2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 These are flowers Period 3教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 These are flowers Period 3教案 湘少版教学目标:1、用 “These/Those are”“Theyre”描述事物及其特征。2、语言结构:These/Those are Theyre掌握词汇:these, flower, children, those, egg,tree, grass, sheep, bird理解词汇:rose,red,rice字母Rr在单词中的发音。教学重、难点:用 “This/That is”“Its”描述事物及其特征。教学难点:These/Those are Theyre课时安排:教学内容课时安排A部分1课时B、C、D部分1课时E、F、G部分1课时Period 3一、教学目标1能掌握字母r在单词中的发音,能理解新单词;2、能理解、会读由含有字母r的单词组成的句子;3、能掌握本课重点单词的书写;二、教学重点及难点重点:字母r在单词中的发音;难点:理解新单词,朗读句子。三、教学准备四线三格小黑板、教学磁带、单词卡片等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。复习已学的单词。游戏Quick response(快速反应)老师出示单词卡片,学生快速说出卡片上的单词。Step 2 Presentation and drill出示课文F部分单词卡片rose。T: Do you remember the word?Ss: Yes! Rose!T: Good!出示课文F部分其他单词卡片,让学生们找出它们的规律。然后教师读出每个单词的尾音,启发学生猜猜这些单词完整的读音,并感知字母组合gl的发音。听课文F部分字母组合、单词和句子,模仿跟读。示范书写单词,学生按照范例书写。Step 3 Practice游戏Snowball(滚雪球)分组进行游戏。说出含有字母组合r的单词,后者要比前者多说一个,看哪组说得又快又多。优胜组可得一面红旗。T: RoseS1: Rose, rose.S2: Rose, red,rice.S3: 游戏Quick tongue(快嘴王)老师说出字母组合,学生说出绕口令,说得又快又准的为胜。Step 4 Consolidation做手工,抄写句子。练习。家庭作业:抄写单词、听磁带、熟读课文。附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Where is it Period 1 第一课时练习题 北师大版一、看图,填happy或sadThe duck is _The squirrel is _The thief is _The doctor is _The fox is _二、画一画 This is a gardenThere is a big tree in the gardenThere are three birds singing in the treeThere are many oranges on the tree4 girls are jumping ropes under the big treeThere are manyflowers and grass near the tree三、听录音,在正确的图下图,错误的画四、看图,补全句子1The _ is _ the classroom2The _ the shoes3The _ is _ the _4The _ is the _五、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)Where is my key?Bill:Mum,what are you looking for?Mum:My keyDo you know where it is?Bill:Sorry,I dont knowIs it in your bag?Mum:No,it isntBill:Is it on the desk?Mum:No,it isntBill:Is it under the chair?Mum:No,it isntBill:Is it behind the door? Let me seeErr.Mum,look,its on the door! You are so forgetful!Mum:.1Bill and his Mum are looking for a key()2The key is on the desk()3The key is under the chair()4The key is。n the door()5Bills mother is a careless(粗心的)Woman()参考答案一、happy sad sad happy happy二、略三、听力材料:1There is a crocodile in the water2The tiger is behind the tree3The fox is near the rock4The bird is on the house答案:1 2 3 4 四、1teacher,in 2socks,in front of 3frog,under,rock4tie,behind,sofa五、T F F T T

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