2019年五年级英语下册 Unit3 Lesson23 Are You Ready for a song教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Unit3 Lesson23 Are You Ready for a song教案 冀教版一、教学目标:1、 知识目标:1.学唱歌曲 Everyone goes for a walk .2. 完成书上的测试题,学习故事“Maddys Family Photographs”2、 能力目标:能够读懂、听懂故事“Maddys Family Photographs”,并能回答简单问题。3、 情感目标:激发学生 对英语的持久兴趣,培养学生勤动脑,学会思考。二、教学重点、难点:能准确回答书中的问题,能听懂故事。三、教具准备:录音机、故事书四、教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review1. Greetings2. T: Open your book and turn to page 30 .(让学生观察图片说话)(这首歌曲的歌词是这个单元的重点知识,所以在学习歌曲之前让学生自己说出来不仅复习了以前的知识,同时孩子们还掌握了歌词。)3. 学唱这首歌曲。先听两遍,让学生有一个初步的印象。在分段进行。 4.Quiz 1. 分组观察图片,讨论。2. 找同学回答。3. 听录音。检查答案是否正确。(同时锻炼了孩子的听力。)二、Story :Maddys Grandfather 1. Prepare to ReadT: Look at the pictures. Who do you think these characters are? Is the man younger or older than maddy ? What do you think it happening ?Does anyone have a relative who is hard of hearing ?2. Listen to the audiotape, read3. Discussa. Is Maddy older or younger than her grandfather/aunt/uncle?b. What does Maddys grandfather speak?c. Can he hear well ? d. What does maddy have to shout ?e. What happens ?4. Talk about the students photographs5. Activity Book L15 N1三、Class ClosingHomework: Activity Book五、板书设计Lesson 15: Are You Ready for a song ?a. Is Maddy older or younger than her grandfather/aunt/uncle?b. What does Maddys grandfather speak?c. Can he hear well ? d. What does maddy have to shout ?What happens ?附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Unit4 Lesson29 Giftsfor everyone习题 冀教版一、基础题1单词。(1)附近 _ (2)中心_ (3)月饼 _ (4)类型_(5)莲花 _ (6)种子_(7)豆子_ (8)尝_2短语。(1)去购物_ (2)购物中心_ (3)一盒._ 二、综合题1单项选择题。(1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is _. Ae Bcame Cing(2)-How _ is a box of mooncakes? -Its 50 yuan. Amuch Bmany Cfar(3)Lets go and have _ look. Aan B/ Ca(4)There _ many mooncakes in the shopping center. Ais Bare Chas(5)I enjoy _ at the moon. Alooked Blooking Clook 2根据情景写句子。(1)当妈妈问售货员月饼多少钱一盒时,应这样说:_(2)妈妈在商场里问宾宾喜欢哪种类型的月饼时,应这样说:_(3)当要表达我喜欢喝茶时,应这样说: _三、提高题1阅读短文,选择正确答案。Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century(世纪). Sandwich was rich(有钱的), but he liked to play cards (纸牌) for money. He often played for 24 hours,and didnt even stop to have his meals. He ordered(命令) his servants (仆人) to bring him some meat and bread. He put themeat between (在两者之间) the two pieces of bread and heldthe food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwichs idea, and from thenontheyatebread and meat as Sandwich did.From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food sandwich today. ( ) (1)Sandwich was the . A.name of a servant B.name of a man with a lot of money C.poor man who lived on playing cardsD.name of food which was liked by the rich ( ) (2)Sandwich_. A.was so interested in playing cards that he often had no time to have his meals B.often brought some bread with him to play cards C.never ate anything when he played cards D.had no money to play cards with at last ( ) (3)People liked Sandwichs idea because . A.bread, together with meat was cheap B.he always won when he played cards C.they liked Sandwich himself D.when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other ( ) (4)Today, sandwich is . A. also a name of a rich man. B. two pieces of bread with meat in between. C. not interested in playing cards. D. not liked by most of the people. ( ) (5)As food, sandwich . A. is usually made of (用.制做) bread and chicken. B. sometimes smells (闻) good, but sometimes not. C. is made of bread and meat. D. is easy for us to play.参考答案一、1(1)nearby(2)centre(3)mooncake(4)type(5)locus(6)seed(7)bean(8)taste 2(1)go shopping (2)the shopping centre(3)a box of 二、1(1)C(2)A(3)C(4)B(5)B2(1)How much is a box of mooncakes.(2)Which type do you like, Binbin?(3)I enjoy drinking tea. 三、1(1)B(2)B(3)D(4)B(5)C参考答案一、1.during 2.holiday 3.learn 4.practise 5.speak二、1.am reading 2.learned 3.visited 4.had 5.taught 6.read 7.went 8.did 9. wrote 10.took三、1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B四、1.go-went 2.saw-see 3.listen-listening


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