 1c1). Ask students to read the words in 1a again and then listen to a conversation, circle the words from 1a. 2). Check the answers by asking students to read their answers. 2. Work on Section B, 1d.1). T: Sally and Tom talk about what food they like and dislike. We know from the chart that Tom likes carrots. But what do they dislike? Next listen to the recording again and finish the chart in 1d.2). After listening, Ss check their answers in pairs like this:A; Tom likes .and Tom doesnt like or B: Sally likes and Sally doesnt like 3). Teacher presents the new words:eat, breakfast, lunchT: Every day, we usually eat three meals. In the morning, we eat breakfast. At about noon, we eat lunch. In the evening, we eat dinner.4).Look at the pictures in 1a and ask the Ss these questions: Whose breakfast/lunch/dinner is it? Why?5). Get the Ss to guess and check their answers. Step 4 Consolidation 1. Work on 1e. Practice the conversations in pairs like this:A: Does Tom like carrots?B: Yes, he does. He likes/eats carrots for lunch. (No, he doesnt. He doesnt like/eat. for lunch.) 2. Do some exercises.Step 5 SummaryIn this period, weve learned Step 6 Homework1. Write a report2. Preview the next period.V. Blackboard designUnit 6 Do you like bananas?1. What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?2. Theyre not healthy.3. I dont want to be fat.The Fifth PeriodSection B(2a-2c)I. Teaching aims1. Master the new words and phrases:Star, eat, well, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat,2. Learn the target language What do you like for breakfast?Do you like hamburgers for dinner?3. Enable students to read the magazine article about Cindys favorite foods for three meals and write five sentences about Cindys eating habits and retell Cindys eating habits4. Train students reading and writing skills5. Enable students can form good eating habits and keep healthy.II. Key points1. Key words and sentences:2. Train students reading and writing skills3. Talk about Cindys eating habits using “ What do you like for.?I thinkWhat fruit do you like? What about?I likefor breakfast /lunch/ dinner. Difficult points Train students reading and writing skillsIII. Teaching aidsMultimedia/A tape recorder/A blackboardIV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Greet.2. T: How many meals do you have every day?T: What are they? (The students can answer them in Chinese.) “早餐、中餐和晚餐”. T: Oh, yes. In English “早餐”we can say “breakfast”. (Teach the other two words lunch, dinner in the same way.) 3. Ss read and try to remember the new words. Step 2 Presentation 1. Work on 2a.1). At first ,the teacher ask Ss some questions: T:-Do you like fruiteggschicken T:-Does she he like fruiteggschicken2). T: There is much food around us. Some food is healthy, but others are not so healthy. 2). Ss Check () Yes, Maybe or No behind the food. 3). Make a report, then read the report to their partner. 2. T: We have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Lets see what do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?3. Work on 2b. 1). Look at p35,put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.2). Read the article carefully again and answer the questions: Does Cindy like bananas, why? Does Cindy like salad? Does Cindy like hamburgers for dinner, why ? What does Cindy like for dinner? Does Cindy eat ice-cream after dinner, why? Are Cindys eating habits healthy? (Ss read the article and answer the questions. Then check the answers.)3). Follow the tape and try to copy.4). Role play. A is David, B is Cindy.Step 3 Consolidation1. Work on 2c.Leave students several minutes to do some exercises.We know Cindy has healthy eating habits. What food does she like? What food doesnt she like? Read the article and write five sentences about Cindys eating habits. e.g. Cindy likes fruit for breakfast. (注意运用句型:Cindy likes for 或Cindy doesnt like/eat for )Step 4 SummaryIn this period, weve mainly learnedStep 5 Homework1. Read the messages in 2b.2. Memorize the new words in the article and retell Cindys eating habits.3. Preview the next unit.V. Blackboard designUnit 6 Do you like bananas?Do you like? Yes , I do. I like./No ,I dont. I dont likeDoes she/he like?Yes, she/he does. She/He likes /No, she/he doesnt. She/He doesnt like.The Sixth PeriodSection B 3a-self check I. Teaching aims: 1. Review unit 6 and have self check 2. Target language: I like I dont like For breakfast/ lunch/ dinner ,I like 3. Enable students to learn to write their favorite food for meals4. Learning ability goalsHelp students learn how to write a passage about they like and dislike for dinner. II. Teaching aids Multimedia/A blackboardIII. Teaching processStep 1 Review1. Review all the food we learned. Let Ss say the words quickly. S1:fruit: apples, bananas, pears, strawberries S2:vegetables:tomatoes,potatoes,salad, carrots S3: food: bread, milk, ice-cream, hamburger (burger) 2. T: I like eggs and milk for breakfast. What do you like eating for breakfast? (Point to a student.)Sa: I like apples and bread.T: What about you? (Point to another student.)Sa: I like hamburgers and bananas. (Ask two more students to answer his/her questions for lunch and dinner.)T: Who can ask and answer like this?S1: What do you like to eat for lunch?S2: I like S1: What do you like to eat for dinner?S2: I like (Then ask the students to work in pairs one by one.)Step2 Presentation1. Survey 1). Now lets make a survey what food you and your partner like for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Ask and answer with your partners and write down the results in the chart in 3a. S1: What do you like for breakfast? S2: I like eggs and milk. (Exchange the roles) 2). Ss fill in the chart. Step 3 Practice1. Writing 1. Can you introduce yourself for three meals according to the survey result just now? Maybe many friends want to know you. Now lets write about what yo

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