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2019年三年级英语试卷分析第二学期期中 姓名:曹瑞宁 时间:XX年5月7日 三年级英语第二学期期中试卷分析 又一次的期中考试及结束了,下面我就学生的答题情况及阅卷过程中发现的一些问题进行剖析,并认真分析其原因,深刻反省教学漏洞,以便为今后的教学提供借鉴。1、 试卷总体情况 本次英语考试三年级共有37人参加考试,其中有3人满分,最高分100,最低分56,90分以上19人,60-89分17人,一人不及格,平均成绩85.84,及格率97.3%,优秀率51.4%,整体效果良好。本套试题均为笔试题,题量适中,难易适中,是一套能客观地考查学生说,读,写英语及按照英语意思绘画能力的理想试卷。二、学生答题情况分析 第一题第一部分是根据汉语意思补全下列单词。这一题是基础题,给出的10个单词都是课本上要求学生记住的单词,整体答题效果一般,大部分学生错了一两个。原因是学生对单词掌握不全面,以后老师在教学中必须严格要求学生多记单词,打好学生的单词基础。第一题第二部分是快乐派对。这一题给出的单词相对简单,汉语意思也一目了然,所以失分也较少,可以看出学生对单词的汉语意思还是很熟悉的。第二题是选出不同类的单词。这道题考察的是学生对英语单词的辨别能力,属于基础题,但有一定的难度。学生失分较多,原因一方面是学生以前没有做过类似的题,另一方面是学生对单词的汉语意思不熟,辨别能力较弱。教师在今后的教学中要多给学生锻炼此类题。第三题是选择我最棒。这一题是本次考试中失分最多的,其中第一部分的情景选择考查的是学生对日常用语的运用能力。有个别学生出现了错误,如第3小题“当你想知道兔子在哪儿时,应这样问?”答案应是A.Where is the rabbit? 而学生却选成了B.What is the rabbit?第二部分选择填空考查的语法点较多,不过10道题都是课本上的句子,出错的学生较少。有个别学生将第5小题Is this a chicken?_选错了,正确答案是A. Yes, it is. 但有些学生却选择了B.No, it is. 由此可见,老师今后一定要督促学生熟练掌握课文中的每一个句子。第四题是画一画。要求学生按给出的英语短语画图,短语所描绘的物体都是简单易画的,如“一棵大树”,“三只鸟”,“一只长尾巴”等。这类题考试前我们做过一些练习,所以出错的学生较少。有个别学生将a banana画成了一把香蕉,针对此类学生,老师在今后的教学中应多监督指导。3、 改进措施 根据以上试题分析,我为今后的英语教学制定了如下改进措施:1、对课本上的基础知识要抓好落实,如默写重点单词,熟练朗读课文和背诵重点句子以及掌握一些语法知识。2、努力培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,提高课堂效率,向课堂40分钟要成绩。3、课堂上要加强听音练习和口语表达能力,学生的课后听音要落到 实处。4、在平时的语句学习中,要重视音配图。5、单元测试卷的题型和每个单元中的活动练习要反复操练。6、认真钻研挖掘教材,加大各种题型练习的深度和广度,培养学生灵活多变的做题能力。7、抓好后进生的转化工作,进行个别辅导,老师帮,学生帮。 四年级科学第二学期期中考试卷面分析 订阅刘湾小学 曹瑞宁一、 总体情况本次科学考试四年级共有9人参加考试,平均分32.4,及格率88.9%,优秀率11%,整体效果不太好。检测的试卷均为笔试题和作图题,题量适中,难易适中。从整套试题看,体现出了新课程标准倡导的要注重学生的独特思维能力,注重科学知识与现实生活的联系及学习方法的积累的课程理念,对培养和训练学生的思维能力有很大的好处。二、具体情况分析第一题填空。主要考查学生对科学知识和概念的掌握情况。大多数同学对概念知识掌握不太好,失分较多,正确率70%。此题失分的主要原因是学生没有把科学概念和实际生活联系起来,因此老师在以后的教学中一定要引起注意。第二题判断。主要考查学生运用科学知识对事物进行判断的能力。此题失分较少,有个别学生将第5小题做错了。第三题选择。主要是检查学生对基础科学知识的掌握情况。学生出错也较多,主要集中在电荷和植物方面,主要原因还是对概念性的东西掌握不够,今后要多检查测验。第四题是实践操作。要求学生用所给的材料画出电路连接图。这个实验我们曾经做过,很成功,而且课本上也有相关的连接图。可是有8个学生没能画出正确的电路图,可见学生的操作能力还有待于进一步提高,同时他们不注重课本内容的坏习惯也要改掉。三、改进措施从以上试卷分析中,我为今后的教学制定了一下改进措施:1、做好每一次的实验,让学生从认识器材、猜测、实验设计、实验操作、得出结论。2、加强概念教学,不能遗漏教学的知识点3、加强综合社会实践活动。从生活出发,引导学生多观察、多动脑,积累生活经验,充分认识到生活中处处有科学。4、加强学生的学习态度促进后进生的转化,平时在教学中应该对他们多加关注,对他们应该多引导、多启发、多提问,特别是实验设计与实验操作中应该对他们多作指导,作业中发现问题时,应该及时帮助他们解决,激发他们的学习兴趣,放飞他们的科学理想。 附送:2019年三年级英语试卷及答案四、单项选择(共15分,每题1分)21. The bottle belongs to me. It has _name on it. A. meB. IC. myD. mine22. _ does Joyce study English? By reading story books. A. HowB. WhatC.WhereD. When23. Teenagers should not have part-time jobs. They are not _. A. young enough B. enough youngC. old enoughD. enough old24. Have we met somewhere before? Your face is familiar _ me. Oh, really? A. with B. to C. at D. for 25. We often help Betty because she _ look after herself. A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. dont 26. Gab got up late, _ he had to take a taxi to school this morning.A. andB. butC. soD. or 27. Most students think Lady Gaga is one of _ singers in USA now. A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the most popular28. Professor Hopkins _ to give us a talk next week. Really? Thats good news.A. will invite B. is going to invite C. will be invited D. has invited29. Why not get some work experience first _ going straight onto university?A. rather than B. thanC. instead D. instead of 30. The doctor advises us _ sports to keep healthy.A. doB. doingC. done D. to do31. Did they _ the final game? Sorry, I have no idea. A. beat B. defeatC. winD. take32. I _ for my family if I get home early today. A. cook B. cookedC. will cookD. has cooked33. When I came back, I saw Nancy _ a diary in her room. A. wrote B. writingC. writtenD. to write34. _ you ever _ for a newspaper? Yes, I have. I think its a good experience for me. A. Do; write B. Did; writeC. Have; writtenD. Will; write35. Can you tell me _?A. when did it happenB. when it happenedC. when was it happened D. when it was happened五、完形填空(共12分,每题1分)The 26-year-old mother stared down at her son who was dying of terminal leukemia(血癌). Although her heart was filled with _36_, she still wanted her sons dreams to e true. She took her sons hand and asked, “Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?” “Mommy, I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.”Mom smiled back and said, “Lets see if we can make your wish e true.”Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix. She explained her sons final wish and asked if it might be _37_ to give her six year old son a ride around the block on a fire engine. Fireman Bob said, “Look, we can do better than that. Well _38_ him an honorary fireman for the whole day. He can e down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls!”Three days later Fireman Bob _39_ Billy, dressed him in his fire uniform. Billy got to sit on the back of the truck. He was in heaven. He _40_ in the different fire engines, and even the fire chiefs car. Having his dream e true, with all the love and _41_ upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived three months longer than any doctor thought possible. One night all of his vital(生命的) signs began to _42_ dramatically and the head nurse, who believed that no one should die, began to call the family members to the hospital. Then she remembered the day Billy had _43_ as a fireman, so she called the fire chief(队长) and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the _44_ to be with Billy as he made his transition(过渡). The chief replied, “Well be there in five minutes. Will you please tell people that there is not a fire when we get there? Its just the fire department ing to see one of its _45_ members one more time.”About five minutes later a truck arrived at the hospital. They held him and told him how much they _46_ him. With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and said, “Chief, am I really a fireman now?” “Yes, Billy, you are a fireman now,” the chief said. With those words, Billy _47_ and closed his eyes one last time. He passed away later that evening. 36. A. sadness B. loveC. hopeD. worries37. Afortable B. enjoyableC. agreeableD. possible38. A. considerB. helpC. makeD. treat39. A. dressed upB. madeupC. put up D. picked up40. A. worked B. droveC. rodeD. tried41. A. careB. attentionC. respect D. offer42. A. change B. turnC. dropD. fail43. A. hadB. spentC. tookD. finished44. A. houseB. homeC. hospitalD. office45. A. bravest B. most popularC. finestD. most famous46. A. trusted B. lovedC. broughtD. gave47. A. smiled B. criedC. paused D. signed阅读理解(共44分)六、阅读理解(共26分,每题2分)AWele Aboard Your Piccadilly Flight To HeathrowThe Piccadilly line to Heathrow(伦敦希思罗机场) is not only the most convenient way to travel but also the most cost-effective. So the next time youre travelling to Heathrow, make sure you fly Piccadilly line.Your Piccadilly flight features:l Departures from 36 stops on the Piccadilly line, or from over 200 stations only one change wayl Service every 5 minutes to and from Heathrow throughout the dayl Journeys from central London taking less than 50 minutesl Only 3.70 for a single adult farel See tables below for journey timesFares to and from central Londonl Adult single 3.70l Child single 1.50If you are traveling as a group, then you are allowed to use the Family Travelcard, which means each adult can travel for 3.40 and each child for 0.80.Travelling to HeathrowMon-SatSunFromJourneyTimeFrequencyFirst TrainLast TrainFirst TrainLast TrainEarls Court39 mins5 mins05:5500:4307:1523:49PiccadillyCircus49 mins5 mins05:4500:3207:0523:38Travelling from HeathrowMon-SatSunToJourneyTimeFrequencyFirst TrainLast TrainFirst TrainLast TrainEarls Court34mins5mins05:1323:4905:5723:30PiccadillyCircus45 mins5 mins05:1323:4905:5723:3048. At what time does the first train leave Earls Court on Sunday? A. 07:15. B. 05:55. C. 05:13. D. 05:57.49. If your father wants to take the train, how much should he pay?A. 1.50.B. 3.40.C. 3.70.D. 5.20.BIn Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called “satellite kids”, who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating(移民) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West. In Asia, especially in China, Japan, and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. Students must first pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result, Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West than in the East. Also, they find that they are very lonely, and that they miss their homes. Because of these two reasons, most Asian parents decide to go back to Southeast Asia to work while their children study in the West. Therefore, these children bee “satellite kids,” and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a “satellite kid.”Only until now are Canadians and Americans discovering the “satellite kid” problem. Because these children do not speak English and because their parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a “satellite kid” means to grow up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means to grow up lonely, because your parents are elsewhere. What these “satellite kids” will probably say to their parents is that its better to have parents around than to have a university education. 50. Some Asian parents send their kids abroad because _.A. they hope their children may easily find a job there B. the kids may not be accepted by universities in their own countryC. all foreign universities are better than the ones in their own countryD. the kids want to improve their English and make foreign friends51. “Satellite kids” refer to Asian kids _.A. without parentsB. living abroad aloneC. with university educationD. speaking no English52. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Parents want better education for their kids.B. Parents feel lonely and miss their families.C. Canadians and Americans begin to solve the “satellite kids” problem.D. Kids in foreign countries alone are badly in need of care from family.CNorway Ten Chinese college students arrived at the countrys Arctic research base, the Yellow River Station, on Friday.On Saturday, the students are expected to witness the end of four months of darkness in the area, as the sun makes a rare appearance.During their four-day stay at the station, the students will meet and learn from some of Chinas leading polar researchers. They were weled at the station yesterday by its director, He Jianfeng, who is an expert on marine micro-ecosystems(海洋微生态系统).The students will also visit the German and Norwegian stations and meet researchers there.As for entertainment, the visitors will get the chance to play ice hockey at the worlds most northerly stadium.Among the visitors is Zheng Li, a student majoring in telemunications at Dalian Marinetime University.“It is so exciting to see how the Chinese researchers work in the worlds most northerly laboratory,” she said.“This opportunity is precious. Most people will never get the chance to travel so far from home and visit such an amazing place. Its a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”Wu Jinyou, head of the Polar Research Institute of China, and the groups leader, said, “I hope the students have not only a field trip to the Yellow River station, but are also touched by the devotion and spirit of the Chinese researchers here. I also expect in the future, some of them will choose to devote themselves to polar research and maybe even work with us.”The students have been in Norway since February 28, and were given Arctic training before moving to the station.The Arctic expedition is one of the several international cooperation and exchange activities forming the China Program for International Polar Year (xx-08). It was launched last March. (China Daily, Xinhua News Agency)53. What does Zheng Li mean by saying “Its a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”? A. Its exciting to see the sun rise in Arctic area. B. The trip to the research station is extremely exciting. C. Playing ice hockey in Arctic area is really a life-long memory. D. People are only allowed to visit the station once in their lifetime.54. Which word can most probably replace the underlined word “launched”? A. endedB. signedC. startedD. performed55. What could be the best title of the news report? A. Chinese Students Arrive at Arctic Station B. Chinese Students Do Research in Norway C. Chinese Students Play Ice Hockey at Arctic Station D. Chinese Students Receive Training at Arctic StationD My mind seems always to return to the day when I met Carl. The city bus stopped at a corner to pick up the daily muters (someone who travels regularly to and from work), a group in which I was included. Boarding the bus, I looked for a place to sit. At last, I found a place to sit near the back. The occupant of the seat next to the one I was going for was an older man in a grey suit, well-worn dress shoes, and a black hat like I always pictured reporters wearing, but without the little press card. Seated myself, I began to read the book I had been carrying, which was Jack Kerouacs On the Road. The man in the seat next to me introduced himself by asking if I had read any other book like the one I was holding. When I told him I had, he seemed to bee interested, and so did I. He introduced himself as Carl and asked if I liked jazz, and I told him that I didnt really listen to it, and that I liked rock and roll. Waiting for Carl to tell me that I should listen to real music, I was shocked when he just smiled and nodded. He said, “You remind me of myself when I was your age. I remember how my parents hated jazz, how they couldnt see how I could listen to that awful noise. I bet your parents say the same thing, dont they?” Now it was my turn to smile, amused with how right he was. As the bus ferried us from one side of the city to the other, Carl and I talked about a lot of different things. The more we talked, the more amazed I became at how much the two of us really had in mon, despite the age difference. I havent seen him since we parted, but the thought of our connection that day rarely leaves my mind. Carl really made me think about how much we can learn from each other if we just break through the blocks between us weve got. I mean, I would have never thought before that day that I could have anything in mon with someone so much older than I, just because of age. But Carl taught me that no matter what, we are all just people, and that we should make an extra effort to try and get to know our neighbors and people we see every day, regardless of age, race, religion, sex, or anything else. If we all take the time to attempt to understand each other, I think that the world would be a much better place that we could share together, as humans.56. From the first paragraph we know that the author _. A. did not mind whether there was a seat or not B. hoped to have a seat when getting on the bus C. thought the bus was overcrowded D. looked for a seat but failed57. The author usually imagined a reporter as one who _. A. liked jazz musicB. enjoyed talking with othersC. liked reading Jack Kerouacs worksD. usually wore a black hat and press card58. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. the author hasnt seen the old man since then B. jazz music used to be popular only among young people C. the author called on people to municate more D. Carl made the author realize how much people could learn from each otherEAre you one of those who always fear whenever a dog is approaching? If you are, you have got phobia (a very strong feeling of being afraid of something). Of all human fears, phobias may be the most uncontrollable. They are most often caused by a particular situation or object. In general, phobias can mainly be divided into three varieties. To begin with, agoraphobia is a fear of staying in strange surroundings, for example, an unfamiliar place, or an open area. Social phobia refers to the anxiety people show when they have to stay or perform on social events, for instance, speaking in front of the class. Lastly, there are a wide range of specific phobias. People suffering from this kind of phobia are terrified of specific objects or creatures, such as spiders, perhaps to your surprise, clowns. Besides, there are about six hundred and fifty phobias having been listed by psychologists(心理学家)as yet. Faced with their phobias, many people choose to do nothing but just escape the situations or objects they fear. Psychologists, however, warn that if not treated properly, this kind of anxiety will get worse, so that it may disturb the sleep pattern, cause physical symptoms, and finally affect their daily activities. As for treatment, clinical research has discovered that medicine for anxiety is not successful in curing phobias. However, the anxiety disorders can be efficiently treated through cognitive behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法), through which patients are led to inspect the connections between their own fear and the situation or object, and then actively choose the acceptable treatments. Also, other treatments proved effective in reducing phobias are meditation (quiet thought that can help people relax), listening to calming music, and so on. 59. Which do psychologists NOT use for effective treatment of phobias?A. To take medicine for anxiety.B. To listen to forting light music.C. To lose oneself in a peaceful environment.D. To understand the very source of ones own anxiety.60. Which of the following statements about phobias is correct?A. Actors can help people to cure their phobias.B. Phobias can be divided into six hundred and fifty types.C. Those suffering from phobias may not sleep well or work normally.D. Cognitive behavioral therapy demands little participation from patients.七、阅读还原(共8分,每题2分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。James is a good student and he has lots of friends, but he also has a problem. Some older boys are bullying(欺负)him at school. James is very unhappy and he doesnt know what to do about it. 61_Dont feel worried. Its not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry. 62_ Dont feel that you have to hide the problem. You should find a person you can trust, and tell them. It might be your teacher, your parents, or even your friends parents. After you tell


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