2019中考英语二轮复习 阅读理精题(四).doc

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2019中考英语阅读理精题(四)【实战训练】 A(2019中考选练)Are you a good receiver? It might sound like a funny question but it is an important one that each of us should ask ourselves. Strangely, most of us are better givers than receivers. We give to our family, our friends and even charities, and opposite to what we might think, most of us are actually very good at giving. But receiving is another matter. We often feel a little uneasy when receiving, although it is not very noticeable. Even praise gets deflected(转向)when it comes our way. When someone praises us for helping him move or clean up the house, we will possibly say, “Ah, it was nothing.” When someone praises the coat we are wearing, we may mention how we bought it at a discount instead of simply enjoying the praise. Actually, the praise is a gift to us, and when we dont receive it properly, we are dishonoring the giver. Giving is easy, as there is much pleasure in giving, but receiving is an art that takes practice. To be a good receiver requires a sense of close relationship with the giver. It is always a pleasure for a giver to see the gift received in a pleasant way. And this is also the best way for a receiver to honor the giver and give him something back. Many relationships are not so good not because people are not giving to each other, but because they are not receiving from each other well. We should receive the love, respect the praise, and give thanks every time giving happens. We should practice receiving all the pleasures that happen to us every day, instead of taking them for granted. Think of how many simple everyday gifts we are being given all the time: the beauty of nature, art and inspiring(激励人的)conversations. But are we truly receiving them when they happen to us, or are we busy with other matters, not noticing? We should master the art of receiving: accept the gifts life offers us and show our appreciation for them. We are taught that it is better to give than to receive. But this suggests that there is something wrong with receiving. There is nothing wrong with receiving. It is better to give and receive. Let life shower us with gifts, pleasures, joys, surprises, both large and small, and let us take notice of all these things and accept them happily and thankfully. The more we can receive, the more we can give back, but giving more does not necessarily mean receiving more. We must remember it is harder to receive than to give, and try to practice receiving. This practice will benefit us greatly, making us become good receivers as well as good givers. 1. According to Paragraph 2, what do we possibly do when we are praised? A. Honor the giver publicly. B. Show our pleasure clearly. C. Receive the praise uncomfortably. D. Express our disagreement properly.2. The expression “taking them for granted” probably means “_”. A. looking for them with expectation B. depending on them with satisfaction C. getting away from them without regret D. benefiting from them without appreciation3. What can we learn from the passage? A. People usually can receive more by giving more. B. People usually try to receive as much as possible. C. People should give a gift back when receiving one. D. People can improve relationships by receiving well. 4. What is the best title for the passage? A. Be a Good Receiver and Giver B. Better to Give Than to Receive C. Better to Give, Better to Receive D. Be a Receiver Rather Than a Giver参考答案1. C2. D 3. D 4. A【实战训练】 Bl A deposit (定金) of half the total cost of stay secures the booking. Balance payable on arrival in cash and traveler cheques. In addition an agreement of between 50 and 200 is required according to length of stay and is returned against keys on departure.l Apartments are available from 16:00 on arrival and must be vacated by 10:00 on departure. They should be kept clean at all times. A charge of $30 will be made on departure if extra cleaning is necessary. Breakages and damage are charged at cost.l Gas and electricity are metered, personal and kitchen towels are not provided.l No responsibility is accepted for loss, damage or injury to visitors or their possessions.1、. If you want to live in the apartment, you have to pay _ when you arrive. A. half of the total cost B. the total costC. between50 and 200 D. in cash2、. You dont have to pay an extra charge if _. A. your apartment is not clean B. you break something C. your keys are not returned D. you leave the apartment at 9 oclock in the morning3、.Which of the following is true? A. You dons need to pay for the gas B. you can get free towels C. If you are injured you can be sent to the hospital free of charge D. If you return the key when you leave, you can have some of your money back参考答案 13 B D D【实战训练】 C Every people uses its own special words to describe things an express ideas. Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years. Others are popular for just a short time. One such American expression is “ Wheres the beef?” It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be. In the early 1960s, “Wheres the beef” was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. It seemed as if everyone was using it all the time. Beef, of course, is the meat from a cow, and probably no food is more poplar in America than the hamburger mad from beef. In the 1960s a businessman named Ray Kroc began building small restaurants that sold hamburgers at a low price. Kroc called his restaurant “ McDonalds. Kroc cooked hamburgers quickly so people in a hurry could buy and eat hem without waiting. By the end of the 1960s the McDonalds Company was selling hamburgers in hundreds of restaurants from California to Maine. Not surprisingly, Ray Kroc became one of the riches businessmen in America. Other business people watched his success. Some of them opened their own hamburger restaurants. One company, called: Wendys” began to compete with McDonalds Wendys said its hamburgers were bigger than those sold by McDonalds or anyone elses. The Wendys company created the expression” Wheres the beef?” to make people believe that Wendys hamburgers were the biggest. It produced a television advertisement to sell this idea. The Wendys television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers. The bread that covered the meat was very big, but in side there was only a tiny bit of meat. One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef. “Wheres the beef?” she shouted in a funny voice. These advertisements for Wendys hamburger restaurants were a success from the first day they appeared on television. As we said, it seemed everyone began using the expression “wheres the beef?”1. What does the expression “Wheres the beef?” mean?A. The beef is lostB .The beef is not as good as it is said to beC .Something is not as good as describedD. The food has turned bad.2、. Wendys made the expression known to everybody_. A. by a newspaper advertisement B. by writing letters to people C. by a TV advertisement D. by a notice in front of the restaurant3、 Hamburgers are so popular in America_.A. Because they are made from beef.B. Because they are cheaper than any other kind of foodC .Because hamburger is the only fast food in America D. Because they are served quickly and at a low price4、 Other people wanted to open hamburger restaurants_.A. because they thought they could make large profitB. because hamburgers are easy to makeC. because they could sell hamburgers throughout the countryD. because hamburgers are good to eat.参考答案 14 CCDD【实战训练】 DDifferent countries have many different kinds of climate (气候)And in one big country people in different areas may often have different kinds of climates as well.The United States has many different kinds of climate.On the northwest coast (海岸),the temperature changes very little between summer and winter.It is not hot or cold all the year around.But the people in the north central states have a very different kind of climate.In those states,people wear light clothes in summer,and in winter they need to wear heavy woolen clothes.In the southwest coast of the United States,temperatures in summer are very different from those in winter.Summer is usually hot,and winter is usually cold.In spring the temperatures are warm,and in fall temperatures are cool.Many years ago,people in the cold parts of the United States didnt often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the summer.Today,however,trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to the cold parts of the United States.In this way,Americans“send their climates”to people in other states.()6. The summer and winter temperatures are almost the same _.A. in the northeast of the United States B. on the north central statesC. in the west of the United States D. on the northwest coast()7. In the north central states people wear _ clothes in summer and _clothes during the winter.A. silk; light B. light; heavy wollen C. wool; cotton D. wool; silk()8. The word “temperature”in this passage means “_” in Chinese.A. 湿度 B. 脾气 C. 气候 D. 温度()9. Today people _ can get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits.A. in the north central states B. in every part of the United StatesC. in the cold parts of the United States D. in the southwest part of the United States()10. From the passage we know that the climate of the United States _.A. is always very cold B. is warm in winterC. is widely different D. changes very little between summer and winter答案610 D B D C C【实战训练】 E阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。 (文章改编自克林顿自传,题目自编) I, William Jefferson Clinton, was born in 1946, weighing at about six pounds eight ounces, on a twenty-one-inch frame. My father died of a car accident three months before I was born. So mother and I came to my grandparents house on Hervey Street in Hope, where I would spend the next four years. Later, my mother decided to go back to Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where she had done part of her nursing training to learn to be a nurse. This new work brought more money for us and lived a better life. But it must have been difficult for her, leaving me. I used to play in the backyard with a boy whose yard adjoined mine. He lived with two beautiful sisters in a bigger, nicer house than ours. We used to sit on the grass for hours, throwing his knife in the ground and learning to make it stick. His name was Vince Foster. He was kind to me and never lorded it over me the way so many older boys did with younger ones. He became a great lawyer, a strong supporter early in my career. Of this, I should surely show my thanks for him.There was one other person outside the family who influenced me in my early childhood. Odessa was a black woman who came to our house to clean, cook, and watch me when my grandparents were at work. I kept up with her for years after I left Hope. In 1966, a friend and I went out to see Odessa after visiting my fathers and grandfathers graves. When the time came to go, we got in my car and drove away on dirt streets. The only unpaved streets I saw in Hope were in black neighborhoods, full of people who worked hard, many of them raising kids like me, and who paid taxes. Odessa deserved better.I learned a lot from the stories of theirs. They told me: that no one is perfect but most people are good; that people cant be judged only by their worst or weakest moments. Perhaps most important, I learned that everyone has a story of dreams and nightmares, hope and heartache, courage and fear. Ive wanted to know them, understand them, and feel them. When I grew up and got into politics, I always felt the main point of my work was to give people a chance to have better stories.16. How many people were there in Clintons family after he was born? A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Six17.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean? A. 帮助 B. 带领 C. 支配 D. 赢18. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Clinton was not born in a rich family. B. Vince Foster helped Clinton to be a lawyer. C. Clintons mother was glad to leave him and become a nurse in Charity Hospital. D. It was great for Odessa to live there when Clinton went to see her in 1966.19. Why did the writer show thanks for Vince Foster? A. Because he spent a lot of time with Clinton when they were children. B. Because he supported Clinton a lot in his early career. C. Because he was kind to Clinton. D. Because their yards connected together.20. It can be inferred that _. A. Clintons mother worked as a nurse in Hope. B. Both of Clintons father and grandfather died in 1966. C. Clinton paid great attention to peoples lives after getting into politics. D. Odessa lived a better life with Clinton after visiting her.参考答案16-20 B C A B C


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