2019-2020年(沪教版)一年级英语教案 1A Unit1 My classroom.doc

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2019-2020年(沪教版)一年级英语教案 1A Unit1 My classroomTeaching contents: Lets act ( Page 2)Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upIntroduce: Hello, children. Im-. Im your teacher. I love you. You can say “hello” to me.This is our classroom. Its big and clean. We all love our classroom.教师的介绍使学生感受到了英语学习的氛围。Presentation1.Learn to say and act: Stand up, please. 1.Look,Im sitting now. I can stand up. Teacher do the action and say: stand Up. Student look and listen. repeatSeveral time and ask the studentsto stand up. 2 .Try to say. 3. Practice between the teacher and the Students. T: Stand up, please. Ss :Stand up, one, two.2.Learn to say and act: Sit down, please. 1.I want to sit down.Teacher do the action and say. 2.Try to say. 3.Practice between the girls and the boys. 3. Say and act: Open your book.1.Show a book. Look at the book. Its Toms. Tom, I Can open your book. Say slowly: Open your book.2.Learn,then work in pairs. s1:Open,open,open your book. S2:Open, open, open my book.4.Say:close your book. The same with 3.5.Play the cassette, follow and repeat.6.Practise,one give the mand, the others do the action.启发谈话,引入新知。让学生说说,动动,运用多种器官学习知。学生学了这句命令后,让他们作出反应,训练了听说能力。ConsolidationPlay a game.All the boys are in one team, all the girls are in another team. Give mands andPlay the game.游戏中,学生真正尝到了寓教于乐的滋味。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period TwoTeaching contents: lets talk ( page 3 )Teaching aims:4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Make quick response.Stand up, please. Sit down, please.Open your book. Close your book.听命令,作反应。既训练听力,也培养学生的说话能力。Presentation1.Learn to say: Good morning. 1.Take out a puppet, then say:“Goodmorning.” “Good morning”.(教师边说边作挥挥手的动作)。 2Practice greeting-Good morning. Good morning.(1) Practice between T and Ss.(2) Work in pairs.(3) With your good friend.2.Learn :Good afternoon.及回答。(the same:step1,2)3.Learn :How are you? Fine, thank you.1.Take out the puppets. Elicit: how are you? Fine, thank you. 2. Imitate and practice.4.Practice.(1) Ask more able students to practiceWith teacher.(2) Work in pairs.(3) Chain drill around the class.S1: How are you?S2: Fine, thank you. How are you?S3: Fine, thank you. How are you?(to s4) 5. Play the cassette. The students follow And repeat.Prepare the dialogue in groups of four.教学中,充分运用肢体语言,帮助学生理解内容。一定的输入帮助更好的输出。培养学生的交际能力,利用多种形式操练,培养学生学习的兴趣。Consolidation1.Get the students to act out the dialogue in page 3.2.Get the students to go around the classroom and greeting their friends .创设情景,在表演中培养学生 实际运用语言的能力。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period ThreeTeaching contents: lets learn ( page 4 )Teaching aims:7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1.Listen and act and say. Stand up, please. Open the book, and So on.2.Greet individuals “Good morning, Good afternoon, How are you?”The students to give response.培养学生的听力和语言能力,刺激他们先前所学知识。Presentation1.Learn to say: bag. (1).Show the object, ask: What is it, children? (2).Teacher say bag slowly, students follow. (3).Point to the word card ,say it one by one. (4).Try to say sth. about the bag. e. g. This is a bag, Its red.2.Learn to say: rubber.(1)Guessing game, Whats in the bag? Oh, look, Its a rubber, a big rubber. (2).Learn to say the word. (3).Look at the picture card and word card, read. (4).say phrases: a big rubber, a white rubber.3. learn to say: ruler.(1)e here. Close your eyes. touch it. Guess, what is it? (2).Follow the teacher.(3).Make the sentences about ruler.4. Learn to say: pencil and penUsing the objects to elicit the words.Learn to say.Short dialogue. 5. Practice,(1).Repeat or clap.(2).What is missing.(3).Scatter the picture and the word card on the blackboard. Ask students to e up and make matching pairs.Get the class to revise together. ConsolidationGame: which group wins. Say the phrases.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FourTeaching contents: lets play( page 5 )Teaching aims:10. 知识目标:学会说说这首儿歌。11. 能力目标:正确模仿语音语调说说儿歌。12. 情感目标:懂得与同学友好相处。Difficult and key points:说儿歌的完整性。Teaching aids: Cassette 1A. Samples of cards.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Listen and act and say3. Greet: Good morning. How are you?Presentation1. The first verse (1).Learn :paper Show a pencil and paper, say: Look, I can draw a dog on the paper. Show And say slowly, paper. The students Follow . Point to the word card .say it . Say some phrases: a paper bag A paper plane - (2).Learn to say: I can see. (教师运用肢体语言教学): I can see. Student try to say (3).learn to say : for you and me Guess: whats in my hand? Who can Tell me? Oh, yes, theyre two rubbers. This isFor you, and this is for me. you canAlso say : for you and me.Follow the teacher.Say and act (4).Read the rhyme slowly line by line (5).The students try to say2.The second verse the same to step 13.Play the cassette for the rhyme, student follow and read the rhyme4. practice the rhymeInvite pairs of students to act out the Rhyme to the classConsolidationSay the rhyme again with group 1,2 saying one verse and group 3,4 the next.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FiveTeaching contents: lets enjoy ( page 6 )Teaching aims:5. 知识目标:歌曲中的问候及物体的描述。6. 能力目标:能学会表演唱歌。7. 情感目标:礼貌待人,热爱学习。Difficult and key points:歌曲中句子与动作的协调配合。Teaching aids: Cassette 1A, picture , object: book bag and so on.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Listen and act and say2. Read the picture cards in this unit3. Match the picture cards and the word cardsPresentation1. Greet the students “Good morning” “Good afternoon”and the response “Good morning”,“Good afternoon”.2. Learn to say: teacherPoint to the teacher and say: Im aTeacher, say slowly .Students point to the teacher ,say it.Rhyme: teacher , teacher , good Morning, teacher.3. To learn: school(show a picture)Look, children, this is our school.Its very beautiful. We go to schoolEvery day. We love our school.Say: schoolFollow and repeat4. To learn: I take my bag and book to school.Ask: Whats this? Yes, this is a bagAnd this is a book.You take a bag and a book to schoolEvery day.Say slowly: I take my bag and bookTo school. (动作和学习用品协调配合)Follow the teacherSay and act. (Hold up the bag and Book)5.play the cassetteStudents listen and followBoys sing and girls act, then change.6. play the cassette againSing with them for a few minutes.Encourage them to sing along with The cassette.ConsolidationSing: Good morning (用其它学习用品代替bag, book.) Act out the song.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策附送:2019-2020年(沪教版)一年级英语教案 1A Unit3 My abilitiesTeaching contents: Lets act ( Page 12 )Teaching aims:4. 知识目标:Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.5. 能力目标:Use modeled phrases to municate with other learners.6. 情感目标:To be discipline in the classroom.Difficult and key points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Teaching aids: Cassette player, tape, etc. Teaching procedure:ProcedureMethodsPurposeWarming-up7. Sing a song8. Daily talk歌曲能使学生集中注意力Revision1. Listen and act:Listen to the mands and do some actions in a quick response.e.g: Stand up, please.Give me Show me 复习旧知,培养学生的听力。同时为新课作准备Presentation1. Give students a hint, ask “Open your book. Who can act? Raise your hand.”Elicit: Raise your hand.Say: Raise your hand.2. Do the action and give the instructions: Put it down. Repeat and act: Put it down.2. Give the hint and say: “Show me your book.” Repeat and act: Show me your book.通过用动作暗示,使学生理解伴随动作出现新课内容,再鼓励学生边说边做,连接“音”与“义”。Consolidation1. Listen and act2. Ask individuals to listen and act3. Play the cassette tape4. Let some students to act according to the mands.5. Divide the class into groups of four, act the mands.One student gives mands, the others do the actions.6. Play a match: Who is the quickest to respond? Act according to the teachers mands . The quickest student to act will be the winner.综合呈现所学内容,培养学生听力通过竞赛形式,充分调动学生积极性,进一步训练听力课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period TwoTeaching contents: Lets talk ( page 13 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Using formulate expressions to ask for ones age, and responding2. 能力目标:Use modeled phrases to municate with other learners Open an interaction by eliciting a response3. 情感目标:municate with each other politelyDifficult and key points: Using formulate expressions to ask and answerTeaching aids: Wallchart, a muppet, tapeTeaching procedure:ProcedureMethodsPurposeWarming-up1. Sing a song用歌曲营造英语氛围Revision1. Count from “one” to “eight”2. Show the objects to review the words e.g: three books , six rubbers3. Say the rhyme 通过数数、数物体、讲儿歌,复习数字,为新课做准备Presentation1. Hold the pictures of a boy and a girl in both hands, ask:How old are you?Elicit: I am four years old.I am five years old. Try to repeat.2. Ask individuals:How old are you?3. Say “How old are you?”4. Ask and answer in pairs5. Play the cassette tape for page 13Listen and follow由人物间的问答自然地引入新课重复出现问句,让学生由“听”过渡到“说”,尝试上口。Consolidation1. Ask and answer in pairs2. Select pairs to act out the role-play to the class.3. Act out the role-play in pairs, using their own ages.4. Select pairs to act out the modified dialogues.5. Work book page 9a. Listen and tick the correct age.b. How old are you? Draw the correct number of candles. Then color them.c. Listen and respond quickly.使学生在理解的基础上尝试用句型进行初步的交际培养学生活用知识的能力,从知识的学习转为技能的训练课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period ThreeTeaching contents: Lets learn ( page 14 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Pronounce words properly2. 能力目标:Using verbs to indicate momentary actions3. 情感目标:To be active in school livesDifficult and key points: Using verbs to indicate momentary action correctlyTeaching aids: Word cards, picture cards, tapeTeaching procedure:ProcedureMethodsPurposeWarming-up1. Sing a song使学生集中注意力,同时营造英语氛围Revision1. Act and sayListen to the mands and do some actions in a quick response.2. Say the chant: “Show me Clap- ”复习旧知,培养学生的听力和说话能力,复习学过的动词,为新课作准备Presentation1. Point to the picture card for the word “draw” and say “draw”Repeat the word2. Act and say 3. Show the word card and say the word4. Repeat step 1-3 with read, write, jump, sing and “dance”5. Play the cassette Point to the words as it is being read out.6. Say the words利用图片,让学生在单词的发音与意义之间建立联系训练学生的听力,和单词的识别能力Consolidation1. Say the word, one student do the action and others to judge right or wrong2. Repeat or clap3. Match the words and the pictures4. Say and act in pairs5. Play the game:What is missing?6. Work book pagei11Can you find the word in the puzzle?训练学生正确的发音和听力利用图词配对,训练识别能力采用游戏方法,训练学生的记忆力,进一步加强单词识别力课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FourTeaching contents: Lets play ( page 15 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Using modal verb can to express abilities Using formulaic expression to express thanks2. 能力目标:Open an interaction by expressing ones ability Open an interaction by expressing thanks3. 情感目标:Express their thankful feelings to their teacherDifficult and key points: Pronounce thank correctlyTeaching aids: Word cards, picture cards, tapeTeaching procedure:ProcedureMethodsPurposeWarming-up1. Sing a song用歌曲活跃课堂气氛,集中注意力Revision1. Say and actHold up the cards, read and do the actions2. Match the picture and the words Individual students choose a picture card, put up a word card next to it and read复习动词,为新课做准备Presentation1. Say “Can you draw? I can draw ”Do the action to elicit the new sentences2. Learn to say the sentences-I can draw.-I can sing.3. Open the books to page 15Tell the story4. Play the cassette tapeListen and repeat5. Ask “what can May do?”“What does she say?”6. Read the story用动作暗示,使学生自然理解,引入新课Consolidation1. Ask “What can you do?”Students answer individually2. Students tell their stories to their partners.I can-3. Students tell their stories to the class4. Work book page12a. Draw a line from the speech bubble to the correct childb. How about you? What can you do?培养学活用知识的能力,从知识的学习,到语言技能的训练,实现自然过渡,由于与学生实际紧密相连,调动了学生的兴趣。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FiveTeaching contents: Lets enjoy( page 16 )Teaching aims:1. 知识目标:Using modal verb can to express abilities2. 能力目标:Open an interaction by expressing ones abilities3. 情感目标:Learn to work hard to be advantageDifficult and key points: Pronounce the phrases clearly Teaching aids: Cassette player, tape, a book, a pencil and some paper Teaching procedure:ProcedureMethodsPurposeWarming-up1. Sing a song2. Daily talk通过歌曲和师生问答,营造英语氛围Revision1. Find out the words2. Read the words3. Find out the objectsSay “I can draw (read)”Students find out the object which are necessary4. Guessing gameDo the action and give the hints, students say the sentences “I can”复习旧知,为新课做准备。采用游戏形式,训练快速反应能力,提高学习兴趣,同时达到更好的复习效果。Presentation1. Say “I can sing. Can you sing? Yes? Lets learn a new story.”2. Point to the pictures and say the sentences3. Read the verses of the song4. Play the cassette tapeListen to the songSing with the tape运用动作和图示,理解歌词,培养语言表达能力。Consolidation1. Play the gameAsk three students to hold a pencil, paper, a cassette tapeOthers point to them and sing each verses.2. Sing the song in groups3. Act and sing运用多变的形式,提高歌曲的表现力,增加学生的兴趣。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策


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