2019年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 A snack bar教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 A snack bar教案 沪教牛津版Teaching contents:Lets act.Teaching aims:1、知识目标:学会招待客人吃东西的2句简单的祈使句.2、能力目标: 会用英语发命令并且根据命令做动作。3、情感目标:要礼貌对人.Difficult and key point: Can order and act two sentences.Teaching aids:1. Some noodles and some soup2. A cassette player and cassett3. Some picture cards and word cardsTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing an English songRevision1. Listen and actEg. Raise your hands.Show me your books.Touch your face.Taste the peach.Drink some juice.Eat some meat.2. Ask and answerHow are you?How old are you?Have you got a pencil?How many kites?Do you like fish(chicken,soup,noodles)?Presentation一、 Learn : Have some noodles.1. T: Im hungry. Are you hungry? Do you like noodles? P:Here you are.Have some noodles.(Give one pupil a bowl of noodles.)Then ask the other pupils try to say: “Have some noodles.” if they are hungry and like noodles.2. T: Im hungry. Give me some noodles. (Ask one pupil to say : Have some noodles.)P: Have some noodles.T: Thank you.3. work in pairs.P1: Have some noodles.P2: Thank you.4. Act it.二、 Learn : Have some soup.1. T: Are you thirsty? Have some soup.2. T: Im thirsty. Who can give me some soup?P: Have some soup.T: Thank you.3. Work in pairs.P1: Have some soup.P2: Thank you. 4. Act it.Consolidation1. Do a survey.Eg. Are you hungry? Have some noodles.Are you thirsty?Have some soup.2. Have a picnic in the park.Make short dialogues. Eg. Have some bread. Thank you.Eat an apple. Thank you.Eat some meat. Thank you.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period TwoTeaching contents: Lets act.Teaching aims:1、 知识目标:Learn the sentence :May I have a ?2、 能力目标:Learn how to buy something in the shop.3、 情感目标:教育学生要懂礼貌。Difficult and key points: Say the sentence correctly.Teaching aids: 1. A big picture.2.Some foods. 3.A cassette player and cassette.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing an English song.Revision一、 Daily talk.How are you? How old are you?Have you got a book?Do you like mooncakes?Are you a pupil?二、 Listen and act. Wave your hands.Give me a book,please.Open your book.Have some noodles.Have some soup.Presentation1. T: (Stick a big picture on the blackboard.) Look ,this is a food shop. There are many foods in the shop. Sam and May want to buy something. Lets listen to the tape . What does May say?2. (Play the cassette player)May I have a hot dog?3. Show pupils a hot dog.Ask the pupils to say: hot dog4. (Play the cassette player again)Ask the pupils to say:May I have a hot dog?5. Ask the pupils to say this sentence.6. T: Does Tom want to buy a hot dog ,too? Lets listen to the tape.( May I have a pizza?)7. Show pupils a pizza.Ask the pupils try to say: pizza8. Listen to the tape again. Ask the pupils try to say: May I have a pizza?Consolidation1. Ask the pupils look at the picture and choos e one thing and say . Eg: May I have a hot dog? May I have a pizza?2. Take out the pupils foods. Ask the pupils work in groups. One acts the shop assitant and the others act the customs and make short dialogues.Eg: Hello. Hello.May I have a hot dog?Yes, here you are.Thank you.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period ThreeTeaching contents: 1. Lets learn.2. Letters and words.Teaching aims:1.知识目标:a. Learn some words : biscuit, juice, waterb. Learn two letters and two words: Cc, Dd ,cat,dog2.能力目标:Act short dialogues using the new words.3.情感目标:Dont throw rubbish. Difficult and key points:1. Read the words correctly.2. Read and write the letters correctly.Teaching aids:1. Picture and word cards.2. Letters and picture cards.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段方法与手段Warming-upSing an English song.Revision一、 Daily talk How old are you?Do you like noodles?How are you ?Have you got an apple?Are you a boy?Do you like to eat cakes?二、 Listen and actHave some noodles.Wave your hands.Touch your nose .Give me a ruler,please.Open your pencil-box.Have some pizza.三、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy1. Read the letters and words together2. Play a matching game.Presentation一、 Review two words: pizza,hot dog1. Show pupils the word cards and read.2. Show the picture cards and read.3. Play a matching game.二、 Learn: biscuit1) T: Whats this? Its a biscuit, biscuit . Ask the pupils try to read.2) T: Biscuit, biscuit, I like biscuit. Ask the pupils try to say.3) Ask the pupils try to say this. Eg: Biscuit, biscuit, I have a biscuit. 4) The same way to learn :juice, water三、 Learn two letters and two words.1) Show pupils the card of Cc and cat. Ask the pupils listen to the tape.2) Ask the pupils try to say.3) The same way to learn: Dd,dogConsolidation一、 Review the words1. Read the words together.2. Play a game: Read and clap.3. Play a matching game.4. What is missing?二、 Review the letters.1. Read together.2. Play a matching game.3. Say the rhyme.Aa for apple. Bb for boy.Cc for cat . Dd for dog.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FourTeaching contents: Lets play.Teaching aims: 4、 知识目标:Say the sentence : May I have ?5、 能力目标:Ask and answer.6、 情感目标: 教育学生要懂礼貌.Difficult and key points: Can ask and answer.Teaching aids: some picture cards, some foodsTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up一、 Daily talk How old are you?Do you like noodles?How are you ?Have you got an apple?Are you a boy?Do you like to eat cakes?二、 Listen and actHave some noodles.Wave your hands.Touch your nose .Give me a ruler,please.Open your pencil-box.Have some pizza.三、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy,Cc, cat,Dd,dog1. Read the letters and words together2. Play a matching game.Revision四、 Daily talk How old are you?Do you like noodles?How are you ?Have you got an apple?Are you a boy?Do you like to eat cakes?五、 Listen and actHave some noodles.Wave your hands.Touch your nose .Give me a ruler,please.Open your pencil-box.Have some pizza.六、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy,Cc, cat,Dd,dog1. Read the letters and words together2. Play a matching game.Presentation1. T: Tomorrow is Sunday. We have no lessons. lets go for a picnic. (Stick some pictures of foods on the blackboard.) You can choose some and make a shopping list. (Divided the pupils into four groups.)2. The pupils make shopping lists in groups.3. Stick the lists on the blackboard and read the phrases.4. Ask the pupils take out their foods. . Work in groups. One acts the shop assitant and the others act the customers.5. T: Lets go shopping . You should say : May I have ?6. Choose some pupils act it. Eg. Hello.Hello.May I have three cakes?O.K. Here you are.Thank you.Consolidation1) Make short dialogues in the pencil shop.Eg. Hello.Hello.May I have four pencils ?O.K. Here you are .Thank you.2) Make short dialogues in the toy shop.Eg. Hello.Hello.May I have a toy rabbit?O.K. Here you are .Thank you.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FiveTeaching contents: Lets enjoy.Teaching aims: 1知识目标:Can say the story.2能力目标:Can make new stories.3情感目标:教育学生要爱护小动物。Difficult and key points: Say the story by themselves.Teaching aids: some foods, a big picture.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing an English song.Revision一、 Daily talk How old are you?Do you like noodles?How are you ?Have you got an apple?Are you a boy?Do you like to eat cakes?二、 Listen and actHave some noodles.Wave your hands.Touch your nose .Give me a ruler,please.Open your pencil-box.Have some pizza.三、 Review the letters and words: Aa,apple,Bb,boy,Cc, cat,Dd,dog1 ead the letters and words together2 Play a matching game.Presentation1. T: Today were going to learn a story about Sam and his dog. Do you want to know this story? Lets listen to the tape twice.2. T: Lets learn picture one. Listen to the tape. (May I have a hot dog?)Ask the pupils try to say it.Work in pairs.Eg. May I have a hot dog?Yes, here you are.Thank you.3. T: Lets learn picture two. Listen to the tape. (May I have a pizza,too?)Ask the pupils try to say it.Work in pairs.Eg. May I have a pizza?Yes ,here you are.Thank you.4. T: Sam buys a hot dog and a pizza. He puts the hot dog on the table. Lets listen what Sam says.(Spotty!)Ask the pupils try to say it.5. T: Do you know what the dog does? Lets listen to the tape.(My dog has my hot dog.)T: The dog is eating Sams hot dog.Ask the pupils try to say: My dog has my hot dog.Consolidation一、 Act the story.1. Listen to the tape again.2. Ask the pupils try to act this dialogue. Work in pairs.3. Act it.二、 Make new storys. Eg. May I have some cakes?May I have some sweets?Kitty!My cat has my cakes.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策附送:2019年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 A snack bar教案(4-6) 沪教牛津版一、主要新授内容(new contents)Lets act-Rhyme ( I am a _.)二、学习目标(Objectives)1、在一年级的基础上,学会用祈使语气表达意愿并理解。2、学会用不定限定词some来说明物体的数量。3、结合本课的主题小吃店,创设语言使用环境,学会用Have some来表达请人吃东西的意愿及相应的回答。4、在角色表演的过程中,激发学生学习的兴趣,培养学生的表演能力。三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。Activity 1 (Riddle)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Riddle: cake It is round. It is nice. You have it on your birthday. What is it? 以儿歌引出,激发学生的兴趣,为新课作准备。2Riddle:noodlesThey are long. They are nice. You eat them on your birthday.What are they? (将图片贴在黑板上)复习单词为新授打下扎实的基础。Activity 2 (Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(2A-U2-15)2)屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1What do you like to eat?I like to eat _.Questions and answers What do you like to eat?Why? 通过多媒体设置的画面吸引学生的注意力,鼓励学生开口表达。2Guess: What do I like to eat? Guess: What do I like to eat?(noodles)通过猜猜老师喜欢吃的食品,为引出新课作准备。Activity 3 (Guessing)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)一小袋饼干2)一小袋糖果 2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1How many biscuits? 教师手拿一袋饼干,让学生猜:How many biscuits?猜猜数字,既复习旧知,还充分调动学生的积极性,为新课作准备。2some biscuits some sweets 教师举起饼干袋和糖果袋,I have got some biscuits. I have got some sweets. 教师示范,给学生留下新授内容的初步印象。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。由于本教时新授内容有词汇也有句子而且都在两个以上,在这个教学阶段也可以设计新授知识的二次或多次导入,并根据语言训练的需要设计相应的机械性操练和意义性操练。在这种情况下,建议每项Activity形式尽可能不同,时间不要长,一个活动紧接着一个活动,容易抓住学生的注意力,维持学习兴趣。Activity 1 (Repetition)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(2A-U2-16)2)屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1New word:some 屏幕出现一粒糖,旁边词组:a sweet;第二行出现两粒糖:two sweets;第三行出现三粒糖:three sweets;第四行出现四粒糖:some sweets;第五行出现五粒糖:some sweets;第六行六粒糖:some sweets;Count the sweets. How many sweets? 运用多媒体为学生创设良好的语言环境,让学生在看一看,数一数,说一说的过程,仔细观察,找出规律,引出新课内容,激发学生的兴趣。2some cakessome water1. Read after the teacher.2. Make some phrases.(出示一些图片)通过用数字组词,巩固单词的发音,以及名词复数形式。Activity 2 (Game)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)单词卡片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1New words:noodles, soup 教师准备一个信封,里面放好单词卡片,选一名学生在信封里拿一张卡片,如果卡片上的单词是noodles,大声说: Noodles, noodles. I like noodles. 其他学生一起说:Have some noodles. 以游戏激发学生学习的兴趣,并让学生将新旧知识联系。2 Have some noodles/soup. 四人一组,做这游戏。Activity 3 ( Miming game )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 图片2)小奖品若干 2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1noodles, soup, pizzas, hot dogs, sweets 教师将一些食品图片贴在黑板上,Read the words: noodles, soup, pizzas, hot dogs, sweets通过哑剧表演的游戏,使机械性操练也变得生动、有趣。2Have some noodles/soup教师轻轻地告诉一名学生:Have some noodles. 然后这名学生做出吃面条的样子,其他学生猜老师刚才说的句子,对者得奖品。完成比较扎实的机械性操练,就进入了意义性操练阶段。意义性操练是介于机械性操练和交际性操练之间,起着承上启下的作用,把语言形式的操练转向语言内容的操练,使学生的认知逐步从知识外部特征转向知识内在的联系。由于本教时先完成词汇的新授,因此就先设计有关词汇的意义性操练活动,在导入新授句子前,完成词汇巩固。Activity 4 ( Do a survey )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 图片2)调查表 2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1noodles Do you like noodles? Here are some noodles. What kind of noodles do you like? (chicken noodles, fish noodles, meat noodles)增加语言信息的输入,让学生将新旧知识融会贯通。2 Do a survey 将学生分成五人一组,给学生一分钟,在组内作调查,小组长负责记录。I like chicken/meat noodles. 通过调查问卷的形式,让每个学生都参与到教学活动中来。3 Make a report 由负责报告的小组成员作报告:Two of us like chicken noodles. 体现分层,能力强的学生可完成较高难度的任务,其他学生可学会倾听。Activity 5 ( Breakfast time )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑(2A-U2-17)2) 屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1noodles, soup, pizzas, hot dogs, sweets, milk, juice, fish, meat 多媒体展示出许多食品,noodles, soup, pizzas, hot dogs, sweets, milk, juice, fish, meat食品下方有个男孩想吃饭,坐在饭桌前。Its breakfast time. What can Sam have for breakfast? 多媒体的画面为学生展示直观的场景,便于学生理解,激发学习兴趣。2Have some Thank you.请学生回答,然后点击相应的食品,如果适合作为早餐,如点击牛奶,牛奶就放在桌上了。Have some milk. Thank you. 让学生将学习与日常生活实际相联系,同时培养较好的饮食习惯。Activity 6 (Help the animals)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(2A-U2-18)2)屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Who are they? What do they like to eat? 屏幕上出现一些动物:小兔、小猫、小狗和小鸡,她们面前是一个空盘,一些食物:米饭、肉骨头、鱼和胡罗卜放在另一边。Who are they? What do they like to eat?以学生耳熟能详的小动物就餐为情境,鼓励学生大胆开口,善于表达。2Have some rice/carrots. Thank you. 教师请学生做饲养员去喂养小动物。如果说对了,点击食品放到动物前的盘子里。Have some rice, chicken. 动物会回答:Thank you. 发挥学生的想象力,培养学生主动、灵活使用语言的能力 3、任务后期完成阶段(Post-task activity section) Post-task Activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。Activity 1(Make a dialogue )1、教学辅助(Aids)1)图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Set a model. 教师和一个能力较强的学生合作,编对话。Mum, Im home. Are you thirsty? Have some juice. Thank you, Mum. Im hungry, too. All right. Have some biscuits. Oh, how nice!教师先作示范,给学生一个参照,降低任务的难度。2Pair work: Make a new dialogue. Pair work: Make a new dialogue.(可以替换食品名称,也可以替换句子,如:Its Mid-autumn Festival. Have some moon cakes.)为对话编配动作发挥学生的想象,指导学生灵活运用所学的语言,培养学生的创新精神。3Act out the dialogue. 各小组展示创编的内容,进行自评和互评。鼓励学生大胆开口,善于表达。Activity 2(Role play )1、教学辅助(Aids)1)图片2)动物头饰2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1This is a zoo. What animals can you see in the zoo? 教师出示动物园的图片。This is a zoo. What animals can you see in the zoo? Who want to be the animals? 以学生耳熟能详的动物园为背景,吸引学生注意力,激发学习兴趣。2Feed the animals.Have some Its dinner time. Look, the zookeeper is ing. 学生表演饲养员喂养动物。让学生分角色扮演,使他们表演更有趣味性。同时在表演中强化所学知识,可以达到事半功倍的效果。Activity 3(A rhyme )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 录音机2) 图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1A rhyme:Noodles, noodles. Have some noodles. Soup, soup. Have some soup. Noodles and soup. Soup and noodles. All very yummy! (Show some pictures and introduce a new rhyme)Noodles, noodles. Have some noodles. Soup, soup. Have some soup. Noodles and soup. Soup and noodles. All very yummy!根据学生掌握的情况,适当拓展另一首简单的儿歌,加强语感的训练。2RhymeRead after the teacherSay and act3 Make new rhymesMake new rhymes发挥学生主动性,通过编新儿歌巩固新知识。Activity 4(Role play )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 图片2)菜单2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Group work: In a snack bar 每组学生有一份菜单和一些食品图片。Lets look at the menu. What is on it? Now practice a short play in groups. One will be the waiter or waitress. The others are customers. 小组合作,既可以体现学生之间的思维和语言积累的差异,又可以加强学生团队协作能力。2Group work: In a snack bar 选择部分小组表演,评选出最佳表演奖。发挥学生的想象力,培养学生主动、灵活使用语言的能力Unit 2 A snack bar第五课时(5th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Letters - Cc cat Dd dog Lets enjoy- story 二、学习目标(Objectives)1、学习大小写字母Cc和Dd,以及他们在单词中的发音。2、结合本课的主题小吃店,创设语言使用环境,学讲故事的过程中熟悉购物的表达方式。3、在故事表演的过程中,激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学习的积极性。4、在故事创编的过程中激发学生的想象,培养学生创新的思维。三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section) Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:Input。在这个环节可以是复习前面所学知识引出新知识,也可以让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。Activity 1 (Guessing)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 录音机2)图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1What do you see?Is it a _?(出示一个盒子)What do you see? ( I see a box.)Whats in the box? Guess.It is brown. It has two short ears. It can catch mice. It likes fish. It goes “Miao-miao”. (Is it a _?)(打开盒子,取出一只绒毛玩具小猫。)Look, it is a cat. C /k/ cat. 运用实物吸引学生的注意,在猜谜过程中激发学生的积极思维,引出新课内容。2New letter: Cc Read: C /k/ cat初步感知新授内容。Activity 2 (Questions and answers)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(2A-U2-19)2)屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Food (画面出现许多食品) Daily TalkWhat do you like to eat?巩固以前所学知识,为新课作准备。2Guess: What do I like to eat? Guess: What do I like to eat?Yes, I like cakes. And I like pizzas, too. 通过猜食品以及观看多媒体画面中的物品,体会单词的含义。New word:too (请学生说说)T: Too, too, too, I like to eat pizzas. S: Too, too, too, I like to eat _, too.通过看一看,说一说,加深对新单词的理解和记忆。Activity 3 (Story)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 录音机2) 图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Story(教师播放磁带,听故事)Listen to the story.听故事,激发学生学习的兴趣。2May I have ? Who is the boy?( Sam)What does Sam want?( A hot dog and a pizza)Who is having Sams hot dog? 通过问答了解故事大意,引出新课内容。2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section) While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。由于本教时新授内容是歌词,可以根据需要设计相应知识点的机械性操练和意义性操练。在这种情况下,建议每项Activity形式尽可能不同,时间不要长,一个活动紧接着一个活动,容易抓住学生的注意力,维持学习兴趣。Activity 1 (Chant)1、教学辅助(Aids)2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1New word:too Chant:One, two. Two hot dogs. Too, too. Have two hot dogs, too.在节奏朗读中练习单词的发音。2Chant要求学生用其他食品替换,编成另一首诵读。在替换诵读中巩固单词的运用。Activity 2 (Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑(2A-U2-20)2) 屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1 Look at the animals. What are they?屏幕上出现一家动物餐厅,许多动物影子在里面吃饭。Look at the animals. What are they? What do they have? 运用多媒体创设生动的场景,激发学生好奇心,在场景中鼓励学生用学过的知识进行表达。2The _ has the _! 让学生看影子,猜什么懂得正在吃什么。The lion has the meat! The _ has the _!.通过仔细观察,猜测每只动物正在吃的食品,强化has的口头表达与运用。Activity 3 ( Find your friend )1、教学辅助(Aids)2) 图片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Some food.出示一些食品图片:What are these? 2I like hot dogs. I like hot dogs, too. 教师请五位同学分别说自己喜欢吃的食品,其他同学如果也喜欢该食品,就站起来附和。看看五位同学中谁拥有相同爱好的朋友最多。如:I like hot dogs. I like hot dogs, too.在说说自己喜欢的食品的过程,巩固了新的单词的朗读,同时又强化了复数的口头表达。完成比较扎实的机械性操练,就进入了意义性操练阶段。意义性操练是介于机械性操练和交际性操练之间,起着承上启下的作用,把语言形式的操练转向语言内容的操练,使学生的认知逐步从知识外部特征转向知识内在的联系。Activity 4 ( Try to say more)1、教学辅助(Aids)2) 字母卡片2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Letters: C /k/ cat D /d/ dog Read after the teacher. C /k/ cat D /d/ dog 跟教师读,在机械操练时注意纠音。2Try to say more. Try to say more.C /k/ cake D /d/ door 给学生更多的语音训练。3Group work. Try to say more.(分组,请学生尽量说出更多的有字母Cc和Dd并发/k/和/d/音的单词) Group work. Try to say more.小组交流,看看哪组学生说得又多又正确。让学生调动原有知识,逐渐掌握字母在单词中的发音。Activity 5 ( Read a story )1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑(2A-U2-21)2) 屏幕2活动过程(Process)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Story


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