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2019年PEP小学英语六年级下册第二单元测试题班级 姓名 分数 一、选出每组中划线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)( )1.A. cousinB. houseC. mouseD. now( )2.A. sadB. matter C. makeD. happy( )3.A. toB. tooC. noteD. school( )4.A. sickB. likeC. lineD. bike( )5.A. getB. feverC. testD. medicine二、选出不同类的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A.sadB. angryC. happy D. trip( ) 2. A. whatB. whichC. withD. when( ) 3. A. throatB. noseC. sickD. tooth( ) 4. A. play sport B. read books C. watch TV D. post office( ) 5. A. have a cold B. climb mountains C. have a fever D. have a headache三、单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. How _ he feel?A. do B. doesC. isD. are( ) 2. Whats the matter _ you, Amy?A. forB. onC. withD. in( ) 3. My nose _.A. hurt B. hurtsC. is hurtD. are hurt( ) 4. Tom _ a toothache.A. is B. areC. haveD. has( ) 5. They are laughing _ the funny goal.A. at B. onC. forD. in( ) 6.He is going _ a trip.A. to B. onC. atD. in( ) 7. You _ happy today.A. look B. looks C. looking D. look at( ) 8. There is an office Class 1 Class 3.A. and ; and B. with ; and C. between ; andD. between ; with( ) 9. You should stay _ bed _ a few days.A. at in B. with for C. in for D. at on( ) 10. What should you not do when you have a fever ? .A. Have some rest B. Drink some hot waterC. Go swimming D. See the doctor四、根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上。(5分)A: 1 ,young man.A. I feel sickB. dink a lot of waterC. Good morningD. Bye-byeE. I have a headacheB: Good morning, doctor. A: How do you feel?B: 2 .A: Whats the matter?B: 3 .A: Oh. You might have a cold. Please 4 .B: Thank you doctor. Bye.A: 5 .五、看图写出正确单词或词组。(10分)1. She has _ . 2.I _ _ . 3. My finger_.4. Im_.5. He _ . 6. Im _ .六、情景交际(10分)( )1. 如果你想询问朋友今天心情怎样,应该怎么说?A. What are you? B. How are you?( )2. 如果你是医生,应该怎样询问一个生病的人?A. Whats the matter? B. How do you do?( )3. 如果别人问你得了什么病,你应该怎样回答?A. My nose hurts B. Im sad( )4. 当医生想询问病人感觉如何时,应该说:_A. How do you feel? B. What do you feel?( )5. 当你看到John 不舒服时,你会让他:_A. see the doctor B. see a farmer七、连词成句。(15分)1. sore is throat my (.)_2. Amy does feel How (?)_3. today you look so sad (.)_4. that, hear, I, to, sorry, am (.)_5.failed I math my test(.)_七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(20分)(A)Its a snowy day in winter. Mary feels cold and she cant get up. Her mother asks Mary, Whats the matter with you? “ I feel very cold and I have a headache.” Mary answers. Her mother is worried and says, “Lets go to the hospital and see the doctor. Im sure youll get well soon.”1. The season is fall. ( )2.It is a windy day. ( )3. Mary can get up. ( )4. Mary has a headache. ( )5. They are going to the hospital. ( )(B)Its Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .Theyre excited.Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan. But he cant kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhang Pengs arm. Zhang Peng is very angry. The ball files into the gate. Their class kicks a goal. How is Zhang Peng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy!Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.( ) 2. Wu Yifan cant kick the ball.( ) 3. Zhang Peng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.( ) 4. Zhangpeng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end. 附送:2019年pep小学英语六年级下册第四单元测试题 (I) 一、选择题。(20分)1.She went skiing . A.tomorrow B.next day C.yesterday moning2. did Mike do last weekend? A.What B.When C.Where3. did you go on your holiday? A.Where B.What C.Who4. did you go there? A.Where B.Who C.How5.I elephants last Sunday. A.see B.saw C.sees6.I often help my mother housework. A.does B.did C.do7. you TV last night? A.Do,watch B.Did,watch C.Did,watched8.Did your father climb mountains yesterday?- . A.Yes,he did B.Yes,he does C.No,he doesnt9What can you in the picture? A.see B.sees C.saw10.He like very much. A.make kites B.making kites C.made kites( ) 11. He usually to school on foot. A. went B. go C. goesD. going( ) 12. A: How did you go there? B: I went _a spaceship A byB with C on D in ( )1 3. We left Beijing February 1st. A. inB. atC. onD. for( ) 14. did you do there?I learned English. A. When B. Where C. WhatD. Why( )1 5. did you go on your holiday?I went to Chengdu. A. When B. Where C. WhatD. How( ) 16. _Monday, I went to a park.A. AtB. In C. On D. For( ) 17. I elephants last Sunday. A. see B. saw C. seesD. seeing( ) 18. I bought presents _ my friends. A. on B. for C. inD. to( ) 19. Tomorrow Ill home. A. back B. be C. be back D. back be( ) 20. How _ your holiday? It was fun.A. was B. are C. were D. is三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(12分)1.There are (tomato) on the table.2.January is the (one) month of the year.3.He didnt (row) a boat last night.4.She can (clean) her room.5.Sarah usually (get) up at seven oclock.6.They (see) the animals at the zoo yesterday.7.What do you usually do on your (假期)? 8.I (吃)lots of seafood yesterday evening.9.John has fun with his (表兄妹们).10.On (星期二),I did my homework.11.We (离开)Beijing on October 1st and got to Harbin the next day.四、根据表格内容回答问题:(10分)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayLearned ChineseSang and dancedAte good foodTook picturesWent to a park1. What did you do last Monday? 2. Did you take pictures last Tuesday? 3. What did you do last Thursday? 4. Did you eat good food last Friday? 5. When did you go to a park? 五、按要求改写句子。(10分)1I went to Guilin on my holiday_ _you _ on your holiday?2We went to Australia last holiday(对划线部分提问) .3He ate sweets for dinner last night (改为否定句) .4Did she do homework yesterday evening(作否定回答)_ .5Did you go to Beijing by train?(作肯定回答) .6. I went swimming and saw elephants yesterday7. It was very busy.六、用框内单词的适当形式填空。(10分)boat cute plane forest give hike late really elephant visitI went to Kunming last summer holidayIts interesting to _ KunmingI went there by _There is a famous Cui LakeI rowed a _ thereThere were many birdsI read a book by the _Its _ a beautiful placeThere is a big _ in XishuangbannaI went _ with some new friendsI saw some _ I _ them some bananasThey are so _What did you do in the holiday?七、选择正确的答句,将序号填在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. What do you usually do in the evening? ( ) 2. Where did you go on your holiday?( ) 3. How is your family going to get there?( ) 4. Is Kunming far from Beijing?( ) 5. Did you have a good time on your holiday ?A. Yes, I did.B. Yes. Its three hours by plane.C. I went to Taiyuan.D. We are going by plane.E. I usually watch TV.八、根据中文完成句子,每空一词10%1.你哥哥假期过得怎么样?很忙。yourholiday?Itvery.2.去年春天他们划船和看大象了。Theyaboatandlast.3.他上星期牙疼吗?healast?4.他们十月3日回到家。Theyhome3rd.5.我的叔叔许多年前是工程师。Myunclemanyyearsago.6. 我昨天买了一些礼物 。 I _ some _ yesterday .7.我哥哥昨天下午去滑雪了。 My brother _ _. yesterday afternoon .8. 他们上个星期天在公园里照相。 They _ _ in the park last Sunday. 9. 我们在去年冬天堆雪人。 We _ a snowman last winter.10 寒假你看大象了吗? Did you _ _ in winter _?六、连词成句。(10分)九、选用方框内句子补全对话。(10分)Mike:Hi,Sarah! Where did you go on your holiday? Sarah: _1_Mike:What did you do there? Sarah: _2_Mike:Great! How did you go there? Sarah: _3_Mike:Did you eat good food there? Sarah: _4_Mike:Did you go to the Shanghai Zoo?Sarah:Of course,we did _5_Mike:It was a nice timeAI bought a new sweater and a pair of shoesBYes,I didCIts the biggest one in our countryDI went to ShanghaiEI went there by train九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子的括号里。(10分) On National Day ,we had a long holiday . It was seven days .I went toHainanwith my parents . My grandparents live in a beautiful village inHainan. We visited them . We went to see the blue sea every day .We swam in it . We went fishing , too . My grandma cooked good food for us every day . The seafood is tasty . I like it . We took many pictures . I was excited .( ) 1 . National Day is on _ . A . October 1st B.September 1st( ) 2 . I went to _ on National Day . A .Haikou B .Hainan( ) 3 . I _ in the sea . A . went swimming B .swim( ) 4 . The seafood is _ . A .yummy B . dirty( ) 5 . My parents _ live inHainan. A . father B . parents(B)Jacky stayed at home last weekend. He ate a lot of chocolates, ice-cream, chips, apples, bananas and chicken wings. After a moment he felt sick. He had a stomachache. His mother asked him to take some medicine. After about three hours, Jacky felt better. His mother said to him, “You shouldnt eat too much food from now on. Thats not a good habit.”( ) 1. Jacky was at home last weekend.( ) 2. Jacky ate a lot of chocolates, ice-cream and eggs.( ) 3. Jacky had a headache.( ) 4. Jackys mother asked Jacky to take some medicine.( ) 5. Jacky has a bad habit.九、作文。(15分)以“My Holiday”为题,用一般过去时态写一篇小短文,讲述一下你在过去某一个假期的经历。词数在5060个之间。_

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