2019年六年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 1 Meet my family教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Module 1Unit 1 Meet my family教案 沪教牛津版TitleOxford English 6A Module 1 Unit 1 Family and Relatives Period 4Three-dimensional ObjectivesKnowledge and skill objectives1. Students will be able to tell what they are in their families.2. Ss will have the ability to write a position about their families.Process and method objectives1. Ss will have an idea of the procedures to write sentences introducing their family members.2. Ss will have an idea of the procedures to write sentences about the activities they do with their family members.3. Ss will know how to write a concluding paragraph about a family.Emotion, attitude and value objectives 1. Ss will recall their memories of the good times they have spent with their family members.2. Ss will arouse a feeling that they are a happy family and love their families even more.Teaching Focus1. Using demonstratives to refer to peoplee.g. These areThis is2. Using adverbs of frequencye.g. I alwayswithTeaching AidsCAISome family photos ProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Review: son, daughter, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter, cousin. Write the vocabulary on the board.2. Give the Ss time to read Look, think and tick. 3. Remind the Ss to refer back to Look and learn on page 2 to find out Alices role in her family.4. Ask the Ss to think about what they are in their families.5. Ask the Ss to talk with one of their classmates and find out what they are in their families.Review the vocabulary on the board.Refer back to Look and learn on page 2 and find out Alices role in her family.Ss think about their roles in their own families by themselves.Ss find out what their classmates are in their families.Warm the class up.Get students ready for the task that follows.Ss will be able to find out Alices role in her family, their own roles in their own families, and their classmates roles in their families.While-task procedure1. Ask the Ss to read Think and write. 2. Show the Ss how to write a position step by step with the help of CAI.T: Suppose you are the boys in the picture, and now you are telling your classmates about your family.Paragraph 1: Introduce your family members.Paragraph 2: What do you do with your family members?Paragraph 3: Tell others that you are a happy family.Conclusion: Before writing, ask yourself the following questions.1) How many people are there in your family? And who are they?2) What do you do with your family and relatives?3) Is your family a happy one?Listen to the teacher carefully and do as the teacher instructs.Learn and remember these steps to write a position about our families. Ss learn how to write a position about their families step by step.Post-task activities1. Ask the Ss to write a position about their own families in a given time. 2. Ask individual students to read their positions.Write a position about their own families according to the steps they have been instructed.Some students read their finished positions to the whole class.Enhance the students ability of writing. Assignment 1. Ask the Ss to draw three pictures or find three photos of the activities they do with their family members and relatives.2. Ask the Ss to write the sentences according to the pictures or photos.附送:2019年六年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China教案外研版【教学目标】:知识与技能:Theres a Chinatown in New York!There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.过程与方法:1.Learn the words by game method.2.Teach the text with the task-based method.3.Cooperative learning.情感、态度和价值观:用“There be”句型描述事物【重点】:用 There be “句型描述事物。【难点】:“there is”和“there are”的用法。【课时安排】:1课时【教学过程】:(一)导入:1. 出示一张城市景观的图片,对学生说:This is a picture of a city. What can you see in it ?(I can see ) Yes, in this picture , there are .2. 出示一张纽约唐人街的图片,问学生:Do you know where it is ?What can you see in this picture?请学生回答问题。向学生介绍:Daming 现在在美国表兄的家里,他正在给家人发送email,他想念家人吗?他今天了解到了美国的什么情况呢?让我们一起来看一看。(二)探究新知:1.播放动画呈现SB活动一。请学生认真听Daming和Simon的对话,然后判断大明是否想念中国,为什么?(通过文中Do you miss China ? Sometimes.以及大明迫不及待想要去唐人街的表现,引导学生得出肯定的回答,引出Chinatown 的话题)第2.教师提问:Where is Chinatown? What is it like? 再放一遍录音,让学生看书听,并从书中找出问题的答案。引导学生用文中的句子回答问题。(there is a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there , Theres Chinese dancing.)3.板书以上三个重点句子,向学生介绍关于唐人街的背景。(唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝代。在海外的华侨、华人往往称自己是“唐人”, 他们聚居的地方便称为“唐人街”。美国最大的“唐人街”在旧金山。旧金山的“唐人街”始于1850年前后。当年开发美国西海岸的华工初来异国,人生地疏,言语不通,因此他们便集中住在一起,团结互助,休戚与共。起初,他们开设方便华工的小茶馆、小饭铺,接着是豆腐坊、洗衣店等等,逐渐形成了华工生活区。后来,越来越多的当地人,也经常光顾这里,他们称这里为“中国镇”,爱上了这里的中国饭菜。后来,“唐人街”成了繁华街道,街上除了饮食业外,刺绣、中国古玩等也都在当地享有盛名。同时,唐人街办起了华人子弟学校,从事中文教育。还有各种同乡会、俱乐部、影剧院等,成了富有中国民族特色的特殊街区。 每逢春节,这里均耍龙灯、舞狮子,爆竹声中除旧岁,保留着中国传统的种种风俗。事实上,唐人街遍及世界许多地方,只是有的地方不这么叫就是了。(三)巩固新知:唐人街也被称为华埠或中国城(Chinatown),是华人在其他国家城市地区聚居的地区。唐人街的形成,是因为早期华人移居海外,成为当地的少数族群,在面对新环境需要同舟共济,便群居在一个地带,故此多数唐人街是华侨历史的一种见证。在唐人街多数会看到很多唐人餐馆,而餐馆和洗衣铺皆为早期华侨主要的营商行业。一些历史较悠久的唐人街,皆位于移民城市的旧区,环境会较为挤迫,治安和种族问题亦是某一些华埠要面对的问题。多年来,凭着、随着华人的富裕,华侨在外国的地位渐渐提高,新一代的华人移民会选择移民城市的其他地区居住,一些唐人街亦出现华人人口迁离人口老化的现象。现在很多地方,唐人街已经成了中华文化区的代名词。无论商业,还是娱乐,以及各种文化设施,都是体现东方华夏色彩的。并没有华人聚居地的本意了) 板书生词,向学生进行适当讲解,并带领学生进行练习。学生掌握单词后放录音,让学生逐句跟读课文。 让学生看课本活动2中的插图,并试着描述图中有什么。鼓励学生大胆尝试。然后放录音,让学生仔细听,并注意对话中所使用的语言。 引导学生回顾并比较There is /there are 的用法。(四)作业布置:(五)小结:本模块学习了在异国他乡的中国人的思念之情,并用there be表述某处有某物。(六)板书设计:Unit 1 Theres a Chinatown in New York!There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.(七)教学反思:Module 2第二课时Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.【教学目标】:知识与技能:There are lots of bicycles in China . There is a very famous river.过程与方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法。 情感、态度和价值观:用“There be”句型介绍事物。【重点】:用“There isThere are”介绍事物【难点】: 几种国家的名称【课时安排】:1课时【教学过程】:(一)导入:1.请学生听SB unit2活动3的录音,之后让学生试着跟读一遍。要求它们注意重读的地方。让学生把书翻到SB unit2 活动3,仔细看书上的句子以及每句话中用黑体标注的地方,比较一下自己刚才跟读时重音的位置与书上的标注是否一致。老师再放录音学生边听边看书,认真体会。2.让学生把书翻到SB unit 1 的故事,再听录音,试着在Daming and Simon的对话中勾出需要重读的音节和单词,然后有感情的朗读。3.老师讲解:Simon向Daming介绍了唐人街,Daming也向simon介绍了很多关于中国的情况。去美国时,他给simon带了很多中国景物的明信片。老师出示活动1中的六幅图画,让学生试着说一说它们分别是什么地方(或上面有些什么)。鼓励学生回答。问问他们想不想知道如何用英语介绍这些中国的景点和景物,以此引出课文。(二)探究新知:1.出示SB unit 2 活动1的六张明信片,播放录音,让学生认真听。先让学生整体听,鼓励学生说一说听到的信息。 2.再放录音,让学生认真听,在每段后暂停,猜一猜录音中描述的是哪一幅图。它们分别是什么地方,并试着回答它们分别位于中国的哪一部分。3.讲解课文内容。4.教师领读课文,学生练习朗读课文。5.让学生根据意思,练习背诵句子。(三)巩固新知:1. 活动一:现在学生衣服上的图案很丰富.教师可让一个学生站在黑板前,让其他学生用“There be”句型来描述学生衣服上的图案.如: There are some ducks on her dress.2. 活动二: 四人小组,运用 “There be”句型描述自己所带的照片,也可以是收集的他人的照片,或风景人物照等.如: There are some children are playing football in the playground.3.学习歌曲:完成SB unit 2活动4,请学生欣赏并学习一首歌曲。放录音前,请学生们先试着通过文字和图片猜测歌曲的内容。播放录音,请学生积极模仿录音中的语音语调。如果他们感到学习歌词有困难,老师可以先把领读带中歌曲前慢速朗读的歌词放一遍给学生听。(四)作业布置:(五)小结:从不同国家不同时代的邮票谈论其历史背景。(六)板书设计:Unit2 There are lots of bicycles in China . There is a very famous river.(七)课后反思:


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