2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题13 选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题13 选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题13 选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题13 选修8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 选修8 Unit5Meetingyourancestors 基础知识回顾 interrupt assume assumed assumption sharpen accelerate sharpener sharpen sharpener sharp arrest applaud applause applauding acute dizzy somehow messy regardless mess messy alternative accuracy accurately accurate accuracy analysis significance significance starvation starved starvation division division 试探性的 不确定的 足够的 充足的 富裕的 原始的 远古的 简陋的 种类 类别 范畴 接待员 招待员 酸乳酪 酸奶 皱纹 强烈而有规律地跳动 搏动 脉搏 节拍 嗥叫 叫喊 吼叫 长嚎 嗥叫 up upwith regardlessof ahead befedupwith from backto out dating backto around cutup ahead show around of Lookahead of keepout at atmost asthe oldsayinggoes IfonlyIhadnotso muchhomework thisweekend onlytobetold 核心考点突破 isshowing havebeenexcavating in it where that made preserved specially journeys Assuming Withregardto onlytofind hadpaid of fedupwith significance significant 随堂巩固提升 dating totake interrupting sharpened on as had ripen of tobetold Ifonlyyoucouldjoinour schoolPing pongTeam musthavebeenpunished onlytofinditclosed Assumingthatyoucouldjoinus Readingsomebooksrelatedto thehistory


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