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2019年三年级英语第二学期单元练习2Class No. Name Mark 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分学生对测验结果的自评教师激励性评价和建议一听老师读单词三次,将所读单词的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听老师读句子三次,选出所提及的信息,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. USA B. PRC C. UK( ) 2. A. postcard B. duck C. stamp( ) 3. A. Chinese cars B. Chinese dogs C. Japanese cats( ) 4. A. from France B. from Germany C. from America( ) 5. A. French B. Japanese C. British( ) 6. A. my door B. your window C. my bedroom( ) 7. A. against the wall B. in the door C. on the wall( ) 8. A. on the floor B. in the corner C. by the window( ) 9. A many maps B. some books C. many books( )10. A. a clock and a wardrobe B. a ceiling and a floor. C. a ceiling and a door三、听老师读每个小对话三次,请把你听到的相关信息用线连接起来。(10分) TimLin PingDavidJanetSally四、听老师读问句三次,选择符合图意的答句,把其字母编号写在相应的括号内。(12分)( ) 1. A. Its a rabbit. B. Its a bedroom. ( ) 2. A. Its in front of the desk. B. Its on the bed. ( ) 3. A. There is only one . B. There are two. ( ) 4. A. Its in the desk. B. Its on the desk. ( ) 5. A. Behind the shelf. B. By the window. ( ) 6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. 五、听老师读每个小对话三次,在相应的图下写出其阿拉伯数字编号。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、把代表国籍的字母编号写在相应的国旗图下。(8分) A. American B. BritishC. CanadianD. Chinese E. JapaneseF. FrenchG. Australian H. German 七、看图,阅读句子,用英语填写出所指示的图。(8分)This is a This is a These are This is a This is a . This is a . This is the . This is a . 八、阅读句子,判断它是否描述了所给的图的意思,如是请在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( )1This is a map.( )2The chair is in front of the window.( )3The cat is under the lamp.( )4The clock is beside the TV.( )5The mice(老鼠)are on the bed. 九、阅读小对话,把它们的阿拉伯数字编号写在相应的图的括号里。(4分)( )( )( )( )1A. Is that a German stamp?1.B. No, it isnt. Its a Canadian stamp.2A. Is that girl from China?B. No, she isnt.2.A. Wheres she from?B. Shes from the U.S.A.十、单元形成性评价表。(20分)(具体操作及评分标准另附)项目评价内容评价形式占分比例得分口语部分本单元相关学习内容:课文朗读/背诵,情景对话/表演,小诗/歌谣/歌曲的诵读或演唱等。自 评5分同学评5分学习行为课堂学习表现。小组评3分课后(在家)学习表现。家长评3分英语作业。教师评4分听力朗读材料单元二(Module 3- Module 4)一听老师读单词三次,将所读单词的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内。A. a stamp B. a postcard C. a train D. a window E. a wardrobeF. a clock G. a spider H. a map I. a shelf J. a sofa二、听老师读句子三次,选出所提及的信息,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。1.Its a postcard from the USA.2. I like that Australian stamp.3. These are Chinese cars.4. Shes from Germany.5. Keiko is Japanese.6. Its my bedroom.7. Put the table against the wall.8. Theres a stool in the corner.9. There are so many books on the bed.10. My bedroom has a ceiling and a floor.三、听老师读每个小对话三次,请把你听到的相关信息用线连接起来。1.Where are you from, David? I am from Australia. 2.Where are you from , Sally? I am from America. 3.Where are you from, Tim? Im from England. 4. Where is Janet from? Shes from Canada.5. Where is Lin Ping from? Hes from China. 四、听老师读问句三次,选择符合图意的答句,把其字母编号写在相应的括号内。1. Whats this? 2. Where is the chair? 3. How many beds are there in it? 4. Where is the lamp?5. Wheres the desk? 6. Is the lamp on the wall?五、听老师读每个小对话三次,在相应的图下写出其编号。1. Do you have a Japanese bike? Yes , I do.2. What are these? They are Canadian stamps. 3. Where is she from? Shes from Australia.4. Put the books on the desk. OK.附送:2019年三年级英语第二学期期中检测卷成绩_同学们, 准备好了吗?听力就要开始了, 注意力可要集中哦!听力大挑战(50分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将序号填在题前的括号内,听两遍。(20分)( )1. A. watch B. tape C. camera( )2. A. four B. fourteen C. friend( )3. A. mother B.father C. brother( )4. A. supermarket B.school C. nice( )5. A. this B. that C. is( )6. A. coffee B. crayon C. stapler( )7. A. camera B. puter C. Walkman( )8. A. aunt B. son C. uncle( )9. A. e here B. e in C. e on( )10.A. 9-7 B.19-7 C. 9+7三、录音内容和图意相符吗?请画上相应的笑脸或哭脸。(10分)(1) (2) (3) (4)(5) 四、你能根据所听到的时间画出相应的钟面吗?听两遍。(10分)12639211110457812639211110457812639211110457812639211110457812639211110457811五、哟,图片全乱了!请你根据所听到的内容将它们重新排列吧。(10分)听力部分完成得不错吧,请认真做下面的题目!笔试部分(50分)2xxyy 江苏省中小学英语教学提供一、A、你能在图下写出相应的单词吗?(10分)1 3 二、读一读,根据图片 选出句子中出现的单词,A还是 B?(10分)( )1. Whats that in English?Its a crayon. A. B. ( )2. Is this a puter?Yes, it is. A. B. ( )3. Whats the time?Its nine oclock. A. B. 155( )4. Whats eleven plus four?Its fifteen. A. B. ( )5. How many rubbers can you see?Eight. A. B. . 三、你能读懂下面的英文句子吗?请给中英文配对后填上序号。(12分)( )1 .May I e in? A. 我们一起看电视,好吗?( )2.Whats the time, Liu Tao? B. 你现在可以回家了。( )3. What a nice camera! C. 我可以进来吗?( )4. You can go home now. D. 多么漂亮的照相机呀!( )5. Shall we watch TV? E. 我们现在去上学吧!( )6. Lets go to school now. F. 刘涛,几点了?四、你能根据情景选择最适当的表达吗?请将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1、当你想叫别人过来时,你说: A. e in, please. B. e here, please. C. Excuse me. ( )2、别人夸奖你的衣服很漂亮,你应该说: A. Thank you. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt.( )3、通过别人的回答,你弄明白了,你应说: A. Thats all right. B. Oh, I see. C. Thank you.( )4、你现在可以看电视。应这样说: A. You can watch TV. B. Shall we watch TV? C. You can watch TV now.( )5、她是格林夫人。应这样说: A. Shes Miss Green. B. Shes Mrs Green. C. Shes Mr Green.五、试试看,看图选择合适的单词写在横线上,完成下列对话。(8分)1、Whats (this ; that) in English? Its a ( storybook; stapler). Can I have a (look; book)? Sure, here _(you; your) are.2、 (Thats ; Whats) the time? Its ( twelve; eleven). Its time to (go home; have lunch). OK. _(Lets; lets) go.


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