2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 12 Revision第三课时教案 科普版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 12 Revision第三课时教案 科普版教学内容Lesson 12 RevisionCheck back教学目标1.复习本课的单词及书后的附录Sounds and spelling 及词汇卡片。2.复习本课的Read 3.复习1-11课的重点句型,交际用语及其他们的应用。教学重难点1. 复习本课的单词及书后的附录Sounds and spelling 及词汇卡片。2. 复习1-11课的重点句型,交际用语及其他们的应用。基本教学过程Step one: sing a songWould you like a cup of tea?激情引趣,活跃气氛,也能复习本册的一个重点句型。Step two: Revision1. Review the words in this lesson.师出示本课单词的音标,四会要求写出中英文,三会只写出中文即可。让生看音标,写单词,既复习了音标,又复习了单词。2Review the words in Sounds and spellings.让生齐读一遍3. Review the Read.让生表演在下面准备的故事Step three: Check backA.第一题,听力题,判断所听内容是否与图画内容一致。1)复习第四课主要题句,第三人称的现在进行时态。考点是足球与篮球的区别。录音:Tom is playing football.()2)复习第七课主题句,like的用法。在like后边加现在分词。考点是他是否喜欢唱歌。录音:Jim likes singing.()3)复习是like 的意思是喜欢,不是像。考点是ball games是球类运动,包括各种球,足球篮球,排球等。录音:Jack likes ball games.()4)复习现在进行时。考点是区别篮球与排球。录音:Eve is playing basketball.()5)现在进行式。考点是唱歌与跳舞的区别。录音:The girl is dancing.()6) 现在进行式.考点是做风筝。录音:My brother is making a kite.()B.第二题,听录音,根据图画内容选出正确答语。1)复习现在进行式的一般疑问句形式。考点是做家庭作业,及如何回答。录音:Is he doing his homework?( Yes, he is.)2)复习现在进行式的特殊疑问句形式。考点不是足球与篮球。录音:What are they doing?(They are playing basketball.)3)复习动词的一般现在式。考点是一般现在式的回答。录音:Do you have a pen?( Yes, I do.)4)复习第四册的where句型。录音:Where are they?(They are at the park.)这两题都是在训练学生的听力能力及对某些句式的敏感性和对词汇的熟练程度。要求学生认真观察,认真听录音,抓住关键词。C.第三题,看图问答。本题复习like的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其回答,包括第一,二,三人称的单数形式。采取同学之间互问答的形式。给学生一定时间练习,再展示。D第四题,图文匹配。本题复习了一些特殊句式。包括would like句型的回答,What can I do for you?的意思及其所适用的场合,(售货员的礼貌用语) Could I 是委婉的说我可以怎么样吗?E第五题,口语练习。让生分角色读一遍例子,然后给几分钟时间,小组做替换练习,然后展示。Step four: Do the exercise. Ex.1,2,3,4Step five: Homework Ex.11Review the new words from Lesson one to Lesson twelve.Review the key sentences from Lesson one to Lesson twelve.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 12 Revision第二课时教案 科普版教学内容Lesson 12 Revision Read (后69段)教学目标1.复习上节课所学的单词。2. 复习上节课所学的课文(1-5)3.继续学习课文(6-9),要求学生能够听录音回答问题,且在此基础上复述课文。教学重难点1继续学习课文(6-9),要求学生能够听录音回答问题,且在此基础上复述课文。2上节课所学单词的巩固。基本教学过程Step one: GreetingT: Hello, my children.Ss: _T: Glad to see you again.Ss: _T: Im very cold. Are you cold?Ss:_问候语尽力贴近生活,让学生觉得学有所用。Step two: Revision1. Sing a song.让学生乐学2. Free talk师生每节课自由对话,培养学生的交际能力。或表演学生在课下准备的内容,让学生在实际情景中体验英语的力量。3. Review the words: 要求学生会写四会词的中英文,知道三会词的中文意思。同时复习学生的音标。因此,师出示单词的音标卡片,让生看音标写单词,师控制三会还是四会的词。4 skill: knock, door, into, will3 skill: until, thief, really, believe, of course, police4.Review the text Show the pictures, ask some students to repeat the story with them. Then, read the story (1-5)together. 为下面我们讲新课做准备。Step three: New concepts1. Do you want to know what happened after that? Now, lets listen to tape.2. 师Show the pictures with the key words on the blackboard. Then play the tape from 1to 5 paragraph totally. 生Look at the pictures and listen to the tape.3. Let the students open the books and read after the tape and translate it one sentence by one.4. Let the students close the books and read after the tape. Step four: Drill1. Ss Look at the pictures, key words and repeat the text after T for several times till the students can read fluently.2. Let the students discuss the flowing questions in groups for several minutes. a. Is the man really Mr Smith? Does Ann believe the man?b. Does Ann know the man?c. Does the man know Anns fathers name?d. Who is Mr Smith? Can the man e into the room?e.How can Ann know the man isnt Mr Smith? Is Ann a clever girl?3. Ask some students to answer the questions, the teacher check them.Step Six Consolidation and Creation1. Read the text, then repeat it together.2. Ss repeat the text by themselves with the pictures for 3 minutes.3. Ask some students to repeat it.4. Read the whole passage.5. Ask the students make a dialogue according to the passage in groups.6. Let two or three groups to show the dialogue.(如果没时间,可以让生下课以后再准备,下节课再表演。)Step seven: Homework Ex.8,9,10Prepare the Read in groups to show in next class.板书设计Ann and the thief Picture with key words Picture with key words Picture with key words Picture with key words


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