2019年六年级英语上册 Unit 7 What can I do教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Unit 7 What can I do教案 湘少版Period 1一、 教学目标1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词和短语an old woman,help the old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean their homes,make them happy,weak,slow2. 句型:能用“What can I do?”和“I can”提供帮助3. 能听懂、会说A部分的内容4. 能表达自己可以提供哪些帮助二、 教学重、难点1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词和短语an old woman,help the old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean their homes,make them happy,weak,slow;能用“What can I do?”和“I can”提供帮助2.难点:能正确理解“We can help them to clean their homes.”和“I can ask mum to make cakes for them.”两个句子。三、教学准备用于复习词组的图片、用于教授新词组的图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等四、教学过程Step 1 Warmup1. Greetings2. Quick response教师用课件或图片快速出示家务活的图片,学生快速说出学过的词组,如sweep the floor,clean the windows等,旨在为本课“I can”句型的操练输入更多的语言材料。Step 2 Presentation1. New words and new sentences(1) 教师出示一张老奶奶的图片,要学生猜测其年龄,引出词汇an old woman.板书词组an old woman,学生跟读,教师提醒an和old的连读(2) 继续出示一张老爷爷的图片,引导学生说出an old man,同时出示老奶奶和老爷爷的图片,引出词汇the old people。板书the old people2. 学习词汇weak,slow(1) T:Are the old people strong?The old people are not strong。They are weak。板书weak,领读句子“They are weak”(2) T:Can the old people run fast?oh,the old people cant run fast。They are slow。板书slow,领读句子“They are slow”3. 学习句型“what can I do?” “I can”教师呈现B部分图片,要求学生根据图片用“I can”说说能为老人们提供什么样的帮助。教师板书句型“what can I do?” “I can”,学生根据自己的实际情况选择图片说句子,教师将句子板书在黑板上。4. 单词、句型操练。教师可创设其他情境,学生根据情境运用所学单词和句型表达Step 3 PracticeLets chant教师将所学单词组成chant,分组练习I can help the old。I can help the old。What can I do?I can clean their homes。What can I do?I can help them on the roadWhat can I do?I can sing and talkWhat about you?What can you do?Step 4 Homework1. 听一听,读一读:听读课文A B 部分2. 写一写:想想你能为老年人做些什么,然后写下来,越多越好。Period 2一、 教学目标1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、会读can,help,old people,make them happy,clean their homes,carry things;能理解、会说Ms,free,taketo,enjoy themselves。2. 句型:能运用“I can help themI can”表达自己能为他人提供的帮助3. 能阅读和理解课文D部分的小故事二、 教学重、难点1. 重点:能在情境中运用句型“I can”表达能提供的帮助;能阅读和理解课文D部分的小故事2. 难点:能运用“help sb.(to)do sth.”的表达方式;能完成D部分的练习三、 教学准备人物头饰、单词卡片、教学磁带、教学光盘、教学挂图等四、 教学过程Step 1 Warmup1. Greetings2. Lets chantI can help the old。I can help the old。What can I do?I can clean their homes。What can I do?I can help them on the roadWhat can I do?I can sing and talkWhat about you?What can you do?Step 2 Presentation1. Part C:Lets practice以课文C部分为内容进行分角色表演2. Part D:Lets read第一步:Read and circle第二步:Read and answer第三步:Read and write第四步:Read and take notes第五步:Read and thinkStep 3 PracticeGame:happy passing全班分成几组,每组第一名学生看教师给出的句子,句子为本课A部分内容,游戏开始后,学生小声把看到的句子读给下一名学生听,依次传递下去,最后一名学生大声说出句子,说得又快又准的一组获胜。Step 4 Homework1. 听一听,背一背:听磁带、背诵A部分内容2. 做一做:选择你喜欢的方式,给爷爷奶奶、外公外婆送上关爱Period 3 一、 教学目标1. 词汇:巩固、运用已学过的词组an old man,help the old people on the road,make tea,make cakes,clean their homes,make them happy等;谈论关爱老人的话题2. 句型:能在语篇中灵活运用新句型 I can help I would like to I like to I am going to谈论自己可以为老人做什么3.能理解chant,体会老人需要社会关爱二、教学重、难点1.重点:能掌握、运用学过的动词词组与句型;能综合运用这些词组和句型创设情境,谈论能为老人做什么2.难点:根据E部分图片内容,完成句子;能运用所学词组与句型构建语篇三、教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带等四、教学过程Step 1 Warmup1. Greetings2. quick response:教师用课件快速闪现B部分短语,学生迅速读出Step 2 Presentation1. Part E:Lets write(1)Free talk:教师询问学生在家能帮父母或爷爷奶奶做什么(2)完成Part E2. Part F:Lets have fun Group work:有感情的朗读chant,表演情境Step 3 Practice1. Act and guess:教师准备好几张卡片,上面写上家务活的短语,请一组学生上台站成一列,第一名学生抽一张卡片,根据卡片上的短语做动作给下个学生看,依次把动作传递下去,最后一名学生说出短语,猜对的组获胜2. Game:句子接龙:用“I can”接一个动词造句接龙,后面一个造句的学生要先把前面的学生造的句子按顺序说一遍,然后再造新句子Step 4 Homework1. 听一听、读一读:听磁带,读F部分的chant2. 写一写:用“I can” “I would like to”写一写你能为家人做些什么3.4. 附送:2019年六年级英语上册 Unit 8 New Years party教案 陕旅版教学设计第一课时教学内容Part A Warming-up: Look and match Warming-up: look and tick Lets learn 教学目标能听、说、读、写短语:laugh,cry,tell a joke,act a play,play the guitar,win a gift,funny everyone everything, at the beginning poor finally 重难点:能在具体的语言环境中灵活运用所学短语。教学准备1.Lets learn 部分的教学卡片、磁带和录音机。2.Warming-up:Look and tick部分的动词短语卡片。教学过程一、新课导入1.Part A Warming-up:look and match 要求学生看图并连接单词,理解这些单词。如:balloons,candies,dolls,flowers,gifts,colorful lights T:The new year is ing soon .we will have a New Years party. look at the picture.Our classroom is beautiful. Look and match . 邀请一位学生说出Look and tick 部分的短语,要求学生根据短语卡片做动作,并与全班完成口语交际练习:Ss: What do you usually do at a birthday party? S1: I eat cake . Ss: What do you often do? S1: I often . 二、新课展示1.对Warming-up部分中活动的完成情况进行小结:T:S1 often. S2 often.S3 often. Great! You are very happy . I laugh when I am Happy. I cry when I am not happy. 板书laugh, cry并领读。2.和学生继续进行问答T:what do you usually do at a birthday party? Ss: Tell a joke. T:What else do you often do? Do you often act a play? Now lets watch a show! 板书并教授词组act a play 3.T: Do you like music? Lets sing a song! Ss: Great! T: OK. Ask your friend to play the guitar. 4.用同样的方法教授短语win a gift 三、巩固活动1.带领学生对所学短语进行拼读和范写,通过看、读、写对本节课所学短语加深记忆。2.播放Lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读、拼读短语中的生词。四、作业布置1.听Lets learn部分的录音2.抄写所学短语五遍并各造一个句。五、板书设计Unit 8 New years party ?laugh , cry , tell a joke ,act a play , play the guitar ,win a gift ,funny Everyone, everything, at the beginning, poor , finally第二课时教学内容Part B Lets talk 教学目标1.掌握动词过去式的构成规律和发音规律。2.理解并会用what do you think of.? It was 重难点能正确使用一般过去时态描述过去发生的动作或活动:It was great. They acted it well.并能正确模仿对话,做到语音语调自然。教学准备Lets talk 及Lets learn more 部分的录音磁带、录音机。教学过程一、新课导入教师引导学生进一步问答,引发学生思考,如:T:The new year is ing soon .we will have a New Years party. What do you think of our party?. Our classroom is beautiful. There wereS1:It was great! T: Very well. What did you do?,S1? S1: Oh, I sang a song. T: All students sang Happy New Year together . S1: Acted a short play about a poor girl . T: It was funny S1:It made many students cry. Everyone said: Happy new year! teacher T: Thank you! 二、新课展示Part A Lets talk 1.播放录音,让学生正确读出对话中出现的几个行为动词的过去式。2.提出问题,让学生在阅读时画出答案。之后,板书问题及答案,在括号中写出每个行为动词的原形(现在式)。并让学生先读动词及其过去式,再读完整的句子。 They acted(act) it well. I won(win) a gift. I think everyone had(have) a good time.第二课时教学内容Part B Lets talk 教学目标1.掌握动词过去式的构成规律和发音规律。2.理解并会用what do you think of.? It was 重难点能正确使用一般过去时态描述过去发生的动作或活动:It was great. They acted it well.并能正确模仿对话,做到语音语调自然。教学准备Lets talk 及Lets learn more 部分的录音磁带、录音机。教学过程一、新课导入教师引导学生进一步问答,引发学生思考,如:T:The new year is ing soon .we will have a New Years party. What do you think of our party?. Our classroom is beautiful. There wereS1:It was great! T: Very well. What did you do?,S1? S1: Oh, I sang a song. T: All students sang Happy New Year together . S1: Acted a short play about a poor girl . T: It was funny S1:It made many students cry. Everyone said: Happy new year! teacher T: Thank you! 二、新课展示Part A Lets talk 1.播放录音,让学生正确读出对话中出现的几个行为动词的过去式。 2.提出问题,让学生在阅读时画出答案。之后,板书问题及答案,在括号中写出每个行为动词的原形(现在式)。并让学生先读动词及其过去式,再读完整的句子。 They acted(act) it well. I won(win) a gift. I think everyone had(have) a good time.作业布置背诵Lets talk 部分的内容,并把本课所学的动词原形及其过去式总结在笔记本上。板书设计Unit 8 New years party ? 1. What do you think of.? It was 对某事怎样认为的I think 我认为2.动词的过去:acted(act), won(win), had(have), sang(sing), told(tell), made(make),said (say), excited(excit).第三课时教学内容Part B Lets learn more. Read again and tick the right pictures. Lets play . 教学目标1.能听懂、会说What do you think of.?并能用一般过去时态描述某人曾经发生的事。2.进一步学习行为动词一般过去时的特殊疑问句及其回答,初步了解一般疑问句和否定句并认识when, what, who引导的特殊疑问句。重点难点能灵活自如地运用所掌握的一般过去时态在生活中与人进行交流。教学准备1.Lets learn more部分的录音磁带、录音机。2. Lets play . 教学过程一、新课导入回想我们昨天的新年节,一班的学生是怎样的?大家认为我们的聚会怎么样?谈谈自己的看法,运用,What do you think of? 二、新课展示1.新授句子What do you think of our party ? 2.播放Lets learn more部分的录音,让学生边听边画出文中出现的动词的过去式。然后再次播放录音并提出以下问题:(1)When did the party start? (2)What did Wu Chen do at the party ? (3)Who made all the students laugh? (4)Did the students play games at the party? 学生听录音并回答问题,可以在全班内交流答案,也可以在小组内互相交流。 4.在师生问答之后小结一下过去时态的特殊疑问句及回答,并让学生了解一般疑问句和否定句的构成。 5. Lets play . 三、巩固练习 1.带领学生模仿录音中的语音语调朗读对话内容,要求学生在朗读的过程中注意动词过去式的发音。 2. Lets play 将学生分为若干小组,请学生在组内调查;或者要求学生通过采访各自的好朋友展开调查。 3.Ask and answer 二 A: What do you think of the music? B: It is beautiful. It makes me happy. 4.运用下列单词进行练习Book/cry, TV show/laugh, film/excited 作业布置 1.背诵Lets learn more部分的内容。 2.做配套练习上的部分题。板书设计Unit 8 New years party ?(1)When did the party start? (2)What did Wu Chen do at the party ? (3)Who made all the students laugh? (4)Did the students play games at the party?第四课时教学过程一、 课程导入和学生一起唱新年快乐,可以要求学生单个的唱,也可以分组拍手唱,引导学生了解课文中内容帮助学生整理和归纳本单元所学知识。二、课程展示 1.Part B Read the words (1)播放Read the words部分的录音,要求学生认读并跟读单词,注意字母组合oa及ou的发音。 (2)请学生先试读单词,然后跟录音读一读ry to read more部分的词汇,进一步巩固读音规则。2.Part C Listen and choose (1)带领学生仔细观察图片,先一起说一说每幅图片所表示的短语。(2)播放录音,要求学生听录音,完成选择。3.Part C Match and talk 及 order and act. 将全班分成若干小组,让组内学生合作完成本部分练习并进行表演。What do you think of the book? Its interesting. 三、巩固练习 1.将本单元所学的短语图片贴在黑板上。然后将全班学生分成两组,每次从组内选出一名代表参加比赛。 2.教师随意说出一个短语,然后发令说One,two,go!参赛的同学边重复教师所说的短语边以最快的速度跑到黑板前,拿下相应的图片,并在黑板上拼写出该短语。8 作业布置Make up the sentences and reorder them to make a story on page 68. We had a party yesterday .Everyone was 板书设计Unit 8 New years party ?1.What do you think of the book? Its interesting. 2.We had a party yesterday .Everyone was


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