2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser第四课时教案陕旅版 (I).doc

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2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser第四课时教案陕旅版 (I).doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser第四课时教案陕旅版 (I) 第四课时教学目标:1. 能吟唱Lets sing部分的歌曲。2. 完成Read and tick or cross部分和Ask and answer部分的内容。3. 能在日常生活中自信、流利并准确地询问某物的方位并作答,能够对某物所在的位置进行简单的描述。教学准备: 1. 教师准备:(1)Lets sing部分的磁带、录音机。 (2)Read and tick or cross部分细节图片。 (3)桌布一块。 (4)有关方位的不同图片。2. 学生各自准备若干相关物品。教学方法建议1 课程导入课前热身Part C:Read and tick or cross1. 教师将学生分为两大组。2. 教师将所准备的本部分内容的细节图片放在桌子上,发指令,让学生根据指令选择相应的图片并摆放在正确的位置。3. 教师要求学生间两两配合,询问物品的方位Where is/are.? Its/Theyre.4. 教师根据黑板上的图片组织文字,指导学生进行判断,要求学生听到句子后做出相应的反应,如:假如教师的描述与黑板上的图片相符则起立,反之,则双手蒙上眼睛。5. 学生自读课本上的句子进行判断,将对号或错号画在每个小题前面的圆圈内。完成后,同伴间相互评价。2 展示活动和过程的设计(1) Part B:Lets sing 1.教师播放本部分录音,引导学生听录音并回答问题。 2.教师再次播放录音,让学生跟唱。 3.教师请学生打开书,边听录音边唱歌去。 (二)一起来表演:Lets show! 1.教师将学生分组,每组选择他们喜欢的一小节,在小组中表演歌曲。其间,教师巡视指导。 2.请一组学生来到讲台前表演歌曲,对于演唱流利、表演生动的小组给予奖励。3 操练活动的设计(一)Part C: Ask and answer1.教师要求学生拿出所准备的若干相关物品,在教室前面布置好物品的位置2.教师给学生充足的时间让学生快速记忆每个物品的位置。3.到规定的时间后,教师拿出所准备的桌布将布置好的物品全都遮住,然后请一名学生站在桌布后面提问:Where is/are.?其他学生根据记忆回答,能够准确描述方位的学生教师给与奖励。(二)找不同 教师出示所准备的找不同图片,要求学生根据图片内容找不同,并进行描述:In picture1,the.is/are in /on/under/near the.But in picture 2,the.is /are in/ on/under/near the.板书设计 Unit 6 Where is my eraser? In picture 1,the.is/are in /on/under/near the. But in picture 2,the.is /are in/ on/under/near the.教学反思: 附送:2019年三年级英语下册Unit7ThereIsaTVintheClassroom单元测试卷陕旅版一、算一算另类数学题。(在空缺处填上所缺的英文数字)1. seven + four = _ 2. six + six = _3. five + _ = thirteen 4. five + _ = fourteen5. seven + eight = _ 6. seven + _ = seventeen二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. There _ a student in the classroom.A. amB. is C. are( ) 2. I see eight _ in the classroom.A. fanB. TV C. lights( ) 3. How _ teachers are there in your school?A. muchB. many C. more( ) 4. Kevin _ ten books.A. have B. has C. is ( ) 5. Eleven and nine is _.A. nineteen B. twelve C. twenty三、看一看,连一连。(1) teacher A. 灯(2) light B. 风扇(3) fan C. 电视(4) TVD. 黑板(5) blackboard E. 老师四、根据图片回答问题。1. What can you see? _2. What can you see? _3. What can you see? _4. What can you see? _5. What can you see? _6. What can you see? _五、连词成句。1. are sixteen There books (.) _2. pen is This a black (.) _3. rabbits are under The box the (.) _4. your in classroom is What (?) _5. books How you do many have (?) _六、根据问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. How many pens do you have?A. I have three pens. B. Please count the pens.( ) 2. What color is this sweater?A. Its black.B. Its a book.( ) 3. Whats in your desk?A. There is a bag in it.B. Its a ruler.( ) 4. How many students are there in your class?A. There is one.B. There are twenty.( ) 5. Where is my book?A. Its under the desk.B. There is a TV.七、阅读理解。My name is Lucy. Im twelve years old. I study in Hong Xing Primary School. Look, this is my classroom. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs. And there are eight fans in my classroom. And we can see three windows and two doors. We can see two blackboards, too.( ) (1) How old is Lucy? -_. A. elevenB. twelve C. thirteen( ) (2) There are _ desks in the classroom.A. twentyB. twelve C. thirteen( ) (3) There are _ fans in the classroom.A. nineB. ten C. eight( ) (4) We can see _ blackboards.A. one B. two C. three参考答案一、1. eleven 2. twelve 3. eight 4. nine 5. fifteen 6. ten 二、1-5 BCBBC三、(1)-(5) EABCD四、1. I can see two pandas.2. I can see two balls.3. I can see eight cars.4. I can see two cows.5. I can see six eggs.6. I can see two monkeys.五、1. There are sixteen books.2. This is a black pen.3. The rabbits are under the box.4. What is in your classroom?5. How many books do you have?六、1 - 5 AAABA七、(1) - (4) BACB

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