2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit24Society课件北师大版选修8 .ppt

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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit24Society课件北师大版选修8 .ppt_第1页
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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit24Society课件北师大版选修8 .ppt_第2页
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2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit24Society课件北师大版选修8 .ppt_第3页
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无家可归 货币 所有权 未住人的 空置的 赤裸的 窒息 噎住 优点 长处 结构 构架 海报 版本 有香味的 口渴 摇动 商人 含在嘴里吮食 voluntary deposit govern burden resign shrink collision skip cast undertake squeeze fine sentence relay abolish abundant abundance signature sign govern government accumulate accumulation adjustment adjust delete deletion elect election merciful mercy consequently consequent consequence diverse diversity adjust adjustments government governing government consequent consequence Consequently delete deletion abundance abundant eintobeing windsb up showoff knockintosb breakinto onprinciple sentencesb todeath bewelloff betteroff take seriously aboveall doawaywith tostartwith playanimportantrolein contributeto take intoaccount keepaneyeon brokeinto wassentencedto tookhisstudyseriously Aboveall knockedinto notwhoyouarebut Itishightimethatwepaidattentionto IwouldratherIhadn tseenthefilm Whatif makesiteasier in an abundant itisabundantin therearemineralsin abundance wasburdenedwith Burdenedwithendlesspaperwork resignedfromthemittee resignedasamemberofthemittee undertaken tolook to topay wassentencedtothreeyearsinprison Sentencedtothreeyearsinprisonforstealing Consequently a As后加a Consequent Consequently Owingto Becauseof dueto Asaconsequence resultofthelackof eintoexistence eintopower eintouse off up to in up brokedown brokeinto brokeout breaksup hadfinished came take wouldrathermakedeliciousdumplings Whatif 并列句 定语从句 定语从句 当然 我们比穿着破烂衣裳睡在街上或者空着的建筑物中的人要富有 但是仍旧有持续增长的对这个消费社会的抵触 特别是这个社会用电脑 苹果设备 设计的衣服和手机影响了今天的年轻人

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