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2019年四年级英语下册期中试卷一、选出你听到的单词,并将字母标号填入括号内( )1、A、he B、his C、she D、me( )2、A、call B、all C、your D、are( )3、A、teacher B、eraser C、paper D、semester( )4、A、her B、chair C、maker D、under( )5、A、name B、grm C、kin D、classroom二、听音,选出你听到的句子,将其字母标号填入括号内( )1、A、How are you?B、Nice to meet you.C、How old are you?( )2、A、Whats your name?B、Whats his name?C、Whats her name?( )3、A、His name is Danny.B、Her name is Kim.C、Your name is Jenny.( )4、A、What day is it?B、What is it?C、What the date?( )5、A、Its cloudy.B、Its rainy.C、Its windy.笔试部分一、根据所给汉语选择正确的单词1、钢笔 A、pencil B、peper C、book D、pen2、在下面 A、under B、beside C、below D、above3、有雨的 A、cloudy B、rainy C、snowy D、sunny4、星期,周 A、work B、desk C、week D、marker5、七月 A、June B、July C、April D、May二、从B栏中找出适合A栏的答案,将其填入括号内AB( )1、Whats the date?A、He is in the gym.( )2、Hows the weather today?B、Its cold and cloudy.( )3、Whats time is it?C、They are erasers.( )4、Where is Danny?D、Its February.( )5、What are these?E、Its 8:15.三、根据情景选择句子,将标号写在括号中1、当你向你的朋友或同学问好时,应说:( )A、How old are you? B、How do you do? C、How are you?2、当你不知道对方的名字,想向对方问时,应说:( )A、Whats your name? B、How are you? C、Nice to meet you.3、当你找不到自己的铅笔时,应说:( )A、Wheres my pencil? B、What is it? C、Is this your pencil?4、当你想问今天天气怎么样时,应说:( )A、Hows the weather today? B、Whats the date? C、How are you?5、当你想问:“现在几点了”时,应说:( )A、What is it? B、What it day is it? C、What time is it?附送:2019年四年级英语下册期末学力测查卷班级_姓名_分数_ 听力部分 40%一、听音,圈出你所听到的单词。10%1. cool cold 2. beautiful colourful 3. dog duck 4. seven eleven 5. go goat 6. tomato potato 7. shorts socks 8. wall warm 9. home nose 10. horse house二、听音,给图片编上序号。10%三、听音,在相关的框格里写出数字的单词。5%cowsheephorsehengoat四、听音,选择正确的答句。5% ( ) 1. A. Its 5:30. B. Im 5. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 2. A. I like this ruler. B. Its blue. C. Yes, she is. ( ) 3. A. Im from UK. B. Its rainy. C. Its time to go. ( ) 4. A. Im sorry. B. Yes, I like it. C. Its ninety-nine yuan. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I want a shirt. B. No, its not. C. I can see one.五、听音,判断下列每个句子是否与录音内容一致,如一致打,不一致打。10%( ) 1. Its warm today. Lets play football.( ) 2. Its 9:45. Its time for music class.( ) 3. How many horses are there? Fifteen.( ) 4. Is that the puter room? No, its not.( ) 5. What colour is it? Its white.笔试部分 60%一、看图,圈出相应的单词。5% skirt/ shirt potato/tomato cloudy/ rainy garden/ playground slipper/sneaker二、看图写单词。5% 三、读一读,画线部分发音都相同的写S,不同的写D。8%1. cake face ( ) 2. apple grape ( ) 3. desk pen ( ) 4. he egg ( ) 5. fish rice ( ) 6. fox hole ( ) 7. umbrella brush ( ) 8. milk music ( )四、读一读,给下列单词分类并把序号填在横线上。12%A. rainy B. jacket C. sweater D. lamb E. cow F. T-shirt G. rabbit H. sunny I. snowy J. pants K .hen L. cloudyPig : _ _ _ _Cap : _ _ _ _Windy : _ _ _ _五、选择正确的答案,将序号写到括号内 10%( ) 1. - Look! Are they ducks? -No, they _. A. are B. arent C. is ( ) 2. - is it? - Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.A. How much B. What colour C. What time( ) 3. - Wow! Your school is nice! - A. OK. B. Yes, it is. C. Thank you.( ) 4. - Oh, Im late. Its time _ school. A. on B. for C. to( ) 5. - Where are my ? - They are on your feet! A. shoe B. sock C. shoes( ) 6. Lets go to the _ and read a story book. A. canteen B. library C. gym ( ) 7. Amy, look the dress. Its colourful. A. at B. in C. for( ) 8. - Whats the like in Beijing? - Its windy. A. windy B. weather C. sweater ( ) 9. What colour are they? - _. A. They are blue B. It is blue C. He is blue.( ) 10. -Is this the music room? -Yes, _. A. its B. it is C. isnt六、读一读,问答配对。10%( ) 1. What time is it? A. Yes, they are.( ) 2.Where is the teachers office? B. They are one hundred yuan.( ) 3. Whats the weather like today? C. Its on the first floor.( ) 4. How much are they? D. Its eight oclock.( ) 5. Are they tomatoes? E. Its windy and cold.( ) 6. Do you have lunch at school? F. Not much.( ) 7. How many sheep are there? G. Its Toms.( ) 8. Where are my socks? H. There are twenty-one.( ) 9. Whose jacket is it? I. They are on your feet. ( ) 10. What are you doing? J. Yes, the canteen is on the 1st floor. 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。5% Hello, Im Sarah. Its eleven thirty now. Im in the canteen. I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch. Its cool today. I wear my sweater. Its orange. Its only 25 yuan. Its very cheap. But its very nice. I like it very much. ( ) 1. Its _ now. A. 11:30 B. 7:30 C. 12:30( ) 2. Sarah has lunch _. A. in a restaurant B. at home C. at school( ) 3. Sarah has _ for lunch. A. rice, beef and tomatoes B. rice, beef and potatoes C. rice, pork and orange( ) 4. Its _ today. A. cool B. cold C. warm( ) 5. Sarahs new sweater is _. A. nice and expensive B. orange and cheap C. nice and old八、阅读对话,判断题后句子正误,对的写“T”,错误的写“F” 5%My name is John. It is hot in Hang Zhou today. I can wear my yellow shorts and white T-shirt. I have a new shirt, my old shirt is too short. I want to buy a hat.I go to school at 7:20. We have math, puter, English and P.E. classes in the morning. Our classroom is on the second floor. There are thirty students in my class. I go home at 4:30 in the afternoon. ( )1. John wears white shorts and a yellow T-shirt.( )2. John has a new shirt.( )3. In the morning, John has math, puter, English and P.E. classes.( )4. John goes to school at seven oclock.( )5. There are thirty five students in Johns class.四年级英语期末学力测查卷听力材料及答案一、Listen and circle。听音,圈出你所听到的单词。 1. cool 2. colourful 3. duck 4. seven 5. goat 6. tomato 7. shorts 8. Warm 9. nose 10. horse二、Listen and number。听音,给图片编上序号。 1. What are these? They are goats.2. What time is it? Its four oclock.3. Its cloudy. Take your raincoat.4. How much are the sandals? They are 18 yuan.5. Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast.6. Its sunny today. Lets go swimming.7. The sneakers are cheap.8. Go to the library. Read a story-book.9. Look! This is our canteen.10. Amy is wearing her slippers.28673 914105 三、Listen and tick。听音,在相关的框格里写出数字的单词。1. The farmer has thirteen cows.2. How many sheep are there? There are fifteen.3. On the farm, you can twenty goats.4. How many horses do you have? I have eleven horses.5. I have twelve hens.thirteen / fifteen / eleven / twelve / twenty四、Listen and choose the right answer。听音,选择正确的答语。 1. What time is it now? Its 5:30.2. What colour is your jacket? Its blue.3. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy.4. How much is it? Its ninety-nine yuan.5. Can I help you, please? Yes, I want a shirt.A B B C A五、Listen, tick or cross。听音,判断下列每个句子是否与录音内容一致,如一致打,不一致打。1. Its warm today. Lets play football.2. Its 9:45. Its time for math class.3. How many horses are there? Fifty.4. Is that the puter room? No, its not.5. What colour is it? Its yellow. 笔试部分答案一、 skirt / tomato / cloudy / playground / slipper二、 socks / puter / dress / watermelon / Chinese三、 S D S D D D S D四、 Pig: DEGK Cap: BCFJ Windy: AHIL五、 A C C B C B A B A B六、 D C E B A J H I G F七、 A C B A B八、 F F T F F


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