2019年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year 教学案 外研版.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year 教学案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 Iwent there last year 教学案 外研版教学目标:1语言运用能力听: SB Unit 1 、1 and 2说: Unit 1.3读: Unit 1.1 and 2写: When did you go to XinjiangWe went there in JulyDid you go with your mother and father ?Yes, I did2情感目标:培养学生用英语谈论旅游见闻教学方法: Listen and say教学重、难点:Did you go with ?现代教学手段:recorder教学过程:(1) Warmer要求学生做一些简单的复习方向的动作,如:Standup, please! Turnwest! Turneast! (2) Activity1Look listensandlearnsPlay the tape so that the students can listen to the Conversation and follow it in their books .Answer the questions : Whohasgotsome photos? Where is Xinjiang? Whendid Lingling go there ? Listen to the tape and repeat(3) Activity 2 listen andsay Listen to the tape Work in pairs(4) Acivity 3. lookand say Look at the pictures and talk about the pictures . Work in pairs then Act it out. 小结:学会运句型 Did you go with .? Whendidyougoto ? 与同学谈论旅游见闻课后作业: Read the sentences板书设计: Unit1 Iwent therelastyear When did you go to Xinxiang? We went there in July .达标测试一、根据所给字母,拼出所给单词。1. o t o h p _ 2. a y t s _ 3. e k e w _ 4. a e n r t p _ 5.r a t e v l _ 6. r l y a e l _二、按要求写出下列单词。1.Went(原形)_ 2.photo(复数)_ 3.get(过去式)_ 4.theyre(完全形式)_ 5.did(原形)_三、单项选择1. Theyre photos _ China.A .of B. to C. in D. on2. She _ her friends last year.A. visited B. visit C. visits D. visiting3. He went there _ his mum.A. with B. and C. to D. bring4. Where did you go_ your holidays?A. in B. to C. for D. at5. She_ some books yesterday.A. buy B. bought C. buys D. will buy6. -Did you watch TV last night?-Yes, I did.教学反思附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house教学案 外研版一、学习目标:词 汇:life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.句 型:There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.交际用语:能用How was it different ? How about now? There werent any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.等交际用语进行会话练习。二、重点难点1、单 词:life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.2、句 子:There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.3、情景运用:There be 句型在一般过去时中的肯定、否定形式以及谓语动词为实义动词的句型在一般过去时中的肯定、否定形式。三、预习学案1我会读:单词: Life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.2我会写:单词:life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.3我会用:句型:There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.4我理解:用所学语言点谈论过去与现在的生活。四、导学案1热身活动,自由交流,运用一般过去时态谈论假期生活。2听一遍课文录音,整体感知课文,画出生词。3第二遍听录音,边听边读出黑板上的生词:change life lady ago different any television grandchildren us grandmother,小组合作学习生词(会读,会翻译,会运用生词造句)。4以小组为单位检查生词掌握(会读,会拼写,会运用生词造句)。5出示课文新句型,听课文读出下面的句子。There werent any buses. There are lots of buses and cars. We lived in a small house.We live in a big house.6小组合作交流,听录音阅读课文,分角色朗读课文。7小组合作完成活动3。五、课堂检测1根据句意选词填空。(1)Many years ago ,there (A、were B、werent ) any buses .Now there (A、were B、are ) lots of buses .(2)My grandpa (A、lived B、lives ) in an old house two years ago .(3)Im (A、watched B、watching )TV now .2请你把下列单词补充完整。(1) l f (2) televi (3)l dy (4) g (5) diff nt (6) ny (7) gr dmoth (8) s (9)grand dren六、课后作业Introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.(介绍家乡/学校/家的巨大变化)七、板书设计Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house.change life There werent any buses. lady ago There are lots of buses and cars.different any We lived in a small house.television grandchildren We live in a big houseus grandmother


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