2019年小升初英语专项基础训练 完形填空5.doc

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2019年小升初英语专项基础训练 完形填空5AThis is my bedroom. You can see _1_ picture on the wall. The light(灯) is _2_ the desk. The football is _3_ the chair. _4_ is the bed? Its near the desk. My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed _7_ in their room. Some windows are _8_ the wall. A door is in the wall, _9_ . I like my room _10_ . (C)1. A) one B) an C) a D) four 【详解】一幅图为a picture. 不能用an; an用在元音开头的单词前。不能用one, one强调数量,而这里是泛指一幅图,并不强调数量。 (B)2. A) under B) on C) in D) behind 【详解】介词on表示在上面;on the desk意为“在桌子上”。 (C)3. A) in B) to C) under D) for 【详解】介词under表示在下面;under the chair意为“在椅子下”。 (A)4. A) Where B) What C) Who D) Which 【详解】根据下句的Its near the desk.可知此处是对方位提问,对方位提问用疑问词where. (D)5. A) sister B) brother C) mother D) mothers 【详解】表示“爸爸妈妈的卧室”应用所有格形式,father and mothers bedroom. (A)6. A) Some B) A C) some D) an 【详解】flowers为复数名词,some 修饰复数名词或不可数名词,a/an修饰单数名词;句首字母需大写。 (B)7. A) is B) are C) have D) be 【详解】主谓一致,主语为some flowers and a bed, 为复数,谓语应用be动词的复数形式are. (B)8. A) behind B) in C) on D) under 【详解】窗户是砌在墙里面的,应用in the wall. 介词in表示在里面。 (D)9. A) to B) on C) two D) too【详解】上文用到了in the wall, 下文再提及的时候应用in the wall, too. 意为也在墙里, too 是也的意思。 (C)10. A) very B) much C) very much D) much very 【详解】like 为动词,应用表示程度的副词词组very much来修饰它。 B Lucy, look _11_ the picture. Its a _12_ of our classroom. _13_ the picture, you can see _14_ desks and chairs. On the blackboard, you can see a flat. A map is _15_ the wall. Its a map of _16_. A ball is under _17_ desk, _18_ you cant see it. The boy in a hat is my good friend Jim. He is _19_ American boy. He likes playing soccer and _20_ sports programs on TV. (C)11. A) on B) to C) at D) in 【详解】look at .ph. 看着. (B)12. A) room B) picture C) door D) map 【详解】picture .n.照片. (A)13. A) In B) On C) Under D) Beside 【详解】介词的用法。 (D)14. A) much B) one C) all D) many 【详解】many修饰可数名词的复数形式。 (D)15. A) behind B) in C) next to D) on 【详解】介词的用法。 (A)16. A) Beijing B) Bei jing C) BeiJing D) Bei Jing 【详解】Beijing .n.北京. 地名的拼写方式。 (D)17. A) the teacher B) teacher C) teachers D) the teachers 【详解】名词加“s”的所有格形式。 (A)18. A) but B) and C) or D) because 【详解】but .conj.但是. (B)19. A) a B) an C) the D) / 【详解】不定冠词的用法。 (C)20. A) watches B) watch C) watching D) watchs 【详解】like加动词-ing形式表示通常的喜好。 附送:2019年小升初英语专项基础训练 完形填空6ADear Tom, Please take _1_ things to your teacher: her keys, a notebook, an English book, a _2_ and a watch. The keys _3_ on the table. The notebook is in the drawer. The _4_ book is on the bed. The dictionary is in the _5_. The watch is on the sofa. Thanks, Alan (A)1. A) these B) this C) that 【详解】请把这些东西带给你的老师;指示代词these表示“这些”。 (C)2. A) ID card B) hat C) dictionary 【详解】由后文的The dictionary is in the.可知此处选dictionary. (B)3. A) is B) are C) / 【详解】钥匙在桌上;此处缺少谓语be动词,主语the keys为复数形式,故谓语be动词用are. (B)4. A) math B) English C) Chinese 【详解】由上文的an English book.可知此处选English. (C)5. A) sofa B) bed C) bookcase 【详解】由前文的The English book is on the bed. 和后文的The watch is on the sofa.可知此字典在书包(bookcase)里。 B Im John. _1_ is my room. The TV is _2_ the table. The video tapes _3_ in the drawer. Where are _4_ pencils? They _5_ on the table. They are in my pencil case. _6_ my pencil case? Oh, _7_ in my backpack. Wheres my backpack? _8_ on the table? No, it isnt. Its on the bed. My alarm clock is on the dresser. My keys and ID cards are _9_ to my alarm clock. I have a lot of _10_ on my bookcase. (B)1. A) That B) This C) These 【详解】介绍某人或某物时一般用指示代词this. (B)2. A) in B) on C) under 【详解】介词on表示“在上面”,与表面接触。on the table在桌子上。 (B)3. A) is B) are C) to 【详解】tapes是复数,根据主谓一致,谓语动词也要用复数are. (C)4. A) your B) his C) my 【详解】作者在介绍自己的东西,所以物主代词用my. (C)5. A) are B) dont C) arent 【详解】该句缺少谓语动词,根据后面They are in my pencil case.可知它们不在桌子上,所以用arent. (C)6. A) Whats B) Whos C) Wheres 【详解】根据后面的in my backpack.可知此处问“我的文具盒在哪里?”,对地点提问用where. (A)7. A) its B) theyre C) it 【详解】此处指代的是my pencil case,是单数,用it;句子无动词,所以要动词is,缩写为its. (C)8. A) It is B) Are they C) Is it 【详解】此处是一般疑问句,而且根据后面的答语No, it isnt.可知用单数。 (C)9. A) on B) in C) next 【详解】固定搭配next to表示“紧挨着,在旁边”。 (A)10. A) books B) book C) picture 【详解】a lot of修饰可数名词复数。句意为:我的书架上有很多书。


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