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2019年广州版小学英语六年级下册第二模块练习题听力一、 听句子三次,选出句中所含有的信息,把其字母编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A.What B.fly C.flags ( ) 2. A.Italian capital B.green,white and black C.Italian national flag( ) 3. A.the capital of Australia B. the USA C. American( ) 4. A. the biggest B.bigger C. What( ) 5. A.winter holiday B. why C. go on holiday( ) 6. A.so much B. so many C. they are ( ) 7. A.French B.language C. spoken( ) 8. A.the Great Wall B. ago C. has been to ( ) 9. A.more than B. is over 7,000,000 C. is over 700,000( ) 10. A.the most beautiful city B. beautiful cities C. next year二、 根据句子的描述,给下列各图编号,将字母编号写在括号里。(6分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( )( ) 4. 5. 6. ( )( )( )三、 听对话三次,选择问题的正确答案。(5分)( ) 1. A. country B. national capital C.national flag( ) 2. A. New York B. Washington D.C C. Sydney( ) 3. A. Tokyo B. Paris C. Wellington( ) 4. A. Rome B. Wellington C. quieter( ) 5. A. Yes,it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it does.四、 听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1. _ you should ask your mother .2. Im _ ten years old this month.3. Which is the highest _ in your city?4. Guangzhou is_ than Hainan.5. How many _ are there on the wall?五、 听短文三次,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,对的写T,错的写F。(5分)( ) 1. John is from Canada.( ) 2. Johns mother is a teacher.( ) 3.His classmate Liu Tao lives in Guangzhou now.( ) 4. Guangzhou is a good place to visit.( ) 5. John is very happy when he gets the letter from Liu Tao.笔试六、 按类别将下列单词的字母编号写在相应的表格内。(8分)BritainCanberraItalyRainyFrenchEnglishAustralianTorontoRassianSunnyGermanChineseCloudyColdJapaneseMoscowSydneyCounriesLanguageCitiesweather七、 选择正确的单词完成句子。(5分)1. Rome is _( big, bigger )than London.2. Who is _( the taller, the tallest), Janet, Philip or Ben?3. The capital _(for, of ) Australia is Canberra.4. I perfer _ (go to, to go to )a warmer place.5. The Webbs _(is going to, are going to )Foshan.八、 选择填空。(10分) ( )1.That is _ Italian toy over there. A.a B.an C./ ( )2.The trees on that mountain is _ than those here. A.beautiful B.the most beautiful C. more beautiful ( )3.Its _ in Beijing Road on Sundays than on weekdays. A.crowdeder B.more crowded C.the most crowded ( )4.-Which county does he e from? -He es from Canada,he speaks _. A.English B.Canadian C.Chinese ( )5.Would you like to have fun with us ? A.I like. B. I would like. C. Thats all right. ( )6.There are so _ food on the table. Amuch B.many C. lot ( )7._she going to _a letter ? A.Does, write B.Is, write C. Is, writing ( )8.Lets _ the Great Wall. A.going to B. go C.visit ( )9._you taking a photo of the famous building? Yes, I am. A. Are B. Do C.Will ( )10._Alien been to the earth? A.Have B.Is C. Has九、 按实际情况或看图回答问题。(5分)1.What is the capital city of the UK?_2.Have you been to the other countries?_3.Does Tokyo have a larger population than Wellington?_4.Where would you like to go on holiday?_5.Is Guilin the capital of China?_十、 补全对话。(5分)Mike: _ do you usually do _ your holiday?Jiamin: I usually go to travel. I _ been to many places. Last year I visited Japan with my parents. Japan is _ to our country. Its an island country, I like swimming in the sea, its _, do you think so?Mike: I think _. I like _too. China is a _ place to _. I like Chinese food very much. Jiamin: Yes, I think Chinese food is fantastic! This summer holiday Im _ to London.Mike: Great! 十一、 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。(5分)Paris is in north central France. It is the capital city, and it is the largest city of the country with a long history. Many people from all over the world e here to view(看) its beauty and charm. And many people e here to buy the beautiful clothes. So it is a busy city too. The street is so crowded, and there are lots of cars, taxies, busesThe air pollution(空气污染) is high, caused by automobile traffic(汽车交通). Parisians call their city the “City of Light.”( )1。The capital city of France is _. A. London B. Paris C. Berlin ( ) 2. Many people from _ visit Paris. A. Europe B. all over the world C.France ( )3. Paris is a _city. A. busy B. beautiful C. Both A and B ( )4. People in Paris called their city the _. A. Light City B. City of Light C. Lovely City ( )5. In Paris the air is _. A. good B. not very clean C. high十二、 写话题。假设你被当选为“亚运小天使”, 请你向在亚运会期间来到广州的外国朋友介绍一下广州,如广州的历史,广州的景点,城市的一些特色等,不少于五句来描述:(5分)_ 听力材料:一、1.Look at these pictures, what national flags are they?2. Italian national flag is green,white and red.3.Washingtom D.C is in the USA,it is the capital of America.4.Which is the biggest city,Paris, Rome or Beijing?5.Where would you like to go on holiday this summer holiday?6.There are so many people here,it is crowded,I dont like it.7.What language do people in France speak? French.8.Have you been to the Great Wall before?9.The population of Guangzhou is over 7,000,000 now.10.Next month we will go to Haikou,one of the most beautiful cities in China.二、1.The national flag is white,but there is a red circle on it.2.There are four red stars on the flag,and there is a national flag of the UK in the corner on it.3.The city is interesting, it has the longest wall and the biggest square in the world.4.It is the biggest city in the USA.5.Which country would you like to go? Id like to Britain.6.What city is it in? Its in Singapore.三、1.A:Jiamin, do you know what flag is this? B:Thats easy, its the national flag of Russia. Q:What are they talking about?2.A:Is New York the capital city of the USA? B: No, the capital of the USA is Washington D.C.Q: Whats the capital city of America?3.A: Is Tokyo bigger or Paris? B: Paris is smaller than Tokyo. But Paris is bigger than Wellington.Q: Which is the biggest of the three?4.A:Its time for school holiday soon, shall we go to Rome for our holiday? B: Rome is a good place to visit,but Id like to go to a quieter place,what about Wellington? A: Thats OK.Q: Where would they go on holiday?5.A: Does Berlin have a larger population than Moscow? B: No, the population of Berlin is about 3500000.Q: Is Moscow bigger than Berlin?四、1.Maybe you should ask your mother .2.Im just ten years old this month.3.Which is the highest mountain in your city?4.Guangzhou is noisier than Hainan.5.How many flags are there on the wall?五、 John is an American boy, he lives in Hong Kong with his parents now. His father works in a middle school and his mother works in a hospital in Hk. John made a pen friend, Liu Tao, who lives in Guangzhou. They often e-mail each other at weekends. This Sunday Liu Tao invites John and his family e to Guangzhou. He says he will be a guide for them to travel in Guangzhou. There are many good places to visit in Guangzhou, such as Xiangjiang Zoo, the Pearl River, the Six Banyan Templeand so on. John is very excited, he will ask his parents to travel to Guangzhou.六年级上M2单元练习参考答案一、 听句子三次,选出句中所含有的信息,把其字母编号写在括号里。(10分)A C B A C B B A B B二、根据句子的描述,给下列各图编号,将字母编号写在括号里。(6分)A D C E B F三、听对话三次,选择问题的正确答案。(5分)C B A B A四、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1.Maybe you should ask your mother .2.Im just ten years old this month.3.Which is the highest mountain in your city?4.Guangzhou is noisier than Hainan.5.How many flags are there on the wall?五、听短文三次,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,对的写T,错的写F。(5分)( F ) 1. John is from Canada.( F ) 2. Johns mother is a teacher.( T ) 3.His classmate Liu Tao lives in Guangzhou now.( T ) 4. Guangzhou is a good place to visit.( T ) 5. John is very happy when he gets the letter from Liu Tao.六、 按类别将下列单词的字母编号写在相应的表格内。(8分)CounriesA C G LanguageE F I K L OCitiesB H P QweatherD J M N七、 选择正确的单词完成句子。(5分)1. bigger 2. the tallest3. of4. to go to 5. are going to 八、 选择填空。(10分) BCBA B A B C A C九 按实际情况或看图回答问题。(5分)1.The capital city of the UK is London. / Its London.2.Yes, I have been to./No, I havent.3.Yes, it does.4.Id like to 5.No, it isnt.十 补全对话。(5分)What , on /for, have, near, beautiful/nice, so, seas, good, visit, going.十一 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。(5分)BBCBB十二 写话题。假设你被当选为“亚运小天使”, 请你向在亚运会期间来到广州的外国朋友介绍一下广州,如广州的历史,广州的景点,城市的一些特色等,不少于五句来描述:(5分)略附送: Module 1 Age 2019年广州版小学英语四年级下册每单元重点一、单词双基years old岁photo照片look like看起来tell告诉;讲sin唱歌 baby婴儿child小孩person人holidy假日truth 事实;真相youner较年轻secret秘密teener十几岁的少年adult成年人To tell you the truth.实话告诉你二、词组导学1.my holiday photos我的假日照片2.look at看3.piay ball games玩球的游戏4.looks young 看起来年轻5.years old岁6.very old很老7.to tell you the truth实话告诉你8.two hundred两百三、句型导学1.A:How old is she?她多少岁?B:She is twelve years old.她12岁。B:Twelve.12岁。B:12.12岁。2.A:How old is the woman?那个妇女多少岁?B:She is twenty-four years old.她24岁。B:Twenty-four.24岁。B:24.24岁。3.A:How old is the girl?那个女孩多少岁?B:She is fifteen years old.她15岁。B:Fifteen.15岁。B:1515岁。4.A:Happy brithday!生日快乐!B:Thank you.谢谢!Unit 2 My Birthday一、单词双基birthday生日puter game计算机游戏card卡song歌曲party聚会something一些东西Happy birthday生日快乐!Thank you very much!非常感谢你!give给cut砍eat吃happy高兴的really真正地so 因此her她(宾格)candle蜡烛joke开玩笑forget忘记blow吹blow out 吹灭grandpa爷爷excitedOnly joking.玩笑而已。二、词组导学1.Happy birthday!生日快乐!2.a brithday card一张生日贺片3.birthday party生日聚会4.give her (him/ you/ me/ them)给她(他/你/我/他们)5.grandpas birthday爷爷的生日6.two hundred years old200岁7.a birthday song一首生日歌曲三、句型导学1.A: How old is he?他多少岁?B:He is eleven years old.他11岁。B:Eleven.11岁。B:11.11岁。2.A: How old is the man?那个男人多少岁?B:He is twenty-five years old. 他25岁。B:Twenty-five.25岁。B:25.25岁。3.A: How old is the boy?那个男孩多少岁?B:He is thirteen years old.他13岁。B:Thirteen.十三岁。B: 13.13岁。4.A: How old are they?他们多少岁?B: They are forty years old.他们40岁。B: Forty.40。B:40.40。5.A:Happy brithday!生日快乐!B:Thank you.谢谢! Module 2 Activities Unit 4 Hobbies一、单词双基listen听listen to听paint画work工作read读fish钓鱼radio无线电story-book故事书again再一次ready准备guitar吉他yet仍然still仍然二、词组导学1.nice music好听的音乐2.listen to the radio听广播3.play the guitar弹吉他4.paint a picture画一幅画5.cook the dinner做饭6.watch TV看电视7.do homework做家庭作业8.have dinner吃晚饭9.play football踢足球10.play basketball打篮球11.read story-book读一本故事书12.work on the puter在电脑上工作三、句型导学1.A: What are you doing?你在做什么?B: Im cooking.我在做饭。2.A: What are you doing?你们在做什么?B:Were talking.我们在聊天。3.A: Are you playing?你在玩吗?B: Yes, I am.是的,我在玩。4.A: Are you dancing?你在跳舞吗?B: No, Im not.不,我没有跳舞。Unit 7 School Sports Day一、单词双基dance跳舞sea海model模型lake湖fun乐趣have fun玩得开心out there外面那个地方enjoy喜欢kid孩子instrument仪器musical instrument乐器musical音乐的二、词组导学1.have fun玩得开心2.out there在外边的那个地方3.in the sea在海里4.in the lake在湖里5.a model ship一艘轮船模型6.play chess下棋7.watch TV看电视8.read a story-book看故事书9.listen to the music听音乐三、句型导学1.A:What is he doing?他在做什么?B:He is singing.他在唱歌。2.A:What is the man/ boy doing?这个男人/男孩在做什么?B:He is eating.他在吃东西。3.A:What is she doing?她在做什么的?B:She is fishing.她在钓鱼。4.A:What is the woman/ girl/ lady doing?这个女人/女孩/女士在做什么?B:She is playing.她在玩。5.A:Is he listening to the music?他在听音乐吗?B:Yes,he is.是的。6.A:Is the man/ boy playing with the dog?这个男人/男孩在和狗玩耍吗?B:Yes,he is.是的。7.A: Is she listening to the MP3?她在听MP3吗?B:No,she isnt.不,她没有。8.A:Is the woman/ girl/ lady painting?这个女人/女孩/女士在画画吗?B:No,she isnt.不,她没在画画。 Module 3 Sports Unit 7 School Sports Day一、单词双基slowly慢慢地fast快的high高get得到catch抓住catch up赶上fall落下fall over跌倒long jump 跳远high jump跳高pupil学生go for it快点team队wave挥动cross横过baton接力棒field运动场地winner获胜者二、词组导学1.play badminton打羽毛球2.do the high jump跳高3.do the long jump跳远4.run slowly跑得慢5.catch up赶上6.run fast跑得快7.a lunch box一个午餐盒8.across the filed越过运动场9.fall over跌倒三、句型导学1.A:What are they doing?他们在做什么?B:They are doing the high jump.他们在跳高。2.A:Whats your favorite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么?B:My favorite sport is running.我最喜欢的运动是跑步。3.A:Do you have batons?你有接力棍吗?B:No,I dont.没有。Unit 8 Sports Stars一、单词双基good好的be good at善于report记者also也gold金well done干得好Here we e!我们来啦!low低的badly坏favourite最喜欢的weight-lifting举重medal奖章Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会setter创造者record记录二、词组导学1.be (am/ is/ are) good at擅长2.gold medal金牌3.Well done!干得好!4.Here we e!我们来啦!5.Chinese women athlete中国女子运动员6.a setter of a wold record一项世界纪录的创造者三、句型导学1.A:Are they good at doing the long jump?他们擅长跳远吗?B:Yes,they are.是的。2.A:Are they good at swimming?他们擅长游泳吗?B:No,they arent.不。3.A:Which sport are you good at?你擅长哪项体育运动?B:I am good at playing football.我擅长踢足球。4.A: Do you have gold medals?你有金牌吗?B:Yes,I do.有。 Module 4 Entertainment Unit 10 A School Play一、单词双基parent双亲play戏剧part部分uniform制服lady女士film电影sure当然wrong错的will将enjoy享受Whats wrong?出什么事了?doesnt = does not不important重要的boring厌烦的interesting有趣的fairy仙女gentleman男士gentlemen男士(复数)concert音乐会programme节目二、词组导学1.school uniform校服2.tell a story讲故事3.an idea一个主意4.a good idea一个好主意5.See you!再见!6.Wele to欢迎来7.watch a play观看戏剧8.enjoy a concert欣赏音乐会9.see a film看电影10.listen to the tape听磁带11.ladies and gentlemen女士们先生们三、句型导学1.A: See you!再见!B:See you! 再见!2.A: What do you think of the programme?你认为那节目怎么样?B: Its boring.很无聊。3.A: What do you think of the news?你觉得那新闻怎么样?B:Its interesting.很有趣。4.A: what do you think of the play?你觉得那戏剧怎么样?B:Its fun.有趣。5.A:What programme do you like?你喜欢什么节目?B:I like news programme.我喜欢新闻节目。Unit 11 Radio and Television一、单词双基news 新闻CD 光盘turn on打开(电器)show展览cartoon卡通MickeyMouse米老鼠Donald Duck唐老鸭二、词组导学1.like watching TV喜欢看电视2.sport programme运动节目3.listen to the radio听收音机4.nine thirty九点半5.on TV在电视上演出6.turn on打开7.TV plays电视剧8.Mickeuy Mouse and Donald Duck米老鼠和唐老鸭三、句型导学1.A:What programmes do you like?你喜欢什么节目?B:I like news programme.我喜欢新闻节目。2.A:What programmes does he like?他喜欢什么节目?B:He like story grogramme.他喜欢看故事节目。3.A:What programmes does she like?她喜欢什么节目?B:She likes sport programmes.她喜欢体育节目。4.A:What time is it?现在是几点?B:Its eleven.十一点。 Module 5 Food and Drinks Unit 13 The Food and Drinks We Like 一、单词双基coffee咖啡coke可乐water水juice汁tea茶noodle面条rice noodles米粉bun小圆面包chips炸薯条piece片bowl碗bottle瓶cup杯plate碟Would you like?你愿意吗?porridge粥dim-sum点心toast土司dumpling饺子sandwich三明治fried油炸的delicious美味的horrible可怕的二、词组导学1.orange juice橙汁2.rice noodles米粉3.a piece of bread一片面包4.two pieces of bread两片面包5.a bowl of rice一碗饭6.three bowls of rice三碗米饭7.a bottle of milk一瓶牛奶8.four bottles of milk四瓶牛奶9.a cup of tea一杯茶10.five cups of tea五杯茶11.a plate of noodles一碟面条12.six plates of noodles六碟面条13.a glass of water一杯水14.seven galsses of water七杯水三、句型导学1.A:Would you like some coke?你想喝些可乐吗?B:Yes, please.好的。2.A:Would you like some orange juice?你想喝一些橘汁吗?B:No,thanks.不,谢谢。3.A:Do you like bread?你喜欢面包吗?B:Yes,I do.是的。4.A:Do you like hamburger?你喜欢汉堡包吗?B:No,I dont.不,我不喜欢。5.A:What do you usually have for breakfast?你经常吃什么当早餐?B:I usually have rice noodles.我经常吃米饭。6.A:What do you usually have for lunch?你经常吃什么当午餐?B:I usually have chicken.我经常吃鸡肉。7.A:What do you usually have for dinner?你经常吃什么当晚餐?B:I usually have rice.我经常吃米饭。8.A:What would you like to have for breakfast?你早餐喜欢吃什么?B:Id like some buns.我喜欢吃包子。Unit 14 School Lunch一、单词双基chicken鸡肉beef牛肉soup汤ice cream 雪糕cabbage洋白菜tomato西红柿know知道either也nothing没有东西problem问题salad色拉pasta意大利粉hamburger汉堡包beefsteak牛扒chocolate巧克力main course主食dessert甜品roast烤的horrible可怕的roast烤的starter第一道菜二、词组导学1.Chinese cabbage soup大白菜汤2.nothing for me没有东西给

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