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2019年一年级英语上册Unit2NumbersPeriod5教案沪教牛津版Teaching contents: Rhyme.(page 11)Teaching aims:知识目标:Learn to say the rhyme.能力目标:会融会贯通,用不同的词替换儿歌中的内容。情感目标:培养学生从小讲卫生的好习惯。Difficult and key points:Pick up sticks.Teaching aids:Tape, picture.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Daily talkRevision1. Review the numbers.Show me one Clap- twoSay three2. Guess: How many?复习数字为学习儿歌做准备。Presentation1. Learn to say: Its a tree.Put the Wallchart on the board.T: Whats this?(Its a tree.)Ss: treeT: Its a tree.Ss repeat.Point to the ruler say: Its a ruler.(rubber, pencil, pen, book)2. Learn to say: Pick up sticks.Point to the stick and ask: Is this a tree?Ss: No.T: Its a stick. Stick-stick-stick.Ss repeat.Take out sticks and put them on the floor.T: 老师这样做对吗?应该怎么样?Ss: 不能乱扔垃圾,要捡起来。T: Good. Pick up sticks.(边说边做。)Students say and act.3. Learn the whole rhyme.Listen to the tape and repeat it.Say and act. 用问答的方式引出新单词、新句子,能使学生集中注意力。Pick up sticks.这句话是难点,需要多操练。在上课的同时插入一点情感教育对学生掌握知识有利而无害。Consolidation1. Divide them into several groups.Say and act the rhyme.Which group will be the winner.2. 用所学的物品代替tree, sticks.自己编儿歌。让学生自己编儿歌可以发挥他们的想象力,巩固新知识。课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策附送:2019年一年级英语上册Unit2Numbers第二课时教案沪教牛津版一、教学说明:1让学生继续复习学习用品外,还要学习如何礼貌地向他人借用学习用品。2与第一单元所学的课堂用语整合起来,让学生在具体的情境中学会如何运用。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a 复习所学的学习用品 rubber, ruler 等b.在学习和生活中会礼貌地向他人借用物品:Give me a ruler/rubber, please. 2)能力要求: 能用其它学习用品替换祈使句,在学习和生活中会实际运用。3)情感态度: 学会如何礼貌地向他人借用学习用品,培养学生热情助人的好品质。三、教学步骤:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation:warming up1.Greeting and introducinge.g.: T: Hello, Im Lisa.S: Hello, Lisa. (T-S S-S) 2 Listen and Sing the song by actions.通过不同的形式进行问候和介绍的复习,有助学生的记忆。唱歌不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还起到复习和铺垫的作用。II.While-task procedure:1 Sentences teaching:Give me a rubber/ ruler, please. 1 Let the children say the stationeries in the song .Teacher shows the word cards.2 Show the box full with stationeries, let a student play a game with you.T: a rubber, please.S : ( take a rubber out)T: Give me a rubber, please.S: (give it to the teacher)3 Read the sentence and do the action.T-S S-S4 Put up the chart and make a situation eg:T: Sam and his classmates are drawing.But he hasnt got a rubber.What does he say to the girl?( Give me a rubber, please. )5 Let children be polite . Let them say Here you are. Thank you.6 Let students act the dialogue between Ann and Tom. 通过师生之间的游戏引出新知,激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生在情境中学习知识,便于学生理解和掌握。这些礼貌用语根据本学生的实际情况进行教授2 Consolidation1.Follow the tape by the actions.2 Students act it in pairs. 跟读录音,小组之间进行操练,有助于纠正学生的发音III.Post-task activity:Making a dialogue. 1 Hold up different stationeries to let Students make new sentences.2 Encourage students act out a dialogue in small groups 在和同学表演的过程中培养了学生的合作精神和创造能力。V. Assignment:Listening,speaking and reading.1.Listen and read after the tape on Page 7.2 Make a dialogue with your friend.模仿录音的语音语调是必不可少的,让学生在与朋友的交流中巩固所学的知识,还能增进感情。四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:挂图,单词卡片,录音机,盒子和学习用品的实物等2.教学关注点:1)关注学生对于某些单词的发音,特别是 give, me please 的发音。2)通过学生感兴趣的活动, 让他们在活动中用英语和他人交流,提高语言的运用能力。3.资料分享:在小博士唱歌学英语中有一首歌 Pen and pencil , 让学生听唱,可以巩固所学知识,还可以拓展新知。4.设计思路: 1) 由歌曲和游戏引出所学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过情境教学巩固所学内容。 2) 在情境中穿插其它知识,例如pencil-box, Here you are, Thank you.等单词和句子的教授,起到了拓展的作用。

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