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2019-2020年外国语小学语文四年级巨人的花园第一课时自研导学案一周学科素养上课认真听讲作业独立完成每日励志我能行,我定行。四年级 班 姓名: 日期:2015-8-21编号:自研课导学: 课题:1.巨人的花园 课时:第一课时主题导向自主探究展示表现激情晨读课:一分钟演讲:开讲啦!今天一分钟演讲的主题是童话故事。给大家分享你读过的童话故事,看谁讲的精彩!晨读目标:1、小老师带读巨人的花园课后生字两遍。2、大声自由朗读一遍,争取读准、读熟。3、检测:大组接力朗读中的词语。学习主题: 通过自读自悟,交流展示,我能做到: 1会认8个生字,会写12个生字。正确读写“鲜花盛开绿树成荫鲜果飘香等词语。2正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,。3理解课文内容,感知花园的美丽与神奇。自研自探环节合作探究环节展示提升质疑评价环节随堂笔记自学指导、程序、要求互动策略内容、形式展示方案内容、方式成果记录、知识生成、规律总结初读课文1、快速浏览课文,标出自然段。2.正确、流利的读课文,读完后,认读课后生字条中的生字,把容易读错的字多读几遍。chng nin yng y yn x xun no常 年 洋 溢 允 许 喧 闹 zng tin xn ch ch z增 添 训 斥 叱 责nng sh lng k 凝 视 冷 酷(1) 自己拼读生字不会的圈出来,并向同桌请教。小组长检查,不会圈一圈(2) 全会加一颗星。 2、想一想,课文每个自然段主要讲了什么?3思考:故事讲了一件什么事?4.出示生字卡片,检查认读情况:洋溢 允许 围墙 告示牌 增添 覆盖 火辣辣 愉快 拆除 喧闹 脸颊4.理解词语意思。绿树成阴:破损:交流与分享1. 小组讨论记忆生字方法。熟字带生字(加偏旁或换偏旁)。易错字:允读作yun2.讨论巨人花园的美丽与神奇。展示方案一归纳小能手我能带领大家归纳总结:发现本课生字规律上下结构的字左右结构的字2展示讨论巨人在行动与思想上的变化及发生这种变化的原因?随堂笔记一全文共分成三大部分:每部分的主要内容:1.2.3.随堂笔二巨人的冷酷表现在哪些地方?焴再读课文1. 画出文中的词语2. 分段讲故事3. 思考:这是一座怎样的花园?。自研成果自我检测 姓名 书写等级 达成等级 一、正确流利书写生字:三音三字一词语,每个词语三遍。自己排版,做到漂亮美观整齐!生字:词语:自行完成下面的训练题目,完成后小组内进行答案交流。 二、多音字 盛shng( )chng( ) 尽 jn ( ) jn( ) 三、形近字组词 溢( ) 允( ) 添( ) 训( )益( ) 充( ) 舔 ( ) 驯 ( )凝( ) 酷( ) 偷( ) 拆( ) 疑( ) 配( ) 愉( ) 诉( ) 四我会拼: Yng y yn x wi qing go sh pi zng tin xn ch ( )( ) ( )( )( ) ( )f gi nng sh lng k ho l l y kui chi ch( ) ( )( ) ( ) () ( )。五、近义词、反义词1、近义词:允许( ) 训斥( ) 凝视( ) 2、反义词:漂亮( ) 喧闹( ) 冷酷( ) 我的收获: 这节课小组长对我的评价 我对自己的评价是 附送:2019-2020年外研版NSE小学英语五年级下册B10Module1Unit1Shewasadriverbefore.表格式教学设计TitleNSE Book 10 Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before.Aimsi. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new wordsii. Consoliating simple past tense and talk about jobs, pay attention to the usage of before and now.Focusi. let students grasp the 4-skill words: drove flute player ii.Help students grasp the key sentences:She was a driver before. What music did he play? He played Chinese music.iii. Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.Aidssome cards tape recorder stickers ect.TeachingProcessTeachers ActivityI.Warming up and Revision1、 Greeting2、 Organize pupils to say the chant in book 93、Sing a song II.Leading-in1、Show the pictures of the dialogue2、Say something about the picture in Chinese.3、Now you are going to listen to a dialogue about jobs. Lets go and see it. Ok now lets learn the dialogue. III.Listening & Reading Activities1、Play the tape.2、Play the tape.3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words.4、 Play the tape.5、 Give them some questions:What was Linglings grandma before? What did she drive? Whos the man in the picture? What was he before? What music did he play?6、Practise the difficulty sentences .IV.Further Development1、 Give them 2 minutes to practice the dialogue in groups.2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3 ,then work with a partner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Read and act the dialogue after class.2、Copy the new words four times.Students Activity1、 Greeting.2、 Say the chant and do the actions.3、Clap hands and sing the song.1、The students look and listen.2、 The students look and understand.3、The students read the title loudly and clearly.1、 Listen and point.2、 Listen and underline the new words.3、 Learn the new words in different ways.4、 The students listen and repeat.5、 Answer the questions.6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways.1、 The students practise in groups.2、 Act it out.(The best group will get a prize.)3、 The students make up a dialogue using before and now according to the picture.4、 The students say the sentences as quickly as possible.5、Finish the Activity book Re-preparationFeedBack

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