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2019年苏教版三年级下学期数学计算达标试题姓名 班级 学号 成绩 一、口算题。(共30分)5438= 6307= 056= 4611= 4014= 2005= 3330= 549= 3210=5060=02=5005=4602=85-57=1065=3643=078=1170=8004=650=二、填空题。(共28分)13752的商是( )位数,3755的商最高位在( )位。2. 7540的积是( )位数,积的末尾有( )个0。3.604要使商是两位数,最大填( );要使商是三位数,最小填( ) 。4.684要使商是两位数,可以填( ),要使商是三位数,可以填( )。5482中,要使商的中间有0,里可以填( )。6在565中,最小是( ),这时是( )。7.在里填上“”、“”或“=”。6143205 5265110 3208432048 960429608 62305430 305430568.不计算,估计出下面算式的结果。(1)在商是几百多的算式后画“”,商是几十多的画“”。5726 ( ) 4653 ( ) 5722 ( ) (2)估一估。4921的结果大约是( );3842的结果大约是( );3178的结果大约是( );6821的结果大约是( )。(3)连一连4937 得数比1200大,比2100小。2846 得数比800大,比1500小。6225 得数比1500大,比2400小。3354 得数比1200大,比小。三、竖式计算(打的要验算)。(123+32=42分)989-364 515+418 2045 3842 5788= 2931=7287 6084 38092805 2635= 8184=附送:2019年苏教版三年级下学期英语期中试卷一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(8分) ( ) 1. A. this B. that C. is( ) 2. A. puter B. camera C. radio ( ) 3. A. 16-8 B. 17-9 C. 11+5( ) 4. A. DQ543 B. SQ345 C. CQ435( ) 5. A. 73942 B. 73249 C. 72943 ( ) 6. A. in English B in Chinese C. in the box( ) 7. A. uncle B. aunt C. friend( ) 8. A. family photo B family members C. your father二、根据所听问句选择相应的答句。(5%)( ) 1. A. Its a crayon. B. Yes, it is.( ) 2. A. Yes, he is B. No, it isnt.( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isnt.( ) 4. A. Time to have lunch. B. Its eleven. ( ) 5. A. Its twelve. B. Its twenty.三、听录音,将所听到句子和正确译文的序号填入题前括号内。(10%)( ) 1. A: This is a puter. B: Is this a puter?( ) 2. A: Whats this on the desk? B: Whats that on the desk?( ) 3. A: Its his stapler. B: Its her stapler.( ) 4. A : Can I have a look? B: Look at my book.( ) 5. A: Thats right. B: All right. ( ) 6. A.过来. B.进来. ( ) 7. A.他是谁? B.她是谁?( ) 8. A.她是我的阿姨。 B.他是我的叔叔。( ) 9. A.全家福 B.家庭成员( ) 10. A. 10 - 5是多少? B. 10+5是多少?四、根据所听内容判断是否与下列情景相符,相符的写“”,不相符的写“”。(听两遍)(5%)( ) 1. 你请别人过来,你说: ( ) 2. 你有事打扰别人,你说:( ) 3. 你想看看Nancy的全家福,你说:( ) 4. 现在该去公园了,你说:( ) 5. 别人询问11+9等于多少,你回答:五、听录音,完成句子。(4%)1Whats seven minus four? Its .2. Whats that in English? Its a .3. Whos the ? Hes Mike.4. But how? By .笔试部分(68分)一, 根据汉语意思写英语单词。(10分)朋友 儿子 母亲 自行车 书本 钥匙 包 钟 手表 学校 二根据英语写汉语。(10分)Copybook puter radio grandfatherDaughter camera Have a look family photoOn the desk plus and minus三给下列句子排序,将正确的序号填在下面的方框内。(8分)A. Fine, thank you. B. Yes, youre right. Time to have lunch. Lets go. C. It is my family photo. D. How are you, Liu Tao? E. Is this your mother? F. Whats that on the table?G. Hes your uncle, I think.H. No, she isnt. Shes my aunt.四单项选择。(10分)( )1、 go to school? Great!A. You can B. Shall we C. Time to ( ) 2、Is that daughter? Yes, is.A. his , he B. shes , she C. her, she( )3、 is the boy?A. Whos B. What C. Who( ) 4、Whats thirteen _ five? Its eight.A. plus B. minus C .to( ) 5、eleven的左邻右舍是_. A. ten , nine B. ten , twelve C. nine , twelve( ) 6、在打扰别人时,你应说: A. Here you are. B. Excuse me. C. Hello!( ) 7、你想知道那个女人是谁,你说: A. Whos that woman? B. Whos that women? C. Can I have a look?( ) 8、你想问朋友那个女孩是不是他的姐姐时,你应该说:A. Is she your brother? B. Is she your friend? C. Is she your sister?( )9、你想请小东告诉你5+12等于多少:A. Whats four plus twelve? B. Whats five plus twelve? C. Whats five minus twelve?( )10、你想知道远处桌上的东西用英语怎么说,你应该问:A. Whats this on the desk? B. Whats that on the desk? C. Whats this in English?五句型变换。(13每题1分,46每题2分,共9分)1.Are you ready now?2.Are the oranges on the desk?3.Is the man sitting on the chair your father?4.You are my best friend5.The boys are having class now.6.He is her brother.六把下列中文翻译成英文。(16分)1.在课桌上面的是什么?/是铅笔。2.这个用英语怎么说?/是“orange”。3.在桌子上的苹果是你的吗?/不是,是小明的。4.我想这是杨凌的外套。/是的,多么漂亮啊!5.现在几点了?/七点了。/让我们去吃饭好吗?6.是去学校的时间了。/好的,走吧!7.十七加上二等于多少?/是十九。/对的。8.你能看见多少修正带?/十个。七连词成句。(5分)一、 mother, I, your, this, think, is, ( ,. )二、 we TV shall watch now(?) 三、 father, is, your, that, ( ? ) 四、 what, minus, five, eighteen, is (.)五、 time, its, go, to, home, (.)


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