2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil please教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil please教案 湘少版科目英语课题Unit 4 Can I use your pencil, please?教学目标(一)语言目标1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow use English book Chinese book dictionary eraser marker glue2. 句型:能用句型Can I use your/a pencil? Yes. Here you are.向他人借东西及其相关回答。(二)应用目标1.掌握文具名称。2. 向他人借东西及其相关回答。3.能听懂、会说Part A部分的对话。重点能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow use English book Chinese book dictionary eraser marker glue能用 Can I use your/a pencil? Yes. Here you are.询问并描述他人的身体部位特征和做某事的能力。难点文具单词单复数,以及不可数名词的运用,尤其是特殊变化形式。启发学生发现can的句型中动词用原形,没有人称的变化。教学过程设计Step 1:GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again! Hows it going?Step 2: PresentationAsk and answer: May I use a ? May I borrow a ? Can I borrow a ?Drill: Can I borrow a?T acts to be forgetful; And then acts to remember something; Drill: forgetful; rememberCAI shows: tomorrow; Scotch tape; a duster; a broomDrill: tomorrow; Scotch tape; a duster; a broomStep 3: PracticeLets listen to the tape and understand the dialogues;Practice reading the dialogue;Pair work: Read the dialoguesStep 4: Have funLets listen to an English song. The students give themselves points.Step 6: Perform T asks some pairs to perform the dialogues and make new dialogues.Step 5: Do some exercises on the workbook.教学反思长沙市天心区幼幼学校教师统一备课用纸科目英语班级五年级总课时 3本课为第 2 课时课题Unit 4 Can I use your pencil, please?教学目标(一)语言目标1.词汇:能听懂、会说、认读borrow use English book Chinese book dictionary eraser marker glue2.句型:能熟练运用能用句型Can I use your/a pencil? Yes. Here you are. 向他人借东西及其相关回答。(二)应用目标1、能在23种游戏情景中向他人借东西及其相关回答。2、能借助插图阅读和理解课文D部分的小短文。重点掌握本课新单词、句型和怎样向他人借东西及其相关回答。难点掌握运用动词can 以及有关can 的陈述句和 一般疑问的结构和转化的方法。 联系比较有be动词的陈述句与一般疑问句的形式。教学过程设计Step 1:GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again! Hows it going?Step 2: Revision Lets listen to the tape: Part A and B.Step 3: PresentationT asks one student to clean the blackboard.S: Can I have a duster, please?T: Yes, you can. S: Thank you.T asks some students to draw a line/ a tree/ a flower/ a pear Ss will ask for a ruler/ green chalk/ red chalk/ yellow chalk with the sentence pattern: Can I have ?Step 4: PracticeLets listen to the tape and read after it.Practice reading the dialogues.Pair work: Show the dialogues before the students.Step 5: Learn Part DLets read the dialogue in Part D after the tape, try to finish the exercises.Correct the answers.Lets read the questions and the answers together.Step6: Do some exercises in Part E.Correct the answers教学反思长沙市天心区幼幼学校教师统一备课用纸科目英语班级五年级总课时 3本课为第 3 课时课题Unit 4 Can I use your pencil , please?教学目标(一)语言目标1. 语音:会说Part F部分的练习2. 词汇:巩固Part B 部分的单词; 能读懂E部分的单词3句型: 熟练运用句型Can I use your/a pencil? Yes. Here you are.向他人借东西及其相关回答。4. 篇章:能读懂Part E部分的文章,并能独立完成E部分练习。(二)应用目标1. 能补充书写完成篇章的写作。2. 能初步运用本单元的单词和重点句型能用句型Can I use your/a pencil? Yes. Here you are.向他人借东西及其相关回答的能力。重点能综合运用本单元的单词和重点句型向他人借东西及其相关回答的能力。难点 会将文具词语,或其他物品名词等灵活运用在句型中,向他人借东西及其相关回答。学生在用句型时要注意动词的形式教学过程设计教学过程设计Step 1:GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again! Hows it going?Step 2: RevisionLets listen to the tape: Part A and B.Step 3: PresentationT asks one student to clean the blackboard.S: Can I have a duster, please?T: Yes, you can.S: Thank you.T asks some students to draw a line/ a tree/ a flower/ a pear Ss will ask for a ruler/ green chalk/ red chalk/ yellow chalk with the sentence pattern: Can I have ?Step 4: PracticeLets listen to the tape and read after it.Practice reading the dialogues.Pair work: Show the dialogues before the students.Step 5: Learn Part DLets read the dialogue in Part D after the tape, try to finish the exercises.Correct the answers.Lets read the questions and the answers together.Step6: Do some exercises in Part E.Correct the answers教学反思附送:2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Lesson 25 what do we need for the trip教案 冀教版教学目标知识目标能听、说、读、写单词:those, that学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构:I like this/these . I dont like that/those.学生能了解字母组合ow, oa在单词中的发音及规则。能力目标准确掌握指示代词this, that, these, those并能灵活运用。情感目标通过对这次北京旅行知识的学习,学生可以增加其标准英语短语和词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点: 能听、说、读、写单词:those, that学生能认读、理解并应用下列基本的句型结构:I like this/these . I dont like that/those.教 法:情景教学法学法指导:小组合作课件使用:多媒体课件,单词卡、实物。教学课时:2课时第一课时Step1 Class Opening and review1、 Class OpeningGreeting 激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围Good morning/afternoon, class! 2、Review(1)复习near和far.(叫两名学生上台,一名站在教师旁边,另一名站在教室的另一角。)教师:(指着身边的学生) is near.(指着远处的学生问近处的学生)Is near or far?学生: is far.(叫其他的学生重复上述对话,最后让学生自己引导对话。)(2)用物品提示操练来复习一般名词的复数形式。Step2 New Concepts(1)教学this, that, these, those利用教室的物品示范下列句型:教师:(举起一件物品)The is near, This is near.(指着远处一件物品)The is far, That is far.(举起两件物品)The s are near. These are near. (指着远处两件物品)The s are far Those are far.(2)提示学生英语中的一些特殊的名词复数形式板书:this that these thoseSweater SweatersPencil PencilsShirt ShirtsSkirt skirts Scissors Clothes pants jeans(名词的特殊形式。)(3)教师利用教室周围摆放的物品用以演示this,后跟名词单数,近的; that后跟名词复数,远的;these后跟名词复数,近的;those后跟名词的复数,远的。This/that后跟is; these, those后跟are. 教师利用各种表情动作使意思表达更清楚。(教师可指着近处的物品解释these/this, 教师可指着远处的物品解释those/that,)请一些学生在举出一些例子来。Step3. Practice 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_(单件或多件物品名称)。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。Step4、课堂小节:说说你学习了那些知识? Step5、布置作业用句型I like this/that/these/those .第二课时Step1 Class Opening and review1、 Class OpeningGreeting 激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围Good morning/afternoon, class! 2、Review 利用单词卡中的词卡向学生示范如下句型作单词替换:I like this/ that/ these/ those _(表示颜色或其他类形容词)_(单件或多件物品名称)。请几名学生一边说句子一边用手指着单词。Step2、New Concepts(1)播放多媒体课件,让学生一边听一边整体感知课文。(2)与学生一起讨论:李明计划去北京旅游,他会准备些什么?李明最喜欢什么衣服?(3)请自高奋勇的学生翻译课文句型,教师给予指导。(4)领读课文。分组练习。(6)播放课文的录音,然后停下来,复习刚刚学过的课文。Step3、lets chant! 教授歌谣,让学生表演唱。Step4、lets do it!指导学生完成句子。Step5、letters and sound!Step6、布置作业 用句型I like this/that/these/those .


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