2019年五年级英语下册 Project 1 Around our city教案 苏教译林版.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Project 1 Around ourcity教案 苏教译林版一、单元分析:本单元话题是看病,教学重点是表示建议的情态动词should和否定式shouldnt的用法。有关询问和描述病情的句型Whats wrong with you?和I have a headache/也是本单元的另一个重点教学内容。二、单元目标:1.会听说读写词组:brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets,have a rest ,take medicine2.学会疑问句型“Whats the matter with you?”和“What should I do”,以及对它们的答语。3.了解并掌握情态动词的用法。4.读准字母组合ch的发音。三、教学重点:1. 能理解Story time的内容,并会复述。2.会使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用:Whats wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3. 掌握情态动词的用法。4. 掌握字母ch组合的发音。四、教学难点:1.会复述Story time的内容。2.会自如shiy9ong如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用。Whats wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3. 了解并掌握情态动词的用法。4. 单词medicine temperature的发音。五、课时划分:课时安排:共六课时第一课时:Story time第二课时:Grammar time & Fun time第三课时:Cartoon time & Culture time第四课时:Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time第五、六课时:单元复习和课时练及默写六、教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机等。 第1课时1、 教学目标:基础知识1. 能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。2. 能正确听说读写词组:see the doctor, have a rest,take some medicine,drink some warm water3. 初步掌握句型 whats wrong with you ? I have.基本技能1. 在生活中能正确运用本课的重点句型2. 培养学生听说读写能力和交际能力。综合素质通过情景的设置和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点:1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。2.掌握词组:see the doctor,have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water和句型Whats wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3.培养学生听说能力和交际能力。三、教学准备:课件、磁带、录音机。 教学设计(主备)复备Step1 Warming upT:1.Where do you live?2. How do you e to school?3. How do you get to school?Step2 Presentation1. T:YL wants tovisitSHs home.But SH is ill. She wants to see the doctor.教师板书课题。2. 教师出示挂图,让学生用中文描述一下图片信息。3. 学生自由度课文,并找出新单词,试着根据音标拼读。4. 教师领读,学生跟读,注意语音语调的模仿。5. 学生分角色朗读课文。6. 教师出示表格,学生观看课文动画。NameWhats wrong with her?should7. 四人一小组讨论并完成表格,教师检查并完成板书。NameWhats wrong with her?shouldhave a rest at hometake some medicinedrink some warm water8. 教师根据表格情况,模仿复述课文。9. 学生根据表格情况,复述课文,教师给予评价。10. 教师讲表格中的内容擦去,男女生根据表格上的部分信息进行角色扮演复述课文。Step 3 Consolidate the knowledge随堂小练习1. 汉译英就医 休息一会 二 根据中文提示完成句子1. You should (服药)2. You should (喝一些水)Step 4 Summary本节课我们学习了就医用语:Whats wrong with you ?以及答语;我们还学习了以should引导的建议用语,希望学生课后能够用合适的句型互相操练巩固新句型。Step5 Homework1. 词组抄写三遍,默写一遍2. 复述课文板书设计 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor a headache a fever have take drink教后记: 第2课时一、教学目标:基础知识1. 会听说读写新单词:medicine, sweet, anything,新词组brush ones teeth,eat sweets.2. 学会由should引导的否定句:Sb. Shouldnt do sth.3. 继续复习巩固询问病情句型和建议句型:Whats wrong with you? I have got What should I do? You should基本技能1. 能够自由的运用本单元的重点句型交流。2. 学会用句型给别人建议。综合素质训练学生的语言技能,培养学生的阅读理解能力。 二、教学重难点:1.两个重点句型的熟练运用。2.掌握medicine的发音。3.掌握并运用should引导的否定句的构成。三、教学准备:课件、磁带、录音机等。教学设计(主备)复备Step 1 Warming-upT:1.Whats wrong with SH?2. What should she do?Step2 Presentation1. T:Whats wrong with Mike?What should he do?2. 教师出示挂图,让学生用中文描述一下图片信息。3. 学生自由读课文,并找出新单词,试着根据音标拼读。4. 教师领读,学生跟读,注意语音语调的模仿。5. 学生分角色朗读课文。6. 教师出示表格,学生观看课文动画。NameWhats wrong with her?should7.四人一小组讨论并完成表格,教师检查并完成板书。NameWhats wrong with her?shouldhave a rest at hometake some medicinedrink some warm water8. 教师根据表格情况,模仿复述课文。9. 学生根据表格情况,复述课文,教师给予评价。10. 教师讲表格中的内容擦去,男女生根据表格上的部分信息进行角色扮演复述课文。11. 教师出示Fun time的内容,同桌两人利用教材提供的句型互相问答。例如图片一:Whats wrong with you? I have a cough. What should I do,doctor? You should take some medicine and drink some water.You shouldnt eat ice creams12. 学生交流答案,教师评价Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge教材练习1. P38 Ask and answer Whats wrong with Su Hai?What should she do?Whats wrong with Mike?Why does he have a toothache?What should he do?2. P38 Think and answer1. I have a and a .I should at home.I should and too.2. I have a I cannot I should not I should in the morning and before bedtime.随堂小练习1 汉译英1去看牙医 2吃太多的糖果 2 根据中文提示完成句子。1. You should not (吃太多的糖果)2. You should (刷牙)Step 4Summary本节课我们学习了就医用语:Whatswrong with?及其答语,我们还学了以should not 引导的否定句,希望学生课后用合适的句型互相操练巩固新句型。Step5 Homework1. 词组抄写三遍,默写一遍2. 复述课文板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Shouldnt eat too many sweetsA toothache doctor: brush your teeth in the morning Should and before bedtime 第3课时一、教学目标:基础知识1. 能正确理解本单元的语法点。2. 能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能在各题型中灵活运用。3. 让学生掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。基本技能1. 能够正确灵活使用本单元的语法点。2. 培养学生听、说能力和交际能力。综合素质1. 让学生体验学习,参与课堂,合作交流的乐趣。2. 通过情景的设置,激发学生在生活中使用英语的乐趣。2、 教学重难点:1. 掌握并能运用本单元的语法知识。2. 能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能在各题型中灵活运用。3.学生熟练掌握本单元的语法知识并能在实际生活中灵活运用。三、教学准备:课件、磁带、录音机等。教学设计(主备)复备Step 1 Warming-upT:1.Where do you live?2. How are you?Step2 Presentation1. Grammar time的教学(1) 教师让学生根据事先准备的表格将相应人称代词的主格宾格补充完整,并校对答案。(2) 教师板书句型:Whats wrong with?并在空白地方贴上相应的人物图片。让学生根据图片相应说出句型,在此过程中教师要提醒学生注意人称代词的宾格形式。(3) 教师利用大量的图片来创设情境,让学生在情境中本单元的重点句型熟练运用。(4) 学生总结句式结构,教师板书。(5) 由brush teeth引出名词复数不规则变化的单词(6) 教师复习名词复数的规则变化并举例说明。(7) 教师出示复数构成不规律的名词,让学生试着写出它们的复数形式,写的对给予表扬,写错的用不同的彩笔标注,并教授学生这些复数的发音。(8) 教师准备实例让学生在实际操作中熟练运用这些单词的复数。例如:用所给词的适当形式填空:The (child) like playing on the field.2. Sound time的教学(1) 教师出示挂图并出示以下四个问题,让学生带着问题去研读教材。 Whos he ? Wheres he? What does he like? Where is he going?(2) 学生根据老师出示的问题,自读课文,四人一小组讨论交流。(3) 学生回答问题,教师纠正学生的发音。(4) 教师让学生总结字母组合ch的发音,并让学生再找出ch组合且发音相同的单词,例如:China Chinese children watch catch which(5) 教师播放录音,学生跟读单词和课文并感受字母组合ch的发音。3. Culture time 的教学(1) 教师让学生观察图片,并了解图片大意,学生提出疑问。(2) 教师解释,并板书华氏温度与摄氏温度的英文表示法:华氏温度degree Fahrenheit,摄氏温度degree Celsius。教师教授新单词,并板书转化公式:摄氏温度=华氏温度-32)/1.8,华氏温度=1.8+32。(3) 先听录音跟读课文而后男女生分角色朗读课文。Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge随堂小练习1 句型转换1. She has a stomachache. (对划线部分提问) 2. He should put the book on the desk.(改为否定句) 2 划线部分字母发音是否相同( )1.chair chocolate ( ) 2. book coolStep 4 SummaryStep5 Homework1. 预习Cartoon time 标注新单词的音标并读熟悉课文2. 在日常生活中灵活使用这些句型板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor 1. Whats wrong with you ? I/We have Whats wrong with them? They have Whats wrong with him/her/it? He/She/It has 2.You should /should not 第4课时一、教学目标: 基础知识1. 复习句型Whats wrong with?He has a/Sb. shouldnt do sth.2. 能用正确的语音,语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。3. 熟练运用口头英语Can you help me ?/Oh,no!/How do you feel now?基本技能1. 能用正确的语音,语调朗读本课内容。2.能熟练运用句型Whats wrong with?He has a/Sb. shouldnt do sth.进行日常交流。综合素质1. 通过交际的过程,培养学生自主学习能力和合作能力。2. 通过本课知识点学习,培养学生乐于助人的品质。二、教学重难点:1.能正确听说读写一下单词和新短语 giraffe neck hurt be happy to can you help me hear well sure2.能正确听说读写句型:Whats wrong with you ? I have三、教学准备:课件、磁带等。教学设计(主备)复备Step 1 Warming-upT:1. Whats wrong with Su Hai? What should she do?2. Whats wrong with Mike? What should he do? What should not he do?Step 2Presentation(1) 教师出示图片T:There are five pictures here. Please guess Whats wrong with them?(2) 学生猜测,并用英语说出答案例如:Picture 1:He is very hot.教师引导:What should he do?学生说出答案。(3) 教师让学生观察其余的四幅图,并完成相应的练习。(4) 教师检测答案,并作出评价(5) 教师让学生预习Listen and choose板块的三个问题,带着问题来听录音。(6) 教师播放录音,学生根据复述录音内容并校对答案。2. Cartoon time的教学(1) 教师出示图片并提出问题,引导学生讨论who where what,然后聚焦在Bobby在四幅图里的活动,要求学生用Whats wrong with the rabbit/elephant/monkey/giraffe描述。The rabbits ear hurts.The elephants nose hurts.The monkeys arm hurts.The giraffes neck hurts.(2) 教师播放录音,要求学生跟读模仿,并要求学生注意兔子,猴子,长颈鹿和大象的语气。教师可以设计如下的阅读任务,以检查学生的理解情况。例如:How does the rabbit feel now?How does the rabbit feel now?How does the rabbit feel now?Can Bobby help the giraffe at last? Why?(3) 复述故事教师要求学生阅读故事,然后邀请学生以Bobby或者第三人称为视角。叙述动物们就医的经过。然后教师可以找出关键词并板书在黑板上,帮助学生进行复述,在学生复述熟练的基础上,可以安排四人一小组用头饰进行角色表演,注意语气语调和任务表情。3. Ticking time的教学Step3 Consolidate the new knowledgeP44 完成练习随堂小练习一 英译汉1. hear well 2.have a rest 二 辨音( )1.hear near ( )2.today noStep 4 Summary本节课我们通过练习复习巩固了本单元的重点句型:Whats wrong with you? I have句型,通过Cartoon time的学习,不仅复习巩固了本单元的重点句型而且还学会了请求用语:Can you help me?懂得给予别人力所能及的帮助是一件很快乐的事,希望同学们利用课后时间巩固操练。Step5Homework1. 复述story time2. 抄写本版块的词组三遍,默写一遍。板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Phrase Rabbit ear hear Whats wrong with you? Elephant nose eat or drink Whats wrong with you? Monkey arm cant write I cant Giraffe neck Can you help me? 第5课时教学目标:Unit4的课堂练习及知识点归纳教学重难点:帮助学生归纳总结本单元的重点知识点,带领学生学会归纳总结并学会运用。 教学设计(主备)复备1 单词1. 感觉 feel 2.检查 check 3.应该 should 4.牙医 dentist 5. 任何东西 anything 6.就寝时间 bedtime 7.长颈鹿 giraffe8. 脖子 neck 9.发烧 fever 10.头疼 headache 11.感冒 cold12. 牙疼 toothache 13.药 medicine 14.牙齿 tooth (teeth)15. 鸡 chicken 16.三月 March 20.长椅 bench 21.温度 temperature2 词组1. 看医生 seeing the doctor 2.头疼 have a headache3. 发烧 have a fever 4.休息一下 have a rest5. 在家 at home 6.吃一些药 take some medicine7. 一些温水 some warm water 8.刷牙 brush ones teeth9. 喝水 drink water 10.吃糖 eat sweets11. 太多糖 too many sweets 12.睡觉前 before bedtime13. 在三月 in March 14.去中国 go to China15. 在医院 in the hospital 16.去看他 e to see him17. 耳朵疼 ear hurts 18.不能写 cant write 19. 指向 point at 20.长脖子 long neck3 句型1. 你怎么了? Whats wrong with you?2. 我得了头疼。I have a headache.3. 医生我该怎么办?What should I do,Doctor?4. 你应该在家里休息。You should have a rest at home.5. 你应该吃些药喝些温水。You should take some medicine and drink some warm water.6. 你不应该吃太多的糖。You shouldnt eat too many sweets.7. 你应该早上和睡觉前刷牙。You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.8. 苏海怎么了?Whats wrong with Su Hai?9. 她应该怎么办? What should she do?10. 他为什么牙疼? Why does he have a toothache?11. 鲍比非常乐意帮助他们。 Bobby is very happy to help them.12. 你现在感觉怎么样? How do you feel now?13. 我现在听不清楚。 I cant hear well now!4 语法总结1. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?用法:一般用于医生询问病情,同义句为Whats the matter? 其答句为:I have/have got当主语为第三人称单数时,其答句为:主语+has gotWhats wrong with her? She has got a high fever.2. What should I do? 我应该怎么做呢?用法:由What 引导的建议用语,意为“我应该怎么做?”should为情态动词,此句没有单复数和时态的变化。此问句的结构为:What+should+动词原形?答句的结构为:主语+should+动词原形3. I cant eat anything. 我不能吃任何东西。用法:由can 引导的否定句,直接在情态动词can 后加否定词not含有情态动词can 的句型改为一般疑问句,句式结构为:Can +主语+动词原形+其他成分?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can. 否定回答:No,主语+cant.4. You shouldnt eat too many sweets.你不应该吃太多的糖果。用法:由should引导的否定句,直接在情态动词should后加否定词not.句式结构为:主语+should not+动词原形+其他成分。含有情态动词should的句型改为一般疑问句,句式结构为:Should +主语+动词原形+其他成分?肯定回答:Yes,主语+should. 否定回答:No,主语+neednt 第6课时教学目标:通过练习,熟练掌握第四单元的内容。教学重难点:指导每种题型该怎么做,帮助学生看懂题目。 教学设计(主备)复备听力部分一选出四个单词中与其他单词不同类的选项( )1.A.fever B. fly ( )2. A. sweets B. water( )3. A. giraffe B. bear ( )4. A. help B. see( )5. A. chicken B. fish二听录音音,根据问句选择合适的答句 -( )l.A.I have a headache B.He has a fever. C.she has a bad cold( )2.A.You should have a rest. B.He should take some medicineC.Yes, I do. ( )3.A. He can go there by bus. B.We can go there by bike. C.She can sing here.( )4.A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I dont CNo, you cant.( )5.Yes,he is. B.No, heisnt Cyes, sheis.笔试部分一英汉互译(每题l分,共l0分)l. let me check 2.休息一会儿 3. brush ones teeth 4.喝一些热水 5. eat sweet 6.服药 7.in March 8.指向 9e home 10.他的长脖子 2 单项选择( )1.The boy points the sign the wall. A.at, in B.at, on C.on, on ( )2.You must e home early, its dark outside. A.to B./ C.in ( )3.Whats wrong with ? He has a bad cold. A.her B.him C.his ( )4.Whats wrong with ? My arm . A.hurt B.hurts C.hurting ( )5.Its cold outside, you should your coat. A.take on B.take off C.put on三给下面句子排成通顺的对话( )Whats wrong with you? ( ) You should have a rest. ( ) I played football,but I hurt my leg. ( ) Im sorry to hear that. ( )What should I do? ( )Thank you, doctor.4 书面表达以三幅图为例,以“Whats wrong with him”为题,写一篇小作文。要求:语句通顺,书写认真,不少于四句话。 附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 At the Airport教案 冀教版教学目的:1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、数字1-1000。 会口头运用句子:“ What time is it ? Its _ ”。2、情感态度价值观:运用多种教学手段激发学生学习英语的积极性,并力争能够让学生人人参与,通过鼓励、表扬来让学生有成就感,对自己充满信心。教学重点、难点:本课重点句子,会正确使用句子。教具准备:tapes、cards板书设计:Lesson 1: At the Airport 1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight oclock 2:10 two ten or ten past two 4:30 four thirty or half past three 9:00 nine oclock or nine “ What time is it ? Its_ ”. 教学过程:1) Greeting 2) Review Play“ The number game” to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand . Review the phrases :What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1、Teaching “ What time is it ? ”1) Use a big clock to teach “ What time is it ? ”2) Demonstrate : More the hands on the clock as I ask and answer the question . Then get volunteers to answer the question . Heres a simple way to say some times in English . 1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight oclock 3)Extend knowledge :2:10 two ten or ten past two 4:30 four thirty or half past three 9:00 nine oclock or nine 4) Practice : Practice in pairs Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question .2、Teaching “ the text ”1) When the students listen to the tape , think over the question :Where do Jenny , Danny , Li Ming live ? Why is Li Ming ing to Canada ? 教学侧记When does Li Ming arrive ? When will Li Ming go home ? How long will Li Ming live in Canada ?How does he e ?What time did Li Mings plane arrive ?Who meets him at the airport ?Did he have a good trip ?2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups .3)Ask the students to answer the questions .4)Read by themselves , then read role-play . Step 3 Consolidation Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to include in their dialogue the question and answer . “ What time is it ? Its ”Enounce the students to be creative and to use as many English phrases as they can .Step 4 Summary This lesson we understand that Li Ming arrived Canada . Danny and Jenny meet Li Ming at an airport . We learned how to ask and answer the phrases “ What time is it ? Its ”.Step 5 Homework Write “What time is it ? Its _. ”

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