2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 2(2)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 2(2)教案 闽教版教学目标:能听懂、会说本课的小短文。学习单词和词组:messy, a messy boy, clean his bedroom, every morning, on Sunday等。教具准备: VCD,录音机, 卡片, 挂图。教学步骤和方法: Step1. Warm up and reviewPastIn the past NowIn the past my mother made my bed. Now I make my bed.In the past my grandma washed my clothes. Now I wash my clothes.In the past my mother cleaned my room. Now I clean my room.On Sunday/ Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ SaturdayKitchen, garden, supermarket, bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, dining room, study.Step2.Ask and answer these question:1)Did you have a good time in the summer vacation?Did you clean your room in the past?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.2)Do you often clean your room now?Do you water your flowers every week?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Step3.Learn to say.First let Ss read Page 13 part 1 by themselves,then let them ask the teacher questions.Listen to the tape recorder one time.Read after the teacher.Step4.Listen and circle the right answer:1. What day is it?2. What is Sallys father doing?3. Where is Sallys mother?4. What is Sally washing?5. Who is cleaning the bedroom?6. What is Kate doing?Step5.Learn to write: Write a short passage about housework.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:背本单元的单词和词组以及第一部分的内容。 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 13教案 人教新起点教学目标:1. 知道动物的分类。2. 记住种类和代表动物单词的拼写。教学工具:1. PPT 2.Pictures(板书贴) 3.Stickers(发给学生)教学步骤:一、Warm-up1.Free talk: Where did you go last weekend? What did you do? Have you ever been to the Animal World?2.Remember the animals. (给10秒钟记住所看到动物的名字)3.What did you see at Animal World? I saw . (让学生用此句型说出更多的动物,即便在图中没有的)二、New words.1.Do you know this animal? ( snake-snakes )What kind of animal are snakes? - reptile -Theyre reptiles. Do you know other reptiles? (可让学生说些学过的爬行类动物单词)2(parrots) - bird (找学生板书) - Theyre birds.3.(bees)Are they birds? -insect -Theyre insects. (你还知道哪些昆虫?)4.(shark) -fish (找学生板书) -Theyre fishes. (fish和fishes的区别)5.(koalas & kangaroos)Where are they live? Where is Australia? What is Australia famous for? What language do people speak in Australia? (简单提问复习第二单元的内容) -mammal -Theyre mammals. Do you know other mammals?6.Review these five new words. 此环节完成5个单词及两个句子的板书 三、New animal words.1.Show the pictures, write as more words as you can on the Bingo paper.(在Bingo纸上写出图上动物你会写的单词)2.Show the six words, if youre right, you can get different points.(lion, hippo+1; zebra, shark +2 ; butterfly, crocodile +3 根据词的拼写难易累加不同的分,为对话中的 one point 做铺垫)3.Three new words: ostrich , penguin , whale (若写对可加5分) 以上三环节均提问 “What kind of animal are ?”然后让学生自己进行分类,并完成板书 4.Blue whales are the largest mammals in the world.(让学生知道蓝鲸是世界上最大的哺乳动物)5.Bingo Game. (I saw .)(Yoyo和学生分别说几种不同的答案,不在乎谁胜出,重在鼓励学生多说)四、Text1.Listen to the tape.2.Read sentence by sentence after the tape.3.Read again.五、Task 1. Can you write more words?(鼓励学生写出更多单词,可查找更多关于动物的资料)2. Animals are our friends. Please love our friends! (动物是我们的朋友,请爱护我们的朋友)


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